Summarize a character using the word "muh"

Summarize a character using the word "muh".

>muh void

Attached: exdeath.png (722x839, 691K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>muh Zenos

Attached: ffxiv_01302018_180209.png (1600x900, 1.99M)


>muh counter

Attached: d2980e69b62d585d394d5c6f5c641142.jpg (474x582, 139K)

>muh nado

Attached: 220px-Shulk.png (220x353, 90K)

muh plane

Attached: Bill_Wilson-0.jpg (317x340, 13K)


Attached: starcraft academy.jpg (480x360, 10K)

God the amount of times they repeat shit in Xenoblade almost drove me nuts. Really bad script.

>muh WOAH

Attached: e01366d166e79f1095aa0b426f233422.png (440x600, 243K)

That's like complaining that a lot of the other main characters say the protag's name. Of course the Monado is going to be mentioned a lot.

Dude there was no reason for them to keep repeating the word "Monado" so often when it could have easily been written better. It makes for really mindnumbing dialogue.


Attached: Clone_Trooper.png (142x399, 61K)


Attached: TrevorJapanManual.png (256x258, 146K)

Oh yeah name some examples then.

Why? It happens almost every time something is related to the damn thing, which is most of the game. I'm pretty sure someone counted how many times it was said and it was several hundred times at least.


Attached: Shadow-of-yharnam.jpg (350x205, 15K)

muh edgy pseudo intellectual nihilism

Attached: Kreiahoodlessconcept.jpg (260x392, 34K)

>muh brother

Attached: 13218534846654.jpg (850x1228, 168K)

You mean when Shulk and gang are trying to figure out the Monado like trying to get powered up to fight face mechon or learning more of its origins like the part of the point of the story?

I'm not saying they shouldn't have mentioned it but it was way over used. Have you never read a book before? Or even watched TV? It's considered bad dialogue to repeat something so much, no matter how relevant it is.

>muh k

Attached: muk.png (250x153, 13K)

> muh ridiculously poorly written change of mind

Attached: download (18).jpg (213x236, 6K)


Attached: download.jpg (300x168, 4K)

Didn't seem overused to me and I read and watch alot of things. :^)

Hey I'm just trying to express why it's bad, you're free to hold your own opinion about it.

>not Muhstery niggas


Attached: Asura.jpg (1280x720, 168K)

>muh muh mia

Attached: mario-pose2.png (390x517, 36K)

>muh Pikachu

Attached: 71r+HGoeTnL._SL1500_.jpg (598x1500, 97K)

>muh ria

Attached: Shadow.png (703x1062, 499K)

>nobody did the obvious one yet

Attached: muhboi.png (466x342, 173K)

>Muh Escapism

Attached: Ffta-marche.jpg (902x985, 96K)


>muh tree

hearty kek


Attached: solidsnake.png (700x480, 27K)

Wouldn't that be the wheelchair kid saying that?

>bogey on muh tail

Attached: pep pep.jpg (247x313, 12K)

Yeah, Doned would probably say that. I was going off this classic tho

Attached: 40-capture_06102010_211128.png (480x320, 38K)

I figured as much, and you're legally excused.

muh core values

Attached: 1550658582893.jpg (2100x1731, 892K)


muh minge

Attached: best girl.jpg (480x640, 48K)

Does she ever even say that or is it just a case of, she has an island monkey accent, she must swear like a chav.


>muh ass

Attached: sample_69a008eac7bc7f623672ac2baba3b406.jpg (850x988, 127K)

Muh reens!

Attached: SC2.jpg (1280x720, 102K)

>Not being "muh DARKNESS"

you had one job

Attached: 6a8eb370e0b5678d84d22b62bc06743cbd2cae18997fc19a6eee21765cbaf666.jpg (720x405, 101K)

>Not "Muh Chi Blade"

I bet you're the type of person to prefer a dick a 'member' and a 'hot rod', yeah?