Do you actually know any woman who is a gamer, and not just into cheap and easy mobile shit?
Women and vidya
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yes but she's a NEET dyke
There is a girl in my fighting game locals that is scary good at airdashers and my ex was damn good at smash64
oh, the strawpoll isn't related to the question.. I know a girl that plays games, she likes spyro
A kids game?
I met my 8/10 qtpi gf through gaming.
>Do you actually know any woman who is a gamer
yes, quite a few
left is better, but both are mediocre
>both are mediocre
>posts an obese whore
I used to, played and talked with some of them for years. They really do exist.
Or at least, if they were girls(male), they were very very good at keeping their game up. I suppose you can never be sure.
>no option for Left: Yes Right: Ehh
Shit poll.
I'm assuming there's plenty of femanons here, so yes you fucking dumbass. You just don't see us because we don't mention what we are when it's irrelevant to the board.
inb4 insults, go on underage motherfuckers i've been here longer than you've lived.
my wife is a die hard playstation fan
Yeah. One of them looked pretty fucking good, too.
Though they were all just gfs/wives of guild members, I'm not sure if they would have played as much if it wasn't for their partners.
>i've been here longer than you've lived.
that would require a couple time loops
god I'm old
oh whatever, what's the most hardcore shit you play? Bioshock? The Last of Us? that hardly means anything
but you're still alive dude, props.
prime alba was like an 11
are all games not intended for kids?
sure some of them are labeled mature but the target demographic is still usually children
what does she play though
What is that face trying to convey? Constipation?
Yes, and she beats me in fightan games all the time. However she's asian so it kind of cancels itself out.
One of my best friends is a married boomer girl who's obsessed with competitive shooters like overwatch or rainbow six siege. The only other games she plays are the occasional AAA movie experience that comes out every once in a while
Candy Crush and Zelda.
My gf is but she's also pretty autistic
She likes playing Pharoah and Rimworld a good bit.
Thats cool, I put a lot of time into Breath of the Wild myself.
My ex, she was way better at competitive games than me, too bad se had no heart
Yes I know a few it's not as uncommon as incels make it seem. This isn't the 90's anymore.
I've played both yes but I don't consider them hardcore, no. Whether or not a game is 'muh hardcore' is not a determinant factor when i choose to pick a game anyway, so i wouldn't know how to answer your question as it is also very subjective. If i tell you that i've finished every Souls game you will probably tell me that it's not hardcore to you, so i don't know and also don't care much.
I had a female coworker who really liked the Tomb Raider games and horror games like Resident Evil and The Evil Within.
Hey no worries, if you're not an underage edgelord my comment wasn't for you.
You'd have to be pretty sheltered and underage to not.
I feel like the sincerity of interest and level of investment are still rare. If she still plays after 25 she's probably legit.
Not her but I got ~2000h in RO2. Am I a poser faggot user
trannies aren't femanons, sorry dude
I know two (both are girlfriends of my friends)
Yes, multiple. One was into anime inspiree stuff like The World Ends With You and another played on a lot of different WoW private servers. Also a few more which I dont know personally.
More importantly, left butt best butt.
my gf only plays match 3 and sims by herself. She played through super mario 3d world with me on cemu though.
I've heard girls on mic on Pubg and CSGO. My sister used to play some games.
Left ass is literally folding over
I usually notice gamer gurls always LOVE CALL OF DUTY and its lame. You'll be like oh so you like FPS? me too my favorites are Quake 3 and Halo 3, i use to play COD before it became a rehash money grab with each new release. and they'll almost always say how they never played Quake but "Halo is so gay lol" or some shit about how the newest cod game is actually good and the best one yet and I probably just suck because Cod is too "fast paced"
And I usually notice most of them never played anything older than ps3. i have had a a few actual girl gamer friends who dont fit these stereotypes.
I was on Yea Forums before every femanon was suspected of being a tranny. God, feels like a long time ago. I mean we were suspected of being a man in disguise, but not a full-on tranny, which was a bit better i must say.
My gf loves Nintendo shit and I got her into PC gaming
She is a noted avid fan of Metroid.
Holy shit this, i know so many "Gamer girls" Who rarely play more than the most common fps's. Now REAL gamer girls are either super depressed, Gay, or taken.
>I was on Yea Forums before every femanon was suspected of being a tranny
before you transitioned? must be weird remembering back
>My favorite is Halo 3
Both of my sisters played a shitton of WoW, one still plays tons of SC2 and PUBG and now Apex.
My most played besides WoW is probably RO2 and PUBG afterwards.
What a virgin lmao
I know post op mtf who enjoys zelda, she also likes resident evil
post bussy
My fujo bff is really into JRPGs and we play a lot of them together. We have a lot of friends and acquaintances who are similar, though there's definitely a share of attention whores in there.
It's nice to have someone who is super into this stuff and doesn't just play normiecore games, someone who wastes as much time discussing this shit obsessively online as I do. Not even that much of a shipperfag either.
My mom is hard in to ESO
>being married to Snoy
Boring shitpost
What's her username?
where do I find a fujo bff?
I need someone who is in absolutely no position to judge so I can talk about whatever shit passes my mind with them.
>fujo bff
Fujos make really good gal pals and girlfriends. We might not have the same tastes, but we are definitely on the same wavelength.
My older cousin and best friend, though my friend is limited to what she can play because she's from Brazil and everything is expensive
no, that shits dope
is not so bad , i got the pc for myself
I fucking hate women
>REAL gamer girls are either super depressed, Gay, or taken.
Super true. My wife's friend works at GameStop, she's pretty cool but she talks a lot so I can't myself hanging out with her much.
I'm actually constipated right now bro as I type this tryin to push out a turd I can feel help me out lend me your energy friend
I also worked with this one lady who was a die-hard Monster Hunter fan. She would always play with her son, but eventually her son got her into Destiny, which is a shame, really. I liked her and if I had an Xbox would def play with her and her son.
Shut the fuck up right the fuck now
>Now REAL gamer girls are either super depressed, Gay, or taken.
I dunno, I feel like that's the case for non-gamer girls, too.
My cousin is a gamer girl
She doesn't shower
>neet gf
>basically a guy but with a hole
Do not do this to yourself. Great short term, horrible long-term. You do not want to stick your dick there.
You're happy for a while with the same kind of loser as you but eventually everything collapses, both of you suffer financially and emotionally on all fronts and you end up not doing anything about it except coping like the rest of the planet, or one of you does something they don't want to and the other one suffers so you just split, again like the rest of the planet. Get out of the hole first, then seek romance. If you just want to bang, go to clubs. Don't want to bang "sluts with stds" or whatever story you tell yourself? Hire a "professional escort" then and get over yourself.
She plays soul caliber 2? I rarely meet a girl that likes fighting games. Is she good?
It's hard to meet them unless you met in high school like we did, because they're about as introverted as your average Yea Forumsirgin and don't like interacting much, and don't make a lot of new friends. That's the price of someone being obsessed with media, I guess.
Agreed, we've been inseparable for ten years now. No stupid ass drama, no judgment, no fights or offending each other or needing to walk on eggshells, can even share or discuss porn, and they're as calloused by decades of angry internet communities as we are.
>If you just want to bang, go to clubs
I already feel misplaced enough there when I go with friends. Going alone would be a terrible experience for me.
Actually, i know more girls who are intro vidya than i know gamer-guys.
Yes, it's not difficult to find them when you are capable of being friends with women instead of sending them fleeing in terror.
The ass on the right is just about perfect. Anyone have more pics of those women?
knowing a secret about someone else that would let you destroy their social reputation immediately makes bonding with them so much easier. you don't have to constantly worry about them passing on your secrets so you can share them freely which makes for much better friendships.
or maybe that's just because I had a terrible youth and can't trust anyone unless I know mutual destruction is a possibility.
This is true for me too. Most of the other dudes I know who play vidya are just FPS fags with shit taste. All of the girls play nearly everything and I end up talking to them about games more.
Finally someone with TASTE
This is the truth. There are femanons here, but if anyone gleans your gender from your posts, you just get called a tranny, roastie, etc. And then people make threads asking why girls don't play games, when the truth is that plenty do but hide it online to avoid harassment.
trannies are also women, only roasties aren't
The fujo I know counters this by taking real good care of herself (lifting, skin routine). I don't think you understand how weird a girl can get away with being as long as she is pretty. She actually introduced me to /fit/ so I could apply this principle to myself (although it obviously isn't as effective if you are male).
looks like emilia clark
>You arent a real gamer girl!!
I thought this was just a shitty strawman by SJWs but some of you are really like this huh?
unzip bobs
Another shot of right girl
eh, from my experience the only people you can trust with secrets are those who'd have to worry about you passing on their really embarrassing shit if they did so, too.
even if it doesn't destroy their social reputation beyond recovery, it's still something they don't want others to know about most of the time.
I would never actually do so even if they backstabbed me but the simple fact that I could seems to stop them
they look like they fuck black men
oh wait...
Such a great ass. Post more of that ass. Post some full body shots, too.
Starcraft 2, sorry. But she's pretty good.
I know quite a few girls that are into League of Legends.
I don't know why but all the girls I know play vidya only play league. Except my sister, she plays some Naruto fighting game.
Not that many pics of it, but some more.