Why do men don't care about attractive male characters yet women go insane if there's a cute girl in a video game?

Why do men don't care about attractive male characters yet women go insane if there's a cute girl in a video game?

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girls feel threatened by pretty women, while men don't really care

Because we're not women.

is there anything worse than a fujo?

less insecure

Because I'm not Californian.

Here’s a simple way to predict women. They like to act that they’re a hero of a movie.

Why do men go insane about black and/or female main characters?

>yet women go insane if there's a cute girl in a video game?
Rarely happens.

Because they're used to female entitlement

In japan devs don't bow down to these angry reactionary outrage crowds, in the west it's more common cause women are typically used to have everything be about them

Name 1 unattractive MC

This. Male gamers play as men several times more physically fit than them all the time and dont bitch about it. Its almost like the angry incel inadequate male gamer stereotype is contrived bs.

Lester the Unlikely

Women feel threatened.

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probably because of feminism

They don't? Tons of guys in this board love Gravity Rush, Bayonetta, Automata, Persona 3 Portable, even things like Life is Strange.

because there is more to men than just beauty, there's strength, leadership, wits, money, manliness. Women (and men), value female beauty above everything (heavy evolutionary pressure for youth/fertility)

>only says games with women leads
So where are those black protagonist games you like? You still have half of an argue you didn't finish.

>who is CJ

Crackdown, Gears of War. God of War.

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Because when a man looks at an "ideal" version of a man, he wants to be just like him
When a woman looks at an "ideal" version of a woman, she wants to lower the bar

But we're not talking about race here, we're talking about gender

You should first name a good game with black mc. And no one had problem with the telltale walking dead season 1 mc

This board is obsessed with San Andreas.
And to be fair, there aren’t many games that have black leads to begin with.

Because you're allowed to have your shirt off?
I don't know, I ain't caught the gey so what's there to hide from?

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Motherfucker did you seriously forget /ournigga/?

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But Yea Forums likes GTA san andreas even if it's the epitome of a nig nog game

See, there's the doublethink. You're able to separate the "tons of guys" from the raging incels, but all women are voiced by some shrieking Twitter harpies.



Coach and Louis are pretty good.

Because we're not over sensitive pussies.

Any non white mc

Because "incels" are shouted down by most other people, while everyone just kinda passively shrugs and accepts whatever the twitter harpies are harping on about.

Evolution. A woman couldn't compete for resources against other men, because of this she was completely reliant on a man seeing her as valuable as a means to get resources. Now a days they see more attractive women as competition, they have access to better men than them and that really piss them off.

Basically a woman's entire existence has been because of her value to men, anything that toys with that sets off a deep hatred within them.

I think Geralt was supposed to be attractive. Just look at him in Witcher 3. They were just bad at modeling back then.

It's not women crying about women in video games, it's beta males.

Men are more emotionally mature and rational than women. PC culture is proof that Schopenhauer was correct.

>I think Geralt was supposed to be attractive
Wrong. He is ugly motherfucker in books and first game was true to that.

Nah, in the books he's supposed to be pretty ugly and scarred. But women still think he's charming and the scars are sexy to a lot of them


If men see a man who is attractive they see something to strive towards. Women just see competition in attractive women.

Differences in thinking between men and women.
Men see their superiors as something to strive for.
Women see their superiors as competition to eliminate.

Any Vanilla Oblivion MC.

Because men are monkeys whose dicks are top priority, supernormal stimulus is more damaging when it comes to designing female characters. To say otherwise would have to contend with documented widespread porn addiction and this new generation of "2Dsexuals". Basically they're making women duller for the same reason companies take it upon themselves to produce food with less sugar. Because you're monkeys who can't control themselves and will consume hyperstimuli into problems. Women are angry about it because they can't fall back on personal merit and a good personality, if guys decide the optimal task women get designated to ports in a storm. Women get accused of having no personality when it never fucking mattered in the first place because you're all fucking animals.

>implying Yea Forums didn’t collectively lose its shit when FFXV started a bunch of men designed to appeal to women


Frank West

I'm so glad you're miserable

Because women are emotional, irrational, sensitive and insecure, so to the women that do get upset about such things, that's where it's coming from.
If something makes them feel bad it must therefore be bad, how can there be any doubt if they feel it so strongly to be so? Being objective, consistent and principled? Ha.
When guys tell you that women are mysterious or hard to understand that's complete BS, they just don't think the same way men do, there are countless experiences in every day life and plenty of idioms that go way back that have noted this, men are from Mars and women are from Venus anyone?
If you apply male logic to a woman their behavior is going to seem unpredictable and hard to understand, but it's actually the opposite, it's very predictable if you know how she feels about something and understand that her feelings are first before principles of any kind.
Is what I said sexist? Probably, but it's way more honest and accurate than what is socially acceptable to say.

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>start fighting while talking to me
What a couple of faggots

You're suggesting that if there's inequal control of the modern sexual dynamic, it's with men? Nigga you dumb.

Incels like those games too tho, they like games with cute girls more tham anyone. For example, I'm a virgin and I like them.

Based and grovepilled

IV is quite literally Yea Forums incarnate.

>Now a days they see more attractive women as competition, they have access to better men than them and that really piss them off.
Video game women aren't real, there's no competition with the 2D unless the woman is interested in dating shut-in NEETs, which most aren't.

seething 3dpd

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Redguard is the second best TES game after Morrowind.


Truth hurts little man piggy, off you go to fantasise about raping cartoon children. There's a good lad.

Who hurt you and what can I do to make you feel better?

>fit/attractive women are bad because somethingsomething promoting unrealistic standards
>fit/attractive men are just fine

I guess in a way all the bitching about attractive female characters just proves everyone has no expectations of real life women to ever better themselves.

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>western women*

Based user once said:
>Japanese women design things that please them, which is handsome/cute men and cute/sexy girls.
>Western women design things that please them, which is weak bugmen and women uglier than they are.

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If it's with women it's not ultimately too their benefit and it's alai because you're a fucking monkey. Congratulations, paypig. You win the argument lol.

Why do Adam and Eve make my peepee hard? I'm not gay... at least I don't think so. Technically it isn't gay if they're machines, right?

Mained Balrog for years myself desu.

seething 3dpd

In that case, why did they turn him into a stud in the 3rd game?

Because women go hysterical without attention. It’s why we have nu-Star Wars and Captain Marvel. They’re jealous of men getting attention in movies, so they’re trying to emulate the traits of average male action heroes that they think men like. They’re trying to be the center of attention. Soon they’ll go after attractive men too when they collectively realize men can be attracted to men: and that that means competition for them. We’ll get movies and videogames featuring nothing but slightly masculine women doing masculine archetypal things for a while, if women have their way, until they realize how unattractive characters like Rey and Captain Marvel are to men. Then hopefully they’ll ask men what they want and men will say “sell us on femininity” and we’ll get movies like Captain Marvel and Nu-Star Wars with scenes of the lead women doing things like cooking meals, or dressing the wounds of their lesbian lovers, or singing lullabies to their daughters. We’ll get to a point where movies and games are just pure women, all the time, being lesbians, doing masc archetypal things like in capeshit movies, with like a scene or two of femininity (the women won’t look feminine, to ensure that men won’t fap to movies and games, but they’ll be doing feminine things). Gay men won’t have anything to watch, straight men especially won’t have anything to look at, there won’t be anything that could possibly be construed as sexually arousing to look at: it will just be pure lesbian hell from here on out. This will effectively kill the entertainment industry.

It does not matter how real it is. The symbols will trigger real emotional responses either way. Like how my pp can get hard from drawings and I can cry at movies.

Men see a strong, good-looking man as an aspiration.
Women see a healthy, good-looking woman as competition, even fictionally.

It's only gay if the balls touch and you forget to say no homo.

It's hard to make a good looking ugly man

>unrealistic proportions, unnecessary sexualisation, looking like part of the 5% genetically blessed = /fit/

Man piggy logic

Not gay but a massive race traitor

Only technically. But deep down you know your're a flaming homosex.

Blanket statements are fucking retarded.

That's wrong women love sexy female characters in games. It is only angry feminists and male feminists that hate sexy female characters. Now be gone false flagging discord tranny

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Oh good, they don't even have peepees of their own

t. landwhale
Maybe if you put down that cake and cleaned up you'd get more attention.

Which is one of the reasons why people hate SJWs.

It's cute and hilarious how Yea Forumsirgins think they're experts on women and science.

The people who don't care don't throw a hissy on Twitter so you only see the little freaks screeching online.

>reproduction is the end goal and highest value even when reality proves otherwise
This is the only thing that could be suggesting the "supernormal" stimuli is at all a bad thing.

The SJW don't represent majority of women

omg baby girl this was so hard to read, I just want to protect you

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>must be a fatty
>must be a female

Man piggy trying his best and failing, isn't that just Yea Forums in a nut shell lol. Pst, your argument just sounds like the average roastie spewing "incel" I thought men were supposed to be smarter. I guess not here at least.


If it quacks like a duck.

If you're so void of common sense that you need to look up why supernormal stimulus is bad then it would take less time than it takes for your chunky pig hooves to type in a sad panda gallery number


>if it quacks like a duck...

I'm sure you'll jerk off to it. That's how it goes right?

stay salty, fat roasty.

dumb roastie

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Lol get fucked, little man. Or don't, sex workers have a rough life as it is.

>"How would you like it if stuff had pretty men with exposing clothing?"
When will roasties learn?

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It's the opposite case here, "SJW" in itself is a blanket statement.

Imagine a life where you have never been great at anything, never felt the urge to be great at anything, never felt that magnetic admiration to someone who was great at something, wanted to imitate and ultimately defeat him. Just nothing. Literally all you do in life is exist. Occupy space. pass the time. You're a chick.

You're bored, as usual, tweeting about your fucking hair and not even feeling any kind of happiness from it, just soothing your constant need to be bitter and cunty and petty toward other women. Every single thing you've done in the past year was mundane, shallow, and boring. You spent the last six hours reading kinda-interesting Reddit stories about people who made interesting Halloween hats for their kids or some stupid bullshit that you think is interesting and you may say is interesting but you're not really sure if it's really interesting. You're just fucking sitting there, gestating, fermenting, with a moist hole between your legs that guarantees you'll at least never have to get up and move around and work to support yourselfAnd then you see men, over in some corner, having fun. You've never seen this before. What are they even doing? Instead of their consciousnesses merely sitting in their thick skull and revolving around itself, they are imbuing their conscious energy and intentionality into external objects, crafts, goals, projects. All the bitterness and cuntiness you feel nonstop seems to be absent, as they congratulate each other for being victorious, and happily learn from someone who defeated them. These creatures are truly content to be alive. They have found purpose in a purposeless universe.

And your gaze turns back on itself, on your self, and you realise you've never had that. You can never have it. You're just a stupid cunt. So you get up, you walk over there, and you fucking ruin everything. Just ruin the whole fucking thing. The five seconds of attention you get will be worth destroying it. Because you're a woman.

>Nah, in the books he's supposed to be pretty ugly and scarred. But women still think he's charming and the scars are sexy to a lot of them
>Women think he's sexy and charming
Then how the fuck is he unattractive?

Loved True Crime NYC.

I might masturbate to jojo, but I do it ironically.

Women prefer to play as cute girls too for the most part. It's SJW neckbeards, troons and a small minority of insecure tumblr haired femininsts who care. Sadly these three groups are massively overrepresented in both games journalism and development.

Women don't play video games and are just looking for excuses to complain. SJWs are people who just want conflict so they perpetuate it themselves while morally grand standing.

>It does not matter how real it is
Yes it does. You're saying that women see it as competition while pretty much person over the age of 5 acknowledges that fiction isn't reality.
>Like how my pp can get hard from drawings and I can cry at movies.
Those are not the same at all. When you view media, you're viewing it from an outside perspective as an observer. Simply seeing an attractive fictional women on screen doesn't sent women into a frothing rage like you people seem to think.

>why are men squeamish about penises
I truly wonder

No one’s jerking off to fat rosaries oh my god

I'd enjoy it as much as I enjoy beefcake men in revealing clothes.

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So it's because Yea Forumsirgins would rather masturbate to their waifumon than date? What is the downside here? It's just less shitty people in the dating pool.

If you want to date a Yea Forumsirgins that badly I'm free this weekend.

The presence of an attractive man isn't enough, men get mad if fujos roll in and become the majority of fanart/porn.


Based. Yea Forums is seething.

oh god my fucking sides

Hey there

Imagine not being bi
>live once
>cut out half the fun

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I love Jojo for this. I love how araki incorporates poses into fights with male model like characters.
Modern anime fails in comparison to this.

>Why do men don't care about attractive male characters?

We do.

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t. tranny

Why, the only time guys will ask for guy characters to be less attractive is to parody when girls do it about girl characters

Because men like attractive people, both women and men. When they see an attractive male they get inspired, when they see an attractive woman they get attracted.

This is not the same for women who see any other woman that is more attractive than her as competition, yes this applies even to imaginary vidya characters.

I care, I want attractive male charecters in my vidya

Truly woman are the worst thing to have happened.

>one chance at life
>not born bisexual

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it's the truth. Women are catty and petty with each other, and that extends into fiction.

It's not the fault of men that women can't figure out how to offer more than a waifu and an onahole can. That's the real answer to OP's question, women demand much more out of a man (financial stability, physical protection, etc.) that can't be provided by a fictional character, which is why men aren't threatened by them. Women are so useless that they have nothing to offer over characters, which is why they bitch about it. Because a fucking drawing made by a horny Japanese man is literally a better choice than (You).

>while pretty much person over the age of 5 acknowledges that fiction isn't reality
>implying women are capable of this kind of advanced reasoning

>draw girl
>add a dick

Not really. It's just women should have no power over artistic expression in any medium.

you forgot
>call it a boy


>implying I wouldn't make Nier my daddy

Because men are gay as fuck dude, lmao.

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Don't cut yourself on that edge.

Argue with him.Thats right you can't

I can feel the raw negative energy through the monitor

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Go find the old threads about Mobius Final Fantasy if you want to prove yourself wrong. Men bitched about the main character having revealing armor until Square-Enix changed it. They used all the same arguments feminists do about female characters, too, like calling skimpy armor "unrealistic".

>It's not the fault of men that women can't figure out how to offer more than a waifu and an onahole can
Dude, you are a millennial, you are part of a generation that's obsessed with asinine politics called "identity politics" because all of you lack purpose.

None of you have any use, you have absolutely nothing more in your lives than breeding.
And no, playing videogames, watching movies and having a boring job is not something meaningful.

You are a product of your enviroment, and you grew up in an enviroment where you had everything offered to you in a silver plate, both men and women.
Which is why millennials have no use for anything, and in fact, they are going to be remembered as a generation that only destroyed, instead of building.

Women aren’t complex and neither are men. You can explain the actions of both fairly easily as the reasons why they have natural desires to do thinks we know are illogical are ingrained in our DNA.

Women are pathetic and jealous creatures. The concept of improving one self and do better never fucking occur to most of them, instead they destroy the opposition to feel better about themselves, and cute anime girls is one HUGE opposition.

>Simply seeing an attractive fictional women on screen doesn't sent women into a frothing rage like you people seem to think.

Not him but its not that they see them as competition but as an "impossible standard" that somehow they feel obligated to obtain even though no one is telling them to do so. Thats why theres such a push for average/plain/realistic looking women in western vidya so that any real woman who glances at the characters in those games won't feel some "pressure" to reach that level. Then you have game journos calling out how "unrealistic" the characters look

Its fucking stupid, just shows how little understanding of the separation of fantasy and reality these people have. What's the point of videogames when they must adhere so strictly to reality just so triggered landwhales and feminists don't feel offended?

It was the same with that bikini ad a while back which got outcry from women who were criticizing the "unrealistic standards"

Load of BS

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Then do they want to censor and control evertything

Not all women, but unfortunately the triggered retards are a vocal minority

>one chance at life
>not born bisexual

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People aren't complicated, the only ones who are are crazy people and actual icons and heroes, but nowadays those have been replaced by fiction, by stupid superheroes and actors, so not even that.

>Which is why millennials have no use for anything, and in fact, they are going to be remembered as a generation that only destroyed, instead of building.
the boomers destroyed everything long before the millennials got here. it's virtually impossible for the millennials to leave the world in a worse state than they found it.

A man looks at another man that is attractive and thinks "Yeah i could look like that if I worked at it"
A woman looks at another woman that is attractive and thinks "It's not fair how come she gets to be so beautiful"

Men see other attractive men as a potential end goal that is attainable. Women see other attractive women as an impossible goal that is unattainable, and therefore should be removed.

women in general are more insecure than men, especially about their looks. Some shitty women also use sex as a way to control the men in their life, so if their men can get their rocks off somewhere else, like with a video game/anime girl for instance, that weakens the woman's control over their man.

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You wouldn't have to be concerned about pretty girls in video games and ask God to deal with your sides if you ate less, bitch.

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Women aren’t going to be able to compete with videogames through videogames (and movies, but no one watches movies anymore), they’ll compete in the realm of the physical, the real, because they offer something that men can’t do on their own (the average man, technically we can reproduce with technology now). Women can offer men children and help and support in basic ways, like a comfortable loving home to come home to after work, or a turkey sandwich on a hot Saturday after mowing the lawn. That’s the way my parents do it anyway, me I’m undateable because of crippling self loathing and Jew induced disease and mental illness. I’m working a minimum wage job, enough to barely sustain myself, but I’ll never be able to support a family. I’m sort of resigned to dying early. *emasculated whimpering noises*

>be boomer
>set forest on fire
>be millennial
>pour gasoline all around the flames to ensure the entire forest burns down

> it's virtually impossible for the millennials to leave the world in a worse state than they found it.
They already have, the 2010s are an absolute shitshow full of censorship, of stupid self-righteous slacktivists who don't do anything, and entertainment media that's all propaganda.
This wasn't around in the 2000s, probably because millennials were still kids back then.
Sadly, they got into politics, but remained kids mentally, to the point where they regressed to being 5 year olds and are now stuck in boy vs girl slapfights.

But what's worse is that the millennial is a creature that, with all confidence, will spout anything that fullfills his personal world view based on nothing but strawmen, even if it's outright false.
Let us hope history books skip the 2010s, and thank god millennials will soon lose the cultural spotlight.

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Motoko is such a good girl

Men see some one better and try/want to one up them and be better
Women see some one better and try to eliminate them to be the only one

>But what's worse is that the millennial is a creature that, with all confidence, will spout anything that fullfills his personal world view based on nothing but strawmen, even if it's outright false.
So all Yea Forumsirgins are millennials.

Being born bi is a meme. 95% of all bisexuals have conditioned themselves into being into men through futas, traps, trannies and anal play

And apparently it's bad for women to do that but okay for men to do that.

>like a comfortable loving home to come home to after work, or a turkey sandwich on a hot Saturday after mowing the lawn.

Good fucking luck with that nowadays.

those look like post-op trannies, though. how fucking gay are you, faggot?

No, the books specifically mention that Geralt was attractive. Yennefer took Geralt to a event to show him off. Geralt's ears picked up some conversations that would have made him blush if he didn't have control over his blood vessels.

Name one girl who isn't some astrology slaved, Harry Potter loving, game of thrones watching, eeveelution loving corporate cocksleeve.
Just name one girl.

To do what exactly? That statement just proclaimed that neither are complex and can be explained pretty easily. No actions were involved.

There's definitely plenty of those people.
There's people here who's views on women are based around Twitter screencaps, and who's concept of masculinity is all based around the "My name is John and I hate every single one of you" and Navy Seal copypastas.
Millennial "men" are so obsessed with being masculine that Yea Forums unironically has gone in 5 years from being self aware weirdos, to people who calls themselves chads for patting each other in the back over threads like this.
They claim that men should put women in their place, but what men are going to do that? Certainly not millennial betas.
At this point Gen Z flossers have surpassed millennials in social maturity.
After all, it's millennials the ones who are, right now, pretending superhero movies can change the world.

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>Women can offer men children and help and support in basic ways, like a comfortable loving home to come home to after work, or a turkey sandwich on a hot Saturday after mowing the lawn.
we've been conditioned to think this sounds sexist now, but this traditional sort of living is what actually works, and has worked for millennia. That support role is what women have evolved to offer the family, but modern women reject that role as a sexist notion, so now they have nothing but sex to offer, which men can satisfy in other ways. They brought this all on themselves by thinking they're too good for those tasks.

So what group are you from exactly?

this is a tranny, move along everyone

All I ever see Yea Forums say about women is how they're bad evil demon beasts for those thing you dumbed down their entire being into.

I've kind of tried conditioning myself, but no matter how hard I try to get off on traps or men I otherwise acknowledge as attractive, I just can't bring myself to find them sexually attractive at all.

Lel at the assmad femanon trying to reach.

because men got it easy. unless your face and genetics are absolutely fucked beyond recognition you can eat healthy and lift weights to eventually become a very attractive male. when you're a female if you arent lucky enough to be born with a godlike face there is almost nothing you can do to improve your situation. even keeping your weight in check, taking care of your skin etc doesnt really matter when youre still ugly at the end of the day. and unlike men beauty is the only thing women have and only thing most men (and society at large too desu) look for in women. thats why being reminded that youre ugly sucks.

Born in 1996, so not sure if millennial or Gen Z.

>they should remain only our fucktoys and servants, this is what they evolved as and what we demand of them!
I remember these Ferengi episodes of TNG and DS9.

Men also have "ugly hot" which women very, VERY rarely can pull off.

What things you delusional autist? I didn’t dumb anything down I explained very simply that neither are complex. What specifically are you claiming.

>men got it easy
Even the ugliest woman can find someone who'd be happy to fuck her. Can't say the same for men.

>the only thing women have that we care about is looks, they're not even human unless they're hot
And then you children wonder why women hate you.

>implying MGTOW is not built by the jews to kill off white men

you are the problem. you think going out and doing things like manual labor or endangering yourself for the sake of providing for your family is any easier than caring for the home? both sides have to be taken care of and man and women have evolved to fill those two roles perfectly. no one is a servant to anyone, both people are contributing to each other's wellbeing.

Most men find most women attractive. That isn’t there problem. Men and women seek different traits for partners so it doubly doesn’t matter.

>be woman
>be a whore

>be a man
>be a neckbeard

>blame each other for the state of the world when neither provide anything to it
>when both their lives revolve entirely around playing videogames and watching terrible blockbuster movies
>when called out, blame boomers, although if millennials were in charge we would already be in WWIII over something another superpower's citizen said on the internet

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>Attractive male characters

Unlike what you posted.


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>At this point Gen Z flossers have surpassed millennials in social maturity.
you're joking, right? zoomers are going to be far worse than the millennials have been, mark my words

That's not conditioning. You can't force yourself to be into something sexually. You have to slowly ease yourself into it through things you can actually enjoy.
This is why all those soys who """experiment""" by doing gay and cuck shit are so pathetic. They are literally abusing themselves physically and mentally just to seem more cool and progressive.

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That's where you're wrong, sweetie.

Its all about aesthetics

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>tag is ugly bastard
>people in the comments still say how fucking disgusting it is and wish they guy was better looking

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With luck they'll be disgusted at everything millennials have done and make not being a political activist a cool thing, in the form counter culture.
That alone would go a long way to fix this shit.

And honestly, millennials should be glad if they don't eventually get all lynched to death over all the damage they have done in only 10 years.

Boomers are absolutely at fault. Millennial are only just recently capable of holding office. You literally can’t blame them.

>ugly hot
examples of this?

>Millennial are only just recently capable of holding office.
And we've all seen what that comes down to, with that latina socialist who appeals to voters by streaming games on Twitch.
When millennials get into power, it's a matter of time before WWIII begins, and it'll be over the most asinine shit you could ever imagine.

I love seeing vanillababs get triggered

what makes you think millennials are responsible for the damage? boomers are still the ones holding the media's yoke at this point.
and the kind of political activist, identity politics obsessed millennial you're talking about really isn't all that common outside of twitter and university campuses. i've never met a person in that age group who acted like that in real life. granted i live in the midwest and i know it's probably more common towards the coasts (ocean air must melt your brain), but i still think you're overblowing just how many of those people exist

why do women have no discernable sense of passion

>they should only be our fucktoys
>implying the capacity for motherhood is something to play with

what the actual fuck is wrong with people

Imagine all the hassle and drama of being straight, is it really worth it? All the problems of gay people are caused by straight people too.

1996 or 1969?
You sound like an angry old crippled roasty I'm familiar with.

Oh yeah, I bet being gay is fine when you find a good looking guy and there's a 99% chance that he's straight.

I voted for Trump, thus preventing all future wars, and I’m a millennial. You’re welcome.

Men have been sexually selected for fucking ever, since probably when we were more like lemurs. Our psychology is to compete and prove to women but never give up the chance to pass on our genes.

Women have been the selectors for longer, like most species their biological iniative pretends it's "perfect" even when it isn't because they'll breed anyway.
When sexual dimorphism caused women to start depending on men for survival, men gained a degree of sexual selection, a partial one in that they'd ignore less attractive women for better ones.
Women have not been able to cope with this on an evolutionary scale, their only means of sexual competition is to bully and fight other women away so they're the hottest girl in the room.
So women attack anything that detracts from their sexual status, such as media that makes nerds they'll never fuck horny.

You’re mentally ill.

I know you're joking but when you think about it, most of the jews who brainwash gays to vote against their own interests are straight

sure is video games in here

They need to get it from men. In fact, that is why they are coming after “incels”. They want dick.

No, 1996.
Millennials are all walking caricatures.
Feminists are a joke, millennials pretending to be masculine sound stupid, it's all a series of shallow people with a prepackaged personality installed.
These people are so stupid that this identity politics thing, the culture war, which is clearly an artificial conflict (communists and neo-nazis all living in a capitalist country while almost never attacking each other except flamewars on social media? Who the fuck eats this shit up?), have made millennials have blind faith in governments.

Why do you have faith in politicians?

I don’t, I just like to fuck with mentally ill people like (you)

>if millennials were in charge we would already be in WWIII
You say this like it's a bad thing.

Who is the generation fighting who doesn't even understand what being a man or a woman is?
Who are the ones cutting off their dicks and attaching meat tubes made out of skin from other parts from their body?

Huh? That's weird, I could've sworn I was browsing /v not /pol.

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The most Jewed generation since the Weimar Republic

You sound very angry, user.
Who hurt you?

This user is right. A lot of millenials outside of cities--pretty much every fly-over state--avoid politics like the plague and we talk about it here for the memes.

>When sexual dimorphism caused women to start depending on men for survival
The fuck you're talking about? Women have never been dependant on men to survive. They're animals capable of hunting other animals easily and gathering just like men.

That's another thing about you millennials, you are so stupidly nihillistic that you think destroying the world is a good idea, even though you are the only reason the world is a shithole.
Why don't you kill yourselves?
It's a happy ending for all of us.

No, you vote because you actually, unironically believe that changes anything, but when you get called out on you blindly following politicians, you just go
>I-I just want to make others mad

If you just wanted to make people mad you'd just be making "NEVER EVER" threads in Yea Forums

And those are the roles they must remain in and never ever deviate from lest the human species becomes extinct.

>compartmentalization and strawmen
Nice autism user, doing the exact same thing you hate them for

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Millennial were sheltered by a great economic boom and a time period where people were able to instill the idea that you can't talk about race while also including diversity, likely the closest anyone has ever gotten to "color blindness".

But human nature began to pick at those masked differences enough where people felt there was something off in multicultural society because everyone had been given the same shallow identity of an America that "had no history, it's a place for everyone :^)".
Thus began the inevitable push towards identity politics.

>Women have never been dependant on men to survive.

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When did Moira from Overwatch get an anime?

>Millennial were sheltered by a great economic boom
What the actual fuck

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Alan Rickman, Putin, Daniel Craig
Hard mode: that gamer grump's ayylmao gf

>Who hurt you?
Modern activists, they dedicated 10 years to autistically screech for absolutely no reason and ruining everything, while no one is really sure what it's all about.

>we talk about it here for the memes.
Haha, yeah, it's just a joke, fuck the world, it's really funny, right?
Don't blame anyone when they call you a generation of manchildren.
Now i'm sure you have to fight over the racial quota of some superhero movie.

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they dont? i love cute women even more than i love cute men


did he mean

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Guys are okay with being a sex object.

Do you seriously think woman can't kill a fish and eat without a man? The fuck?

You are more annoying than a millennial.

by this

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>that's just a strawman!
I'll tell you the same I tell niggers when they call me racist: first stop proving me right.

it originates from how "corny" it looks.

but has inflated into "sex is bad/wrong" and jealousy.

>making this post on a board where every second thread is whining about women in western games not being attractive

I wonder?

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Most women don't care either, it's mainly dumbfuck white women and their token harpies making a fuss about this dumb shit.

Everybody does this. "My side has nuance and even if we have some shitty people they don't count, but THOSE people should all be judged by their shittest people." Whatever group you don't like, you judge them by their worst, and then bitch and complain when somebody does the same to your group.

I’ve never seen a woman do it tbqh senpai

Well yeah, millennials can only say "fuck sjws" and "fuck whites".

i've never seen you do it

Most Black characters are trash because they are the same perfect, soulful saint character. They're a sacred cow for leftist fucktards.

Can anybody name one Black villain who was in the wrong?

You got that mixed up. It originates from jealousy and “it looks corny” is the reason women give.

Those kind of girls are not on social media, and Yea Forums only understands society through the window of a Twitter screencap.

Good point. I usually eat fast food and cry in my bedroom.

literally me
except eeveelutions i guess but i got bored of pokemon years ago

They can, just like men can be a nurturing caretaker to a child without needing a woman around. But in the long run its better for women to take that role, just like its better for men to provide for women, especially those that are several months pregnant.

They could, but they didn't. Women are pretty much wired to have men do everything. This is why working women of higher income brackets are also the loneliest because they don't consider men that make less than them attractive, because for a man to be attractive he has to provide.

In those ancient tribal societies, sure women collected berries and shit sometimes but there weren't all female tribes running around hunting for food and shit. I mean take into account how much weaker women are muscle wise. Hell their entire bodies are designed to cling onto fat and not want to do shit because you need fat to be fertile and you need to not do shit to get fat, hence why women struggle with obesity in the modern era by succumbing to survival instincts that were useful when food wasn't abundant.

by millenials im sure he meant gen x dude

No, i'm talking about pic related, they are around their 30s.

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Those aren't men, tho. Those are robots.

>Most Black characters are trash because they are the same perfect, soulful saint character
They are? I've never seen any black male game characters like that. Maybe you should look at games in real life instead of the ones in your imaginary playworld.

>assuming everyone in that age bracket is like this
Drink a glass of milk and lie down.

Big Smoke and Ryder.

user, at the end of the day, you and your family's legacy, hell, your entire town will be only a bleep in time. So it's better to focus on yourself and your children's future rather than what use or whatever grandiose purpose your generation has to fulfill

Considering politicians and entertainment media seem to listen to these retards, I think it's safe to assume that.

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The ones that are angry are femcels who was bullied by Stacey . Now they want their revenge but are to beta to go against Stacey so they go after fictional Staceys instead

When I was at Boston Market the other day the black guy behind the cash register was inattentive and had to be reminded by myself and the cooks to attend to my order several times.

How old are you?

If i'm going to care about my future and my children's, first I should ensure that terrible people are not having any influence on society, but they are.
Next time these stupid millennial neo-nazis or feminists have another political rally or protest they should just send the military.
You'll see how fast they drop their act.

You’re fucking 12

>Eating at Boston Market
That place is literally the "Taco Bell" for Mexicans. It's unironically where hispanics go when they say "ayy I'm craving gringo food!".

this desu
women i know love sexiness in vidya, even ones who are interested in social issues are like "well it's probably not good but... it's ok"


Male fantasy

Have you actually seen those people?
They are all unhealthy weirdos who's ego has been inflated due to safe spaces where everyone pats each other in the back.
The moment they face an actual problem for the first time in their lives they'll man up pretty fucking quick or they'll just break down and get sent to an asylum where they should already be.

I bet they both have autism

>eating corporate food
i wish i had a boyfriend who would cook for me and be happy about it, and also that i wasn’t a diseased mentally ill loser on his way to an early grave

I know multiple girls who like hot video game girls. It's probably just you looking at twitter or tumblr screencaps user.

Clean your room.

/pol/ has contaminated you, my friend.
you are far too gone, it seems.
Yea Forums detox would be very beneficial for people like you.

I don't like female characters that are badly written, are mary sues, are forced into the game or have some shitty agenda behind them.
I also want to see characters that are actually attractive because creating such characters require talent. Western developers mostly create ugly characters that require less time and effort to create.

Get busy living' or get busy dying

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Gamergate, the election, and chanology were all a mistake. I miss when we just had regular, run of the mill edgelords on here. Not political edgelords.

Ah yes, the catchphrase from one of your stupid boomer "philosophers".
Go suck them off elsewhere.

Visiting /pol/ and seeing their autism and their complete innaction only contributed to my hate for millennials and specially towards activists.

Because women actually want sexy males and won't bitch about it, it's the SJWs that screeches the second they see a sexy girl instead

Cope harder 3D pig.

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women see superior women as competition, men see superior men as role models, so ugly men see shirtless attractive men and think "he's cool, he gets lots of women, maybe learn from him" and ugly women see almost naked models and go "she's a threat to me, she will steal all the men, ruin her life"

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Basically the same age bracket? Like you're pretty much both millennial and zoomer
Unless you think when a corporate designated year passes that generation all changes as one

Do you really think the political divide of is limited to millennials?
I hate it as well but there's as many boomers and zoomers guilty of it too

This: Also women are so dumb they can't even differentiate between reality and fiction, so an attractive woman is always a threat, even if it is a fucking Mongolian canvas drawing.

Wait you are telling me I society doesn't expect me to be able to fire Kamehamehas like Goku?
But this kids TV show had it, I just assumed thats what people expect from me.
t.if males were girls

>inequal control of the modern sexual dynamic, it's with men?
Thirsty men are indeed the ones who give women the power.

When I see a hypermasculine caricature that reminds me of my own failings, i might be sad.
But i have the awareness to realise that that`s my own fucking problems and not whine on twitter that Brock from Venture bros is unrealistic role model.

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>they can't even differentiate between reality and fiction
You say that when Yea Forums spent months saying that Battlefield V was rewriting history?

it's kinda funny but kinda sad to watch these threads and see these men who are utterly convinced that they know how women work, while also being completely clueless

evry MC of a GTA game

>look forward to our next historical game!!!
>strong woman with tribal paintings and a fucking bionic arm
You're mixing things here.

no woman actually holds you to that standard tho, while men expect every woman to be a supermodel

You mean like how men didn't whine about Vaan...oh wait. Or like how SE didn't have to change the MC's outfit in that shitty mobile game because dude's complained his outfit was too revealing...oh wait.

personal merit and good personality are worth shit for men and women and this is how it should be.

you mongrel genetics will not get to reproduce. sorry cunt.

boomers? trannies have been around for forever, boomers love drag clubs. and millennials certainly aren't old enough to have been the ones to develop the methods and procedures used by transsexuals now.

No, it's you millennials always thinking that stupid videogames can affect real life.
Just because the life of a millennial revolves entirely around playing videogames and watching shitty movies doesn't mean the rest of the world does.
A game can't change history, just like a character being attractive shouldn't trigger anyone.

You are just a bunch of easily offended spoiled retards.

Idgaf what kind of characters there are. I just want a game that is fun.

Because I appreciate abs either way. No homo

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No, it's the company selling something as historically accurate when it blatantly fucking isn't.

Men do care, they care a fuck ton. Lying about it and trying to save face doesn't matter. If you're going to blanket statement all women (Which, by the way of ton of women don't care about sexy women in games), then the same statement can be applied to men (which, again, most men don't care).
See: God Eater 3, Fire Emblem Three Houses, etc.

No, it's millennial autism and their addiction to outrage.
Then again, as we all know, BFV was also made by millennials.

>See: God Eater 3, Fire Emblem Three Houses, etc.
can you explain how those games are related to this?

Yeah, women know how men work but not the other way around

That's a lie.

God Eater 3 has an extremely attractive male companion, Fire emblem three houses has two extremely attractive main characters. The men absolutely hate it and seethe at it and call it fujo pandering.

Nobody would have raged if they had presented it a wacky alternate history, just like how nobody ever raged at the Valkyria Chronicles series, even though they also feature strong women.

In the past both knew each other pretty well, and what their own strengths were.
Not nowadays, nowadays men and women are all autistic.

The number of males that want a supermodel is no more than a number of women that wants a chad.
But supeficial men only care about beauty, while a lot of superficial women are gold diggers.

I get the feeling you've never actually been in a FE thread.

i love hugo but i'm also a faggot so maybe you're right

and boomers watched TV
and zoomers watch video games on twitch
same shit

>Man sees a better looking man: Fuck I wish I looked like that
>Woman sees a better looking woman: Fuck that bitch I hope she gets fat

>Fire emblem three houses has two extremely attractive main characters

lol this is such a lie

Your retarded.

>guy looks like a complete millenial
>shits on millenials
Whata fucking 30 yo zoomer.

Feels good to be a grill that loves both sexy girls and boys in vidya.

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i don't know how men work exactly, i have an understanding of what to expect from one but i couldn't tell you why

>Nobody would have raged if they had presented it a wacky alternate history
You mean like Wolfenstein?
Nobody fucking cares, it's just millennials have absolutely nothing more in their lives beyond being outraged over asinine garbage.
We should draft all millennials, that will make themselves feel useful, man up, or they will just get killed.
All are better than having another 30 years of constant autistic screeching over shit nobody really cares about.

Just ignore him.

Men don't behave like children when it comes to this stuff

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I can hear your meatflaps flapping from here roastie.

I have, many times. The number one thing that always gets posted is how they hate the art and how it's fujo pandering.

>when you are such a cancerous generation that your succesors, predecessors and even your own generation shits on you
Imagine what they must have done to interrupt the classic "hurr, these younger kids".

fujoshis are nice people.

>he can't shit talk his own people without getting insecure
big yikes

it's kinda funny but kinda sad to see this posts and see these women who are utterly convinced that they know how men work, while also being completely clueless

>spotted the pseudo-intellectual millennial trying to start a flame war
kys faggot you're literally screeching over something no one cares about

>you can see his briefs under his leggings
h-hot desu

Thanks for proving the point, you retarded incel. I'm a man.

seething roasties

Literally the only games I have played this year have had female MCs
Even Dark Souls 3, I made a female character, made her blue and fat, called her Aunt Jemima

t. woman

No one cares about the only passion millennials are capable of having?

You’re right. I typically avoid women due to lack of interest.

complaining about fujo pandering isn't the same as being threaten by bishos. And yeah, the art is bad on a fundamental level. Stop trying to twist things that have no deeper meaning.

>feminists unironically think men are bothered by handsome/beautiful male characters in fiction
>in reality we admire them and wish we were like them
>only women get triggered about beauty

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>in reality we admire them and wish we were like them
I don't, I like being me.
There's no character that I would prefer being over me.

the post you replied to outright admits that i don't. you can read, right?

Hugo is based, fuck off cunt.

Don't use pictures of my wife to shitpost ever again.

That is a minority of insecure women. There really isn't an equivalent like that happening to males at this time.

women are in constant competition with other women, constant envy, and treat each other horrifically at every opportunity. there is no doubt they will try ban things like VR sex games because every one of these things that comes out lowers the market value of vagina. they get their power from vagina market value and this is why politicians and media constantly try to uplift them.

>Bad on a fundamental level
Because? The men are attractive? Cope harder, retard. Don't get triggered when your blanket statement gets thrown back are you.
Most sane and rational people don't give are single fuck about this. Stop paying so much attention to a vocal minority.

>worst generation
>not the ones that fell for the retarded political ideologies and started two world wars
>not the post-war one of manchildren that partied the world into shit and abolished all good traditions
>not the newest generation that is so pumped full of trash media, narcissism and artificial foods that they might as well not be classified as human

damn that confidence... I wish I was this guy

What I posted was the truth.

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>>>in reality we admire them and wish we were like them
Speak for yourself, bara disgusts me and theres very few male vidya characters I admire enough to want to be like - pic related

Only thing is unlike these nutjob SJW/feminists I'm not gonna go on a fucking moral crusade to get bara and other male character archetypes I dislike removed from all vidya under pain of social and monetary ostracization

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>in reality we admire them and wish we were like them
Father nier best nier... Faggot...

evidently not lol

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I have never been upset by attractive male characters or even yaoi. You know what does annoy me, though? Over-localization and censorship.

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>in reality we admire them and wish we were like them
War is human nature, you can't stop that, it's like telling women to not love their children or telling a man to not like tits.

>not the post-war one of manchildren that partied the world into shit and abolished all good traditions

>not the newest generation that is so pumped full of trash media, narcissism and artificial foods that they might as well not be classified as human
And millennials.

A 22 year old with this much hate for his own generation can’t be real. You must be CIA.

Well, then we should start shutting up the mouths of millennials so we don't have to put up with their autism.
And specially with their stupid idea of political activism.

For the same reason men get shitty if there isn't a fapbait female in the game, but women don't particularly care if the men are not conventionally attractive.
Granted, both this and OP only apply to American.


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so you care about attractive men in video games?

Almost like the entire point of the statement was that blanket statements are retarded and trying to pretend like "Your team" is sane and rational and the "opponents" are irrational is fucking stupid.

"Ugly" and "unattractive" aren't mutually inclusive. He was supposed to be hard on the eyes in a conventional sense, but being fit, charming, acting in a professional manner and able to fuck without risk of pregnancy has it's own appeal.

As a black person i often find myself get pissed at how fucking shitty mainstream black characters are treated

The art is just straight up bad, the female characters don't look good either. I don't care about fujo-pandering or whatever since I'm just there for the gameplay, but it looks amateurish compared to Hidari and even Kozaki.

totally should, the big gay babies and their temper tantrums need to stop

No, I'm just old enough to remember that Yea Forums used to shit on CJ, and SA as a whole, because it had a black protag.
SA becoming accepted happened the same time the Halo trolls finally died off.

Not at all.
I'm in the military, but I would never even touch an intelligence agency, even less one as incompetent as the CIA.

not really. i do like to see them in video games tho.

oh ok then, guess i was wrong, my bad bro

i dont like "sexiness" like this because 2b's default outfit is perfect and changing it is gay

First, a tomato doesn't have a Nier. Second, a tomato was shitty compared to Gestalt. You give up one of the greatest vidya stories and soundtracks for meh story, meh soundtrack, and meh combat. Hell, to show how meh the game was, you could just buy all your trophies in the end...

>ad hominem already
Jesus fuck lady, calm your fucking tits. You can't argue without being a retard?

It's bad because the fujo artist can't draw armor and most of the works from the artist are generic otome games, not to mention the girls are fucking terrible. Anime guys being pretty in video games isn't a new concept even in non-otome games.

Fuck humans desu. Make way for the homo superior.

>oversized underwear and saggy tits
How are there more than 2 people in the world that find this attractive?

it's okay bro. have a nice day

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Dude, it's the CIA who orchestrated the culture war.
People went from criticizing the government and powerful people so much, culminating in the Occupy Wall Street thing, to now blindly following the government (depending on the party) and only pointing fingers at other civilians.

Bara is one of several ideals for men, not the only one.
Your autism disallows you actual intelligence.

Please, whenever you see black characters that stand out to you as having traits that you particularly like or dislike, take notes about it.

Thanks for admitting your brainwashed. Go suck your CO’s clit.

I remember still being really angsty and emotional at 22 tbf

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I'm in the reserve and i've been for 2 years already.
I don't do anything at all.
And our CO is a pretty chill guy, he usually invites us for drinks on Fridays.

I'm not on a team. I just like playing an unadulterated product, meaning I'd prefer a faithful translation and no censorship regardless of the product's content.
You're not always going to be a game's audience.
Also, if you're going to compare women whining about sexism in video games with men doing the same, at least acknowledge that men do it far less if at all.

My point is, if he's attractive, he's not UNattractive. Thus he can't be counted as an unattractive male character. Perhaps to the male eye, but men generally don't care about how a man looks attraction wise.

you too

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>meh soundtrack
You should seriously consider getting a better taste. Automata's soundtrack is at least as good as the original Nier's and definitely one of the best OSTs for anything ever, period.

I still wouldn’t associate with you outside of 4channel.

sauce, more?

I loved this dude

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because with enough work 99% of men can look like greek gods

a woman born with huge hips, saggy tits and an ugly face will always be ugly no matter what

That's fine by me, I only keep people close if they are family or useful.


>why arent straight men getting googly eyed over other men

Jeez i wonder user

Yeah, true winners are those warriors fighting fiercely over the racial and sex quota of superhero movies.

Get off of Yea Forums. For you’re own good retart.

Left 4 Dead
Left 4 Dead 2
Final Fantasy 7
San Andreas
Walking Dead

It's not like I can do much else until I go home.


You’re a millennial.

Bara? What bara?
And it's not like I used an example of some useless prettyboy, the picture was of Bruno, someone even far manlier than Hunk from RE2. Charismatic leader of men.

Hot men in video games are usually supposed to be stand-in characters for the player and hot women are usually put in games to serve as eye candy. The result is that depictions or attractive women in video games are *often* called sexist because they lack autonomy or respect within the narrative. This results in 3 IQ brainlets like OP conflating criticism of depictions of women that are demeaning with depictions of women that are attractive.

Example: Overwatch has characters (including many women) that are very attractive but has been very well received because Tracer/Mercy/D.va are self-determined and unobjectified within the franchise.

twitter.com/Rikolo3D/status/1097212151205412866 this person made it

kratos is not black.

An actual big brained post

Damn, you hurt my feelings and now i'm outraged.
Please, shut down Yea Forums.

women are insecure trash

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some bitch that focuses on futa more than anything

Looked it up and it means some gay shit, so what you are saying is that you're retarded? Because no one was talking about gay characters

would have been bigger brained if he pointed out this was the thinly veiled gay thread

The audience for Overwatch is much bigger. It was intended to be an e-sport.
Localizing a game like Catherine: Full Body to be more sensitive with the subject matter to appeal to maybe 1-5% of the people that will play the game is more offensive to their actual market than not changing it.

Tweet about it. Retart

>posts 3 dull soulless tracks to prove his point
Yeah nice job proving me wrong? Hell, at least post some songs that show more variety like;


You would have had a better chance including something like;


You could buy the trophies in the original game as well "praising a game I've never played"-kun.

OP asked the question, I answered. You can say “a lack of sexism is not an ideal I want to pursue” but OP wondered why people found most depictions of hot women sexist.

No, that place smells of avocados, söylent and unemployment.

>entire point of the statement
Did you write it? Because if not, there is literally no way to interpret that post as such.

Cry more. This is the gay thread, and you belong here.

Attractive men are for men. It's called a male power fantasy.

kek when will game physics sort themselves out

Not taking the chance to be an ugly bisexual and suffering twice the amount of pain and loneliness.

SJWs are pretty evenly spread among both sexes. And men can get jealous of other men, but you're generally seen as weak by other men if you show it. Jealous women get supported by other jealous women to tear down the successful/attractive one.

Wasn't this the outrage general?
I'm sure I got in here here to poke at millennials.

If you can buy trophies in Gestalt, feel free to provide a source.

Chad characters in video games actually make me wanna go work out and try to build muscle to be a bit more like them.

I know I cant be the only one.
Even Wario that fat fuck. Watching him pump irons in his idle animations makes me wanna go try it.

How are Adam and Eve stand-in characters for the player when you never control them? Two out of the three player characters in Automata are female, and while they have sexually appealing designs, I wouldn't consider them sexist. A2 and 2B's designs and personalities aren't demeaning to them at all; in fact, they're frequently portrayed as incredibly strong.

I'm not saying you're wrong (You're right), but Nier: Automata itself doesn't exactly fit your argument. A game like Catherine or Persona, however, does. In any case, games can be sexist or inclusive if they want. It's about the audience they're going for.

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>Hates attractive men because they're a male power fantasy
>Hates attractive women because they're unrealistic
Maybe you should not be playing video games

If men don't mind attractive male characters, why do they resent the idea of picking a male player character and seeing a man's ass ?

That doesn't make any sense. Female protagonists and fighting game characters don't escape criticism even when they are clearly driven and powerful but might wear revealing clothing. Fighting game characters specifically exist in a world where no one bats an eye when R. Mika crushes her opponent's head between her ass cheeks, its just considered another martial art.
Criticisms of depictions of women that are demeaning and ones of women that are attractive will never be properly differentiated because as long as the subject stays within the realm of "I know it when I see it" people with an axe to grind will be able to stir up controversy, especially in the west but not uniquely, rather than giving the market what it wants.


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You were lured in by Op’s pic.

Actually it was the text, it was obvious bait for millennials and their sociological autism.

people loved snake's ass in Super smash bro's though.

they even made multiple memes out of it.

user was saying that people conflate attractive female characters as being sexist despite the context of the game and vice versa.
Attractive =/= Sexist, Sexist =/= Attractive.

Sexism is a selling point for some people, either way, and it has a place in the video games industry. Hot characters can exist just to be hot.

the only power women have is sex
attractive video game females take that power away from women which leaves them with nothing

Mike Pence has what you need.

>unironically getting mad that men like sexy fictional girls
Also guys who prefer 2D to the point of completely disregarding 3D are exceedingly rare you seething twit.

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Sorry, I don't believe in politicians.


Most women don't care, most women don't even play games in the first place, normal women's favorite singers and actress are all blonde, white, beauties, remember that minorities are always the loudest.

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Because men see other better men as inspiration instead of competition

I thought you people found those words too offensive.

>saggy tits
you don't know what you're talking about

>user says he doesn't care for politics
>You have such a hard on for Pence you call him a faggot


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Aha. I see now. You’re truly insufferable and the worst kind of being.

Gen Z here (depending on who you ask), we have even more girl vs. boy shitflinging.
The truth of the matter is that boomers and gen X got the ball rolling when it comes to the erosion of gender relations, the rest of us are just the ones who have to suffer the effects.

That’s spot on

Also women have a greater chance of internalizing concepts in media. Western culture hypnotized everyone into genuinely thinking they are unique, a cancer that becomes radicalized by the internet feeding their delusions in hope they feed their own. Any normal person would stop caring but now with most of the internet being echo chambers with whoever has the biggest and most soapboxes wins; removing or banning criticism as one side grows and consumes the other... The weakest and most vulnerable take even this false strength in hopes it can used instead of their true values.

It's obvious the solution is to eliminate anyone born between 1980 and 1995.


If we were talking about in-game 2B, then you would be correct. I'm referring to the pic that was posted. Her tits are almost down to her stomach for crying out loud...

>yet women go insane if there's a cute girl in a video game?

only butt ugly sjw go insane over it. Can't have anything better looking than themselves so they drag everything down to their own butt ugly level. They refuse to go to the gym because they're lazy fat asses.

There's nothing wrong with the tits

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men aspire

women compare

Whoa, it uses industrial sounds and breakbeats, that means its the same thing

doesnt sound remotely similar and depth of composition just doesnt even approach the monaka piece

All women are either lesbian or bisexual. They've done studies that show women get aroused by nude female bodies.

I wasn't saying anything bad, I like both songs

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The Kirby one sounds too punchy and dull, and the squeak noise in it is pissing me off. If you tried to offer that as a similar song for me, then thanks but no thanks...

Then you’re bi or pan retard. I look at attractive men and women without feeling aroused until I’m comfortable with them or at least share things in common with them. But if just looking at a picture turns you on, especially idealistic or sexualized interpretations of power or lack there of; it’s probably too much porn. I’m guessing futa or rape, obscene fetishes are literally degenerative if you consume them regularly.

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Extend that to include anyone born between 1950 and 1964 and you're right on.

What did Schopenhauer say?

>Why do men don't care about attractive male characters
actually, we like them, sometimes aspiring to be them, sometimes they're legit cool, sometimes ironically


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jesus christ, he looks like a slav

money money money
>lodsa lodsa lodsa

Same with men desu. All men are bi. More accurately, everyone is omni-sexual, with, usually, a strong preference for their opposite gender; but realistically speaking, getting off is just a matter of mechanics, and we’ve evolved to get off when doing the reproducy thing

Fuck man, what's going on in Lithaunia? Are they getting cucked by every other country importing their women?

I think everyone can look decent with a decent amount of restraint and discipline. Muscles can't fix being manlet, bald, or chinlet though.

I'm gay and I want all men to be attractive, hot, and sexualized in all video games.

>tfw chuck norris was looked up to by Yea Forums before normalfags invaded
>aka the worst kinds of males the world has to offer and we still weren't put off by attractive male role models that were clearly better than us in every way

>attractive female character

>attractive male character

you mean remove the conditioning that society ingrains in people against anal play

desu i don't get why so many fags (men and women faggots) don't want attractive characters in games
shouldn't lesbians also be interested in attractive females?

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Jesus Christ Baltics. What gives?


Notice though how women and feminists don't actually want to purge attractive male characters. They'll half-heartedly grumble about muh male power fantasy, then go right back to schlicking to those fantasies.

It's literally only white women though.
I legit cannot find a single example of a lone black woman who isn't just a coon mouthpiece for retarded white women whining about the sexy women in vidya/anime.
Get rid of white women and the problem literally solves itself.

>The contrast is even greater today, with WHO statistics showing China as the only country where the suicide rate of females matches or exceeds that of males

Im not upset that they are attractive, quite the opposite. I find the character designs incredibly ugly, not just the males but the females as well. Marth, Chrom, Roy and Ike are all attractive characters and I have no problem playing as them.

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Probably the fact that making enough money to live is very hard in Slavic countries, and its the man that has to do that. The women can just leech off the men as always.

They're sad because Communism has never been tried in its true form.

>For the same reason men get shitty if there isn't a fapbait female in the game
When did that ever happen?
I don't remember anyone complaining about absence of females in games like Doom or Serious Sam

>being born a white man
>Current Objective:
>Just go ahead and kill yourself because its too late
I find it funny that we teach that Nazi's are bad, and we accept LITERAL Nazi's as bad, but we embrace the bad ideals behind them such as wanting the extinction of an inferior set of humans white males. Such a fucking ass backwards hypocritical society that exists today... I always thought history class was a waste of time, but they would say "those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it". Yet here we fucking are...

On topic, I'd welcome some snazzy looking males in Monster Hunter rather than male armor being "realistic" looking like it weighs more than a god damn pickup truck... If I had Goblin Slayer style armor or some snazzy looking shit I'd actually play as a male instead of female.

I care more that the player character or dude i look like looks cool.

>tried in its true form
No, it has been tried in its true form plenty of times. It just hasn't been tried in its unrealistic/idealistic form. It is unrealistic for a reason though... When will you faggots stop living in dream land and realize greed exists and will always exist no matter how hard you try.

>The men absolutely hate it and seethe at it and call it fujo pandering
I literally never heard of this. At all. I remember when Ike got buffed and there were some people complaining that he didn't look like his original self, but nothing about him looking too pretty. Why the fuck you roasties, on top of seething at pretty women, have to lie about men?

You shut your whore mouth.

lmao you retard
lh2 obvious sarcasm

>but all women are voiced by some shrieking Twitter harpies
Because they are legitimately removing pretty female characters from games, I don't see a counter movement from other women to stop this.

I think lesbians find feminine women unattractive? I am not 100% sure, but I think Captain Marvel and Rey from nu-Star Wars might be lesbian fantasies.

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oh good


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lolno you need amazing insertions and literally put poison in your body to look like those guys.

Either or both of these really.

>he thinks that is bara

>can't tell when someone is preaching to a person that isn't there
Don't insult someone's reading comprehension without being able to gauge their motives. It just makes you look like a fool.

>I literally never heard of this
Thats because it's not true.

Because most of the women who actually do like sexy women in vidya aren't white and/or don't speak English.
Unfortunately, white harpies are extremely vocal, so they drown out all the non-whites who speak English.

I mentioned bara because its the one look that disgusts me the most (hyper roided, more muscle than man), wasn't claiming the pic I was replying to was bara, though.

Anyways I mentioned it because despite despising it-
>I'm not gonna go on a fucking moral crusade to get bara and other male character archetypes I dislike removed from all vidya

So why can't feminists/SJW who dislike sexy vidya women do the same I don't know why, they take everything so personally and now we can't have sexy women like classic Lara Croft in our Western vidya games anymore

Attached: pacific_coasts_lara_croft__waterfall_by_7ipper-d74ei18.jpg (4500x3424, 3.3M)

>are usually supposed to be stand-in characters
How the fuck that would be the case if they don't look like the player at all? Why is "stand in" for one, despite the visual differences and "eye candy" for the other? Your doublethink is pathetic.

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I find it funny that people like you automatically believe what Hollywood tells them of Nazis, when the reality that you would find out if you ever looked at any source material from the Nazis themselves, is that they had no intention of making any race go extinct, and that they had no interest in determining which race is considered superior or inferior. It's all a bunch of propaganda nonsense.
They believed that Germans could become overmen through hundreds of years of sped up evolution through eugenics and social programs, not that they already are somehow inherently superior over anyone. That's made up bs after the war.

>tfw no vidyagaem twink in that exact outfit and pose in that setting

>pay is terrible, prices are higher than even in rich countries like sweeden
Thanks EU, it makes perfect sense to have higher prices than average in the poor countires, because everybody has a lot of money...oh wait..

twinks have no curves

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you’ve got a point. I still want to see it though

Hol up, you might be on to something.
Male attractiveness usually involves being a winner: having a steady job, not being ugly, nice clothes, confidence, while female attractiveness is almost pure vanity. There is nothing admirable about the pretty face of a woman or the conventional attractive traits of femininity, you can be envious of them sure, maybe even wish that you could just throw away the expectations of manhood and become a tranny, but you don't admire the pretty women for her virtues and accomplishments like you would the handsome man.

Attached: literally me and my bro.webm (1280x540, 2.92M)

>So why can't feminists/SJW who dislike sexy vidya women do the same
You really want to know? REALLY?
Watch it, by the end of it you'll be wiser on the subject.

Because not matter what SJWs say most men aren't faggots.

To the user who posted about ugly-hot women, I want to see some. Sounds hot.

They don't. Women tend to gravitate towards more pretty characters in video games. That's why characters like Peach, Palutena and Zamus are much more popular picks for women than Dark Samus in Smash, or Mercy is much more popular than Zarya in games like Overwatch. There is data that overwhelming support this. The girls who complain on women designs on the internet are usually fat or ugly themselves and like a huge amount of them are trannies, a very vocal minority.


use the reply buttan, newfag!

Pretty sure they thought Slavs were inferior

> They refuse to go to the gym
Not even that lol, they literally just have to diet and learn how to put makeup, that's it. They'll be desirable to most men if they can do those two things, not be fat and pretty their face with makeup/

>while female attractiveness is almost pure vanity
Not really, actually not at all, for both sexes you have physical beauty, such as big muscles for men and big breasts for women, and you have personality attractiveness, which for men were those things you described, for women it has ALWAYS been purity, virtue, a few decades ago we would be talking about being caring, just, delicate, lovable and so on, the problem is, women in the west have been tricked into thinking other things are virtues.

Everyone has heard and seeing women virtue signaling, it's because it's their peacocking, like a man telling how much he earns or showing his prowess in a specific field, for older women, you'll see them saying how much they helped someone during they day, or a great idea they had to make the house better, or something for a family reunion, THAT is also virtue signaling, but done by females that weren't raised to fuck up the western civilization.

>I find it funny that people like you automatically believe what Hollywood tells them of Nazis
I actually lean towards Hitler having learned Jew's teachings and saw it as harmful to the type of society he wanted, so he was trying to remove them from Germany and the surrounding area. Also, I've heard about the supposed burial grounds that have been ultrasonically tested showing no signs of disturbed soil, and that they now consider them protected spaces. Even if it is all bullshit, I inherently distrust any "historical facts" that comes from any source that doesn't want to allow people to investigate. If you care about the truth, you allow people to investigate the truth.

>not even knowing what realistic big breasts look like
those are finely shaped breasts under proper gravity you faggot
But i guess you wouldn't know that staring at weightless animu baloons or surgically fixed implanto-boobs

That's because you haven't even tried looking at it.
Or maybe you are just one of those racemixing shills.
Thankfully, you will get the rope.

Make-up actually fucks things up in the long run, or at least poor application of it. So many women complain about their complexions yet they don't realize most their issues stem from the make-up they're wearing basically choking their pores all day.