Imagine the smell

imagine the smell

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Other urls found in this thread:

hmm nice :)

Do you mean like hot water and soap?

combined with all the dirty, sweat and musk forms an excellent odor

yeah haha just imagine

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It smelled like lillac and gooseberries because Yen is right there


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oh god

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geralt looks best with a full beard

Imagine how everyone in Skyrim must have smelled.

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whole fucking place probably smelled like sweaty goat

I wonder if devs will actually put in effort to give characters body odor if smellovision is ever invented.
I approve of it

Nintendo will do it, bet on it

image how it would feel like ;__;

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What does his pp look like?

fucking lol

Where the fuck is that from?


Witcher 3

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I like my men sweaty alright

The Witcher 3. That's the mocap for when Geralt fucks whores.

top kek m8

lol why the fuck would they release this

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agreed, and i'm not even a fag

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>tfw you see the way she's smiling the whole time

Ciri, NO

stfu fag and roll with it


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I don't remember anything like that. Guess I just haven't been to enough whorehouses.

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Ciri wishes, Geralt would never.

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he doesn't have to, with her powers she probably could make him do anything

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I feel bad for ciri, having no chance of getting fucked by geralt because he sees her as a daughter. Pretty frustrating haha

Shit, that was the first thing I did when I got to Novigrad. Poor Geralt being the massive manwhore he is having gone so long without a proper fuck.

Bullshit. If Ciri came on to him hard, no doubt he would be all for it. He hasn't seen her since she was a child, and believe it or not, that's actually a known psychological phenomenon if parent and sibling are separated for too long.

that would make this even better then

>parent and *sibling
meant child, but it still works, because it happens between brother/sister too.

canon Ciri likes women though

>I want to ___ Ciri

Attached: witcher3_2018_08_18_21_04_48_944.jpg (1920x1080, 1.05M)

If I were Ciri I would:

>pay a woman to sleep with Geralt
>in the bed room let the woman tell him she wants to blindfold him because fetish
>while he's blindfolded and bound to the bed take the womans place instead

Ciri is not for sex.

She's a whore just like Geralt and would probably fuck anyone if it really came down to it.

And you are not for living but here we are

I want to ___ Shani

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so to verify she only likes women she decides to give it a try with the manliest hottest guy she knows


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It that what it looks like underneath her skirt? I feel ashamed for never having tried to look when I did Hearts of Stone. Thought never crossed my mind, either, which makes it even worse.

Yeah, imagine that haha

>while he's blindfolded and bound to the bed take the womans place instead
I didn't know I had this fetish until now.

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This is supposed to be a FAG thread. BREEDERS LEAVE.

This looks like a normal Witcher thread


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Genetically altered to have BBC that's why women love him.

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Yeah, what a quality woman he's got there kek

wait how can you feel ashamed for NOT taking a peek?

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I actually thought this whole thing was pretty fucking stupid. Like these dimension walking turbo edge elves coming to fucking noob land of Witcher 3 to sit in a chair while a bunch of succubus roll around in front of them? The fact that they were even elves was kind of lame, especially since their voices changed so hard with a fucking mask on.

Really? This didn't cross your mind while you were playing the game?

Because that's what you do in videogames when the developers give you a skirt-clad female.

you disgust me


I miss Geralt
Here he is in 2077

Ciri and Geralt won't be in 2077. Even with the new lead from Witcher 3, they've already stated neither will make an appearance in it.

>tfw constantly remember his lines during the day
>What now, you piece of filth?
>Looks like rain
>Wind's howling
>Damn, you're ugly

Such a waste not to include a small sidequest with Ciri

Don't really care either way, but knowing what Ciri's powers are, they could easily do it and it wouldn't even be far fetched, since she already said that she has been to places that would defy belief.

no way fag

Well Yea Forums, would you rather have Witcher style magic and the Elder Blood or the knowledge and infrastructure to create all the Cyberpunk technology?

fucking lost

imagine sucking his dick while Yen watches

fuck off triss

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this desu
Ciri is starved for cock, but the universe conveniently slays anyone who tries to put it in. Hands and tribbing is fine though apparently.

>her ass hair was on the bed

Like a fucking Zoo
Where people even do their business?

Whole thing is pretty over the top when doing the mocap(?)

In the gardens.
Natural fertilizer.

fuck that's hot

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Polish George Martin just won't give her a break. It's basically an outlet for his fantasies, which is pretty much the case for any other that writes sex in their work.

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I don't understand how or why geralt is friends with dandelion. They're nothing alike.


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Mutual respect/regard and they went through some hardships together if I'm not mistaken.

Pretty much Geralt's bumbling sidekick, but in this case, he slays pussy all day and is a world renowned poet.

They both cunny conquerors. Plenty alike.

Why does she have white's facial features?

Don't even go there you dumb piece of shit, Dandelion is based. He's not a fucking mutant so of course he appears useless in this world of monsters, magical beings and shit, but he still is willing to help Geralt any way he can, whenever he needs it. And he got in incredible danger to help Ciri with her magical relic i forgot the name of, just because she talked to him about it, without even knowing what it was all about. Because he cares for Geralt, and because of that, came to care for Ciri too.

You guys talking about a relationship between Ciri and Geralt are monsters. I can't even fathom how degenerate you have to be to think for one second that both of them would ever feel that way about each other. From the moment they are reunited, the dynamic of their relationship is very clear. He was rocking her like a child when he thought she was dead god fucking damn it. Don't lewd pure relationships.

made this because i have nothing else to do with my life

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yeah, but they're both hot as fuck

Nah, there are instances where Ciri gives Geralt some lets fuck eyes. They're not even related, and haven't seen each other since she was a child, so it absolutely would have an affect on her, especially since they are so much alike.

wait what, i don't remember this being in the game

Fucking terrible, considering that they don't have a single bathhouse in the entire region and rivers would be too cold for washing anything.

They are, but not together.

When exactly? Not being related doesn't matter, ask an adopted child if he would ever think about his mother as a potential sexual partner, he will react with disgust almost like being raised by someone is the most determinant factor.

About the fact that they haven't seen each other for years, as i said already the relationship dynamic is absolutely unchanged and it is very clear from the moment Geralt sees her. The damn flashback we see is of her running in his arms, as a child. He still sees her as his daughter, and her attitude around him proves it too. She's embarrassed when the blind lady at the sabbath talks about her virginity in front of him, she giggles like a little girl when he throws a snowball at her, she throws tantrum at him, etc. The scene with Ehmyr (if you go see him with her) is another proof: Ehmyr and Geralt are both paternal figures for her, and the choice you make at that time determines if Geralt still is the one she looks up to. I can't believe i need to state the obvious like that.

would you drink his bathwater

shut the fuck up

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Snowball fight, Ciri and Geralt talking to Ciri's friend in the bar, also when Ciri and Geralt first meet up again. There's obvious sexual tension there, at least in my opinion. You can tell that she strongly admires Geralt, and since they're both whores in canon, it could easily go one way or the other, and in the game, even more if you don't romance Triss or Yen, since there's nothing holding Geralt back.

No point arguing about it, though.

no because you get stomach cramps from drinking soap water

Why did Nu-creed turned into a Witcher 3 ripoff?
With killing Monsters and all

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>t. town wench

Attached: Geralt.png (299x519, 257K)

because ubisoft only knows how to follow established models that are proven to work, and then routinely casualize and ruin that model


here's another just for you then

Attached: W3.jpg (4864x5000, 3.88M)

Soap, Candles and Lavender oil. I would fuck that and I'm not even gay.

LMAO you're so beta that you CAN'T EVEN GET LAID IN A VIDEO GAME

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Very nice. Link to uncensored pics?

Attached: Geralt-and-Ciri.jpg (1920x1080, 332K)

I also request the link

>feet out of frame

the universe and Geralt

good daddy saving that cunny for himself like a fine wine.

>boiled zeugl cloaka
muh dick

I was amazed by the fact they had multiple body types for women, even when they're naked, so it wasn't a repeat of DA:O when Wynne had a banging 20-something body because it was the only female body type to go around.

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threw in a couple other pics i made

Ciri and Triss have an unique body, then there's the granny body model and then there's the generic one that's shared for everybody else. So not that many.

there's also a fat one

Ciri YES

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Risky download of the day. Much appreciated user

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yeah sorry about the large file size but I like my pics high quality

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dont feed the feet fag

I always been interested in the Witcher games, but i'm reluctant to play them because i'm a console pleb and will have to skip the first one.
Will i miss much if i do?

why don't we ever get a close up on his hand with no gloves on? Hands are such an important detail on the male body

>and will have to skip the first one.
> will have to

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here you go weirdo

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imagine massaging these manly feet


Backuand looks ok but something about his fingers in the second, huh

>those fingers

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>TW4 starts with that shot, you play as Ciri

Would you like it, Yea Forums? I know she's overpowered but we could also have another less strong protagonist, pretty much like we were playing as both Geralt and Ciri in TW3. We would start the game with her but only have a few sequences playing as her during the overall game.

>play as Ciri
>Would you like it

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Only if she's less of a childish retard than she was in W3. Maybe a 30-40 aged Ciri with some experience and less of her whiny personality.


Give me a game where we play as Iorveth

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Attached: Vernon Roche.webm (424x618, 2.17M)

>Elf Terrorist
Time to go to prison.


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Roche really an elf hating racist, or is he just a follow orders by any means possible kinda guy?

He's not a genocidal maniac type of racist like White Rayla, but he must have some hate for the elves after witnessing what the scoia'tael have done

What did the elves do?

You can watch a story video on youtube if you're worried about missing anything but the first game is mostly stand-alone storywise and the most important bits are the opening fmv (that introduces Geralt) and the closing fmv that introduces the event that ties into Witcher 2

terrorist stuffs

Second life

hold hands with and kiss gently on the lips

>Non humans act like entitled shits after their civilizations have fallen and humans have taken them in
>Only care about human laws and customs when they don't conflict with their culture
>Scoia'tael carries out worse terrorist acts than the fucking redenian army

Based Broche wants only whats best for Temeria. What's best for the kingdom. He is a practical soldier, strict but fair leader and a respected among his men. He is the sole reason why Geralt wasn't executed on the spot when Letho killed Foltest, because he saw Geralt as more than just a mutant freak. Hell, he even makes women useful by training Ves. Feel free to give a reason NOT to side with him.

Murder humans, military and civilians alike, they don't care if they kill a human child. Rob banks, take hostages, burn villages, etc.

I have a feeling that you miss a lot of the details by not being familiar with the books, as they don't really go into a lot of stuff. It isn't so much a game to game thing. There are some instances in Witcher 3 where they reference 1 and 2, but it's kinda just in passing and not really necessary overall as it pertains to the story.

Not an elf lover, unless it's some slut that wants to be banged. Always liked Roche, even for the little bit I played Witcher 2 which was only a couple hours, maybe more. Also a big fan of Ves, she's my type of lady. I always figured Roche was just a good soldier kinda guy, did what he was told and tried his best to make ends meet for the people he supported.

Relationships between characters is really the only thing that bothers me not knowing, like the history between Djikstra and Geralt. I like Djikstra, a shame I had to kill him.

take a wild guess, retard

No because Ciri isn't a Witcher.

What was his fucking problem?!

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>What was his fucking problem?!
Being a god gets boring.

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Steam and Brut

Rude fucking people are the problem.

I've always been very attracted to him. I chose his side on TW2 purely because of this.