>can't talk about this without people screeching about girls clothes
do you want a fighting game or Pretty Princess Dress Up: Ninja Friends Edition?
Can't talk about this without people screeching about girls clothes
Other urls found in this thread:
Pretty Princess Dress Up: Ninja Friends Edition
Since MK is mostly known for its violence - how violent is it?
Very violent, one of the new fatalities is ripping someone’s face off
Pretty Dress Up.
If I wanted a proper fighting game I'd play literally any fighting game other than Mortal Kombat
Cassie kicks you in the balls so hard your torso splits open and your skeleton pops out
>playing mk as a waifu dress up game
>when mk has the worst waifus out of any fighting game
Why would you do that?
mk11 is the least fighting game of any fighting game. its more gimmick than fighting game.
That latter. If I want a fighting game I'll play Street Fighter.
just trademarked this, will probably outsell mk11
>one of the new fatalities is ripping someone’s face off
It's all shitposting now. No vidya discussion allowed
i want both
i don't play sequels anymore because all genres remove things from the previous games
its just that mk goes out of its way to make the girls ugly. its just weird
Well enjoy Mortal Kombat 1.
DOA paid shills are pushing the whole Muslim Kombat bullshit.
They will leave when their 100 dollar season pass stops selling
i would but i already played the fuck out of it nearly 30 years ago shill
>do you want a fighting game or Pretty Princess Dress Up: Ninja Friends Edition?
It doesn't matter since MK 11 will end up being neither of those things.
If you need me i'll be going back to MK9
How am I a shill
What's the point of releasing new versions of fighting games during the same generation? Dead or Alive 6 would have sold...at all...if it included Beach Volleyball. Without Scarlet or any form of DoAX, it's pointless to even buy it on discount.
>supporting removing / changing characters and content
you may want to use your brain shill
/thread and fpbp
Nah m8. I just think Mortal Kombat 1 isn’t worth playing anymore.
Get with the times. Things change. Deal with it.
what else should people talk about?
MK was always a subpar fighter gameplaywise. For everything else it's the same shit since the reboot. There are hardly even any new characters, and the story isn't going anywhere because of the retconning time-travel bullshit is literally canon, so you just know that fucking nothing has any weight in the story.
never thought I would say this but I'm seriously missing Armageddon. At least they were trying a lot of new shit back then, environmental hazards, weapons, character creator, minigames, beat them up story mode, etc.
9 was still good because it was fresh, and was a great package with features like tag mode and test your luck
x and 11 are just trash games only appealing to tasteless casuals who are too shit to play competitive fighters
Only Yea Forums is doing this.
There is a ton of hype for the game. But this place is full of waifu fags who just want T&A and don't care about actual games.
Both you fucking faggot, how hard is that to comprehend?
This. I'm a fucking porn addicted freak and i don't look at MK for its fanservice since they were never good at it. I don't give a damn about the lack of cleavage on ugoos like Mileena.
> i don't look at MK for its fanservice since they were never good at it
by that logic MK was really never good at anything, so you shouldn't have any reason to look forward to it
sexy outfits were still part of MK since always, just like everything else MK has
What a fucking faggot.
And nobody is sexier than smoke.
Yeah. But with mortal kombat mechanics.
I think sometimes it's necessary to remove characters in fighting games. Otherwise rosters get bloated and balance is harder to achieve. Look at the shitshow that was Mortal Kombat Armageddon. That roster had plenty of fat to trim, and you can't pretend that there are people out there who give a shit that Meat is no longer on the MK roster.
That was then this is now. MK btfo Street Fighter, Tekken, Soul Calibur and DOA this gen to become the best
Why did they go full African with Jacqui's re-design? She was such a qt in MKX due to her light skin and European features, now she looks like viola davis.
The game just looks like shit compared to X. I can't put my finger on EXACTLY
I never fapped to MK characters, but I genuinely believe that they are making the female characters look a lot more boring
Frost for example was always a clothed up female, and I liked her because that made her unique in the cast, but now everyone just looks like that (and they also made Frost fucking bald).
Mileena, Kitana and Jade were pretty much the "deadly,sexy assasin" palette swaps the same way the male ninjas were, but I thought that made them special the same way, that the 3 of them were so similar yet different at the same time. Now all 3 of them are just... I don't even know what their art direction /archetype is supposed to be anymore? Generic clothed up females?
I also wasn't a fan of Skarlet's designs, but I loved the concept that she is using blood powers and is basically almost naked. This shit somehow fits, wish they would have done something with it instead of just putting a burka on her.
Sonya getting older and less sexual is understandable, and I was never a fan of cassie or any other X girls, so I don't care much about the devs covering them up even more, but it's still a shame that they didn't get any new hot-badass girls. Sexyness can feel deadly, fierce, makes the characters feel more confident, etc.
It's not just the clothes faggot. If only NRS stopped at that in their PC crusade to "cleanse" their game of anything that "toxic males" enjoy. But they don't.
Friendly reminder that regular people do not give two tugs of a dead dog's cock about what characters wear or how attractive they are and buy games that they enjoy playing first and foremost.
Millions of people bought and enjoyed MKX, and that will also be the case with MK11, no matter how much you shitpost on a bangladeshian knot tying board.
I don't care for tits in MK unless you can rip them off
Second MK was fapbait.
Third MK was a waifu chart.
And then what? They're gonna drop it in a matter of months. Tops. Are you not familiar with that shit? Who are you trying to fool faggot?
you are literally just eating shit up because "normies like it and it's popular, so we shouldn't complain"
MKX was worse than 9 at pretty much every regard, yet it was still several times more successful, simply because normies like NRS's new capeshit presentation.
Mortal kombat has always been overrated as hell. The only reason its not some obscure 2d era game is due to its sexy characters and the fatality gimmick.
>Muh competitive viability
That shouldn't be something you look for in a MK game to begin with. It's a franchise you play locally with buddies and that's it.
Then it will sell 6 million copies and guarantee there will be a MK12.
Unlike Soul Caliber which bombed, so us probably dead.
Like DOA will bomb and will probably be dead.
Like SFV that also bombed and may not get a sequel for a very long time(Sony basically had to pay to help get V made).
Yet MK is thriving while those other series are dead, or just barely hanging on for their lives.
>Sexyness can feel deadly, fierce, makes the characters feel more confident, etc.
people are so far up their asses with the paranoia about female sexyness, they completely forgot how sexual traits (stylized/exaggerated or not) also serve other purposes than just being fap material
Baiken from GG is a good example. Anyone who believes that reducing her breast size and covering up her breasts would make her feel "more badass" is just being retard. It would just achive the exact opposite, make her feel a lot less intimidating, confident, mature, healthy-powerful, etc. Sure it's a fictional exaggeration but it fits her similarly exaggerated setting, and MK wasn't any different with it's girls in this regard.
This is utter bullshit and you know it. Flaunting your sexual characteristics does not make you any more intimidating. Or would you think Kano would be more intimidating than he already is if he wore tight leather pants and had a very distinct bulge running down his thigh?
Kano being shirtless is equivalent to a woman showing cleavage
MK appealing to casuals more than ever, and thus also being more popular than ever is not a good thing you shill.
other than that, SC was already confirmed to sell better than the expectations
DoA is not trying to cash in on game sales, but on the already announced F2P version that will come eventually, just like how DoA5 did.
SFV came out before Capcom recovered financially, and was released in a cheap, low budget state. Hopefully the inevitable big budget REengine SF6 will fix the series.
still, all of these games have bigger current playerbase than MKX had (the game that sold several times more than all of these games combined)
the difference with Baiken is that she is an actual character; she goes through shit, doesn't give a fuck and people know what to expect from her. She is sexy but in a way only she can exhibit (she doesn't even actively 'try' to be sexy, she just is by being. She acts like a guy in a lot of instances).
Why did they make Cassie such a brat? She gives this YOUNG appearance that she shouldn't really have.
Except it's not because male pecs are not a sex characteristic like female breasts are
>Musclewomen with penises for the win!
(got to show that women are indeed strong)
>Hermaphrodite creatures in MK12!
(can't trigger any poor, sensitive people with sexuality)
Come on guys. Be progressive.
Kano is already falunting his sexual charecteristics you retard, and it does make him look more intimidating
and don't come with this bullshit about how "naked female body is not a sexual trait"
a man showing his bulge is the same thing as a female showing his cameltoe. It's not the same thing as shoving a cleavage, which women in real life actually confidently do without any "oversexualization" bullshit being involved.
>And don't come at me with any of this facts bullshit!
Waifufags, everyone
>It's not the same thing as shoving a cleavage, which women in real life actually confidently do without any "oversexualization" bullshit being involved.
A woman will quickly be labeled a slut if she dresses promiscuously, though.
Welcome to the lifecycle of every fighting game.
>masculine sexual characteristics are not sexual characteristics
where did this retarded mentality even come from?
feminine and masculine sexual traits are not the fucking same
feminine sexual traits are: curves, softnes, sensitivity, flexibility(bouncyness is also part of this), lighter skin tones etc.
masculine sexual traits are wide frame, hardness, darker skin tones, etc. basically the opposite things
stop this bullshit about how "a male is only sexualized if he is literally dressed up as a female or in some homosexual ways"
what fucking facts? I'm the only one who says any facts you retard. You are just parroting the same stupid Anita Sarkeesian theories.
>Flaunting your sexual characteristics does not make you any more intimidating
this is a new one. What made you think this? Do you believe bodybuilders aren't intimidating in the slightest? Even women with massive tiddies (sure you can find this hot but it is also more intimidating than having no chest at all).
Only neo Yea Forums shits on it. If you look at any other forum ever made that talks about mortal kombat, there is genuine hype and discussion. This shithole is for dumping our asses and nothing more.
>and don't come with this bullshit about how "naked female body is not a sexual trait"
shit wanted to write naked MALE body
Yea Forums has always been more about shit posting than actual video game discussion.
Difference being though is that Mortal Kombat 11 looks competent, unlike those other games you mentioned. What a fucking world, where the newest Street Fighter is shittier and buggier than a Mortal Kombat game. Oh, how the tables have turned.
whats so wrong with giving both males and female audiences some of fanservice ? and don't tell me females were the only ones showing skin. gore = ok . Half ass hanging out of her dress = bad. yeah nice logic there
This is why I play Senran Kagura
Are you being intentionally dense? It doesn't matter what you think sexual traits are. The fact is that breasts are a secondary sex characteristic and are thus considered improper to display in public while pecs are not. A man can walk shirtless on a hot day, but a woman doing that will get fined for public indecency.
This is why a man being shirtless is not the same as a woman showing cleavage, because the former is not an inherent sex characteristic.
>Asking Yea Forums if they want a fighting game or something they don't even have to play
You fucked up OP
Reminder Kringeoid Kuckoldfags were okay with big boobs in MK until SJW Ed Boon told them they couldn't and now are trying to pretend they're better than that by loving cringe ultraviolence
>Only neo Yea Forums shits on it
How much of a fucking drone do you have to be to not see the females in game being dumbed down visually and attractively while 6 male strippers are on the roster?
SF was never popular outside of 2 and 4, where it invented and reinvented the genre and basically had no competition from more casual friendly fighters. Despite it being the most popular competitive fighter, for casuals t doesn't have big appeal unless there are really no other new fighters on the market like Tekken or MK.
Tekken was the most popular fighter for a long time, but as Japanese games started to fall out of popularity MK became the most popular one, and now Japanese fighters don't even have much chance to compete with NRS, since NRS can just afford so much bigger budget for better production values, knowing that they will easily net at least 6 million players.
Ofc this still doesn't make MK's gameplay good, and people will most likely drop it a few months, just like how they do it with all MK games.
Nobody ever has or will need you.
No women has gotten arrested for showing cleavage. Girls wear skimpy clothes out when it is hot just like guys can tar their shirts off. Clearly you haven't talked to many females or even gays if you think that a shirtless dude isn't looked at in a sexual light.
Why not both?
You can look at a fully clothed person in a sexual light, but a fully clothed person is not inherently sexual. Breasts are, and pecs are not. It's as simple as that.
Intent of the viewer does not translate into the actual properties of the subject. Or does the fact that pedos look at children as sexual objects make them so?
>A man can walk shirtless on a hot day, but a woman doing that will get fined for public indecency.
except we aren't talking about bare breasts you retard, we are talking about cleavage, which is a completely fucking accepted thing to show in public, even 14 years olds can do this shit.
Like what is even your point? You literally admit that feminine sexuality doesn't work the same way as masculine sexuality does. A female showing more skin, like tights, shoulders, armpits, etc. is a completely natural and accepted thing even in nonsexual manners. Why the fuck do you want to force that both sexes should be presented in the exact same way", when you literally admit that these charecteristics doesn't work the same way for both?
also stop fucking believing that only "publicly indecent" things are sexual traits
Don't breed. Please.
Your lack of any form of social competence or common sense is frightening. How autistic are you? Do you know what evolutionary biology is? Have you heard of the concept of attracting a mate?
well that is the ideal place to be, but the only platform female characters had then was just being some tiddies on display. Now we have a whole range of different looking female characters rather than just having sexy character model thrown in. If anything, at this point they should provide everyone with a couple of sexy time costumes each.
the game is shit
just give up and dont talk about it
I think what user is trying to say that a male going shirtless outside on a hot day is not the same as a female going out topless on a hot day, as in, literally no top on whatsoever, breasts out and everything.
Let me try one more time.
>Breasts are an inherent sexual characteristic, and are treated as such in the eyes of the law even
>Pecs are not
>Therefore, one cannot compare a man being shirtless to a woman showing cleavage because the latter is flaunting an inherent sexual characteristic while the former is not
It does not matter that people might look at pecs with sexual intent, that does not make them inherently sexual.
public indecency has nothing to do directly with sexual traits. How publicly decent something is only a cultural thing, not a biological.
check what girls actually find sexy in men, and what they are turned on. They aren't look for "bouncing bulges" or man showing asscheeks/thighs, etc. the same way men look for bouncing soft bits of women.
yeah, it's kinda unfair that male sexuality traits are more "publicly decent", but doesn't mean those are not sexual traits.
Biology has no bearing in a discussion about visual design of fictional characters, though. That is an entirely cultural endeavor.
Except that he compares it directly to Cleavage, not a fully topless women. I don't see any topless women in the old character designs
My god. Shut the fuck up you sub 80 trash. Learn to articulate your thoughts and maybe read up on sexual characteristics and mating preferences of humans. You're factually wrong. This isn't cultural. Sexual attraction is PRIMARILY BIOLOGICAL YOU FUCKING TWAT.
my point is only that her sexual bits do add to her looking more badass, and censoring them would literally make her look less badass. This is all completely regardless of how aroused you are by her.
not saying it works every time with everything, my point is that sexyness can fill other purposes than just being arousing. Most western devs these days just cover up the girls without compensating anything for their lost characteristics, which just makes them more boring looking.
Of course it is, you dense cunt. But sexual attraction should not be a focus when designing characters for a videogame, because they are not real people who want to attract a mate.
It's okay to admit that you want designers to pander to you, but don't go claiming that they are committing some form of crime against nature when they do not.
>Biology has no bearing in a discussion about visual design of fictional characters
except currently we are discussing sexual traits, which is part of biology
you claim that "nothing about a male can be sexual, only his dick", because it is decent to show them in public
while a female's skin, breasts, ass, crotch, etc. fucking everything is sexual, thus it's should be covered up in games, because "it's unfair that women show more sexual traits than males do"
This is literally your argument, this is the what the whole Anita Sarkeesian theory all the devs started to follow is built upon.
Same desu
Original series:
>Game 2
>Game 3
>Game: Numbers Are Dumb Now
>Game: Subtitles Are The Future
>Game: Another Subtitle
>Game: Yet Another Subtitle
>Game: One More Subtitle
Reboot series:
>Game 10
>Game 11
Why would they do the numbering this way? Are the last three games not actually a reboot despite what Wikipedia says?
Imagine if they rebooted the Harry Potter movie series from Harry's first year at Hogwarts, but then called the reboot's first sequel Harry Potter 9.
>I don't think pecs are a sexual thing so therefore no one can.
I know people who don't over sexualize breasts too, does that mean they aren't sexual to 80% of the rest of the public.
Pecs require discipline, work, and good Genes. They are a trait in a person that people find sexually attractive because they are a good indication of a potential partner. Just like tits.
Thats a fucking lie lol. Every single normie cares about looks when it comes to their characters way more than the gameplay
Then explain the fact that MKX, the game that supposedly turned all of the female cast into goblinoids, was the fastest and best selling entry in the series.