V's Gameplay

>V's Gameplay
I hope Itsuno or someone makes a full fledged action game out of this with more summons.

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Other urls found in this thread:


DD2, perhaps. It's game in where it would fit.
DMC? Honestly it sucked ass.

Yeah, the golem instantly reminded me of Dragon's Dogma, what with the same exact laser attack. I think V's pretty okay to play and really stands out from previous player characters in a good way even if he's not as responsive, but it feels like I can get SSS easily by just summoning Nightmare and raping the controller.

Is it actually good or is it just dodge and switching between attacks to make your combo points go higher? I always felt DMC's gameplay was very shallow if you stopped looking at the points.

>Dodge in DMC
There is no dodge button in DMC what the fuck are you talking about?

His style is DD2 material for sure

That's exactly how I felt, I didn't feel like I learned him too well and I was busting out SSS super easily.

I'm glad he's in the game but I wouldn't be surprised if his style meter gain was changed in a patch.

Are you retarded?

not gonna lie
he's growing on me a lot
I had written him off completely since he was announced, but I'm really digging his banter
it will take a little while to really get used to his style though

>finally get to dante
>go from simple shit with V by spamming square and triangle and nero with his normal combos with max-exceeds to fucking billion buttons

Meh. You can sit in Swordmaster the whole time and still get SSS. I found it easiest to get SSS with Dante.

i might have just been really tired and overwhelmed. i left and took a nap and now it's not so bad actually since i booted it up just now.
V wasn't as bad as i thought honestly.

Why? It's fucking boring and not as tight as Dante or Nero's gameplay. Game would be 11/10 if it weren't for this faggot

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anyone figure out how the multiplayer works?
are they ghosts or real time other people?
by the time i got to the proto angelo it seemed like an npc

The only problem with Shadow is that his "stinger" move doesn't stop when he gets to the enemy, he just flies through them. His hold attack skill is fucking busted though.

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It's both. Sometimes ghosts, sometimes real players.

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No real co-op
When it says "Starring PLAYER" the person controlling whoever isn't you is real.
So you can watch them fight their fights across the level.
However when the characters fight together it's never a real player.
I managed to get myself as a "Co-op" partner so I think it saves runs

Entire game is just press button and stare at screen. What the fuck, Capcom?

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I would play the fuck out of a V only game.
And don't look at this spoiler if you have not played the fucking game.
And saying he is basically just a fancy Devil trigger mode for Vergil Capcom can bring him back easily

V is fun as fuck but he feels a bit janky
>trying to attack something directly in front of you is a pain in the ass at the start of a fight. It's also just as bad when you want to smash a crystal to get orbs, since your pets will dance around it for a few seconds before you finally hit it
>summoning the giant sometimes results in a meteor explosion, sometimes it doesn't. It seems random and not based on holding down the button unless I'm missing something
>Shadow cat is almost always grounded and can rarely hit flying enemies, although Griffin can make up for it once you get some upgrades

Also does anyone know what the hell the "Good Teamwork (Coop)" end level bonus means? Is this the type of shit that was hinted at like "Destroy a thing so that the bridge is lowered for the other player"

What's this game called again? I remember playing it as a kid, the gameplay was nice but the locations were boring as shit

>trying to attack something directly in front of you is a pain in the ass at the start of a fight. It's also just as bad when you want to smash a crystal to get orbs, since your pets will dance around it for a few seconds before you finally hit it
Just use your cane lmao

Chaos Legion

Is there a way to just summon catto directly in front of you?

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And how are you going to make it more complex mister genius?

>mfw V's taunts and dialogues
>charging devil trigger and finishing off enemies
His taunts always get me to smile, even the air ones.

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Add more physic.

Interesting, Please go on, I'd like to know how will adding more physics make the game more complex

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There is definitely a market for an action game where you play as a full-fledged summoner. It can also have a SMT-type system where you can forge your summons.

Perhaps even a PvP mode. Imagine squad VS squad type third person gameplay where 4 out of 5 members of the squad are not the player(s).

>I'd like to know how will adding more physics make the game more complex
Not him, but is that really hard to figure out? Just google Dark Messiah of Might and Magic. Then try to think about how a simple kick there got tons of mechanical implications thanks to its physics system.

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my fucking hand hurts from mashing with this asshole

I think he's a test for DD2. Player controlled summoned familars would be fun?

how do I even beat secret mission 6 as V?

That's a grande yikesnofoamlatte from me pal.

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>V's gameplay is a prototype of Mages for Dragon's Dogma 2: Land of She-Goats


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>summoning the giant sometimes results in a meteor explosion, sometimes it doesn't. It seems random and not based on holding down the button unless I'm missing something
yeah i dont get that either

What is even the point of enemy step on V?
On Dante and Nero it's literally the most versatile thing in their arsenal, V can't even attack enemies on his own what's the point of jumping off them?

How do you all play V? I try shoulder buttons but my controller isn't responsive enough so I resort to the default controls. But trying to combo with Shadow or cast certain spells with Griffon is harder than I thought, but satisfying when you pull it off (like the Double something spell)

maximum erection

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Anybody playing the cracked game? Im downloading but afraid it doesnt work

>tomboy activation makes you unga bunga
>breakage is the same thing but after a while the arm breaks, no difference in moveset or anything
am i missing something?

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Reminder that if you tone down graphics in options it removes the convenient lens flare in that cutscene as well.

Post proof

More damage.

Nico is fucking repulsive but I still can't help but feel like I want to fuck her senseless

>over manface and flatass

yeah, that's a yikes from me

Here you go senpai.

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And my graphics settings. Strangely enough now that I'm looking at it again it seems lens flare option itself is enabled for me. I'm not sure which one of these actually removes the effect in that cutscene, but I can't be bothered to check them one by one. Also I'm not very computer savvy, but I realized that maybe it could also be Nvidia settings since I changed some options in its control panel to make sure the game runs?

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same. had to stop playing after like 6 hours and that asshole was the culprit


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I'm playing with a keyboard and mouse and I have no idea why are people complaining its so easy to chain shit with him.
Just charge in with shadow with that spike move, throw them into the air and then gullotine, or you could M1/delay/tailsweep into that plant like form, and at the the same time while doing that just charge the crow dude with M2 and start bombarding.
Is somebody getting close? You don't even need to dodge recall the crow with shift+S m2 and do that defensive spark attack.

I'm really digging him so far.

that's honestly fucking hysterical.
between that and V and griffon dialogue i'm having a ton of fun.
too bad lady and trish are getting sidelines, but honestly lady was only really good in 3

They're not even being subtle about it.

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What are Yea Forums approved poets?

>I'll be gentle.
What did he mean by this?

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facescan was a mistake

You need to stop watching so much anime user.

They did like sixteen years ago. It's called Chaos Legion.


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V with a fully upgraded arsenal is a fucking monster.
He is like a Nevan gameplay style evolved to utmost extent.

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Sometimes its just AI, sometimes its a previous run you did and sometimes its another real time player. I'm pretty certain you can also get other peoples previous runs.

Raidou 3 please

This thread seems less spoilery so I want to ask, is anyone having troubles with it on PC? it crashes randomly whenever more players are on screen and I've already tried setting it to DX11 on the config file both it goes back to DX12 on TargetPlatform.

Is this something to do with DX12 or is Denuvo fucking up with it?

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Mostly ghosts, I guess. I was going through mission 3 in SoS as Nero and it was featuring me playing as V.

halp with secret mission 10

V seems awkward to me, I think he's pretty fun but I struggle to get a hold of him. He just doesn't feel as responsive, but I can see some ways that I could improve to make him feel better to control, so maybe it's just me. Loving the game so far.

>everyone saying V combat is easy

Oddly enough he’s the only character in the game that I’m struggling with.

I had a consistent crash in the very first intro cutscene when Urizen conjures up a fireball, but I managed to fix it by updating my video card drivers. However I'm still getting similar, but random non-persisting crashes as well with an error message complaining about DirectX every now and then.

I googled and found people complaining about similar errors with REmake 2 since they use the same engine (reason I figured out to update my drivers), so you may want to check those out.

I hope they give V his own game. Like Chaos Legion 2 with V would be lit.

>Talking about Denuvo
>He isn't using the denuvo free version
lmao faggot look at him

This is how pokemon should be and not the crap we get each year.

What if I don't want him to be?

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>Dogma 2 summoner class
Would be so fucking hyped

So does anyone know if they are actually adding a full co op mode to the game?

Seems a bit wrong of them to say it’s 3 players in the description if I’m just playing with other people’s ghosts.

i cant stand v's gameplay with the camera given and the ai. my panther attacks the air like vergil in mission 19 dmc3. my bird keeps coming back to me and causing the aoe explosion because i tapped back while spamming square. the titan misses all the time and riding him is a chore. locking on to enemies means you dont know whats behind you so youll get blindsided while you babysit your retarded pets.

damn, this time the game actually didn't have any bad bosses
great job itsuno

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im getting the hang of it but is there a way to summon the panther back to you like the bird? he keeps running off on his own.

Actually I did use it, but it still randomly crashes.

>tfw no official DMC vibrator
Capcom would make a fortune.

>Thread is full of "new dmc bad" contrarian faggots while everyone else is enjoying the game and can't post

If you do the side dodge that uses the panther I think it'll come back to your side. That's the hardest part about V's gameplay for me, getting Shadow to be where I want him to. Sometimes he just stands still and attacks the air and sometimes he stops what he's doing to teleport to the enemy he's standing right beside, it's a little frustrating.

my best method ive found is side stepping. you are gliding on the panthers back.

The tentacle thing after Nero gets his arm is technically a boss

I’m getting random hiccups/slow-downs in cutscenes, sometimes resulting in out of sync audio. Other than that it’s been running at 60fps pretty well, I only experienced slow-mo on mission 3 in the subway when Yea Forums is fighting on the other side.

>want him to rush a single enemy
>he keeps getting resummoned to my side
>want him to stay away from an area
>mashing side dodge but he keeps rushing in
I hate this fucking thing

i wouldn't say it's bad though
it's an alright introductory mini boss
could be worse, could be better

Gilgamesh was pretty boring

I hope thats a mode in bloody palace with ridiculous amounts of enemies on screen

if you do breakage, your buff will have a set timer regardless if you get hit or not

>Nico's introduction to it
>Kirye is gonna LOVE it, if you catch my drift

Retard here, what place on gilgamesh did you have to hit with the buster arm to actually buster him?

what the fucks up with Gilgamesh, ebony and ivory? i just got to mission 10 but they feel so weird to use. ebony now a semi-automatic and you can switch between kicks and punches with Gilgamesh.

I hope so too I really do.

But I doubt it’s likely. It seems like they just don’t want to do co op. Which is a shame because it would be fantastic and give the game some legs.

I hope I’m wrong about them not wanting to do it.


I managed to buster him once, right after the V cutscene, you have to buster his brain. I kept tying to do it again but never happened.

the red patch on his back. i can only do it once during the scripted fall into V's level.

i dont know what the fuck the new version of this weapon is called. i did not check.

>hold R1, R2 and X most of the time while doing combos with Y and ocasionally B
I don't have enough fingers for this

How many missions does DMCV have?

The name is balrog.

The mechanic is you use fist mode to heat it up and then switch to kicks for instant SSS

rebinding shoot to R1 or just a trigger button makes using shadow and griffon at the same time a lot easier. It also helps for Nero since you can constantly be charging blue rose shots .

>gee it's a new weapon with a new name
>wtf it has kicks!!!
kill yourself

20 but they’re longer than most missions from past games

Is there any way to speed up the unsummon on V?
Or do you just have to run away and stall until eventually a pet goes away?
Because if you want to get no stalemates for a mission (one of the later achievements has it as a requirement it seems) so you can keep your kit and not suddenly get gimped, it seems like a big oversight design wise that you can't encourage your pets to unsummon.

just run around the enemies and have the panther keep attacking. hold square and have the bird shoot its lightning.

Don’t get me wrong I’m not stuck when I use him. I just barely make S rank.

Ever played Chaos Legion you fucking Zoomer?

you think so. this game felt so short compared to the 4 and even 3. maybe i just got better. devil hunter was so easy. SoS is still pretty easy. they should have all difficulties unlocked from the beginning

Is there a way to control the tiger, he seems to just go all over, only just did the first boss with V.

>have you played this obscure ps2 game

cant say i have dumbass

For me it feels like without the shitty platforming puzzles, the missions went by faster.

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they give out heath and golden orbs like candy and you hardly get punished for using the golden orbs.

v is impossible

oh you are supposed to control the animals but if you need an animal to move forward or target a specific enemy then good luck since v will move forward too

impossible to get above an A

Hold Y

Indeed, since you think it's only on PS2 you fucking oxygen thief.

That last is true, since I play offline, I got myself as starring player, meaning while I played V I could see my Nero in the distance.

V was the first character that got me SSS.

It's on PC as well and it wasn't obscure if you were into Japanese action games back then.

I feel like this is the DMC style for people who played too many RPGs. I like it since it reminds me of multibox arenas in WoW

Using the basic breaker action made me chuckle.

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V's Gameplay made my arms hurt the most because it was just mindless mashing of X and Y for max damage output

its neither of those. enemies die insanely quick and were so passive. the sin scissors maybe got an attack off twice through the whole game. i only had a tough time with the bosses and thats because their puzzles. even urine or whatever his name is was a joke. trickster made that fight trivial

the hell is this

People with weak arms shouldn't be allowed to play this game.

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Chaos Legion by Capcom

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This lol

Do your typical riser attack command and the cat launches himself. His commands aren't that different than Nero's.
My biggest problem is ill be locked onto an enemy, and the cat is halfway across the screen and wont relocate.


dunno why but chukled

I literally don't get tired anymore, I tried to run until I couldn't take it and I crossed half of europe on foot. Hell I haven't slept for 30 days. This is nothing compared to that and if you can't handle it you need to eat more vegetables.

Does the PC version have native PS4 controller support or will i have to use retarded 3rd party input mappers that simulate Xbox?

I don't think anything has native ps4 controller support

Do what we did in this house and look up Magic-NS
360 controller started dying, so we just picked up an unused Wii U Pro controller that was lying around and suddenly wireless controllers games recognise as 360 controllers, no drivers or setup required.
Simple wireless dongle that supports any controller -> PC/Xbox (direct input/Xinput), PS4, Switch, even the fucking NeoGeo for some reason. Even if it's not wireless, if it's USB it'll work plugging straight into it.

steam does

Why would i do that if i already have a superior PS4 controller? Worst case i'll just use InputMapper but i wish it could just have native fucking support.

if on steam you can force ps4 support in steam settings

It works like it should but uses xbone gamepad prompts

you retard, he's saying this dongle will let your PS4 controller essentially work natively on any hardware system

I'm not sure but I think we both might be retarded, since I can't read what I typed out myself, I'll start over
Magic-NS is a dongle you can get that will make any controller work on any of those systems without any setup. You can connect DS4 to it and have it recognise as a 360 controller. If Steam big picture or the game itself supports it you can even have it be generic so you can bind everything differently.
I prefer it over Steam because Steam never worked for me whenever I tried to use it, needing Big Picture active was just fucking too much stuff over, either to do with my display or to do with registering inputs/background inputs inconveniently.

that only works for big picture though meaning steam itself. the games still require inputmapper if they don't have native support. some games like STEEP automatically recognize PS4 controllers and changes the button icons, but i remember i had to use inputmapper for Witcher 3 until they patched it

Im gonna guess they'll fold in some of the summoning stuff into Vergil in future games, give him more than just Dark Slayer and Yamato since he'd likely actually be playable in the story and him having Beowulf and Force Edge would make no sense.

>dont want to use golden orbs
>instead of starting from the last check point, you end up having to play the entire stage again.

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Who else enjoying the fuck out of Yea Forums?

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Just play Folklore on PS3 if you want more of that shit. I hate that Dante has to share the game with Nero and V, their movesets are nowhere near as fleshed out.

Checkpoint was literally only DMC4, the other games always forced you back to the start.

Fuck I feel old, one of my personal favorite budget ARPG games and it was really cool and fucking long
I miss Chaos legion

you can can sort of make Shadow and Griffon come back to you by either forcing them off screen, or my doing a drastic moving option which usually brings them back to you.

i know. i thought capcom moved past that for the casuals.


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>doing a drastic moving option which usually brings them back to you.
>they fly right into combat immediately
I wish you could forcibly sheathe your pets, but I guess theres not enough room on the controller

I feel like once I get the hang of him I'll enjoy him a lot, right now I just feel like I'm mashing.

the bird can block?

No that's what red orb revives are for
To be honest I would take the rank penalty over spending my red orbs, at least for the first few weeks or so. Those special taunts have me intrigued so I won't be wasting those for a long while.

Unironically this. When in doubt; call Nightmare and it's an auto S rank.

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>that only works for big picture though meaning steam itself

no.. in the big picture settings you can set a controller.. my old 360 controller would fuck up and get disconnected and change to player 2/3 upon reconnecting.. a lot of games would stop reading the inputs, when I set it up through big picture it would still work if that happened.. it's not "just for steam"

furthermore capcom even posted the same thing regarding ps4 controllers, to set them up via steam

I died for the first time against goliath because I fucked up.. I didnt want to use red orbs or a gold orb because he had a centimeter of life left.. I hit continue it put me right before the fight where nico shows up in the van

stop lying

I think is more like it attacked at the same time.

He's right. You have to press several buttons to dodge faget

There is a dedicated dodge button in the best DMC game.

If i set em via steam will i still get xbone button prompts?

yes until someone mods in ps4 prompts like they did for yakuza 0 and kiwami

>mfw charging V's devil trigger
>these basic taunts
He's a treasure

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3 let you use checkpoints if you played Gold

DmC and DMC2 are trash

Hey it could be worse, could be like SFV where they just removed dinput support one day.

nah get fucked V sucks boring as fuck

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lens flare is what censor that scene

>new player to the series
>started on normal difficulty
>S on all missions so far
>can't fucking change it without starting over

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If DMC2 is so bad then why is it the only one with a decent control scheme?

>that stupid maniacal nerd laugh he does
this dude is like the epitome of edgy and cringe but at the same time he's pulling it off because he's kicking ass.

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What? There is an option called RESTART FROM CHECKPOINT.

Because enemy AI, level design and combat are trash.

SoS and DMD are locked until you complete DH. Don't know why basic enemies are so inaggressive and style meter and the style ranking is so lenient.

Fuck off, zoomer.

I'm on normal though.

DH is normal.

>"I need more strength"
>"So hungry for death"
>he fucking spins in midair and does a silly pose coming down
He's too good, I always crack a smile with all the talk how does whenever he finishes an enwmy

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Butterface. Everyone looks hideous in this game.

>started on normal

human isn't normal, user

V's gameplay is fucking trash. I literally wanted to cry while playing him because it's painfully boring and I don't feel like I'm playing Devil May Cry at all. Playing Maeda Matsu from Sengoku Basara with similar summoning gimmick is million times more fun than playing V. A fucking musou character is more fun to play than DMC character. What a joke.

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Hope that DMC5 sells well so Itsuno can make DD2 and have a class with his gameplay.

I pray to god that this day one crack don't interfere in sales.

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>that excecution animation on the Nobody where he lazily gave them 3 or 4 cane strike
he is so cool

Then what is it?

Is the checkpoint counts as continuation in results?

Seems like a nice opportunity to ramake Chaos Legion.

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better idea

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Human is easy, pretty much always has been

A bunch of cutesy brands release shit like condoms and sex toys like Rilakkuma and Hello Kitty, and Capcom was ok with Ace Attorney with merchandises like toilet paper and wedding rings, so don't lose hope yet.

Reminder, these are the perfect control schemes for DMCV and if yours deviate in any way, you are playing the game wrong.

Square - Attack
Triangle - Style Action
Circle - Devil Trigger
Cross - Jump
L1 - Guns
L2 - Switch Guns
R1 - Lock On
R2 - Switch weapon

Square - Attack
Triangle - Devil Breaker
Circle - Devil Trigger
Cross - Jump
L1 - Gun / Exceed
L2 - Exceed / Gun
R1 - Lock on
R2 - Self Destruct (Breaker Switch)

Square - Shadow
Triangle - Finisher
Circle - Nightmare (Devil Trigger)
Cross - Jump
L1 - Griffin (Gun)
R1 - Lock On
L2 - Read book
R2 - Boost Shadow/Griffin

So how do I get gud with Dante?

I want all yoomers and xoomers to leave

>Square - Attack
already I am fucking disgusted, please delete this post.

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>Square - Attack

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You understand that he has autism ans Gunslinger is useless outside of a few moves.

You Kingdom Hearts fanboys stepped into the wrong thread, we're discussing good action game controls

Triangle is attack since DMC 1.

>Triangle is attack since DMC 1.
Lol no, it was jump.

Where the hell is the save location? I'm trying to get rid of this 100k orb dlc.

>I'm trying to get rid of this 100k orb dlc
Are you retarded? Why would you do that?

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Guys its a fucking doppelganger vergil is right behind you

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As long as it's not in any other DMC game.

>mash X and Y without holding R2
>drown in S ranks

Not fun. Don't do it again, please.

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100k orbs is nothing, it just lets you unlock your moves sooner rather than later. You'll be grinding stages once you unlock the mission select screen, so the dlc just lets you enjoy more varied movesets during your first playthrough of the game.

>used my first gold orb on mission 15
that stupid fucking chicken gave me my first B

Do you niggers not rebind your controls? How the fuck do you charge your guns without getting cramps if they're not assigned to a shoulder button?

>Playstation controls


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I rebinded gun, yes. But not anything else.

Motherfuckers you can change the controls if you don’t like them. This isn’t 1995.

You have to talk to children on their level, Xbox prompts would confuse 70% of Yea Forums.

>tfw what happens to your summons later
T-they'll be back in the DLC, right bros? ;_:

>I rebinded gun, yes. But not anything else.
Post your Dante control scheme.

Why is that one user posting Chaos Legion?

>Dante moves some Rebellion Swordmaster moves to Triangle because Swordmaster works totally different for it now
>Prop Shredder on the Triangle Triangle pause combo

why the fuck would I use this, the followup to prop shredder never actually hits shit

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>mash bird and panther while walking around

Square - DT
Triangle - Attack
Circle - Style Action
Cross - Jump
L1 - Guns
L2 - Switch Guns
R1 - Lock On
R2 - Switch weapon

gilgamesh and nidhogg were not very fun imo

V’s gameplay sucks. Nero is the most fun.

Because OP talked about
>a full fledged action game out of V's Gameplay with more summons
and Chaos Legion fits the bill

yeah...that fucks me up too much now.
i was already having a hard time with him at first and just starting getting used to him and they throw us the fucking dante sword
me being a brainlet is having a hard time wrapping my mind around him now

DAILY FUCKING REMINDER that Full Devil Trigger Nero is NOT stronger than Sin DT Vergil or Sin DT Dante

Nero fought a tired Vergil who wasn't taken the fight 100% seriously in something that had no stakes at all at that point.

> "B-but he was t-tired is not an excuse

NIGGER I kept telling you guys for literally like 2 years that DMC3 Mundus only beat DMC3 Vergil because he was tired from the fight with Dante and you all called me retarded and a faggot until Itsuno LITERALLY FUCKING CONFIRMED IT in the Before the Nightmare novel.

Ah, yeah. Chaos Legion has the foundation for a good action game if they were to remake it in the style of V. Also a good excuse not to increase the required experience points by a factor of ten needlessly for the western version, to boot.

my muscle memory won't allow me to do otherwise I'm to far gone
I think I'll now bind DT to circle though, now that DT explosion is not a thing anymore it won't impact as much as it did in DMC3

The entire concept of DMC is that motivation = might, and at that moment Nero was more motivated than both of them.

nidhogg was a fucking bitch to fight as V wtf

I just booted up a mission with Dante. Your control scheme isn't as ergonomic because it forces the thumb to rest at a higher position.

So anons who have beat the game. What did you think of the ending? Is there a secret one because I found it lackluster.

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So why are Dante and Vergil in the van on the main menu screen

How is that possible SSS is easy to get in this game

Really? Best I've done is SS.


Attached: Devil May Cry 5 2019.03.08 - (1280x720, 2.96M)

>tfw i can get SSS like nothing with everyone in every dmc game but V i haven't surpassed SS yet

it doesnt happen often, but there is sometimes actual real time play
the dudes I was with in the mission where all 3 characters go into those huge circular arenas with the holes to drop to the next one super reacted to what I was doing
The dante player was using the style finger snaps as a pointing the direction thing and when i started jumping up and down next to him to see if he's real, he responded in kind

favorite weapon by far

also how do i activate ST DT? asking for a friend

>They censor her butt.
>But her bare tits have no nipples
I really don't get the CERO/ESRB/whatever in Europe.

>Ending of first V mission
>"I'm afraid that's a little more than I can handle right now"
>Immediately eats shit
holy kek

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>A hand made to massage Kyrie.
Ok... go on.
>With vibrating action

At least he won't be a mess of colors in combo videos anymore.

What's the best devil arm and why is it Cerberus?

>inb4 Vergil will get new devil arms in DLC
>it's Shadow, Griffin and Nightmare

Attached: 1520787704916.jpg (613x587, 16K)

>a full fledged action game out of this with more summons.

So a new chaos legion then?

when do you get it?

settings>controller>general controller settings in steam itself
no big picture mode needed(the settings menu is kinda big picture esque, but once you dont gotta maintain big picture at all)
Turned even my switch pro controller into plug and play and i can even easily pick if I want the button names or placements to be accurate(since nintendo flips b/a and x/y compared to xbox)

What kind of sorcery did they pull with the PC port? I have a midrange PC with everything maxed out and it runs near flawlessly. Was worried because RE2 gave me some problems but apparently I was dead wrong

whats a good control scheme to start learning how to git gud? default feels awkward



Biohazard engine is pretty optimized, like MT Frameworks. I'm honestly impressed.

I've noticed like 2 areas where the fps dipped below 60, and they were doorways. This game runs much smoother on PC and consoles than RE2 despite having more open environments and more action going on.

yeah sometimes the cutscenes slow down for a moment, but other than that it's a dream

is capcom based now?
not for me until they announce DD2

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we're in the redemption arc don't worry

I bought DMC5 in the hopes Itsuno will be able to make DD2 with the budget to actually finish it.

They're on a roll right now with this and RE2. Hopefully they can keep it up.

fg division aside, we're at capgod at this point

Pray that DMC5 sells well, so Itsuno can make DD2

I'm seriously scared after all this day 1 crack bullshittery

This is how I've always had it too but it makes charging the SDT hard now.

>DMC5 censored
Yeah, based as fuck.

try putting DT on Circle/B
I have the same issue as you and it seems to work out, just gotta get used to style actions on square

Blame sony lmao

God, a Summoner Vocation in DD2 has the potential to be amazing.

Also I've noticed I'm sometimes switching between two sets of moves with it and i'm not sure how. Is there a button combo that makes it do that?

Attached: balrog.webm (800x450, 2.96M)

give them time.

action game so they paid more attention to optimize for fps I suppose

R1 + Back + Attack switches stance and I hate it. The fists are so much better than the feet that I find little reason to ever switch. Hopefully mods can split up the guantlets and greaves into separate weapons.

looks like shit

Attached: 1410371826478.webm (640x360, 2.81M)

Just use DS4Windows

>That bit with Patty

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Spotted the Nintendo fan

I'll freely admit that V is a bit easy to play but he can be super fun if you're trying to style
>reading book while explosions happen everywhere due to summoning golem, powering up cat and bird all at the same time
>zoom in to finish off some enemy then start doing the crazy laugh taunt
it's like the chuuni simulator I've always wanted.

Beowulf > Gilgamesh > Balrog > Ifreet

>always online drivers
>drivers with embedded advertisements
I would rather die. fuck you right in your shill hole you goddamn jew.

Wait what?

Fuck, how did we go from colorful and amazingly looking DMC4 where everything is so distinct and readable to the gray mess of DMC5? Game is so fucking ugly, holy shit.


>gray mess
hey now friend that is not fair. some of these levels are a dark blue mess.

4 looks like shit my dude, only Fortuna ever looked good. 5 is too grey/brown/red but that's how literally all of the series but 4 looked.

4 doesn't look like shit you flaming faggot. inb4 you cherry pick that single green area that was ugly and had literally nothing in it.

I think it looks better though, it's a lot easier to see what's going on and the animations are a lot more fluid.

You mean they're on a roll with megaman 11, monster hunter world, RE2, and DMCV

>1/4 of the game looking like utter shit doesn't count
K. Aside from that the problem was that they were all generic and bland, 3 is all muddy greys and browns but still managed to have a much more interesting and memorable setting to me.

>DmC is easy
>DMC5 is easy
>w-w-well it's still fun!
I swear this fanbase is full of the biggest drones around.

are you a retard?
V is the name of the character you fucking idiot

More like 14 minutes tops. You're a faggot.

3 has a better clearer art style as well, 5 looks like fucking ass with no distinct style.

>"chaos legion"
>13 results
At least some of Yea Forums knows what's up

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>My biggest problem is ill be locked onto an enemy, and the cat is halfway across the screen and wont relocate.
I've been loving V, but this has straight up pissed me off and made me take a break when it costed me a whole letter on my ranking due to it not following the boss.

Capcom employee here. Sorry about user here he does not understand how a humans hands work. these are the real control schemes for DMCV.

Triangle - Attack
Circle - Style Action
Square - Devil Trigger
Cross - Jump
R2 - Guns
R1 - Switch Guns
L1 - Lock On
L2 - Switch weapon

Triangle - Attack
R1 - Devil Breaker
Square - Devil Trigger
Cross - Jump
R2 - Gun
L2 - Exceed
L1 - Lock on
Circle - Self Destruct (Breaker Switch)

Triangle - Shadow
Circle - Finisher
R1 - Nightmare (Devil Trigger)
Cross - Jump
R2 - Griffin (Gun)
L1 - Lock On
L2 - Read book
R2+Square - Boost Shadow/Griffin

5 looks better than 3, only 1 has a better style. You can try to argue, but I already know that you're wrong user.

Protip for playing V
doing a ground dodge makes fat cat come to you. doing a double jump or air dodge makes stupid bird come to you.

If you get hit during the normal activation, your arm shatters, but it last as long as you don't get hit. If you get hit while breakage is active, it won't break the arm, but the arm is on a limited timer

DMC 5 is a fun game.

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Holy fuck is there any way to actually weave Royal Fork into a combo string? It feels like I have to halt everything I’m doing to focus on that fucking 360 motion

How does controlling Nightmare work? It says his combos use the B button but that just activates V's cane attacks.

Attached: 1463333130582.jpg (712x712, 42K)

You're wrong.

he's proof of concept of how Demi-Fiend could work

Attached: 1475724053278.jpg (600x400, 165K)

shitteist combo video I'v seen in my life

So is V a mommy fag too?

Ride him, which is a separate move

You have to buy the move that lets you get on his back. Then you control him.

he looks ugly

I've no idea, honestly. I usually save my DT for Nightmare and even then I don't think you can use it while he's active. you'd also have to have a bunch of downed enemies, which I might a bit difficult to do since the camera likes to really fixate on dying enemies.

>implying I can combo video
you think too highly of me.

>R2 - Guns
>R1 - Switch Guns
>L1 - Lock On
>L2 - Switch weapon
Fuck off back to HR department.

>he's proof of concept of how Demi-Fiend could work
Demi-Fiend would shatter Urizens crystal with one punch

Before getting the game and only watching streamers I thought that V would be the most boring motherfucker but now I actually really like him.

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I hope someone ports DMC4 Nero.

No you don't

i'm on mission 19 now
it's going to be a bit weird replaying the game after V and his crew being baddies

I wouldn't call them bad guys. His summons want to die so Vergil can be free of the pain that his being Nelo Angelo caused. And V just wants to make sure his demon half won't cause anymore death.

PSA. Don’t use Nero’s Buster arm on Hells Cainas. The animation is insanely slow and it offers little to no CC leaving you a sitting target.

ah. still just one of those weird feelings of knowing how the game plays out when you replay it again.
9.5/10 game though

so far the only thing that gave me trouble was the 3 summons and the chicken

Lmao dude, why would you not think that the easiest availible difficulty is easy?

mission 19 is kicking my ass.

Does the V twink get shirtless/any homo shit?

V's style is literally how you make a "mage" type character fun. These types of character are boring as shit to play in 99,99% of games the other excpetion being Dragon's Dogma