You won't buy our game?? Oh boy, you in for some serious bullying

You won't buy our game?? Oh boy, you in for some serious bullying.

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Other urls found in this thread: a burka.jpg /

Can someone bring me up to speed why Yea Forums is triggered by mortal kombat now?

Pixels in the shape of women

because there's no balloon titted masked women and Yea Forums can't jerk off to it

>Yea Forums is triggered by mortal kombat now
It is?

because it looks bad, face scan was a mistake

im the only one who find Jade Oddly atractive?

No you aren't. She's super hot.

They took tits away
Now it aint like Yea Forums was particularly interested in MK’s tits when there are better options but they took the tits away so Yea Forums throws a tantrum about it.
Similar to that rape day shit

Based Netherrealms making the superior white woman look better than the dogshit Arab.

She's Edenian, not an Arab

>Kombat kids return
>no Reptile
>no Ermac
>no cyborgs
>no fucking RAIN

Attached: A2AFF6F1-054C-4C4A-B8AA-53FE5401A613.gif (498x206, 2.31M)

you trying to be edgy or something?

>no Reptile
This is the fucking worst
I don't care that he turned into a pathetic, slobbering lizard man, he's been a staple of MK since the first game and as much a part of it as Scorpion, Sub Zero etc.
Fucking Jacqui being in instead of Reptile is some serious horse shit

don't worry goy buy the premium versoin of MK11 for only $119.99 and you will receive 4 *new* characters and who knows? maybe one will be reptile :^)

Because NRS publicly stated since the beginning they were taking a more realistic approach to character designs.

That means no more Real Doll females and no more Roblox males. Guess which one sent the Yea Forumsirgins into a tismfit.


MK is not DOA

>unironically wanting rain
fucking lmao he's the mk ninja waluigi

Stop niggerposting.

Shitty gear system
Reused assets (skarlet is basically catwoman)
"Right side of history" chatacter designs
And just an overall shit game.

>bring back Baraka, Noob, Skarlet, Jade and Kabal
>people complain they’re not bringing back fan favorite characters
inb4 muh tits

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>"Right side of history" character designs
I don't know what the fuck this means


What's this plastic mass effect garbage doing in MK?

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funny pic

>Wanting that jobber

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It's a buzzword insecure faggots who project their insecurities into everything and scream about politics nobody cares about in the real world use either ironically or unironically depending on their leanings.

Who the fuck likes Baraka.

I dunno, it says alternate history

>Implying I’m not going to destroy my dick to Jacqui and Cassie, along with Mileena when she’s revealed

Don’t make me laugh

Why not? Baraka beats out Reptile in terms of jobber status and he's less popular

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MK11 will sell around 5-7 million copies like it always does.


That doesn’t make sense other than being purple

>2019 the year of our lord Jesus Christ
>giving money and supporting SHARIA LAWBAT 11 to establish a muslim caliphate

Cause you gotta save that roster spot for Shujinko.

The girls aren't dressed like strippers anymore. That's basically it.


>showcase your characters in kid-friendly Injustice-flavored costumes to duck the SJW screeching and filter out the shallowest breed of waifucunts

>nobody points out that the released game will have infinite combinations of costumes ranging from muslim-pleaser to raging turboslut

Lots of people do, why do you think he’s a legacy character

Are they bringing tag back from mk9?

He's never coming back, user. Give up hope like I have. All the DLC is going to be shitty horror movie characters and maybe Takeda.

This, they toned down the stripper outfits and tranny bodies in the last game and it still sold gangbusters so sex appeal is obviously not the main selling point of MK like these retards believe

>nobody points out that the released game will have infinite combinations of costumes ranging from muslim-pleaser to raging turboslut
Everybody puts that out every time some autist like chimps out.

The problem is that /pol/ doesn't actually play video games, just like the trannies freaks they spend all their free time obsessing over.

We are sexy.

But I thought /pol/ liked Sharia law

It's literally never been. 9 was only like that because it was the first game since Midway went bankrupt and got bought out.

They were only throwing everything at the wall to see what stuck. MK1-3 females wore more clothing than a 6 year old gymnast.

I can't give up yet man. I just can't.

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That shithole is a mess of contradictions

They have a point since apart from Cassie all females just look very fucking bad and just are ugly at least in my opinion but overall its classic Yea Forums that exaggerate shit. Its MK after all and for me all that matters is my nigga Scorpion and he looks very cool.

Even though Sharia lines up with all their political beliefs they hate Muslims. Just like how even though it goes against everything SJWs believe in they love Muslims.

Being autistic enough to latch onto fringe politics is an odd thing.

>>Kombat kids return
Only 50% of Kombat kids actually and one of them is an actual cutie. Took a lot of tries, but NRS managed to pull it off.

I don't know who to main now

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>Erron Black is in
>There's a chance he's exclusively babyfaced young Erron

Monkey paw strikes again

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I’ll admit they’re better looking but none of them should have ever returned

>Just like how even though it goes against everything SJWs believe in they love Muslims.
Tolerating others' beliefs is not a contradiction

get woke , go broke.

Y-yes please.

No tit-monsters and strippers. Basically it doesn't cater to incels.

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I'm real tired of this "if they don't have elemental superpowers they're boring" meme

You saying MK won't sell?...
Just want to know if you are retarded enough to believe this. Even the God awful 3D era games sold well.

Did you see the official reveal?
Baraka got the best crowd reaction when he was shown.


Yes hes a fan favorite.

>no Smoke

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I hate that they all look like they are trying to be superheroes from a Marvel movie. I missed the stereotypical kung fu movie vibe from the old games

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All the guys have rippling muscles and bare chests and all the girls are wrapped up in twenty layers of clothing or tacticool scifi armor with tiny tits. If you complain about this you're super incel Hitler.

>Rippling muscles
>They literally reduced the muscle mass of most if not all male characters

Here's Kano in MKX

Attached: KanoX.jpg (900x940, 228K)

The default outfits are always shit, and nobody ever uses them. You'll see mostly retro Scorps and Kangs online.

until the shitty horror movie guest characters that are broken as fuck drop then 99% of the people you play against will be Alien or Jason.

All the males went from Minecraft superroided refrigerator torsos to natty as fuck. Just admit you have deep rooted issues with woman and move on.

Can pic related be the only guest? Fuck Michael Myers or Pennywise

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And here he is in MK11

Attached: kano.jpg (1280x720, 123K)

well if it sell better then the last one it means ppl jsut doesnt care if the companies keep pushing towards PC trends

Why do MK fans get so triggered over criticism of the character designs? We really pretending that Jacqui is the height of good design?

>but incels
Yeah sexy is more interesting than fuck all going on

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>Yea Forums thinks MK11 looks shit
>It's the only MK i've ever been excited for specifically because of it's visuals
You guys need to learn when to be genuinely mad at games and not to just bandwagon bad opinions because that's what Yea Forums is SUPPOSED TO THINK. Fucking mindless drones

*dabs on anime*

Attached: 1551896624333.gif (532x423, 3.83M)

aw disgusting.

reddit: the game

>Doesn't mention the bare chests at all
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm really makes you think!!!

>I want good designs
>I also want all females to be color palette swaps like its still 1996

And everyone knows Jaqui is a shitty and uninteresting Jax clone. Nobody defends her on the roster.

No they aren't. Especially giga nigga over here

Attached: mortal-kombat-11-geras-reveal-1-580x334.jpg (580x334, 20K)

I like how they keep taking clothes off from MK's men and giving more clothes for the women. This is good development, female sexuality should be suppressed.

Yea Forums has always been about bandwagon hate.

I seriously do not have a single clue what was going through their heads when they decided to put jacqui into the game over Jax. Especially with her new design makes her look even more uninteresting than her mkx one

The first MK had a 4 armed dragon man and a sorcerer, it’s Kung Fu with a fantasy mythos

Because it's not analogous with partial female nudity at all. Women have breasts, which are considered a secondary sex characteristic and thus improper to display in public. A man can walk around shirtless, but a woman will get fined for public indecency if she does so.

Giga nigga is literally a golem. He's not even alive.

No go look at all the other males like Sub, Johnny, and Kano/Kabal. They're much less jacked than 9 and 10.

Yeah you have been, there was a whole thread about her a few hours back.

I've also seen people defending this travesty of a glued on wig. The whole ironic hardcore shilling thing you've got going on just doesn't work.

Attached: new hair.webm (1280x720, 2.01M)

Because Yea Forums is full of incels mad about clothes on women and closet fags triggered by kano pissing (they are literally OBSESSED with kano's cock)

Also Yea Forums is suddenly anti violence in an impotent protest over Rape Day being banned by steam comparing realistic rape to the cartoonish violence in mk.

Literal incels. Not even the meme.

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With the sexy theres atleast something going on when you play. Alot of these designs here just fucking awful, literally tumblr tier "redesign" with everything being covered and high tech and just 180 on the original. I wont play the original nor this one, but atleast I can symphatize with the fellow MAN.

Also fuck shill. You think we dont know you're here or something? Say hi to your boss for me niggers

>It's the only MK i've ever been excited for specifically because of it's visuals
Its not an issue of Yea Forums bandwagoning, its an issue of you having a shitty taste. MK characters should look like a mix of Mad Max, Conan The Barbarian and Kung Fu film visuals mixed together, these new designs look like they're from shitty shooter looter games like Anthem or Destiny, just boring shiny power armor type of shit.

is the short hair still in the game?

Basically Netherworld caved to the SJWs, made their characters a bit uglier and changed MK mainstay Jade into a muslim as her default outfit

Leak says Jax is in the game as well.

Reminder Kringeoid Kuckoldfags were okay with big boobs in MK until SJW Boon told them they couldn't and now are trying to pretend they're better than that by loving cringe ultraviolence

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Just admit you are a fucking incel and hate women. No one buys your bullshit anymore gamer goober.

They didn't "cave", user, they are the SJWs. Also, please expand your vocabulary.

True but there's no fantasy in the MK 11 designs. They all look like they would fit in Injustice.

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Which one? Because I remember other leaks saying otherwise and the one I read with no Jax seems to be 100% true. I really hope he is in though

Every thread and you forget to mention how mk9 women looked like men with tits bolted on

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>Giga nigga is literally a golem
So is Skarlet. Stop with the weak ass excuses, he is meant to look like a big black guy

Same or bigger. In some shot his body is like a tree trunk

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I never really cared for MK except in the olden days 1 and 2.

But fuck the 90s cheesiness and Bloodsport genes have really disappeared. Now we have angry rap and the same old garbage marvel wannabe epic story. But who cares.

And the worst we cant even have fake balloon western bimbos in it. What a time to be alive.

Yea Forums doesnt play games either. They're proud of having baseless opinions about everything.

I will not support anything with islam in it because that religion is incompatible with western value.

the sad part is that these people would have been laughed to death in the whole of Yea Forums in the past but now are the majority and the norm
fuck this gay earth and fuck the fucking american elections and their uncontainable autism

Nice drone opinion once again, you basically proved my point.

It really is sad to me how
>VIOLENCE = okay
>SEXUALITY =/= not okay (unless it's in regards to trannies and gays)

The big one a week ago that basically revealed the entire roster. Said Jax, Noob, Shang, Mileena and Shinnok are all in the game.

And now they look like men in burgas, how is that any better? Fucking Kano has bigger tits than all the MK11 women introduced so far.

I think I have watched this webm a million times now. Think I will be a Skarlet main desu

also yeah, that hair I am not sold least until I can see what it looks like in motion. But everything else? Sign me up.

I've loved MK since the first game. Since I was 8. And I think 11 looks like the best yet. I come for the violence not the tiddies. Do not lump me in with the incels triggered on this board. In fact I love watching the incels sperg.

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absolutely nothing wrong with cassie. the Cages are the only reason i'm interested in 11 so far.

Yea Forums is full of normies now.

fuck this nigger franchise , wanna see how many SWJ buy your game.

Attached: IvySC6.jpg (1280x720, 157K)

Pic related is what skarlet wears, you mong

Attached: totally a burka.jpg (216x234, 9K)

You included, you fucking normalfag.

Bullshit and you know it.


NPC detected, opinion discarded. Go back to Resetera, faggot. All the characters that still look cool look like they were designed in late 80's to early 90's. Meanwhile the new nigger and Jacquis new look looks like they were ripped from Anthem. Was excited for the new MK's own Zasalamel character but then they showed how he looked and he looks boring as fuck.

Because apparently it is not sexist to have tons of shirtless super buff dudes but super sexist to have a single female character with big beasts and a cleavage showing outfit
Just more sjw/feminist censorship of established franchises and huge double standards

>NPC detected
Future posts discarded, try not to use shitty buzzwords you learned off of plebbit

>Covering her haram hair.
You proved my point.

>Liking tits now means youre an incel

Can leftist redditors fucking leave?

>Can someone bring me up to speed why Yea Forums is triggered by mortal kombat now?
Name one (1) game Yea Forums isn't triggered by.

Attached: Ive made a huge mistake .jpg (652x365, 44K)

>that body
>her height
>her style of make-up
>that deep-ass voice
>the overall sense of intimidation she delivers

Ivy is literal perfection

MK11 will sell triple what SC6 did. Will be better reviewed as well.

>totally a burka.jpg
Time to change you image again user, starting to become obvious a burka.jpg /

Attached: whocouldbebehindthispost.jpg (2540x1211, 370K)

This guy gets it.

Lmao who cares autist eat a dick

>Immediately runs to shouting buzzwords when triggered
>Didn't even read the rest of my post that disproves me being anywhere near an resetera faggot NPC
Thanks for the laugh

He did it again

I actually like this boomer Sonya look.

why is Texas the biggest MK marks

Then you faggots need to stop throwing tantrums over burkas in MK when there isn't one to be found

MK11 will bury SC6.
MK11 will likely be the best selling fighter of all time. At the very least top 5. It will be better reviewed. It will have a bigger base. It will likely headline EVO.

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Calling "get woke, get broke" for every game doesn't make you a fortune teller. NRS is the most successful western fighting game maker, the bitching of the minority of Yea Forums doesn't do anything.

and that makes u happy ? . Pc culture ruining the fun for the normal ppl and u know whats the funny part ? they dont even play video games. yeah what a time to be alive

I don't think it'll sell more than MKX.

>It will likely headline EVO.
It isn't even a sunday game, and NRS games always die off in a year. With a hard limit of around 2 cause of how quickly a new NRS game comes out. Plus Cygames is pretty much buying EVO next year.

Not that SC6 will do that well either.

Attached: evo18.jpg (1200x226, 60K)

user, normal people are going to have fun with this. You're not normal. And you're not going to play this.

the minority complain about the art style so they change it , that's issue here . BTW that minority doesn't even buy this vidio games

She's dead user

Normal people aren't talking about it at all. Thats not a good sign. When MK9 was coming out casuals were all about talking about MK coming back. MKX it was all about talking how cool and nasty the new violence looks like. MK11, nothing.

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

so was baraka. leaks indicate mileena will be unlockable

>staple of MK since the first game
Not in the roster, can't be a staple.
Keep crying bitch nigga, we can have to many jobbers at once.

Attached: b2a.png (100x117, 22K)

Means the devs went to tech conferences that told them they would get more potential fans of the series if they change character designs to be more inclusive to a general audience rather than the traditional mortal kombat/fighting game audience.

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MK11 is based as fuck already.

Remember when the original games triggered people so hard they created the ESRB?

It's only fitting that the series continues to trigger snowflakes. Look at all these whiny jews getting bent over piss, blood, and clothing on women.

Based NRS still triggering pussies.

Come at me cucks.

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No I wish jaqui wasn’t even in the game, my issue is people saying they ruined her design when her original was worse in every way.

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Incels want it to be DoA game. Nothing more.

Her gloves look more cool. MK11 they look like ipods and don't even stand out from the armor.

Have fun user , lets see how much they can take out of the game till u get upset.

Actually I’m wondering about that, is she pure tech style now or can you swap gauntlets

>you're not normal
Nigger you need to get off this website lmao

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So since when is wearing a hood an actual burqa?
Better get rid of my hoodies now that they are a tool of ISIS ISLAM TERRORIST MUSLIM DANGER DANGER MUSLIM ISLAM DANGER.

They're not taking anything out, though?

was the art style ever a main topic of discussion in the MK community ? well No they were playing the damn game

Death means literally nothing in MK.
Baraka was killed off in the last game, yet hes back. Leak said Mileena is in the game and unlockable. Considering every character from that leak has basically been confirmed, she's in the game along with Shinnok and Shang Tsung.

Are you seriously defending normalcy on Yea Forums?

As a woman, I never want to see one of you creatures in the same restroom as me, you're creepy

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What a fucking tourist.

Since when does DEATH stop an erection?

they are removing iconic costumes.

They better give you some Mad Max option for them. They're the only thing in her design that stood out in MKX and now that they make her look even more boring, it would be the only saving grace for her.

Or maybe they pull a devious stunt and make her the only character with a tight bikini clothing option.

The only bitching about the artstyle I've seen is from Yea Forums right now


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That's IGN reporting kind of stupid. Rape day was a shitty VN that's more straight up trolling than gameplay.

Here you have people making a "practical, realistic" argument with fucking mortal kombat, and sticking people in saudi arabian casual wear.

So is she a Muslim too? Since some of you seem to think HOOD = MUSLIM

Attached: dd-thief.png (2687x3445, 3.71M)

>girl who lives in a desert wears desert clothing

The story trailer made it crystal clear time travel is gonna be all over the place. Has any of you even seen it? Johnyy Cage hangs with his past self in the same room for fuck's sake. With that premise they have justification to bring every single character since MK9 and even go as far as make two versions of each (probably only in costume form).

yes, duh


you can switch to iconic costumes

Attached: Untitled1.png (1274x714, 1.55M)

This is what passes for natty nowadays?

>They're much less jacked than 9 and 10.
So, who was demanding that?

Man you're really having a mental breakdown huh?

and real women are just particles of light your brain is interpreting as a female, what's your point?

Tetris 99 did in fact trigger people though.
For multible reasons even.

really ?

Attached: JadeCostumes.png (1482x534, 853K)

You're nothing more than the modern version of christfag soccer moms. Mortal Kombat never needed fucking logic for it's decisions. You should have more respect and tolerance for other people's cultures.


Cassie was the main character of X. Why should she not come back? How stupid would the story be to just write her out off screen?

Get out of here you boring dumbshit. Titties are great, sorry you can't see that.

Kano is a rough professional criminal and he dresses like he's in a playgirl magazine.

You're the one bitching about the developers making decisions about their own game and demanding they do it differently

MK isn't for you. Try Dead or Alive 6

I won't buy your game because I'm not an edgy 13 year old. MK has always sucked ass.

>How stupid would the story be to just write her out off screen?

idiotic, but who the fuck ever cared about the plot to Mortal Kombat? You could skip her and nothing would really be missed.

And i'm thankful for that :d

nothing there , that one got woke too.

This is not sexy game, this is Mortal Kombat game, time to cover him up becase sexualisation in games is bad.

And it makes your dick hard huh fag? And that bothers you.

You can't say that word here mang.

Just play Street Fighter, Tekken or Soul Calibur instead. Better gameplay and don't cater to insecure landwhales and their bitchbois.

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It likely will. MKX was critically acclaimed and MK11 is looking even better.

Don't make me laugh. Since when did people pushing for sarkesian approved outfits EVER respect the wishes of the the developers?

You have no moral center, no core principles. It's whatever lies or position it takes to move the overton window.

The story mode of MK since 9 has been one of the things that sets it apart from other fighting games. Even Deadly Alliance, Deception, and Armageddon had ok story continuity.

It really looks like an Andromeda suit. She's showing too much skin still! cover her more!!!. Disgusting game.

Mods need to update the word filter.

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Son, you're imagining I'm your "enemy" when all I did was point out that you're doing exactly what you're accusing them/me of doing, you hypocrite. Get off the internet once in a while.

Because Boon went fhom being Tobased to Tonions.

>muh titties is one of your core principles

Triggered incel

Jacqui looks like a NPC from some generic AAA sci-fi game.

I half expect her to ask me to collect 15 Space Slug bio samples or something. She's got no unique design elements outside of being the only black female in the game. And that's fucking boring. Even her weapon is just Jax but femme.

>getting literally triggerred by a word

>everyone looks real
>no humor aside from johnny cage that isn't funny
>blood and gore isn't goofy as before
i know its a boomer opinion but i miss b-rate martial art film aesthetic with dudes shaking, screaming in a funny way and exploding, the core mechanics are great now but still i miss the non-seriousness

Attached: goro.jpg (1280x720, 196K)

>the minority complain about the art style
This also applies to boner culture retards asking for bimbo ballon tits

You could just do like splatter films and keep the gore realistic while going full B-movie on everything else.


Why would any of these niggas be unlockable?

ou no boobs are scary , don't worry man we all have fears.

they were there now they are not because the people who doesn't even play the game didn't want them in there.

I miss it too, user.

But the only reason it was ever like that was because it was a no budget game made by friends with a VHS recorder and a garage.

Shame none of the people that actually made MK got paid, and everyone worships Boon even though he did literally nothing.

I was going to buy it but now i want to be bullied by qt girls instead :3

>Ash Williams
>Shitty horror movie character

Ash is the only horror guest character that would actually fit in MK and become an instant fan favorite with his banter that essentially writes itself.

Which is why we're never getting him.

>implying Cassie wasnt Angsty Browsing Reddit Teen: The character

And where did I say I don't want boobs in the game?
Im just pointing out that wanting every single female to wear a bikini is just as retarded as wanting every single female to be all covered up
The developer decided to not have skarlet is the red bikini, shitposting about it wont change it, vote with your fucking wallet

6 dlc characters.

Placing bets.


>Bugs Bunny






Attached: 1551905834528_1.jpg (474x472, 28K)

>Shame none of the people that actually made MK got paid, and everyone worships Boon even though he did literally nothing.

t. John Tobias

Beran says his team has taken a more measured approach with the art direction in MK11. That’s especially true of the the game’s female fighters.
“Our character lead, Brendan George, has been a breath of fresh air of just introducing new ideas,” Beran said. “Our design is just getting more mature and respectful. You’re not going to wear a bikini to a fight. You’re not going to be showing so much skin. I think it’s just what the game is about: You’re going in to fight for your life, and you’re not going to be wearing such scantily clad items.
“I’m sure that will disappoint some fans. We don’t have bathing suit fighters, and I think that’s fine. If people are disappointed, I don’t regret making that change by any means.”

Why would stryker be in the game if cassie already has his moves?
Also, who the fuck would buy his dlc? He's just a regular cop dressed has a skaterboy

im not gonna buy the game unless they add the iconic outfits and what can't u understand from " they were there now they are not " . i dont think anyone is saying they should make them all half naked , all they had to do is keep them as they were . wanna rework the main dress for story mode sake ok go ahead but give the old costumes as well

> regular cop dressed has a skaterboy
he dropped that look long ago user

Attached: maxresdefault (1).jpg (1280x720, 120K)

>You’re not going to be showing so much skin
>kano and giga nibba are half naked
What did he mean by this?

>You’re going in to fight for your life, and you’re not going to be wearing such scantily clad items.
Half the male cast is shirtless. So much for that "realism".

This is so retarded on so many different levels. None of the clothing these people wear will ever protect them from actual harm. Plus it makes sense that a person isn't as clothed when fighting in melee, the less clothing you have the more energy you can expend and you wont get fatigued as fast.

The actors that played Cage and Kano essentially came up with everything in the game and did all the video work.

They created the characters, GET OVER HERE, etc. Promised by Midway that they would take care of them. They got 3k each and edited out of all behind the scenes shit.

this doesn't make any sense , the less clothes the better they can move . what a bullshit excuse.

Have u ever seen a street fight ? god damn the first thing people do is strip some of their clothes

>playable kano's son
Can't wait bros

Where is this from? Trying to find the article and getting nothing searching for Steve Beran.

Frost and Sub-Zero are both in the game. Cassie's inclusion doesn't lock out Striker at all.


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>obbio84 in the comments

You gotta stop posting on there son. Especially in memes, isn't a good look.

>If people are disappointed, I don’t regret making that change by any means
That seems like a stupid mentality. I guess MK is just too big to fail so they feel doing whatever they want is fine. But that is never a good road for a franchise to go down, especially when they are trying to build up the newer characters in hopes they can help carry the series.

>everyone looks real
They were digitized actors in the original games, they're supposed to look realistic
How is this game not lore?
>no humor aside from johnny cage that isn't funny
Well obviously Sub-Zero and Scorpion aren't going to be the ones cracking jokes.
>blood and gore isn't goofy as before
"Who hired this guy? What the fuck?"

>it was a no budget game made by friends with a VHS recorder and a garage.
That's not how MK was developed you fucking retard

Attached: 1551996489890.webm (720x720, 606K)

It literally was you faggot.

The game was only originally made on 200 machines before it blew the fuck up.

I mean, he can't outright say "If some people are disappointed, our research says the established fans will buy it anyways, and the audience we hope to pick up by virtue signalling should more than make up for the few long time fans we alienated hard enough to lose a sale."

Will there be cross platform for us PC fags?
I feel like it will die on PC quickly.

Where is my boy kenshi?
I haven't seen anything about him or takeda

Attached: 300px-MKX_Kenshi_young.png (300x300, 76K)

Fuck they got rid of her shotgun arms

Scorpion is the new generic katana man.
They have to leave room for new characters like kanos son

Why would you play a fighter on pc?

Pc is for indie shit and nothing more.


I can care less about the non video game political shit

The point is that MK was never a good fighter and people only liked it because of the spectical and fatality gimmick. MK9 made some improvements but added even more retarded shit (x-rays), mk10 just made it even worse. And mk11 looks just as shit (if not more) then mk10. Fuck this series and fuck it being popular and having its shit ideas spread into other fighters

>Game will have 25 playable characters at launch

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You can see a gun barrel on her right wrist. Most likely a customizable option like Cassie's guns.

I had almost lost hope that there was anyone sane left on Yea Forums. Thanks for restoring some of my hope user.

Attached: cassie_cage_mk11.png (1024x677, 811K)

John Tobias was the one in charge of the creating the characters and writing the story while Ed Boon was the programmer that had a hand in all of the gameplay decisions, MK is the brainchild of those two guys. Daniel Pesina was kicked out for shilling Bloodstorm and Richard Divizio (Kano) worked with Midway at least until Deadly Alliance.

Attached: Christcucks BTFO....Again.jpg (951x1075, 441K)

Because I have a nice PC setup and don't feel like buying a console.

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My women aren't light. I prefer them heavy

If you believe MK was made by two actors in a garage instead of the offices of midway, you are retarded.

Here's your Kenshi, bro!

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SJWs aren't just tolerating Muslims. They seem to be actively supporting an ideology that is the antithesis of everything they supposedly stand for

I said the people who came up with all the ideas, and did all the video work for pixelation. Work on your reading comprehension, faglord.

Kano stayed with them for a while. I only remember because he was Quan Chi in Mythologies and he fucking killed it there.

u gotta be kidding .

SJWs don't support the implementation of sharia law, bud. I think SJWs are annoying enough without adding straw man bullshit.

what? kabals fatality where he runs you through the ground looks goofy as fuck

A grown woman dabbing in a life or death fight...

I like the muslim because she seems simple and not overdone. Also I liked chocowomen.

I don’t like the new Cassie cage at all because she just seems like a bland char rather than a poppy bimbo.

As an incel I for one welcome our Islamic overlords.

Women will have to marry me and if they piss me off I get to give them an acid facial.

We also get to wear sweet beards at work.

Praise Allah, fuck bitches

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>SJWs don't support the implementation of sharia law, bud.
But they won't say anything against it when it gets implemented, because then they would not be politically correct anymore. Thats what SJWs are. They are cowardly hypocrites.

No, they wouldn't have been laughed at. Fuck off, summerfag.

ignoring the retarded shitposting, just noticed she might have gold makeup on?

fuck, that's hot.

Hi Shill

sorry I don't want to play as some washed up looking white bitch and some chimp looking sheboon

Fake MK fans don't realize that the over the top sexualization only started around the Deadly Alliance/Deception era. The original games everyone was in fucking leotards and looked like they belonged in a fitness video.

Bahaha. It won't sell that well, not with this shitty roster.

Womens march falls apart due to antisemitism within its ranks thanks to Islamic state influence:

Feminists constantly look the other way, insist burka/ hijab aren't oppressive:

Media defending/excusing Sharia law:

I can continue if you want. this has nothing to do with a religion and everything to do with an absolutely oppressive state political system that controls every aspect of your life. If the, say, radical fundamentalist form of Christianity that has taken over Uganda was what was currently encroaching on the west then I would be speaking out against that

Said that for 8 years that the US would become an caliphate thanks to Muslim brotherhood member, Barack Bin Laden. Everyone’s in fema camps and guns taken away

Hi incel

>The original games everyone was in fucking leotards and looked like they belonged in a fitness video.
It started in MK3, also 80's to early 90's fitness outfits were hot.

Attached: MK3Kitana.jpg (616x1296, 114K)

I just don't get it, you could make the girls fairly skimpy in Injustice, why not have that option here?

Best post.


There's also that time that an ex-Muslim who was genitally mutilated came to speak at a university and some Muslim dudes heckled her and the feminist group on campus defended the Muslim dudes.

Because in the current year female sexuality should be suppressed in the name of protecting them, while men can be scantily clad no problem. According to woke people, this is progress.

It's been a back and forth. Skarlet and Cassie look better than ever. Sektors mask looks stupid. Jade and Jacqui look terrible.

i think kharacter designs like baraka makes MK truly what it is. Dark, horrible, twisted, Creative and memorable as fuck. This nigga actually scared the living shit out of me as a child, And hes my favorite ever since that happend. MK needs horror.

Takeda, Smoke, Reptile and one 3D era female kharacter. Maybe Li Mei.
Two guests: Pennywise and some WB horror rando.

>The hero who's tired of the villain's bullshit annihilates the villain and upsets the balance of power which upsets sub-heroes under him so they form a gang of misfits and try to oust the new villain who used to be the hero
Why's NetherRealm rehashing the plot of Injustice for MK roster again?
Also, haven't played a fighting game since Tekken 4 on PS2. Fighterfags, how does the game hold? Does it look promising, should I actually try getting into it?

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They really do. Redditors are the genuine bane of this site.

yeah I have been noticing that, Skarlet is the same with a slight gold shimmer with the red

I thought this place was better than redditfags, it's literally a copy paste of reddit.

t. NPC resetera tranny

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Replace Bugs Bunny with Agent 47 and we have a deal

Cassie is literally perfect

O M G !!!! I can see the curves of her body!!! I have to get on twatter NOW! I have to put in a complaint with whomever is guilty of sexualizing this wamamamamamamaz

Again? Why?

Who will be the new kid character?

AThey gotta do something incredible to Jacqui her character was boring her design is boring her gameplay was bland in mkx I doubt they can do much to make her better

Presumably story mode related reasons, since the leak said he's unlockable.

found the cuck

I love the mk series but I know it wont headline evo ever

>this entire post
Sad that Yea Forums has just become the comment section of Yahoo News.

Idk, with how shit SFV is and Tekken losing the honeymoon phase it could be possible.

I mean you have a point but I just cant see any NRS games take the top spot Especially with them going more towards esports they cant air mk on TV man

The reason Tekken is losing competitors is because there isn't enough cash in winning the world tour to make going around the world to tournaments viable. Otherwise the game has been at EVO since 2015: that's not a honeymoon.

really mother fucker ? go check a DMC thread and tell me if is the same thing ?

>The reason Tekken is losing competitors
It isn't though. Everyone knew the cash was bad last year and the numbers still went up. We just had an upset after TWT, but no one actually said they were dropping the game. Ages is more likely to be the killer. And while SFV is a trash fire you can't deny the numbers could drop a huge amount and it would still be on top.

Either way MK's numbers have always be good but not the best year 1, then huge drop year 2