State trooper shot by 11-year-old-son because of video game

How do you handle a loss in a video game, Yea Forums?

Do you recognize the triviality of it and maintain composure or does your simple ape brain send you into a frothing chimp out like the state trooper's son in the news article or the mindless animals in this picture?

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Other urls found in this thread: & Wesson/M&P 15 Rifles/S&W M&P 15 SPORT II .223/5.56 16

My roommate was a rager and he played WoW every day.


>letting you kid have access to firearms without adult supervision

Quite literally the cops fault.

>suck at the game
>before my friend came over and we had a couple of drinks
>can't figure out the puzzle
>rage is spilling out
>grab one of the cans and bite it
>spit the chunk of the can at the monitor
>my mouth is now bleeding
>finish the boss anyway

The kid didn't lose at a game, his dad took his games away.
Reading is hard.

That's still considered a loss, you illiterate ape.

>because of video game
>Not because he was mentally ill and could get a gun without any problems

>because of video game

This kid's issues were much more deep seated than video games, and this would have likely happened over anything else. The real problem here is a lack of accountability from everyone involved, the kid for being a sperglord, the parents for not being capable of seeing their kid needed help, the school system for not providing help. and the kid's peers who likely egged him on.

That being said, the kid ought to be gassed. This problem is only going to get worse

How is a loss in a video game the same as the loss of a video game?
Read what you posted jacktard.

doubling down huh? wow.

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Are you pretending to be illiterate and retarded or something?

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Jesus, are you?
You just proved that the word has multiple meanings and that they are not the same thing.

cop should be gassed too for his piss poor parenting

>retards arguing about loss
Yep it's Yea Forums alright.

State trooper*

Well he got shot.

Why is it always blood thirsty white incels that go on a rampage?

>How do you handle a loss in a video game, Yea Forums?
>loss "in" a video game

Here's a quick guide to building your own AR-15 on the cheap.

This is the first part we're going to buy and it's the most important. This is the only part of an AR-15 that is regulated, you can purchase everything else without getting a background check except this. It will need to be mailed to a local dealer who will charge you a fee and background check you.

This kit contains the entire rest of the rifle. Stock, barrel, grip, trigger, barrel all that good stuff. It's a more basic kit but it will be enough to get you started on the AR-15 platform.

This punch set will help with assembly and is a good tool set to have for beginners.

These are your run of the mill magazines. I'd say 10 is a good start but you can get as many or little as you want. You can also likely head down to any local gun store to purchase some and meet your local FLGS owner.

After you get the parts it's time to assemble your rifle.

Some things to consider at this point:
>Clean your fucking gun
>Begin stockpiling ammunition. A little here and there never hurts.
>Look for an optic. Iron sights are fine but red dots / acogs go great if you have the money & Wesson/M&P 15 Rifles/S&W M&P 15 SPORT II .223/5.56 16
Want a full rifle instead? The S&W Sport II is your standard 'modern musket'

Remember, the fake news media is the enemy of the people
Video games!

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hello, ESL

>the boy told officers he wanted a Play Station, an XBox and a computer, and if he didn't get them, there would be a "part 2."

As much as I love videogames and how school grades are worthless until you get to college: fuck this kid. If by 11 years old you still feel entitled to everything in the world and are still stuck in your egocentrism phase then you should be euthanized.

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Do in and of mean the same thing in your head?

Which game was it?

>access to firearms
legislators faults T B H


How is it the fault of the legislation, you retard? The kid took the gun from his dad's POLICE car. The dad thought the kid was responsible and behaving like a man, so he turned his back to the kid and trusted him for the few seconds and then he just fucking grabbed the shit and shot him because his dad wouldn't buy him a ps4 and xbox.

k, how do i get a cute trap gf(male)?

>shitty parenting/lack of common sense is legislators fault

You don't let your child have unsupervised access to a firearm. Anybody with a brain knows this.

It's against the law for an 11-year-old to have a gun. Do you want the legislators to make it double-illegal?
>durr if there were no guns in America then the kid wouldn't have stolen one
The kid stole the gun from his dad who was a cop, and cops will have guns even if you take them away from civilians, so there's no legislative fix for what happened here. The only solution is for cops with children to be more responsible about storing their weapons when they're off-duty, and there are already laws for that shit too.

>was a cop
*is a cop

He's alive and should be fired for not securing his weapon.

Never fuck with a GAMER!

lolled out loud

I've never had that win-obsessed mentality, though I understand it's just nature for a lot of people.

Obviously I like winning, but most games for me are about the moment to moment experience. That's probably why I love really hard games. I feel lucky that I can enjoy games that way.

>says she has personally witnessed the boy hurt other children.
>“The behavior out of that child has escalated throughout the years. I personally have had issues with him and my child."
>She says the Department of Children Services created a “safety plan” for the boy after a serious fight this fall injured another neighborhood child.
>“I’ve seen how he can twist from being happy and playing like a team – a little baseball in the front yard to wanting to kill somebody and hit them and knock them to the ground bloody and bruised.”
>“They’ve done all of the paperwork. They’ve done all of the safety plans. They’ve done all of the preaching. They’ve done all of the counseling. They’ve done this. They’ve done that. Nothing is working, so I beg for the prosecutors to actually get involved and get this under control before we are sitting in a bigger funeral.”
>Court documents say the boy told officers he wanted a Play Station, an XBox and a computer, and if he didn't get them, there would be a "part 2."

Lock this little shit up for the next 30 years until he matured enough to even be mentally considered 11 years old. How pathetic.

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is that Destiny on the top left?

what does destiny have to do with this lmao

>part 2
What did the kid mean by this? Was it a threat?

He's a rager that has threatened to kill a large number of people.

>30 years
>for a sociopath who will live more than 30 years
lmao dude, sociopaths can't be rehabilitated

Reminder if you never get mad at video games you probably have low T.

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>has disciplinary issues in school
>suspected of participating in the beating of an 8 year old that was sent to the hospital for his injuries
>planned to shoot his father in the head, didn't cause he didn't get the chance
>tested his dad's Ra2der on the family dog
>said there'll be a "part 2" is he doesn't get the shit he wants
That's just a psychopath. Gas him now.

I mean, he was in law enforcement, so he was probably a dick anyway.

Did the parents just not care about him or what

Can't fix that kind of crazy. Just put him down, it's kinder in the long run.

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You're just bad at video games.

If only the state trooper had a gun to defend himself with

you think locking up an 11 year old for 30 years is going to turn him into a well adjusted individual
just execute him

>Court documents say the boy told officers he wanted a Play Station, an XBox and a computer, and if he didn't get them, there would be a "part 2.
>part 2

If I told my dad there would be a "part 2", he'd have taken everything from me and beat my ass for an hour

Why are western parents such pussies


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Negligent parents have spent decades trying to get the government to do everything in their stead to the point where doing anything but feeding and housing your kid is child endangerment

he said that to the cops, not his dad
i would assume his father was recovering from a bullet wound at the time

>How do you handle a loss in a video game
Whenever I get tired of dying in stalker I just play something chill like sims or a city builder instead

His dad is a cop too

That changes nothing about what I said


I just deal with it, feel bad in team games but the only thing you can do is get better

>said there will be a Part 2
Im fucking dying

>part 2
Is the kid gonna get euthanized for saying that