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Other urls found in this thread:


With how steam has been functioning lately it makes sense for a lot of devs to bail on them.

it's a bit like console launches

early adopters will buy nearly anything because the catalog is empty (that's why things like Knack sold millions)

even though it's just a piece of software rather than a console you paid for, once you have bothered to install it, it a similar deal

Add in the fact the game is bundled for free with some hardware, Im thinkin the game will have a solid playerbase. We did it bros

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You still have to download and boot Uplay anyways, steam was a waste of time.

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They also give you an additional garbage game when you preorder.

Huh? I only got division 2. What else do you get?


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>Release a New IP
>People like it
>The sequel gets more sales and preorders

But it used to be that if your game wasn't on Steam, your game was a flop - now Steam doesn't even matter

Ubishills, honest question: what's the appeal of The Division?
Redpill me.

Nah it only counts when you preorder, getting it with hardware doesn't count for it.

usually it's less even if people liked it

usually because they try to save on marketing by trying to sell from the name alone, and most of the sequel is also re-used assets

>more pre-orders than original
>adding the special offers when buying AMD CPUs and GPUs to the count

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Oh man, what great competition to Steam!

>"haha, serves them right. The only reason I didnt pre-oder was because it was on steam"

t. nobody, never

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Did people even like the Division 1 though? I bought it and while it looked good I found it really boring

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Fake news

>After playing the original people want more of this shit
Holy fuck

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The Division 1: Interesting setting, but ultimately bait and switch
The Division 2: Honestly have no idea, but it's supposedly fixing all of the quality of life problems with the first game... but why didn't the first game get those in a free patch?

I don't get people that buy AAA's.

Holy fuck, what did Valve do to piss game-journalists off?

>Not releasing it on steam makes it magically sell more

Nobody is dumb enough to belive this, right?

They been running the industry for a while. It costs a good bit to put games on steam so the devs have been wanting to quit. Shill media is of course bought out by these large companies

I got it free and I got dmc5 and resident evil free when I bought an AMD GPU.

Looking forward to it.

how many sales on Uplay?
how many sales on Epic Store?

yeah, but division 2 is going to be shit for at least a year after launch

People have different tastes and opinions, nothing new here. How old are you?

Old enough to know not to eat shit

Not many pre-ordered the division on PC back in the day. I'm guessing the article is filled with misinformation. I'm sure it meant to say that more people pre-ordered the division 2 on Uplay than they did for the first game, which was mostly Steam.

Looter shooters are ruining the game industry.

I blame Warframe as being the catalyst and Destiny for being what truly got things going for the rest of the AAA industry

>There are like 4 total games
>Ruining the industry
How fucking retarded are you?

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made up numbers

fucking retard

People absolutely are dumb enough to believe it, even as someone who wants to play it this shit is just plain dumb.


Everyone look at this intellectual! He only plays intelligent games for intelligent gamers! Rise up

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>more people than ever pre-order games
>most of the recent pre-order games have turned out to be bad
>FO76, BFV, Anthem, BFA and others
>rivers of tears are cried when people realize their mistake of pre-ordering because they got dabbed on
>REMEMBER: NO PRE-ORDERING! is parrotted all over the place
>yet people STILL keep pre-ordering more and more
What's your excuse for this madness?

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Valves announced their laissez-faire policy, which was in direct contradiction to the SJW's censorship policy. Ironic though that in practice, Valve has been doing nothing but bending over to the SJW's will.

>there was literally a 5 day open beta
>d-dumb uneducated preorderers!

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That is sad but what can you do?

yeah and some people have bad taste and insist mcdonalds is fine cuisine

And yet you do it daily.

Gamers are starting to rise up.

Literally IIRC every one of those literal games I literally mentioned had a literal beta.

>That is sad but what can you do?

Why is it sad? The Steam monopoly is over

dude desura doesn't even exist anymore

who the fuck like the division?!

Yeah and they were garbage, especially Anthem. I dont think fallout 76 did.

the steam monopoly hasn't existed for seven years

fuck off ching chong


Is good now, was shit at launch

76 did, you just had to order on amazon and then cancel. Didn't even take your money. Everyone did it.

Yeah dude, it's totally because of no-Steam and not because its a sequel. Sequels always sell more lol.

it's not "good", it's still boring bullshit, though admittedly it's more featuree complete and functional now than it was at launch

>I I swear It get's good 3 years later

Stop using words you dont understand

and people still ask why western make only garbage games, when the first sell 10 mil, don't cry when you get garbage games full of DLC, lootboxes, 50$ season pass, etc.

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YouTube and Steam are natural monopolies

So what are you even trying to say if you're that same guy who replied the first time?
That games who had betas of some sort are the only ones you're allowed to pre-order without getting laughed at or something?
I fail to see your point with this argument, honestly. Does it go like this?
>be some dude
>play beta version of some game
>wow, it's garbage!
>let's pre-order this shit! That's just how things are!
Is that it?

it'll have rampant cheating like aimbotting and teleporting in the dark zone so that's half the game you probably won't enjoy.

i always though ubisoft games were uplay only this article doesn't make sense

More and more retarded normies and newfags are getting into gaming, it's taking up a very large percentage of "gamers"

Not defending the game, just saying it got better and people liked it

Don't matter nothing. The beta was shit, no bugs, but boring gameplay overall. Shoot man, waddle to the next objective, toss out my fucking zoomer gopro drone to repair my armor every time it's up. Is this what's considered thrilling gameplay?

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Too bad dmm is typical retarded japs company. They have so many opportunities.


There is literally nothing wrong with that, and not a monopoly in the manner that we are speaking.

People that pre-order AAA games do so based off the previous game in the series and what other people are talking about. The first division game did actually put a lot of effort into fixing the game up improved teh launch version a lot. The first division game also absolutely cratered at launch, so beating it isn't hard.

>There is literally nothing wrong with that

Google Mumkey Jones

Absolutely based

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Why is this even an article?
>whoa hey guys this game from this store is selling better than if it sold from this store!

Who actually cares?

>new game is more expensive than a 5 year old one

literally seething

>see without steam there are more pre orders! Ignore that it's now an established IP with a player base, and it's also on two consoles...

That’s China for you

Take any recent AAA game and compared it to an epic exclusive on that website. On average you will be paying 20% more than if it had been on Steam.





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>Epic messed with gamers......

Im saying preordering is fine if you get a chance to try the beta. You can find out what you're paying for, and a lot of people enjoyed the division 2 beta. Deal with it you drooling faggot

>game is on Uplay
>literally never have to use ebin store

Woah Yea Forums is wrong again. Apex is dead also. Get fucked boomers

>we are doing fine
>but we wont release any numbers
damage control and literally the same situation metro was

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Now this is EPIC.

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I mean, for Ubisoft it makes sense because you still NEED their uPlay client no matter where you bought the game at.

>Apex is dead also

Wait, where's Ape-

Oh there it is

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Isn't it using ubisoft's own client program anyways? why does it even need to be on the Epic Store

So ubi could get epic money for bringing it there. Anyone and everyone who is interested in the game will get it on uplay.

Why is this surprising? Division 1 was a brand new IP so many people wanted to see the scores before buying it.
Meanwhile Division 2 is a established IP that has already built a fanbase. Of course Division 2 will have more preorders. And it has nothing to do with it not being on Steam.

in dollars or chink money?

>DLsite and DMM

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>why does it even need to be on the Epic Store

Why did they need to be on Steam?

Before it was about the exposure - now Steam is no longer relevant.

yeah i'm sure game journalists and epic would never lie
it must be true because a game journalist said it

half those stores exist because Steam allows devs to print infinite keys that they can sell to third party stores where valve takes 0% cut.

Don't forget that you are still FORCED to use Steam and forced to accept their ToS that allows them to freely collect and sell your private information.

>And it has nothing to do with it not being on Steam.

You're right, it has nothing to do with Steam because Steam is irrelevant now

Once again, its a ubisoft game. They literally give you a 20% off coupon to buy it on uplay, there is no reason to buy it anywhere else.

Is this game going too be good? I like "realistic" shooters, but not a big fan of the bullet sponge in Division 1. Have they done anything too address that?

It's not suprising in the slightest. The biggest PC games aren't even on Steam i.e. Blizzard games, The Sims, Minecraft, World of Tanks and some other big f2p games.

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you needed uplay for the fist one anyway so wasn't really no point in buying it in steam at that time either unless for a sale, and uplay usually has those sales as well. I don't have a problem with using uplay and origin for their shitty games but you got me fucked up if you think i'm using something like epic store for something epic didn't even publish.

It's selling better because there's been a lot more marketing than the first one and no E3 downgrade controversial for shitty consoles. with the xbox x and ps4 pro the game actually looks pretty decent so casuals are eating that shit up. There's also been several betas available for it, a lot more than the private ones for the first one. So it's selling better because of other reason and nothing to do with not being on steam.

I wouldn't preorder shit if it was 20% off

The biggest games on Steam is also played 90% by Chinks. Barely anyone play games on Steam anymore except third worlders and chinks.

you can't use that coupon for preorders or newly released games. You have to wait 3 months after release to use that coupon. Regardless, even if it were on steam, you will most likely need uplay DRM running at the same time so no reason to buy on steam either.

>Buying Ubisoft games on steam
Not falling for that double bloatware bullshit, steam or epic

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Makes sense when the only ads you see for games stores these days are just Epic Store

When has Steam ever advertised itself to the normie, LPer crowd?

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Steam added support for random garbage controllers and made them literally plug and play as opposed to fiddling with 360ce each time, I am forever loyal to Gaben our lord and savior.

They're essentially paypigs. They know the game is shit but the drip-feed of dopamine that they get from seeing numbers increase incrementally is too much to resist. It's why Destiny still has customers despite being just as braindead and shamelessly greedy.

The first game didn't launch on Steam either so it's a baseless comparison, Epic shill.

Must suck when you can't into computers.

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You see, ubisoft makes good, solid games compared to the developers of those games you listed

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The first game was broken to the point a large portion of it was actually unplayable. Who the fuck though having separate player and dark zone levels was a good idea? At a low to medium player level if you went into the dark zone you would just get 1 tapped by some overleveled fag who tanks 20,000 rounds without even taking a dent to his hp. I won't get this one because of how they handled the first, not just bc it isn't on steam.

It's an established IP with an existing playerbase now. If I release a decent game only on GOG and Itch tomorrow nobody would buy it.

>The first game didn't launch on Steam either


>Release Date: 7 Mar, 2016


>Release date: 8 March 2016


>ubisoft makes good, solid games

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>If I release a decent game only on GOG and Itch tomorrow nobody would buy it.

Because they are not actual competition to Steam's monopoly

Just look at how GoG got raped



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>make a battle royale
>everyone is a damage sponge
>force you to babysit 2 retards or play with friends
>remove all the mobility from titanfall 2
only saving grace is none of that building bullshit fortnite has

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>only saving grace is none of that building bullshit fortnite has

Too much of a brainlet for it?

Not him but the game is actually dying now thanks to the build autism.

Game is no longer about shooting each other, it's just building shit and bunkering up.

>you're a brainlet if you don't like RNG spread

>Not him but the game is actually dying

Apex is the only one that looks like it's dying.

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>Twitch numbers

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>bothering with a second launcher despite the fact it will have uplay either way

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Funny, I saw Valve drones using Twitch numbers to determine Anthem was dead...

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I think this is fake news. No one I know is excited for Division 2. Ubi is trying to promote their shit store.

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Yeah seems like bullshit. Who the fuck wants to play the division 2?

Steam drones did it

I want to play it because i liked the dark zone from the first game and this looks like a better version of it.

Does that include console pre-orders? That alone would offset total numbers.

Artists dont realise this kind of sentiment is very popular. I don't think anyone thinks the game is a masterpiece. But itll be a competent multiplayer shooter with loot

>calling me names
Keep eating shit m8

Don't most people only use Steam for $5 games and $1 Humble Bundle sales?


I can see it - the culture of Steam has been toxic (and not in the SJW way) to games and game sales, especially when you have thousands of games fighting for the same shelf space of relevancy.

So sites that have Steam keys for cheap (Humble, Fanatical, etc) are way more appealing than just straight up buying from Steam these days

It's not a monopoly, Steam just has more potential customers than GOG and better ways of guiding players who like certain things to the games they'll probably like, plus good sales, at least before. Steam was simply the first big digital distributor, if it'd been GOG instead then they would've been bigger and you would've called that a monopoly for no reason. Digital games distribution is currently an oligopoly if anything.
What are you trying to say with this? It was a good thing and it didn't last, it has no bearing on Steam being a supposed monopoly or GOG supposedly getting btfo.
>A monopoly (from Greek μόνος mónos ["alone" or "single"] and πωλεῖν pōleîn ["to sell"]) exists when a specific person or enterprise is the only supplier of a particular commodity. This contrasts with a monopsony which relates to a single entity's control of a market to purchase a good or service, and with oligopoly which consists of a few sellers dominating a market.[2] Monopolies are thus characterized by a lack of economic competition to produce the good or service, a lack of viable substitute goods, and the possibility of a high monopoly price well above the seller's marginal cost that leads to a high monopoly profit.


2019 I am forgotten

false comparison, fake news.

>It was a good thing and it didn't last

Because GoG isn't competition

What were the pre-order numbers for The Div1?

>Left handed mouse users

I thought this was just a myth and something dumb old people did.

>all those fucking faggots mad that they won't have to suffer through TWO fucking DRMs
>likely saving money since Ubisoft practically begs people to buy their games
what the fuck is wrong with these idiots, holy fuck


A bunch of braindead retards watching people actually good at games does not surmise a proper gaming market. It does however illustrate the laziness and disconnect of our current adolescences

im gonna cave anons
i love tom clancy games desu

>listening to the literal retard who thinks criticizing news for obvious lying equates to banning peoples ability to communicate.
Kill yourself.

Niche game for a niche audience

You might be thinking of someone else

Why Tom Clancy specifically?

I find the world of Tom Clancy games to be comfy and I like the tropes of government corruption, soldiers doing fucked up 'cause they're puppets, but after all that is said and done, American pride.
Also they're usually have really solid tactical shooting. I know everyone hated Wildlands but I love that game.

Do you want ubisoft's stock value to plummet?

>I know everyone hated Wildlands but I love that game

I loved it too user, comfy as fuck setting.

>sequel sells more shocker
if they make a sequel it means people enjoyed and bought first one, so they make an improved version that sells even more. not hard to understand

man I miss desura. I had like 100 games on there. Poof, all gone. thank god I only bought like 3 and the rest were humble bundle shits.

Reminder they are literally giving away a free game if you preorder. This story is deceptive.


if you preorder through uplay you can get one of the AC games, wildlands, or I forget what the third one is.

do they regret taking that name?