>Nintendo says it will be like 64 and Sunshine
>It's actually linear Galaxyshit
Nintendo says it will be like 64 and Sunshine
Other urls found in this thread:
>not linear
>thinking 64 wasn't the exact same shit
You've also clearly never played Odyssey.
I wasn't anything like Galaxy or any previous Mario 3D platformer. It was simply Breath of the Wild with Mario.
Galaxy was miles ahead of this shot. I can't understand how this game gets so much praise. The controls and some music are the only redeeming factors. Most worlds were bland and uninspired, I mean if they were going to put mushroom kingdom shit everywhere anyway, what's the point of having other kingdoms? Much like breath of the wild, this was the definition of quantity over quality. 64, sunshine and galaxy all brought their own wow factor and were vibrant, joyful and creative adventures. This was bland as fuck. Lost and luncheon kingdom did make an effort though.
>So dumb you dont know what linear means
he is right though
No he isnt.
64, Sunshine and Odyssey are literally the same thing objectivly:
>Big world
>Collectables are scattered all around the world
>You must find them
Galaxy and 3D Wörld/Land are linear:
>The world is build from A to B in a long corrodir
Odyssey was trash, but saying it's linear galaxyshit is pretty dumb.
Odyssey is great. I don't think it really tapped its potential as well as it could have, but it's still my favorite 3D Mario game.
>quantity over quality
Best way to sum up both BotW and SMO.
Playing Oddysey felt just like 64 to me, it was lots of fun
Maybe if you are retarded
Odyssey is like Super Mario Sunshine but replaced all the Blue Coins and 1 Up mushrooms with Moons. It's boring and shitty
Every Mario game is linear you retard
Galaxy sucked and wasn't fun to play at all. Thank god they stopped that bullshit and make proper 3D mario again.
Only a pleb can have this shitty opinion-
Sorry you hate fun video games
This nigger serious?
Where is my 3d mario with simple to learn gameplay impossible to master gameplay.
Where is my mario 3d that feels like a nes game.
Galaxy is shit, there's a reason why it is counted separately as the other three games.
>forced fun is actual fun.
I determine if i have fun not a corporation
>Most worlds were bland and uninspired
'Most' sounds like a massive overstatement. The Snow Kingdom and perhaps the Lake Kingdom were the most by-the-numbers worlds in the game, the rest at least have some sort of twist on a standard level type that leaves them feeling unique in some way.
except no one is saying the old games are bad, subhuman.
t.Rosalina waifufag
I think odyssey is shit so this asshole is discrediting 64 in one statement.
What about this.
I thought Metro Kingdom was easily the least fun world
they are not wrong
Please give me this picture without a mustache
I never played 64 until the DS version but it really does have a lot more replayability than oddysey does. It was way way too easy and even though I took my time getting all the moons it still was too short
Then your post is pointless
What situation did you put yourself in where there was a gun to your head while playing Mario?
>I think odyssey is shit so this asshole is discrediting 64 in one statement.
Neither of those statements call into question the quality of 64/Sunshine, they are just stating that Odyssey is structured far more similarly like them than fucking Galaxy. There are no value judgements in their statements, so they aren't calling the older games shit, necessarily. The fact that you hate Odyssey is irrelevant.
Funny thinking about it considering OOT was made in the same engine as SM64
There’s a reason Mario and Link have been besties forever
stay mad
How? Lake Kingdom felt unfinished, Lost Kingdom was pretty tiny and Cloud Kingdom barely even counts. Shit, there's next to nothing to do on the Moon Kingdom either.
>OP got btfo and still replying
Let me explain it in terms you can understand.
Gameplay from 64 was fun... mario 3d peaked in one game and it has been going downhill since then.
Instead of adding onto games like how nintendo previously did they would make a gimmick and take some of the depth of WHAT YOU CAN DO in the game away to make up for what you can't do.
There for in that process i feel that any gameplay that would be fun is not really fun at all. It is the forced GAMEPLAY mechanics that are not fun. The game is too refined without allow for player freedom.
I loved Metro Kingdom. Felt the most fleshed out, like a really comfy city.
You still didn't answer what my post started
Yeah. At least the Fluddless levels in Sunshine allowed you to play some better platforming without the crutch that is Fludd. In Odyssey though you just feel like Mario is lacking half his moveset without Cappy.
mario 64 aged like shit.
I dont really like the structure of any gamr past 64. Galaxy was closest to it in world selection screen. Odyssey seemed like a step in the right direction when it comes to it.
Odyssey felt to big with simple ass things which creates a boring experience.
Galaxy was like windwaker travel to secluded thing and then do something in a small area till you acquire goal.
Sunshine had a theme going through it all. Which had its cons like everything looking the same. While hiding a vame that COULD of been so muchmore
Mario 64 with 2019 gphx = dab chad based patrician and all generic ass terms to say something is better than SOMETHING else
I think it was praised so much because it was marketed as a return to 3D Mario sandboxes instead of the NEW and 3D Land formula we’ve been stuck with for over a decade. And just like always, most people fell for it.
The game was fun, don’t get me wrong, but I was addicted to Breath of the Wild. I returned Odyssey after I completed it and did a few optional stars which took a weekend. The over abundance of moons and 70% not feeling genuinely earned was a major negative. It just wasn’t all that fun. And the kingdoms were huge but weren’t that much fun to explore besides a select few, unlike Hyrule where I went in without spoilers and ended up accidentally discovering things just because my curiosity for exploring was constantly being rewarded.
It was definitely a case of quantity over quality
>tripfag’s opinion mattering
>all these anderson shills
Why? The soundtracks were amazing, the gravity element was really fun to play around with and the feeling of space was well done and blended with the Mario themes.
Unique does not equal good. Sure they were maybe original, but still felt bland band hardly representative of what they were about. Just barely some effort of the surroundings and cram packed with moons often at the same places with little to discover with actual worth.
>OP getting more desperate.
The 3D land formula only existed in two games.
Anyway, its not like they added so many moons ignorantly. They said they deliberately put that many moons so people could pick up the game and play it for short bursts and still feel like they accomplished some stuff. I doubt they expected people to get all the moons, considering you only need 100 to beat the game, and 500 to really beat the game.
I guess they could have gone the sunshine route and converted the easier moons to "moon shards" but all that really does is add an extra step into getting what you really want.
Odyssey was great, Galaxy was mediocre
real talk: odyssey is trash compared to pic related. it's overrated because it's on the switch.
Odyssey lifts a lot from 64/Sunshine and 3D World. It has a linear design structure by making a core "route" through each Kingdom for the essentials, and a number of extra courses to play your way through that are like an expanded, more versatile application of ideas from 3D World, but trail off the beaten path and you find lots of minigames, bonus Moons, extra challenges and the like. It's not quite a true 64 successor - but then by all means, 64 was arguably more linear because every single course star encouraged you to do one specific thing and had a couple bonus stars to find or get with 100 coins along the way.
>still felt bland band hardly representative of what they were about. Just barely some effort of the surroundings
Nigger, did even play the game? Sand Kingdom is the best desert themed world in the whole series.
I can understand that. I still ended up getting a fare few because again, they were all over the place and my brain was telling me to keep grabbing as many as I can before putting it down. The final boss battle and that entire ending sequence was probably my favorite part of the game.
>adjoining the word "shit" to one of the best games of all time
why we hate galaxy again?
Gimmicky motion control bullshit with no option to play with a Wii Pro Controller makes Galaxy unfun to play.
>wii waggle gimmick shit that's aged like milk
>"one of the best games of all time"
choose one.
The typical arguments are linear = bad, Mario isn't as nimble, motion controls = bad. Completely ignoring the stellar and innovative level design and game mechanics.
One of the best games of all time.
How has this game not gotten actual dlc yet? You think theyre going straight to a sequel ala Galaxy 2?
when you have autism
Just wait until the next 3d Mario comes out and everyone will say how good Odyssey was.
It will be Mario Odyssey 2
Galaxy 2 is still the best 3D Mario I’ve ever played, and this is from someone who played too much Mario 64
Reminds me of when assholes say Breath of the Wild is "just like the original NES Zelda".
>Nigger, did even play the game? Sand Kingdom is the best desert themed world in the whole series.
Giant desert with barely anything in it tiny Mexican town, couple of ruins only to have moons and a floating pyramid. Nothing gave the impression of heat. The only thing that supports the theme is how vast and empty the stage is. Even the 64 desert is better by a landslide.
So blame the controls?
Sunshine is more linear than Odyssey. More linear than Galaxy too.
>Nintendo says it will be like 64 and Sunshine
>it's actually better
why are nintendo games so comfy
>Nintendo says it will be like 64 and Sunshine
>its all koroks
The next Mario game will be like BOTW and take the foundation that it laid and will refine it even more to make it better.
everyone has been saying this since Majora's Mask and it never ends up happening.
>The next Mario game will be like BOTW
ew, no thanks. don't need even more series getting ruined by the westernized open-world meme.
Sunshine in spite of the large open areas was actually very linear design-wise. Aside from one exception in the very first level and a couple of secret stars afterwards, you're always locked to the one star you've chosen. All the others disappear even if they could be physically there (unlike in Mario 64).
This is also because each level almost has a "story" to it. You clean up the level in the first star, so the second star involves something that's only accessible now that life has returned to normal, etc.
Bought it for $49AUD today. feelsgoodman.
Odyssey dethroned 64 as my favorite Mario game. It's fine not liking it, but calling it shit is very absurd.
Not OP but as someone who likes Odyssey, it help if a good portion of the fanbase for it, didn't look down on the people who like both Galaxies and 3D Land & 3D World. The Mario Fanbase should not have console war tier shitposting among itself.
looks like op was the only one shitting on odyssey in this thread. probably galaxy too.
I literally can't remember 90% of Galaxy stages because they're all the same-y jump from planet to planet bullshit and reach the end to get a star.
Being on this board after meeting people like XV-kun really reminds me of the fact that there are many people like that constantly shitting up threads and aren’t being ironic
I agree. What I meant was that no Mario game ever has come close to being shit.
Any game that has at least 1 sequel will always turn into GAME>GAME shitposting.
Is Sunshine not linear? It's honestly by far the most linear 3D Mario game.
Every single playthrough if you're just playing to complete it is going to be the EXACT same.
When did the aversion to lineraity pop up and why? In a platformer none the less. For me it has always been about tight level design, music, visual design, clever platforming and general atmosphere. I could not give less of a fuck about whether it is a journey from a to b in a line as long as they make that journey entertaining. The 'freedom' lies in how much you can make out of it.
i love how op stopped posting and now the thread is better
You are a retarded Nintenfag.
You clearly have never played Odyssey if you think there are no point A to B levels.
New Super Mario Bros U is kind of shit
Mah nigga. 3D World SHITS all over Odyssey. The level design and gameplay is so tight. I'll replay that motherfucker over and over. People hating on linear design is a meme. Linear games are not automatically bad. Would YOU replay Odyssey and collect all 800 of those moons again? Serious question. It's just the BotW of Mario, it's not a true return to form like 64 and Sunshine.
>No hub world
>No proper mission structure
>No INTERESTING missions from the ew you get, 2 or 3 per world
>Everything is piss easy
>The worlds are large but devoid of challenge, some maps are actually small
Please stop sucking this game's dick because it clearly has flaws.
>When did the aversion to lineraity pop up and why?
It's an easier way of making big/detailed impressive worlds that show off technology. I don't think Odyssey is part of that aversion though; it's just another formulation of something 64 and Sunshine already established.
>Would YOU replay Odyssey and collect all 800 of those moons again?
No, but I like replaying the more substantial moons that mirror the stars/shines of 64/Sunshine. I do miss the hub, though.
play Hat in Time if you want some real platformer
>When did the aversion to lineraity pop up and why?
memorable level design is hard. striking the proper balance between challenge and fairness in each level is also hard. so is finding increasingly novel ways to use the game's mechanics. it's way easier for devs to just blow most of the budget on making a big empty world instead.
in order to justify taking the lazy way out, the industry has memed this idea that linearity is outdated and bad while big empty worlds are the wave of the future. reviewers and normalfags have slurped it up uncritically.
>indie shit
>in order to justify taking the lazy way out, the industry has memed this idea that linearity is outdated and bad while big empty worlds are the wave of the future. reviewers and normalfags have slurped it up uncritically.
So fucking well put. Sums it up perfectly. A sad reality for sure.
Don't forget to use the word immersion a hundred times so people will think your empty sandbox is so much better than a game with actual structure.
People just want games to be a world you can live in, like some kind of isekai anime. It's all about instant gratification mixed with raw escapism.
reminder Miyamoto said Galaxy will return one day