Games of the 2010s

Anyone else feel like this was a great decade for games in contrast to most other media? Anime has gone down hill and so have movies, western tv is even worse. Western animation maybe had a bit going on but that's it.

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2010s is still much worse than 00s & 90s for Vidya though. Can't say about other forms of media though because I don't like/care about them

1990-2010 was the golden age. Everything after 2010 has been garbage.

>Western animation maybe had a bit going on
just a bit?

not really

6th gen was peak vidya
8th is at least an improvement the 7th gen

Uh, it's more like 2010, 2017, and 2019 are all really good.

2011-2016 was indisputably a dark age.

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I think you're full of shit and only really invested in videogames enough to notice enough of the good stuff.

Not really, 90s brought all the 2D kinos, 00s brought all the 3D kinos, all we got this decade is the same kinds of games but padded out and with all the challenge and soul taken out.
Next decade will be even worse btw, now that the trannies are in charge video games are now just a vehicle for political shit flinging.

>I think you're full of shit and only really invested in videogames enough to notice enough of the good stuff
What else matters though? I base the medium based on the best shit I experienced with it. The lows will always be low, but what matters is if the highs are high.

Anime has gotter you nostalgiacuck. It seems like older anime was better, but you'd get like 10 new anime a season, most were fucking garbage. I don't know if I can say this decade for gaming is better, but 2015, 2016, 2017 stand up there as some of the best. 2019 looking very strong.

>Anime has gotter you nostalgiacuck.
I've played games long before I started watching anime, so if anything based on your "argument" I should have the opposite opinion. There were several great anime but nothing really I would call a masterpiece. Basically while there were quite a few games from this decade I'd call 10/10 there were exactly zero anime like that.

Naa... I think we were already on kind of a downward slope, but even the 360/PS3/Wii had more diverse, lower budget games. Now everyone is just jerking off on over budgeted live service games that no body wanted. There have been some exceptions, but this decade has sucked overall, and it's getting worse.

>1990-2010 was the golden age. Everything after 2010 has been garbage.
This guy gets it. I loved a lot of games in the 80's, but things got real good in the 90's, and kept getting better overtime, until it all went to shit.

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I know, I'm saying you aren't invested enough in those other media or you'd realize their good as well.

this has been literally the worst age if you consider it all started in the 90's really, which was 8/10 and the 2000's which was 10\10, everything after 2010 is shit.
even the best games we get today are shit compared to the legends of the 2000;s.

I'd say I'm pretty much equally invested in games, anime and vidya. Western tv besides animation is joke so it's not really worth my time anymore. Only good thing to come out of it this decade was the new Twin Peaks.

>Only good thing to come out of it this decade was the new Twin Peaks.

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we had it good back then...

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>Transformers War for Cybertron
That shit was so much fun. Mulitplayer was highly underrated.

Movies haven't really got worse. Maybe big budget Hollywood stuff, but that's all.

>season 1 of fargo
>season 1 of bloodline
>the americans
get better taste you fucking faggots

No I certainly do not feel like that.

Season 2 of Fargo was good too. I haven't gotten around to season 3, it seemed okay from the little bit I watched.

What a terrible line up