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what tonight?
they said news on the 10th user
no, the stream is on the 9th
so tomorrow?
>what are time zones
i guess it's tonight for americans
where is it gonna be streamed?
Too bad the game will die in like 1 month after release.
shut up faggot
Truth hurts.
9th is today in Nipland though
it's ok every fighting game is dead except street fighter and tekken
fighting game people are used to it
I'll main the midget
It's gonna be the faggy angel.
>size difference
would you guys honestly fuck that midget? she doesnt even look cute
unironically would
haha no way of course not
In 17 hours:
The crown gets me
but I'd fuck ALL the catsluts
what's wrong, she's a fully grown adult woman
It's for the pedophilia.
Gran is underage.
There's no thing such as underage in the grub world, what are they gonna do, call the sky police?
You called?
ugly hats should fuck off
well shit
Did someone say ugly hags?
Not that midget. But I'd literally mash Nio's and Arulu's holes into a fine paste.
Post more adult women
>and harvinfags say they aren't cancer
Let's be real, guys. Yuel is just the best.
Underdeveloped women with size issues and insecurities are my fetish
Post your mains.
I liked Fenrir in Shadowverse but she isn't anywhere near important enough to have a chance right?
Not completely impossible. She's been a main story villain in gbf for many years and is also one in the current arc. She could be used as an arcade boss if they don't wanna create an original chara.
She could be part of Loki's moveset, if he ever get's in.
midgets are people too you know
So now that Sandy become the most popular char, he's going to be on Versus and Relink right?
Fucking Fujos
>jobs to a potato
>in a non canon joke event
Psssssh nothin personnel, kiddo...
Peace peace
my wife won't get in
Sandals is alright in my book because SuzuKen is fucking great.
Your wife dresses like the slut she is
I'd go for Draphs. The potato with the moon hairdress is very attractive tho.
My brothers
This is very concealing user
Does Narmaya have a chance to get in?
Day One DLC
Arulu is peak femininity. It's not fair for the other girls.
I would pay for it
how many hours till stream
What's the redline about?
>tfw will be playing DMCV and watching the stream
Heck yeah, motherfricker.
Bustiest potato
He's shit.
How can one villain be so based?
Hopefully we see more of him one day
Fa was surprisingly entertaining. Hope comes back as a playable character.
Anyways, now that V has been confirmed to be part of 1/2 of the all powerful god of creation, will he ever do anything or will he forever stay as OIRA APPLES.
Is this Lucifer evolved or something?
Well now that sandal story is "over" they might actually focus on Vee and Lyria next anniversary event again
Lucifaa with Lucifer's body.
Lucifer's creator, Lucifa (Lucillius in the translation). He's the guy that created all the angels so he could eventually destroy both worlds to try to fuck over god.
There's also Lucio, who is the god's speaker.
Luficaa's head attached to Lucifer's body
We are going to get roulette days, yes?
Please say yes
God please just give me any DOKKAN even fucking awful Valentine's day DOKKAN anything I need it
>even fucking awful Valentine's day DOKKAN
Fuck you.
Pretty sure they made it clear in a recent interview that versus would have the popular,not story-relevant characters while ReLink would focus on the story related ones.
Which sucks.
They said they would focus less on popularity and more on characters that would have unique fighting styles and be fun to play in fighting games
So expect few really unpopular but fun picks like Vanzza or something
I'm so excited for the stream bros.
It's going to be a lot of fun.
I just want more info about GBFV.
Gimme a draph or something, KMR.
You'll get Vas
>tfw it's 4:30 in the morning for me
Fucking fuck
GBFV is a given but I hope we also get some more footage of Relink. The last one looked amazing but idk if we are getting anything more with the game being still a long way to be released.
Even 3D midgets make me lose my composure. If I ever cheat, that will be the reason why.
Just so you know, when my wife is announced you can all be happy about it. But only I am allowed to play her
She’ll have alt colors so I’ll pretend I’m playing one of the other knights if that makes you happy
No because the Scarlet Knight is also my husband
So how many of you Granblue players actually intend to learn the game and play it long term? Is this going to die off as usual?
not a granblue player, only interested in this game because it's arcsys
i like the character design though
Well i hope that iam going to actually play it and not just drop it after a day or two like i have done with almost every single "real" game for past 3 years now
but most likely i will, unless it has my waifu
Same as this guy Glad they're making non-gacha games with the world and characters.
I plan on getting it as soon as it comes out on PC, but there's usually no "long term" in games like these. It'll probably die in about a month or two.
The 'actual' granblue players won't have time for anything except granblue itself.
Its sad how true this is
Wish i could just quit work and school but i would probably spend that time grubbing too
>t. never played a fighting game seriously
if it manages to carve out its own niche because of the gameplay there will always be people who play it
shit like melty has a super dedicated community and granblue has the ip behind it
I'm pretty sure most everyone in my crew is a NEET except me
She's awful because I don't have her and I want that costume
I have all the other dokkans
Christ I'm alone and will be forever
How do you keep up?
I got kicked from a crew once because I couldn't farm one GW for hours two days in a row.
I really want Naru, literally the only reason why I started this hellish grind.
I just wonder which one will get the Jew10s first.
They are the coolest characters, after all.
Yeah but I live in bumfuck nowhere so it's hard enough finding people I get decent ping with even when the game is populated.
unless you live in africa/middle east or australia you should be fine
it was funny when that artist's ship was deemed noncannon on this years vday
Yeah these days no game is really "dead", some simply require more community outreach.
Fighters have never been this alive really, but at the same time we really lack a main game the community is happy with. SFV's position at the top has always been an awkward one, where even the people who like it struggle to recommend it. DBFZ had a good go at it, but I think the leading game has to be something more grounded. GBV stands a good chance of being that, especially with all the money behind it
>They are the coolest characters, after all.
i literally dont care about this just release re:link already
It was originally a low level crew and everyone just got strong, so they're all nice guys.
Maybe the real Granblue was the friends we made along the way
what's your favorite doujin?
I do live in the middle east
The V. Medusa one.
It seems the real Graburu was inside us all along.
The better drunknun doujin
Also everything else by that same artist
Stay out of tryhard crews. Casual crews that sometimes try to snipe easy tier A wins are the best.
>casual crew
>tier A
Don't kid yourself.
If I start what makes the sky blue 3 without playing 1 and 2 will it still be interesting?
Do you really need to ask?
It's true. Lots of tier A crews just slack and forfeit because even losing tier A matches gives more badges than tier B, and the only way just getting into tier A seems tedious to you is if your crew is full of sub 100 shitters
>she doesnt even look cute
Gays should be sent to another planet.
I don't actually know anything about Granblue, but someone said this glorious example of tiddywitch perfection was a likely inclusion so I'm probably getting it
Just skip the story, you can read it from journal later after reading part 1 from sidestories at some point and part2 when they add it there soon
prepare to be disappointed
>touch fluffy tail
holy shit it's been years since mgq
mgq paradox translation never
>Lucilius is a remake of Lucio
>Luficer is made in Lucilius' image
>Lucifer makes Sandalphon
It's Lucifer all the way down
What about Albert?
And Arthur
I'd give him all five of my stars if you know what I mean
It will forever be Fascinate Nail
Loli & Futa 4
Wow, can't wait for them to announce it's no longer being developed by ASW.
How many hours until it starts?
7 p.m. JST so like 14 hours
busted so many nuts for that one
I really can’t see any eternal getting in if it’s not him.
i knew what it was before even opening the spoiler
god I can't shake this harvin addiction
interesting, mind sharing your other stuff?
Yeah, Now we're talking.
Clever little sneak.
Looks like good exercise, not a ton of weight but uses lots of stabilizer muscles to stay balanced
Box a cute
>tfw not a dokkanlet
Feels good
You mean sexy
Box isn't sexy, Arulu and Nio and Mahira are the only sexy potatoes.
That too
As in rank triharding? eh not really, i mainly plan to play on lobbies with crewmates and friends
Never touched GranBlue, just like the designs and the porn. The game is an asset flip of GG anyways so it'll let me see what's up for that series next.
Fucking what? Charlotta is adorable.
>asset flip
BASED retard poster.
>one guy with nothing but Leos moves and other with tweaked Ky moves
Based retard retard poster
Come on Grea!
Grea for Versus! Grea!
Adorably sexy that is
Too gay, tail too fat.
>tail too fat
That's the best part
>tail too fat
She has absolutely no sex appeal tough.
What is a god?
Those thighs look pretty sexy
Omnipotence, given form.
I swear if Kikegames doesn't announce him as a raid tomorrow.
You're right. This feeling of a near hazardous semen explosion in my pants is probably just the flu.
Cute > Sexy.
Doot Loli when?
No brown, no buy.
>lose one match
>"haha le job!"
You keep parroting it bc you know how stupid it sounds.
Why are her wings all shredded anyway?
play fgo
Yeah I'm expecting it to be a new HL raid considering all the production that went into it and the fact that his battle theme is fucking 12 minutes.
is there a feh one
Excuse me where are all the dogbros?
reeeee why won't they drop?!
After the update on the 10th youll be able to buy them from the pendant shop
Don't worry user, rusted weapons are going to be added to the renown shop for 300 pendants each!
>still farming rusted weapons in fucking 2019
I will main Ferry (best girl)
No, it ruined the nasuverse forever, Cygamesverse is my new home
They don't exist.
This is your dlc character tonight. She comes with the opening theme of Genesis.
You wish.
In an alternate universe.
The Nasuverse was in a sharp decline immediately after FSN. It was already ruined by the time GO showed up.
Yeah, but being popular is like seeing the rotten corpse of your friend on hollywood movies
T-They didn't forget Nemone exists, right guys?
Is there anything he can't ruin?
If they add Danua, who is my wife, I will preorder the collector's edition. And I don't even play this shit gacha.
Will she make it?
Holy shit, fuck me, he's in the game?
I knew Nina and the zombie lolie were in, but him?
>adding the cow with brain problems
I wouldn't get my hopes up.
just 10 hours?
fuck i tought it was in 2 days
so this morning
5* when
Yeah but you have to buy one of the BD volumes for the anime and they give you a code to unlock him.
What sucks is that the best Amira is also locked behind one of the BDs
>Reveal will just be the other five characters we already know from the logo
>not wanting to see zeta in glorious arcsys black magic 3D modeling
I am fully expecting this.
Who are they again? Vas, Zeta, Percival, Lowain, and Metera?
Damn is her ass really that fat?
I'm expecting the two other niggercats to appear with Lowain as part of his moveset
They better put this track in the game.
They better put THIS track in the game
>Expecting them to reveal all 5 at once
You'll get three at most and despise them for it. I'm just hoping for a lengthy look at the gameplay
I'd follow her anywhere.
Couldnt care about the fighting game but relink looks fucking great. Looking forward to more character reveals and gameplay. I hope if we ever get a PC port we'll still get a code for in game gbf goodies.
I only play gbf and fighting games. I plan on making lobbies for people who cant to get better and give proper advice.
I'm looking forward to learning a new game.
I dropped GBF because it was too time-consuming and I didn't like constantly having a limited time to do an event or something. I'm sad I can't keep up with the universe and fandom but I'll still play the fighting games.
i actually intend to play it
i don't know if long term but i will play
i hope it comes to pc
When do the free big rolls start? I want to get my reroll accounts going already.
After the stream
did they even confirm it to pc yet
if they dont i might have to buy a ps4, goddamn i need this game
So the plan is to UNIst it up? Certainly worked well for them, it'd just be nice for the game to have active online in general
>want to buy it
>campus WiFi doesn't work for Peer to Peer games so I'll be playing against CPUs
UNIST had the luxury of it being a mechanically solid game with variety so the base was already strong albeit small. My biggest fear about GBV is either its too dumbed down or if its too homogeneous in terms of playstyle like DBFZ.
even if i had a ps4 i found retarded that i have to pay money just to get my ass kicked online and play with shit connection.
seriously this online shit of this gen was the most retarded shit ever and everybody accepted it without any problem.
As long as there's more gameplay footage I'm fine with that
WMTSB had some good fucking tracks.
Yeah I'm not completely confident either. Developing a good simple game is no easier than a complex one. You have to make it so there are subtle tricks and nuance to a moveset. And for a more grounded game can't rely on everything being so bullshit crazy it evens out.
Reminder from the interviews
>want make an easy game for beginners
>1 button specials
>no air movement
this will be even easier than DBFZ
>too homogeneous in terms of playstyle like DBFZ.
I'm fine with this. I just want to play as the beautiful and sexy women of the GBF universe.
If its anything like Persona 4 Arena, I wouldn't mind at all. I think that game was the closest middleground in terms of easy to pick up but bullshit at high levels. Worst case is we get something like Rising Thunder with Skill cooldowns, which isn't at all bad.
thats good for people like you who are shit at fighting games and dont know what theyre talking about but pretend to. unless you can prove youre an pride trooper rank or higher in dbfz right now.
Give me Yuel so I can fap endlessly
She's in
shut the fuck up retard this has been a problem with dbfz since month 1.
She's in.
then youll be showing me your pride trooper rank now?
Imagine if he got in instead.
are you from south america? or black?
Easy is fine, I have nothing against simple execution or mechanics
As long as the characters and neutral aren't braindead and there's a decent diversity of playstyles
DBFZ is a good example of what not to do
Them's Fightin' Herds is a great example of how to do it right
>faggot who thinks hes hot at fighting games gets exposed and resorts being nonsensical
pitiful effort
If you're west coast PC i'll play you, idiot.
But my skill lvl has nothign to do with dbfz homogenized roster
oh im sorry did you mention homogenized roster or did you mention that its super duper easy? scrubs like you having some ability to play at a low level is a good thing, not a bad thing.
You can fap to Yuel?
You can't?
Delayed again
>"Dude play granblue
>"lol k"
>*opens wiki*
>Five billion years of events/lost content
lol no
It's a glorified cookie clicker game anyways. You're not missing out on much.
Only some of the collabs will never return. All the other events are rerun or added permanently as side-stories.
exactly... how tonight?
Likely characters and their playstyles? I'm going in blind to the series, I'm not playing gacha.
Timeleft before the show?
I need to set my alarm.
7pm JST (8 hours)
No problem user, sleep well!
She's going to take a spot and become the main character.
Is that Jehuty?
Some characters like this tanky motherfucker are all but confirmed. But aside from that we just don't really know.
Lucifer (both Voidwing and original) and Forte should probably also be under CyGames stars.
- Gran
- Katalina
- Charlotta
- Ferry
- Lancelot
- Percival
- Vaseraga
- Zeta
- Metera
- Lowain
>100% IN
- Zooey
- Beatrix
- Vane
- Albert
- Danua
- Grea
- Amira
- Olivia
- Yuel
- Jeanne
- Vampy
- Cerberus
- Sandalphon
- Black Knight
- Orchid
- Sturm
- Drang
- Lecia
- Shiro
- Magisa
- Korwa
- Lady Grey
- Sara
- Heles
- Ilsa
- Eustace
- Sen
- Ghandagoza
- Soriz
- Aliza
>This will mostly be an all-new story, but we will let our players go through certain events and stories from the original game
>The characters that were announced first are more on the standard side, but later on we’ll see some more announcements in the future with different kinds of characters
>Versus is going to be a more character-driven game, and since it’s a fighting game the method for choosing is different. For instance, an important factor is how people would enjoy fighting with each character. There is much more room for introducing more unique characters or some who aren’t as relevant to the main story of Granblue but do have a strong fanbase.
>When Touyama Nao noted that fighting games were not a common reason for people to go into voice acting, Yonezawa added that Takamori Natsumi (Aliza, Maekawa Miku) went into acting for the same reason. After that, they shouted at the staff to add Aliza to GBFVS.
I honestly don't see it happening
I dont support that list
Fighting games focus on playstyle rather on popularity
Most characters with the same weapon/fighting style probably wont get in
You also have to think on fighting characters roles that every fighting game has
From your "possible" list none of them can fit a Grappler character for example
This will be the grappler.
Too popular to not be in.
5 Stars, multiple SSR, lot of alt outfits, dedicated event (the rerun is probably not innocent), was in the last big event (not innocent too).
Strong personnality for a fighting game character with his voice, unique gameplay with ouroboros.
The Cag is in.
>CyGames Star
negro he's literally just in GBF
Nah, this list is only made for people who don't know GBF, they can look for the important characters to have a general idea.
For the Grappler, Sarah, Soriz, Ghanda and even Vaseraga could have grappling moves.
We don't really know what kind of archetype they will use in this game, if they will just gve a grappling move to some characters or if they will make a dedicated grappler.
He better fucking get announced.
They love him too much, that's the joke.
No, this is.
Let me rephrase:
Is that an anthropomorphized Jehuty?
More like a Pyet-A themed Beatrix.