The good guy betrays you in the end and takes your most powerful weapon

>The good guy betrays you in the end and takes your most powerful weapon

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Doomguy himself is Doomguy's most powerful weapon.

shiva of the east in jap version pre al

You cant take Doomguys hate.

virgin Doomslayer isn't chad Doomguy

Confirmed same character, give it up.

d44m fucked his entire backstory and turned him into some demon guardian bullshit

He got stuck in hell since Doom 64

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>Gayke Champions

It's confirmed canon, as is Quake 3.

Isn't Doom 64 a different spess mareen from the one in Doom?


where did he have the time to change his whole suit 2 times?

>Confirmed Canon
>Doom 3 Marine is also a skin
fuck out of here with your bullshit.

Eat shit

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I was going to say, that's not the Siege Mode Gauus Cannon, but this answer is way more true.

>the worst game in the series is actually a prequel to Nu-Doom

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The timeline goes 1 > 2 > 64 > 4

Doom 3 was a reboot of the series, so the Space Marine of that game is not the same as the OG DoomGuy.
which means that Doomslayer is actually the Doom Marine.


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The skins are just that, skins. Q3 was confirmed for taking place after QC despite Doomguy having an Arena skin. the exceptions are the default skins and the lore skins, which 'Doom Guy' is the lore skin.

He does have other things he likes to do aside kill demons
Sometimes he goes looting

>The skins are just that, skins.
so Doomslayer =/= DoomGuy
got it.

I don’t know why but some Robot dude with an ancient hell sword thing is just super cool. Like really super cool. Am I a teenager still or something?

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>the exceptions are the default skins and the lore skins
>which 'Doom Guy' is the lore skin

since Doom 3 is the most hated game of the series ID is trying to let people forget there was a 3rd game
thats probably why its named DOOM and not Doom 4

there's nothing wrong with enjoying something a teenager would enjoy

So Doomguy is the Babarian from Diablo 2?

Doom 3 is the ONLY game where the "Ancient Civilization" shit was used, neither Doom 1 nor 2 had anything about that.

that both implies and means that DoomSlayer is not from the same continuity as DoomGuy.

this thread is full of ass pain over nu doom

it has a nostalgic "TOO RAD" feeling, which is pretty fucking cool

nu doom is an ass pain!

why's that?

Hayden is neutral.

>fucks up lore by turning Doomboi a into a demon god
>shit tier soundtrack
>every room is just a wave defence
>no nu wepon
>no nu enemys
>fucks up enemy design
>giving you a free ammo instakill token chainsaw
>Ultra-Violence's Endgame too easy
>Nightmare's Early game doesn't let you move 3 steps without dying to a fireball in the back
>shitty endboss

>no nu wepon
Demonstrably false

Same guy, faggot.

the christcucks in hell gave it to him.