Why are people excietd for this?

Why are people excietd for this?

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 148K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Looks pretty + Platinum Games

Are they?
All I've seen where some really Reddit tier meme threads about this and Cyberpunk77 that just fucking reeked of desperation, and were clearly made by a single sorry autistic sod.

it looks like an upscaled gamecube game

I love Katsura and Platinum, sorry if i'm hyped

The girl cop is a qt

Learn to fucking spell Retard.

Platinum makes fun video games. I like fun video games.

gamecube couldn't do shaders, the games looked worse than dreamcast and ps2.

Nigga what? Gamecube games looked infinitely better than their PS2 counterparts

It’s cyberpunk by people who live in a cyberpunk city already (Tokyo)
Versus cyberpunk by polish farmers where electricity is a luxury

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I want to be an anime policeman

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looks fun
fun games are fun
it might not be fun after more gameplay is revealed
but that's okay

it's a nintendo exclusive


Don't know why you'd get this when DMC V exists

animu cops
seems really obvious to me.

So? Cel-shaded graphics (always) looks nice.

You get to be the police.

XD good one user

i already have that pal

>nice art design (so far, aside from the MCs face being a bit too pretty)
>Kamiya as producer
Suits my taste

Attached: 8CD18800-C961-4784-8F48-64CE54A4E696.gif (348x323, 1.94M)

>gamecube games looked worse than dreamcast and ps2.
nice classic bait

enjoy your 20k sales


The game looks really good. Also on a side note I wish more women had that hairstyle

>''I can buy anything I want!''
>buys only one game and spends time defending it on 4chin
Every time.

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Because toku cops with stands.

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When I go to the grocery store I don't buy the good loaf of bread I really will enjoy and also another loaf of bread that is basically the same thing but not as good. I just buy one then I use it to make tuna salad sandwiches for lunch.

DMC5 just came out and astral chain is still months away, your logic is retarded.

it's the only switch game coming out this year

Sasuga Platinum, hot waifus, cool robots, weird sci-fi plot, and character designs from the guy who gave us ZETMAN.

Attached: 15_battle_06.jpg (1920x1080, 927K)

I just realized that its a guy, fuck me

Nigga, what? And what you thought the actual girl (his twin sister, by the way) was?

And yet still looks great.

Almost like a games artstyle > tech spec wankry, huh? You child.

> tuna salad sandwiches
that explains it

Post the damn trailer.
Also there was an absurd number of people in the live chats thinking this was XBX2 and didn't realize it wasn't that until kamiya name came out.

Why can't you get both?

Oh you're either a poorfag or a fanboy. Sad.

I know that there is a girl in the game but I mistook the character in OP's pic for a woman

Attached: 1539400021618.jpg (1280x720, 168K)

I thought for sure this was XBX2 until the credit info appeared

>MFW my grandparents are cousins
Incest literally runs in my blood, I can't help but ship the twins.

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because is a nintendo exclusive a this a nintendo board

The strings between monster and human did look like Xenoblade, and I think one of the designers of that game did character designs for Astral Chain.
So I thought that as well for the first few seconds.

obsessed and seething

>Until kamiya name came out.


Attached: Astral Chain - Announcement Trailer - Nintendo Switch.webm (238x454, 224K)

>Metal Gear Rising and Nier with improved gameplay

>Transforming mech that lets you ride the wolf form

>Police force and voice acting on par with Wonderful 101


Why the fuck would i not be excited for this

Attached: PICK IT UP.png (750x360, 560K)

Nope, the Character designer is a mangaka which most popular works were from the 90s (video girl AI and DNA'2). He never worked in xenoblade.

We have this cycle every day

People that loved Bayonetta and Platinum's current games are because of DMC

We love both and unlike others, we actually have multiple consoles to not shitpost

>food analogy

cool original setting, nice artstyle, dual combat system sounds fun, music is top tier and it's a new single player ip with decent effort put into it, something the switch needs

it also seems to be more of an action adventure game than a typical beat em up so it's interesting to see platinum branch out a bit

I can't see the future: certain faggot is gonna spam a webm of the "toku posing summoning sequence" calling it "japanese humour".

Switch has literally NO GAMES.
So they excited for anything.

Food analogies are fine because everyone is familiar with food. It's like when you need to tell someone how something tastes you compare it to another food.

*Can see...

Why is OP a huge faggot?

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Because the footage hits the right buttons to me

I dunno it looks cool
Not gonna buy it day one, but i hope it will turn out good

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>Don't know why you'd get this when DMC V exists
On Switch?

jesus even a panty outline when she moves.


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Because cyberpunk 2077 is a based shot for normie faggs

Shut the fuck up, Dobson.

Are you confusing Gamecube with Nintendo 64 or something because GC was MORE powerful than PS2 in every way.

Thats a nice ass

Yeah, looked it up and must have misremembered.

I'm 100% certain this is just gonna feel like their B-tier games. Automata's strong suite wasn't it's combat, and this guy did fucking Korra.

I realized that nothing big comes out the same week astral chain come out, this means it won't be curbstomped like W101.
Really, who was the fucking retard that decided to release W101 the same fucking week than GTAV?! I hope that person was fired.

Remember me?

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longcat is way too long

>the games looked worse than dreamcast and ps2.
Dude what.
The ps2 couldn't even handle sonic heroes

It's not a coincidence that the twins look like Asuka and Jin.

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Keep you fat thighs where I can see them

>Really, who was the fucking retard that decided to release W101 the same fucking week than GTAV?! I hope that person was fired.
Eh? GTAV wasn't released on WiiU and W101 was available only on WiiU.

W101 needs a port to Switch so that more people can enjoy it

Unlike what Yea Forums makes you think, most of the people has multiconsoles + PC. Loads of people with WiiU also had the means to play GTAV.

No, actually.


it won't get curbstompted by tw101 because it immediately looks more appealing than tw101, if only for weebs

tw101 was a game for no one, looked way too bizarre and incomprehensible for normalfags

W101 wouldn't have sold well no matter what. The characters look too dumb to have mass appeal and the gameplay is too weird.

Sounds based, gamecube had good games

GTAV is the third best selling game of all time, it for sure ate I to the sales and attention of W101. Not that 101 would have been a success otherwise, but it was still a poor decision

It was a new IP, releasing a new IP the same week a massive popular well old IP is plain up retarded. People is less willing to test something new if something "old" is coming out at the same time.

This trailer already has more views than W101 reveal trailer. Now it only needs more marketing, maybe a direct.

DMCV is the fifth game, not counting DmC. Astral Chain is actually fresh.
Same reason for why I am more excited for Astral Chain than I am for Bayonetta 3.

Don't know why you'd get that when DMC exists.
Don't know why you'd get any game when Pong exists.

>Unlike what Yea Forums makes you think, most of the people has multiconsoles
No you don't. And excited for any port of 10 years old game because switch owners never played it before.

WiiU owner never owned or played on other consoles so it is irrelevant.

W101 is 10 years old?

Mostly this. Even though I love the character designs, the general public doesn’t go for that style. Generic high budget AAA with realistic graphics and massive marketing campaign is going to be most people’s buy.

>tfw one group of my friends play games but it’s mostly generic shooters like Destiny, Anthem, etc...

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>No you don't.
you rite, I have a PC and a switch

now kill yourself seething sonyboy

I'm talking about skyrim or AC3 and other neverending switch ports.

>Posting on Yea Forums
>I have a PC

I checked and is 6 years old, why you scared me like that?

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It reminds me of Winspector.

Ok anons, what Astral Chain needs to do to avoid W101's pathetic fate?

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It’s a fantastic game worthy of its cult status, and opening the market to a successful console instead of a failure like Wii U would be great for those who never got to experience it, ESL-kun

this really.

why do you care so much OP?

are they human?

Attached: switch_astralchain_screen_moviecut_23.jpg (1920x1080, 600K)

It’s already doing all the necessary things. Seriously user, there’s nothing to worry about

Gen 6 games rendered in HD with up rezzed textures are the peak of aesthetics.

Not be on the wii u and be more accesible.

>That one niggy playing Dragon Ball on the computer

It pisses me off that Babylon's Fall got no news but Astral Chain is all around the place.

I don't think so, the line "...because how you (the twins) were born..." Makes me think. The woman also talks how the twins shouldn't be working for those idiots.

They’re enhanced

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Having a stable framerate

Get a PS4 port.

>The Nintendo Switch version of Bayonetta 2 sold nearly 700,000 units worldwide, including approximately 400,000 on the Switch and nearly 300,000 on the Wii U

In comparasion
>By March 31, 2010, Bayonetta sold 1.35 million units worldwide.

Doesn’t mean it wasn’t a success. Nintendo is incredibly good at budgeting their games appropriately

Tell me user, if the original Bayonetta sold so well why sony and Microsoft refused to piblish the 2?

So, their mother got ROBOSPERMED?

>The Nintendo Switch version of Bayonetta 2 sold nearly 700,000 units worldwide
>including approximately 400,000 on the Switch and nearly 300,000 on the Wii U

I'm surprised that a game that appeals to me this much is a new IP exclusive in 2018. Maybe there is hope for the industry yet.

Switchfags literally go bingbingwahoo

>in 2018

>refused to piblish the 2?
You mean pay for development cost?

My bad, edited it a bit, but forgot to delete switch in the beginning. It was about 1 week in japan and later about total sales.


New IPs are always more exciting than “rehash number XX”.

What are the chances that the unplayable twin is going to BETRAY THE LAW?

>Food analogy
>Food analogy that even goes against you if you weren't retarded.
DMCV and Astral Chain are months apart. Why try saving moldy bread when you can just get new bread?

Why her butt so small?

Why no 2B sized great butt?

Yeah it's almost bizarre that it's actually happening.

look at all those SEETHING replies man good job

Dumb nigger

You analogy also incorrect.
You can't buy DMC on switch.

>Platinum + weebs

fucking cancer combo

Bayonetta sold better months after it came out once press and youtubers finally started giving attention to it.
Why are ya omitting vital information?

Don't forget that it hit the bargain bin in that time and was on two platforms

>This analogy doesn't make sense because I'm a solo console fag with no PC.
Why are you even in this thread then?

>Why are ya omitting vital information?
>Sinobi, a Japanese blog known for its early sales data, reported Bayonetta sold 138,000 copies—93,000 for the PS3 and 45,000 for the 360—on its day of release in the country
>In Japan, Bayonetta 2 sold approximately 39,000 units in its first week of release
Even 360 version in Japan sold better.

Do not forget Bayo 2 included Bayo 1 for free.

What does that have to do with anything?

There probably was no white or black women to model her butt from at the time.

I hope the twins work together and they have cutscenes where they talk in unison and that it wasn’t just the trailer being edited to make it seem that way.

360 and PS3 versions ooutsold wiiu and switch version. So your statement about - MUH 2 PLATFORM idiotic

About bargain bin also, considering launch sales were higher on 360/ps3 and Bayo2 included bayo1, so it is by default budget title.

I just really like the fact that you can capture chain people who are running away, it’s not just demon enemies.

Full Kino would be a judge dredd route but I’m going to enjoy this game regardless

>360 and PS3 versions ooutsold wiiu and switch version.
Not him. But they're also years older. Re-releases do tend to sell less. This tends to be true even in scenarios where the platform(s) changed.

because people are entitled to like things that you don't, stupide fuckhead, and also good taste

>But they're also years older.
>By March 31, 2010, Bayonetta sold 1.35
>PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
>JP: October 29, 2009
>NA: January 5, 2010
>By March 31, 2010

>400,000 on the Switch and nearly 300,000 on the Wii U

Your point again?

>get into a flat area that plays the same as everywhere else in the game
>magic doors appear and you have to fight a bunch of enemies you already faced before
>repeat this until the game ends
Amazing Platinum design

Also, it wasn't re-release. It was Bayo 2.

You're not really making much of a point for yourself here you know. After all you've just ignored the factors that made Bayo sell as it did back then.

>After all you've just ignored the factors that made Bayo sell as it did back then.
Such as?

>get a ps4 port
lmao, never gonna happen.

You say that like it's a bad thing.

>Your point again?
what's yours besides flaunting your anal fissures about bayo 2 being a nintendo exclusive 5 years after the fact? holy shit I should be used to it but the speds infesting this board will never stop amazing me

looks like a real cyberpunk game

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Cemu m8.

Case in point.

>looks like a real cyberpunk game

Attached: large.jpg (1280x632, 152K)

Platinum games makes a cyberpunk 80s anime into a game.

If you dont see how fucking based that is, you can get the fuck out of my face.

Attached: nevermiss.jpg (640x480, 67K)

>Your point again?
My point was not that it has been on the market longer and thus amassed more sales or anything like that. So I don't really see why you felt the the need to post all those release dates. My point was simply this.
People buy Bayonetta 1.
Years later Bayonetta 1 is released again, but people who have already bought Bayonetta don't re-buy the game and the re-release has fewer sales. It's the exact same reason for why PC sales are so much lower too.

It was a re-release. That was bundled with Bayonetta 2. Which really just makes the comparison even more silly.
Yes Bayonetta 2 sold worse than Bayonetta 1, but that doesn't mean it's because of the platform. Again, the PC port sold sell as well. How come? The PC version has by far the best performance, and the best price points. Spoiler: Because it's a re-release.

Release a sequel, bundle it with first 1 for better price.

Yeah, just like 80s cyberpunk anime.

Attached: Switch_AstralChain_screen_battle_10.jpg (1920x1080, 1.47M)

Octopath Traveler has jack shit for marketing outside a few YouTube mini directs and Twitter
The 2 demos definitely helped

Bayo 2 releasing probably helped many people discover the game for the first time, and the steam release definitely helped.
Of course 1 outsold 2, most copies of 2 sold with a copy of 1.

How are those two games comparable? You sound mildly retarded.

Can you even read? I outright said that it still counted as a re-release.

Learn how to use punctuation, dipshit.

W101 also had a demo, but it frankly sucked and might have put people of the game

>Forgets it ran better on Xbox so much so the team downright regretted the port
Fuck off nigger

Are you retarded or something?


Basically despite being an exclusive it sold slightly less than a 2 system Multiplat like 0.25 Million less despite having a much smaller userbase

>Again, the PC port sold sell as well. How come? The PC version has by far the best performance, and the best price points. Spoiler: Because it's a re-release.
>Owners: 500,000 .. 1,000,000

You know damn well that's not what was said. Stop being disingenuously retarded.

And that is lower than what Bayonetta originally sold. So you've backed up and enforced my statement.

>despite being an exclusive
Bayo 1 on ps3 and 360
Bayo 2 on wiiu and switch

1.35mil vs 700k
0.25mil difference


Stop portbegging

>Years later Bayonetta 1 is released again, but people who have already bought Bayonetta don't re-buy the game and the re-release has fewer sales
>that's not what was said.

>Even on they’re website they admit Bayonetta 2 doesn’t run that well
Are you even trying?

More than it sold on wiiu and switch combined.

So my point still valid. If you want platinum game to succeed, released it on other consoles and PC too. People do not buy Platinum games on Nintendo consoles.

>Even on they’re website they admit Bayonetta 2 doesn’t run that well
>can literally watch video with fps in it
Are you retarded?

Experimental new IP from developers with a decent pedigree?

Gee, I wonder.

I don't personally think it looks that cool, and the animu is a little much for me, but please let people be excited about original things.

>More than it sold on wiiu and switch combined.
And I never said anything to argue otherwise. My point was that it sold sell. It did. The Wii U version also sold less, and was also a re-release.
That the PC re-release sold more than the Wii U version is completely irrelevant to that, but it's also not particularly surprising. It was the fucking Wii U for crying out loud. And while the Wii U version had Bayonetta 2, the PC version was much cheaper.
But even with all of this, as I explained in my initial post. Both the Wii U version and the PC version sold less than the original release, and that's in spite of the objective perks over the original release that each of those respective releases had over it. Odd right? No, it's not odd at all. Those were re-releases after all.

Buying Bayonetta 1 bundled with Bayonetta 2 is still buying Bayonetta 1. That doesn't make Bayonetta 2 a fucking re-release of Bayonetta 1, it just means that Bayonetta 2 was bundled with a re-release of Bayonetta 1. Stop being fucking retarded.

Your point basically is
>People not bought Bayo 2 because they already played Bayo 1
You are retard.

No. My point is that tons of people didn't buy Bayonetta 1 in particular, again for the re-releases due to how they were re-releases. Whereas they didn't buy Bayonetta 2 because they simply weren't interested. An argument I haven't made yet.

I can ride a robot dog in battle.

>>People not bought Bayo 2 because they already played Bayo 1
Play Bayonetta 1. Don't like it enough to buy the sequel.
What in the world is retarded about that?

>People not bought Bayo 2 because they already had Bayo 1and not wanted another Bayo 1 in bundle with Bayo 2

Attached: mp,550x550,gloss,ffffff,t.3u2.jpg (377x550, 30K)

Now read this retard -> >Buying Bayonetta 1 bundled with Bayonetta 2 is still buying Bayonetta 1.
>My point is that tons of people didn't buy Bayonetta 1 in particular, again for the re-releases due to how they were re-releases

Good, apology accepted.

Attached: astralchain-24.jpg (1920x1080, 473K)

Are you assuming that everyone that were at one point in time interested enough in Bayonetta 1, would also still be interested enough to buy Bayonetta 2? That's a very flawed line of thought and obviously doesn't line up well with reality.

It is an action game made by platinum where you can use a godamn stand. DID I MADE MYSELF CLEAR!

So are you saying me much less people on WiiU and Switch combined were interested in Platinum game than on other consoles and PC?

Color me surprised.

Looks just like my favorite cyberpunk anime from 80s.

Attached: tumblr_m9e7qi0jfe1qdc388o1_500.gif (500x375, 570K)

No that's not what I am saying, because the PC release was a much, much newer release than the original console releases. Which I mentioned in my initial post.

It looks cool with an interesting gimmick and the developers usually deliver on solid combat.


[Guitar riffs, smashing drums]

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>Using combined numbers vs a singular console
2 can play at that game
Switch sold more than PS3 by itself and 360 by itself

>New ip
>interesting cyberpunk world
>zetman designs.
I dunno if zoomers will understand but there used to be a time when we didn't just hear about the same 10 or so major titles getting sequels. Its actually refreshing to see a title come from no where without any expectations.

Attached: 1486563541066.png (838x911, 718K)

400k vs 1.35(ps3+360)
>Switch sold more than PS3 by itself and 360 by itself
Hmm, how exactly?

>People are STILL complaining about Bayonetta 2 being Nintendo exclusive
She really is the queen of salt. Looking forward to 3.

Attached: 623ce183b3bf370e29265e839fbb269b_500.gif (500x262, 312K)

>People talking about platinum game in platinum game thread, especially because you can compare sales with 1st game on not nintendo systems
Yeah, totally.

People will never stop seething, just the way it is

>OP: Why are people excited about this?
1/4 of the thread has been two people arguing about the success of Bayonetta and how it sold "bad" on the Switch. It was clearly successful enough, and has enough value to warrant another sequel. Stay salty, NPD-kun

It's just sonyfags being mad shitposters, just ignore them

Its a Switch game. That's literally it, the same people that get excited for things like that awful Yoshi game are hyped for this, despite platinum being mediocre for a long time now.

Never trust the taste of a Switch fanboy, they are literal shit eaters.

it looks like shovelware but I guess anime action and titties are enough for some

How the fuck does this look original?

>OMG platinum!
>a new 4 hour autopilot game on my switch!

Attached: r8jhgg7g9wq01.jpg (729x733, 57K)

>Platinum being mediocre
funniest guy in the thread

Did you go on tumblr and search for "cyberpunk anime" to try and find an example of an 80s cyberpunk anime that doesn't resemble Astral Chain?

Attached: 02_character_01.jpg (1920x1080, 793K)

What is:
Bayo 2
Star Fox Zero

>Caring about graphics in the two thousand and nineteenth year of Our Lord.

Thou knave.

Show me 80s cyberpunk anime which resembles that modern ANIMU WAIFU shit.

>COPING this hard

>WiiU during 360/ps3 era

>Switch during PS4 era
Graphics doesn't matter amirite?

PS4 has terrible graphics, you probably mean Xbox or pc

>Bayo 2


>Press A A then A A A for mega combo
>Wow there's even a Mario outfit this was sure worth $70
>I love platinum games

Attached: yfMSaY5.jpg (1079x1277, 137K)

Bayonetta mattering after DMC5

This isn't God of War, silly

I own both a PS4 and a Switch. "Good Graphics" don't add anything than an initial "That's kind of pretty" for the first five minutes before proceeding to not even notice for the rest of the play through. Bloodborne is still the PS4's champion, and has some awesome creature and level design, but graphically it isn't impressive at all.

you're only reinforcing my statement

Uhhh, i guess you missed most of their last several titles. They dont make good action games anymore, not since Clover.

Those are WiiU numbers you dishonest nigger.
We’re talking about Switch numbers which is 700k

>Game is released

Always the same shit

Games that aren't produced in house, and one that had hamfisted controls dictated by literal Japanese boomers..

>As of March 2018, the game has sold nearly 700,000 units worldwide, including approximately 400,000 on the Switch and nearly 300,000 on the Wii U

I just want to fucking play Bayonetta 2 & 3 on PC and a spiritual successor to God Hand damn it. Platinum, I love you guys, but stop with this shit.

>Entitled manbaby crying again
No worry you can play it somehow in a few years on Yuzu with glicthes and bugs for x4 the price of a Switch

What a shit thread. Poorfag consolewar retards are pathetic.

Every single fucking time.
I wish we had filters that block out underaged faggots

Serouisly why are they shilling for Yuzu when it often requires hardware, tinkering and overall frustration that literally makes buying the orginal system a better faster cheaper deal?

That's just Yea Forums now, better get used to it.
It will never get better.

haha fag

Why do people get excited for anything? Why is it so puzzling and alien to Yea Forumsirgins that other people are interested in something?

The analogy is actually fine if you understand analogy. It's okay though, most people don't.

Lol so it sells over a milllion on PS3 and Xbox but doesn’t get a sequel. It sells 300k on Wii U and Nintendo green lights both a port and a sequel. Seems to me that Nintendo is a god of budgets.

How so? Bayo 2 sucked ass. Fial in combos and witch time dodging gets old fast.

You dont pay to emulate, its a free option after playing better games. Nintendo consoles suck ass, and not many people want a shit tablet with nogames.

>enter thread hoping for an Astral Chain thread.
>Instead is just shitposting about Bayonetta.
Fuck you guys.

So you can play with a million glitches for only 2000 dollars, great deal.

Blame sonyfags, this place is sonygaf

Sounds like a recipe for a good game, looking forward to see what will come from it

How reductive. I'm actually more interesting in what you think DMC5 does that negates the value of Bayonetta as a franchise.

Semi open world, like Neir:A, or mission based like Bayo? Hopefully, if it's semi open world, the combat is a bit deeper than Neir.
Either way, the legion thing should be interesting.

Oh and the point I was making is that people are still bitching about Bayonetta to this day. The only thing you did was bring up DMC and how it *totally beats* Bayonetta. Instead of simply enjoying another good character action game, it shows that your mind goes directly to trying to justify how Bayo should just give up.

My impression is that it's open world to Nier:A's extent. There was that brief footage of the player in a mascot outfit walking around doing misc tasks like cleaning up garbage.

They like the taste and feel of Kamiyas dick


Actually most emulate perfectly fine. Nice narrative though. I cant imagine being a Nintendo loser.

Kamyia isn't even the director of this game

Easy, bayonetta was merely a filler for the lack of action titles. It was nothing more than competent with mediocre gameplay, a shit story, and annoying characters.

not him but
>being a consolewar idiot at all

Even dolphin is far from perfect if you value accuracy at all.
Sunshine plays like shit, needs Ton of tinkering and still doesn't run perfect.
But nice narrative, not everybody has low standards like you

>annoying characters
Loki can GFTO

I asked what does DMC5 do that invalidates Bayonetta.

Which nobody said before Bayo 2 was exclusive, how weird.

Stop being poor you stupid niggers

God damn it you know Yea Forums is garbage when even Yea Forums has recovered and climbing back to its former glory

>Platinum makes fun video games
occasionally, they tend to zig zag between being really fun and being painfully mediocre and its annoying as fuck

That’s because it was supposed to move consoles and it surprisingly moved about 185,000 WiiU units the most of a non AAA non title ie Smash Mariokart etc

Plus Nintendo wanted to buy platinum games but they said no.
I’m pretty sure now they’re just trying to money Cage them.

A character action game made by the company that specializes in it, has a cool aestetic and city cop setting, is one of the few types of games in it’s sub-genre to exist nowadays and it’s switch exclusivity makes everyone angry, it’s amazing

Would you prefer every day crime and tasks such as cleaning etc, to be in between action missions or active right alongside them at the same time?

Can you defeat the final boss without littering the streets?
Can you catch the purse snatcher without letting wanted terrorist get away?

Or would you simply prefer it to be something extra in between everything else?

>with nogames.
If it has no games then why do you want to emulate it so badly?

>Masakazu Katsura
>Modern waifu animu
By your logic Dragon Quest is also modern waifu animu games

The best part is there’s never a single refute to posts like this, they know for a fact they’re pissy the switch is getting a game they can’t have and need to do all they can to make it look like a bad game, just look at bayo 2, 5 years later and they STILL try to say it’s a terrible game

>MCs face being a bit too pretty
Are you suffering a conflicting boner?

no it doesn't

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Show me someone that posts like this that isn't an adult virgin poser who doesn't even watch anime.

>260 posts until someone noticed it
Or cared.


It looks fun and has a neat premise of playing as future cops with cyber stands.

Attached: 08_legion_02-1200x675.jpg (1200x675, 176K)

>Why are people excietd for this?

Because Cyberpunk 2077 is taking it's sweet ass time

YOu say that like GameCube games looked bad

>active right alongside them at the same time?
If it's sort of open world, something like that might happen naturally. Or they could have them scripted and you get extra stuff as a bonus for doing it.

>all these console war post
Are you to poor to own more than one console?

Name one other game with the same look and premise.

You just got to find the right combination of time and day to get a half-decent thread.

your zoomer is showing

I am surprised this game managed to stay so well hidden. They revealed it mere months before it's release.

>Plus Nintendo wanted to buy platinum games but they said no.
That never happened.
>I’m pretty sure now they’re just trying to money Cage them.
That's not how it works, they basically work on commission and sell the rights to their games to say Square, Nintendo, Sega whatever.


Will you play with the guy or the girl?

I actually kind of hope it changes back and forth


This is my most hyped game of the foreseeable future.
Trailer was amazing with great music, fun looking combat, good character designs, and a cool as fuck world.
Plus we got our guy kamiya on board and fucking robodogs

Start with the guy, and girl next time. I hope they do the neir automata thing where you see the same story from different perspectives. I always liked that ever since sonic adventure 2.

>Xbox Original
>Game Cube
>Playstation 2
This is the order of power in that generation.

In the trailer, the part where you can heard the twins talking at the same tome suggest they have the same lines regarless who you choose....or that they have a psychic link.

if by 'cyberpunk' you mean widespread use of fax and ATMs that close at 6pm
Stagnation is what happens when you have the oldest population in the world.

I love when they differentiate the gameplay like that. Similar to the original RE2.

When BOTW was first announced and there were rumors of Link being a girl, I had this idea that I wanted to see: Link and (essentially) Linkle are both in the story, but each on their own quest with similar goals for different reasons. They semi-unknowingly help each other out in different ways and cross paths a few times. Also, Linkle wouldn't have the master sword, but utilize something else for her story.

Cash is still primarily used in Japan as well. When traveling, I could hardly use my credit card.

That is kind of cyberpunk though. The semi-low-techness of it is reminiscent of some cyberpunk things

Well it's not like there's an official definition, but I always understood cyberpunk as social decay coupled with high tech.
Japan is more like steampunk, except with 90s instead of XIX century.

When works that defined cyberpunk were created Japan was on the cutting edge and everyone thought they would always dominate

Why do sonyfags hate platinum so much?

It's a new platinum game, enough reason to be excited

It's Platinum, there's toku cops, Stands as battle partners, and it looks visually interesting.

I am concerned that the premier trailer is only 30 FPS. I would gladly take a dip in resolution to 720p if it means a locked 60 FPS.

Because Kamiya keeps cucking them

I doubt the switch would be able to handle 60 fps on a game like this. I at least hope it's a steady framerate, unlike other 30 fps games like Daemon x Machina.

>won't be able to discuss this game when it comes closer to release without dmcfags consolewarring
can't we be happy that every console is getting a good action game this year?

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Because it looks cool and fun as fuck.

Attached: Astral Chain.webm (550x309, 2.89M)

>inputting separate combos for the character and astral guy on each joycon
i'm not adept enough for this

That's a good ass.

Dunno. They could be talking about Babylon Fall but they’re shitposting here instead.

>Yea Forums