Hello, we are the worst reviewed games of 2019. Say something nice about us!

Hello, we are the worst reviewed games of 2019. Say something nice about us!

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Shounenshitters are pathetic.

At least we have games

Damn is left alive that bad? Aside from the Yoji art I wasnt terribly interested, its a Front Mission related thing right? What happened?
Also Jump forces ratings aside, it'll be a meme mod game for awhile

Anthem has a worse score than Jump Force.

>Anthem has a worse score than Jump Force.

Weak Man
OpenCritic Rating
Top Critic Average
Critics Recommend
Based on 127 critic reviews

Weak Man
OpenCritic Rating
Top Critic Average
Critics Recommend
Based on 86 critic reviews


>What happened?
SE just bullying FMfags some more.

>being this obtuse

Metacritic's average is also higher for ANthem than it is for Jump Force.

>its a Front Mission related thing right? What happened?
They forgot the Front Mission part somewhere in planning. Instead of a new Front Mission game with cover shooting, when you are out of a mech, it's just a really shitty cover shooter.

is jump force really THAT bad?


No boolie plz
Wait so is it like, as bad as Mindjack or?

T. Seething moe cuck
Reminder your waifu panty games will always make look like a complete loser lmao.

>cherrypicking this hard

Both came out on 3 platforms.

Anthem has 67/56/60

Jump Force has 57/59/58

Your budget and development times were infinitely smaller than Anthem, but you’re in the same ball park. Good job, frens, so better next time

>What happened?
Square gave the dev team like $3 and a couple days to develop the game from the gameplay footage I saw.

OPs post was of PS4 versions, I was just correcting him that the PS4 version of Anthem was lower than the PS4 version of Jump Force. Do you fucking work for the games or something?

Man, Japan is over. They're done. Their game industry is finished

T. Pablo Hernandez

>Japanese games are goo-

>Do you fucking work for the games or something?
You're the one who's in blatant denial of the fact that Jump Force has lower scores than Anthem, yet you accuse me of being a shill? Project much?

40 is the score you give to (almost) unplayable game. It can't be THAT bad, right?
Fuck it, I will pirate it. Maybe.
Hey, I have that game. Bought it from some guy for, I dunno, 5 euros or something, and I have yet to try it.

>not t.

T. Phoneposter

It's that bad. Some poor user even bought the game just to post screenshots of it.

B-but Crackdown 3 is bad

How does Square have to back to back failures?
Have they fired all QA and testers?

>japs trying do something more advenced than turn based rpg or powerpoint comics.

>What happened?
people only cared about it because it has MGS's concept artist

They made Metal Gear Survive with human soldiers and Wanzers instead of zombies. Except it was with a team of developers who don't make this sort of game, a shoestring budget for the gameplay, and really godawful design choices. First impressions are everything, and yet on a first playthrough your characters are intentionally gimped to do fuck all damage to enemies (multiple headshots to down one guard, two molotov cocktails can't kill a single man, etc) so that you run like a bitch; the game's balanced around NG+ so that you buy skills in subsequent playthroughs to improve your characters and get to save people instead of run, so you can get better endings. But you've still got near-completely linear game design despite the pseudo-open mission areas.

The result is that there's technically something to appreciate if you can get past that first playthrough, but the game's so fucking jank and nearly broken that it's an absolute mess to even try to get to that point. If you don't have a shotgun, the optimal way to play is to get fucking melee weapons, slide-tackle foes over and stab them while they're down over and over because just one stab probably won't kill them and there's no proper stealth kill system. The AI also decides at random whether to be incomprehensibly retarded or gain supervision and see you at all times. And numerous other problems.

Also a shit PC port.

> the optimal way to play is to get fucking melee weapons, slide-tackle foes over and stab them while they're down over and over because just one stab probably won't kill them and there's no proper stealth kill system.
It looks pretty hilarious though.

Attached: Left Alive 3.webm (868x488, 2.88M)

Reminds me of MGR where you could just stunlock all the bosses to death with that sliding attack.

Learn English you greasy spic.

Both of them has neat ideas but are executed poorly.