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Why'd they turn aloy into a nigger?
A DMC5 thread died for this
BIg Sony fan but can only name 3 women here
Good. No women i DMC.
Maria hates these lgbt faggots, she just wants to go home to her clocktower and rest
Poor Maria and Kat surrounded by sjw goblinos
>All girl: Ohh look the trash girl cough..Kat is here. She look like a stray dog all the time. I hope someone killer for good this time. She don't belong here
Feel sorry for here
>we're gonna put only two attractive characters, but we need to cover the face of the first one and place the other one in the background, we don't want to upset people who dont buy our games
Fuck women, they should be exterminated.
looks like there's no place left for kat
>Kat inner thoughts: Please..someone.. save ..me from Sony SJW nightmare...and if you can't at least...kill me. THIS IS HELLLL for anime cute girls like me.
when is international men's day?
Lady Maria is not taking part in this shit, just sitting there like usual. Good thing too, i'd be so mad if they ruined her character for some shitty poster.
>Sony abandoning anime whores
The way it should be.
Pretty much all of them are attractive, except for those two weird chibi things.
Kat IP is death and buried alive until someone save her from that nightmare
God imagine the smell of bare feet. most of those girls don't shower properly or at all. Maria is a literal corpse and stinky Kat is coming with her rancid body odor. Heaven.
Daily reminder females are the default gender in nature and all men start as a female fetus. That's why you have nipples.
That's why women should always be default in video games and media. It's the natural order.
Stop bullying Kat!!!!!
She didn't deserve this!
Fuck Sony !!!!!!!
What game are they playing? Every PS4 game is singleplayer.
Hey, at least they remembered that Kat and Japan Studio exist this year. Considering Sony's recent behavior, this is a step forward.
Daily reminder that no one fucking cares about Politics except SJW in video games.
Why do we need a women's day when gender is a social construct?
Kat and Maria = cute
Everyone else "broing it out epic style" = cringe
Who left you?
>this is a step forward
Thats wasto calm the server shutdown only. She will disappear from this cover in the next year like she was never existed in the first place (death and buried) so don't worry about that.
Imagine the smell
Thank you, PlayStation :) this will be my theme for a good while now (even though I'm a straight while male I can still show appreciation to women!)
Just identify as a woman for today and then go back tomorrow
All these heroic women.
Having a couch party and playing video games. To mark the international day of women's equality.
So strong.
I don't understand why this day offends you weirdos.
Kat's cute, but Maria is sort of a suicidally depressed spirit trapped in an unending nightmare. Not exactly screaming 'cute' with that one.
The doll based off of her is a QT though.
>maria clearly doesn't want to be there
Truly /ourgirl/.
Why are you replying to me? I said nothing but positive things about internal womens day, it's important to me and I'm not mocking it or offended by it.
She wasn't in the last year's one, so the decision makind is schizofrenic on this reguard.
>the doll from bloodborne
Now hold on just a second here
Every day that isn't women's day is men's day sweetheart
>couch multiplayer
She's cute in the pic though, then again i took it as her silently enjoying the company. Maybe she's literally just sitting there and decomposing
why am I typing this out anyways
Tuesday, 19 November, and the fact that you don't even know the date says it all.
>God Of War chick
>Basically the real villain of the story
>ps4 having 4 player couch co-op
I literally can't think of any first party games that have it.
Mothers day actually shows appreciation for mothers and motherhood in general, thats a good thing imo and also something you need to actually achieve
"Womens day" is effectively just congratulating women for being women
>She wasn't in the last year's one
that was before the claims and many twitters of posting Kat screenshots . She was supposed to die in January and they leave her until July. This just the goodbye forever(death for sure) for Kat sadly. She won't be appearing anymore if people forget her(and they will forget her at the end)
It's like when you give little kids a gamepad and they think they are playing the game just pressing random buttons.
From her point of view kratos is evil
>tfw you realize they've all got popcorn because they're essentially watching a movie
daily reminder that women are the inferior gender and thats why men evolved to be the superior gender.
we will soon have artificial wombs and eggs created from male cells. then the great eradication of the F*male will begin. then, years after the extinction of women, men will have created paradise and colinized foreign worlds, even editing their own biology to posses natural male-wombs within them, eliminating the need for artificial incubators and allowing men to be conceive and birth their sons naturally.
God, that one on the far left is ugly as fuck
The only two cute characters fighting to get in while nasty sluts bro it up. Fitting
Why do people gape their mouths at these "Everyone is here!" Marvel images. They're garbage for shit eating faggots.
stop supporting snoy
I love Kara!
why are women so pathetic
as a girl im really tired of all this virtue signalling bullshit, especially in the gaming industry lately. everything pretty much fine, we had good female protagonists in games like tomb raider, resident evil, metroid, femshep, etc etc. Why do these fucking rancid ideologues want to ruin everything?
Now i cant even get on voice chat or join any kind of gaming community without incels sperging out at me and calling me a sjw just for being female. How the fuck did this happen? They have completely ruined the relationship between men and women in gaming and i really wish we could go back
you know the drill, tits or gtfo
I'll bet my life savings that for International Men's Day there isn't going to be a theme for ps4 or tweets like this twitter.com
You're right, they had a theme for womens day last year too but nothing for mens day
>They have to be the underdog
B-but teacher said feminism is about gender equality!
Any man who goes along with something like this not looking to get laid is mentally castrated.
Who are these characters? I only know like four of them
>A giant multimilliom company makes something for women's day
>Kisseless virgin teenagers on Yea Forums get triggered at the sight of females and need to make a thread
Next you'll bitch about they having a lace on their twitter on the day against cancer or whatever, kill yourself, DMC V is out and cracked, if you like video games go play it if not get the fuck off this board.
You sound exactly like someone I know
This. its funny how they drew her visibly uncomfortable at being there
Aloy probably smells foul too.
>They have completely ruined the relationship between men and women in gaming
Try society at large. Hell, you even throw out a pejorative like you did is somewhat a testament to that fact.
The capacity for dialogue between different peoples of different standings has rapidly been deteriorating in the West as whole. Instead of actually discussing subjects and circumstances, people just throw out their preferred buzzword. Libtard, Nazi, incel, SJW. It's all the same shit. It's intellectually lazy and a prominent sign of social decay.
no its maddie. theres someone who sounds like me? can i meet her?
thats true but i assume that anyone who gets triggered by the mere existance of females in their hobby is most likely an incel.
You can if you move to NC, and are fine with egomania and manipulation
Yeah it's kinda fucked up you get thrown in the pit with the rest of them. The virtue signaling is so widespread I think it's just going to get worse.
It's like Nintendo's the only one capable of making good female characters.
Again with the pejorative.
It's peoples inability to conceptualize, let alone sympathize with opposition opinions that will lead things right into the shit. That's true of everyone, regardless of their race, sex, or creed.
People demonize without understanding, removing the humanity of opposition so they can gain some perceived superiority over them.
>and are fine with egomania and manipulation
oh geez i dont want to be associated with someone like that
>Again with the pejorative.
what else would lead a male to get so triggered by women . please explain.
And women say there are no strong or independant women on videogames, fuckers prefer to ignore all the good examples to just whine on the easy targets.
You're on Yea Forums. You'd be lying if you said there wasn't something equally as wrong with you
HelIo reddit. Bye reddit.
i come on Yea Forums for many reasons.
1. i really like free speech and this place is one of the best platforms for sharing ideas without the risk of being hampered
2. im slightly racist
3. my friends got me into Yea Forums when i was in highschool and i grew up on the culture
Robots don't have genders.
Lol what?
Everyday is International Women's Day.
Women get less time than men for the same crimes, women get away with raping male children, mothers get to act out their genital mutilation fantasies on their sons, boys are being failed in schools by female teachers, women get away with abusing men and men's lives are being ruined by false rape accusations.
Women already have more rights than men in the west.
>please explain.
not him but how about putting 2 and 2 together by yourself. I'm not making excuses for spergs who can't judge people on their individual merits and treat people like the cliche they want them to be so I can sympathize to that extent, but you should also maybe think why guys would be wary about women in their games
That's kind of a dumb question considering you're probably old enough, and smart enough, to understand, to at least some degree, why individuals grow to dislike or even hate things.
Could be rejection, abuse, constant vilification, or victimization. Just to name a few. It could also be something more abstract such as being the result of hating some aspect of themselves which they see in others.
You clearly display no interest or intent to understand others. You'd rather take the easier way out and just deceive yourself into believing you stand on some moral high ground.
You could also do the other adult thing and just ignore shit people say on the internet. Gaming is a male dominated hobby, and giving shit to each other is what guys do. If you can't handle some shit flinging you really shouldn't be in male dominated spaces to begin with.
Cringey way to put it but its pretty much fact that every society is designed around protecting its women first and foremost. Its why women weren't even used as cannon fodder during wars.
Its the fact that men asked something in return that triggers feminists so much. Granted in a mostly post-scarcity society this doesn't apply as much anymore but its still way easier to argue that women are priviliged in more regards than men are.
Why do we glorify normal people just because they’re different from straight white men? Reason why I hate today, black history month, and pride month.
im not talking about guys who might be wary of females in video games. i completly understand why they feel the way they do. Im talking about guys who sperg the fuck out and start throwing temper tantrums. one of those is completely ok, the other is not.
>You clearly display no interest or intent to understand others
i literally spend almost all of my time with men. most of my online friends are male, for the longest time i was the only girl in my wow guild, i spend a shit ton of time on Yea Forums surrounded by men, i used to work at a control panel manufacturing warehouse and it was like 95% male.
I can understand men just fine. which is why i know what kind of man decides hes gonna throw a hissy fit from the sheer sound of my voice.
no its maddie
Could be worse, she could’ve been gaming alongside the others
>im not talking about guys who might be wary of females in video games [...]
I agree, but only in so far that I condemn spergery as much as you do, while I'm still leaning more to the former side of things. Can't help but treat women in games different because they simply are, but that doesn't mean I have to sperg out before knowing which type they are. Then again the few that I have encountered were pretty earnest about just wanting to play, with only a few who obviously only tagged on so their boyfriend couldn't escape them
There shouldn’t be any of this international women or men’s days, all it does is put normal people at each others throats... but we all know that will never happen, after all certain (((interests))) benefit greatly from this conflict.
>Nintendo females are either cardboard cutouts or damsells in distress
>literally the only one is Samus and she has been reduced to another damsell in distress and TE BABY
Every day, because we rule.
It stems from this misunderstanding that those groups are currently being oppressed in 1st world countries, which in fact they have the same opportunities as straight white men do currently. I blame the fear mongering media for this.
Because having a collective sense of mutual solidarity is pretty powerful, and empowering anyone and everyone BUT the exception is designed to take the exception down in comparison. Its why a lot of identity politics turns out to be pretty phony once something is "inconvenient" or serves as a conflict of interest, turning every interest group into the best they can be is not the primary objective.
Notice how I said 'others'. I didn't specify their sex.
I don't know you, so I can't comment on your life. But you should be wary of demonizing others, even assholes. Everyone's got shit in their life. Best not to add to the pile.
>Can't help but treat women in games different because they simply are
idm being treated sort of different but when guys get triggered because i decide to take part in the exact same kind of banter that they do with eachother then you know theres a problem. and it happens WAY too often. They always assume i have bad intentions when they say WAY worse shit to eachother. Men can be so fucking fragile these days its insane.
One time, while out with the guys(and one of the guys' girlfriend) at Hooters we were enjoying ourselves eating our chicken wings. One guy farts, we laugh. I fart louder, we laugh. Another guy farts, we laugh some more. The guys's girlfriend tilts over and splurts out a tiny fart and everyone just............stops. The laughing stops and we just sit there staring at her. It was the most uncomfortable silence I have ever seen. We all just sat there, looking at eachother then looking back at her.
It's like...who the **** are you? Like she just entered a realm where women shouldn't be allowed. Kinda like if they walk into a mens' room. She said she was sorry, and we went back to eating.
i know this was meant to be a joke but this is how men act irl.
Is there a national mans day?
November 19th.
>I can still show appreciation to women!
I like to masturbate too. One might even call me one of those "girl fetishists".
>when guys get triggered because i decide to take part in the exact same kind of banter that they do with eachother then you know theres a problem
explain "banter"? Do you say "get over here faggit" to random guys in online games or something?
>Men can be so fucking fragile these days its insane.
You seem to have a lot of contempt in return so you kinda deserve each other at the end of the day.
listen all you whiny fuckers, if you really want to stir up some shit celebrate national mens day.
talk about games with male protagonists, brag about male game devs, post only images with men, act as obnoxious and self indulgent as the women do and there will be hell.
November 19th, make it happen
I've seen it too. Men are extra sensitive when it comes to women talking about hot guys and are quick to see them as thots and hate them for talking about sex or who they find attractive. Also if a man is energetic and happy he's seen as confident and inspiring, if a woman does the same she's a dumb bitch. I'm friends with multiple guys who have displayed these double standards.
The reason why anyone would be triggered is because women are in a minority in the industry. Celebrating the status quo with the most representation, especially when this is the attitude you have, is easier to see as being done out of spite.
>Projecting your personality onto characters.
Double standards exist because you can't judge different kinds of people by the same standards. For example male virgins get made fun of while females generally don't, because at some point these things just work differently, i mean just look at that whole "incel" meme.
Doesn't mean its always fair. You can say we're the same all you like but it'll keep you from understanding a lot of things so you're better off working with the assumption that we aren't, and I mean that in a completely non-judgemental way.
>Also if a man is energetic and happy he's seen as confident and inspiring, if a woman does the same she's a dumb bitch.
I seriously doubt that was the point of contention there
Me at the end of the couch
>*grabs you by the throat*
Ummm excuse me?!!!!
>explain "banter"?
well for instance my wow guild is all obsessed with sports, i posted this video
and i shit you not a few of them got triggered and said i was being annoying and insensitive.
or like they constantly make fun of eachother for stuff in a cheeky way but if i try to do it just a little in an obviously not mean spirited way there are some who will just automatically assume i am being serious and just get so triggered.
>You seem to have a lot of contempt
if i did i wouldnt spend so much time with them.
Why do Aloy's art always sharpen her face? Her head is round like a ball.
everyday expect the womans day
and im very glad it is like that
>Sony puts Kat in their PS girls pic along Lady Maria and that thing from Tearaway
Goes to show you this place will screech at Sony no matter what they do
do girls that dont act like whiny bitches and act like boys exist?
me irl
Is someone pointing a gun at you? This is how it sounds to me.
i have acid reflux and it really fucks up my voice. it takes considerable effort to talk normally and not have it sound strained
If only... society revolves around women's well being.
>For example male virgins get made fun of while females generally don't,
That's bullshit. Even in that recognition of differences, generally women aren't judged by their ability to stay virgins but by their desirability, to attract. Losing your virginity is a sign that you're wanted.
The incel meme came from assholes. "Incel" isn't a word thrown at virgins, it's a word thrown at assholes. Sex doesn't make misogyny magically disappear and on the internet no one can tell how much sex you've had.
I'm not saying that double standards shouldn't exist to a degree and you seem to recognize them, so it's looking like we're in agreement.
I want Kara to sit on my face
And yet most rulers and the most wealthy are men.
>men control all the wealth in the world
>make up the majority of the worlds population
>have HUGE advantages over women in turns of strength and competitiveness
>women are basically weak and fragile overgrown children
>men still expect the world to coddle them
>some fucking side character from Nu-GoW or whatever front and center
>didn't bother to draw Maria's face
>Kat and actual Sony MC is like some quick doodle in the background
It's funny how the two Japanese-created women on that image are the only two that would be actual bearable to hang out with meanwhile all the western-created women would be utterly intolerable.
That sounds (pun intended) fucked up. Can you sing?
>>didn't bother to draw Maria's face
a corpse should be left well alone
no not really especially with acid reflux flaring up anytime i eat. if i go all day without eating then il be fine but then im just miserable. i've been aproached a few times about the Yea Forums musical but like i legit cant sing at all. im pretty good at asmr tho
is that Ellie?
never even heard of it being a thing. no one talks about. media and news outlets cricket on that day
yeah because they take the responsibility while woman sit and relax
>marie: myfeethurt.jpg
Still best girl
How is a robot female?
No, Ellie is on the floor, with that weird smile and PS4 controller. I think the girl in that pic is the Jewish chick from the upcoming TLOU2, but I'm not 100% sure.
Wait, so you can't sing because it's painful for you, or you won't because you sounds (or you think you sound) horrible?
Naughty Dog REALLY want to make Chloe and Nadine gay, don't they?
Who is that on the far left?
Feminism is looking to help women enter the work force and help with the load and help share the responsibility.
both. maybe when they find out whats wrong with me il be able to sing again. im getting a lot of testing done friday
Whats a woman?
Clearly faking it tranny
Best of luck to you!
(and that's it, no more pleasantries from me on 4chin today)
Do tell how.
Ellie's gf from the first game expansion
>help women enter the work force
they already are in the work force, everything else is just to make them earn jobs with less effort
>help share the responsibility
idk how
So all these women in the pic are either single or lesbians?
wheres uh. Female Chinese Kratos?
I forgot her name but she had a flagship game back when PS3 first came out. Toriko?Kariko?
I think the villains in that game were way more memorable than her sadly.
Why no Elena?
I think you answered your own question.
yep, I'm thinking he's based
Please say it again, in a more mocking voice please, make sure to emphasise how big your pp is compared to mine.
Lady Maria's like
"Why am I here? Who are these stupid bitches? My ass is sore from sitting so long. Why am I on a poster promoting movie characters, I'm from a video game?"
Sad thing is, yours is probably bigger than mine.
sorry acid reflux is making my voice hoarse rn
Heavenly sword.
It literally came to me as I was reading your post.
yeah the only memorable thing about the game was the team rocket villains. Retarded Baby guy,the Flying Fox weirdo and the fucking hilarious self obsessed Main Villain.
Of course there was no sequel because she died at the end. that was the entire point of the game (cursed blades). I think the retard girl she was caring for survived though. You know fun fact I only remember her even because I played her a lot in Playstation All-Stars?
why did this give me a boner
Who the fuck is that on the far left
dykes and she-mens are not women
How do they know it's men googling it?
How do they know the men are angry?
What about all the men who went about their day like usual?
busy with Drake
im glad you saved it
i wonder why would a dude have recordings of a girl saying those things on his computer
>5 inches and 8 erect
>Can't even get an erection that is double the size of his flaccid dick size
Pathetic tranny
wasnt international womens day created by the nazis?
the japs were allies
>yeah because they take the responsibility while woman sit and relax
This would imply that if women took on more responsibility, more men could relax.
>when user is upset the dick isnt bigger
I made a post about it on FB once. I don't usually get political on there but the image I posted had some troubling statistics that I felt needed awareness. Boy you should've seen the backlash I got for that.
women are so privileged that they dont need money. hence you ignore the men in poverty so easily.
but that's wrong
>imagine the smell
where is this picture even from? I don't see it on the ps twitter.
I wonder how many faggots masturbated to this right now.
Cheers to all 2D women,3D women can fuck off though
>There's also an international mans day
>Guarenteed they won't even mention it
I thought these retards liked equality
dont forget Childrens day.
or that might just be china
Not really considering men in poverty are more iconic. It's unfortunate, but the image of a female hobo just isn't there. It's true that women being weaker and more vulnerable leads to more support to keeping them off the streets through shelters.
Where is Ms. Pacman?
Women's Day is sexist and discriminatory to males, as the game companies have forgotten to celebrate men every year. If you celebrate Women's Day you're part of the anti-male feminist propaganda.
If you are going to be cocky about your cock you might as well have something worth to be proud of, not just a dick for show that barely grows
you might be new here but the user told her to pretend she had a much bigger dick than him. i dont think she was being serious
Please remove Kat and Maria from this. They're too good for this shit
What do you mean, user, there are no girls on the internet. Just neckbeards and trannies.
>kat is in it
fucking hypocrites
she sounds better than any tranny i have heard even with a raspy voice from acid reflux. trannies sound like men
I want to get Maria out of there and cuddle with her, watching netflix under a blanket.
then why is every series I loved infected with them?
>included Maria the Edgehog who appears only as a corpse and as a realdoll in-game
>she's not even a PC nor the final boss of her story line just one of the 4 bosses
Based and Mariapilled
Sweaty, there isn't one, you sexist bigot.
Oops, pasted two id's twice. My bad.
Men's day isn't celebrated the same way because video games are a male dominated medium.
You can still come back with censored screenshots you lazy fag.
Interesting that you believe chunks of metal and wires is a woman
shit, the jew is also a slut that likes to get BLACKED
Where the fuck is Jill Valentine?
If you haven't noticed by now they included only females from Sony exclusive games.
It's the chick from Uncharted fake gamer boys
>Interesting that you believe chunks of metal and wires is a woman
>Serves her owner like a woman
>Loyal to her owner unlike a woman
>Can be shut down so it doesn't bother
You right, it ain't a woman, it's an OMEGA WOMAN
I'm glad all these companies make a big deal out of men's day like they do with women's day.
Very equal!
I don't know how cynical you have to be to be upset about this. It's pretty cute and wholesome
There definitely is one sometime in November
The issue is if you look back at social media posts the past couple of years on that date it's usually "Happy International men's day! Here's how you can be a better ally to women..."
Hell I found out just now to help you out
She killed her owner user
Defective unit, buy another one. Can't do that with real woman, you can find similar but not the same
They all became defective
Could have been a good speach to help those who normally get bullied for being weaker, but just HAD to make it about woman.
Fucking garbadge
>Hey user come play with us!
What do?