Halo MCC coming to PC

Which games are we going to play first?

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I guess 1 then 2.

And then 3.

They are all garbage. CE is the least fucking awful of them, it's merely subpar. It just gets worse from there on though. Halo series is one of the biggest fucking embarrassments of the god damn history of the industry.

No one cares


I care

I just want some fucking mod support. Let us use scout hogs in multiplayer. Let us place equipment like invincibility.

Play Quake instead, or the HL series if you want the singleplayer campaign.

you are a nobody

you know you arent gonna get any of that shit right?

Not happening. It’s probably new maps. Microsoft are king of disappointments.

>12 years later, Halo 3 comes to PC.

H-ha t-thanks for beta testing, console babies!

Well, fucking finally. I've wanted this since they stopped doing PC releases. Do we have a potential drop date?

does it have halo 2 and all the mp maps? thats the only reason id buy this

>mfw Halo Infinite has a mode like the older Battlefront games that just drop you into a Battlefield with tons of AI bots
>Every vehicle pilotable including scarabs
>Can play as soldiers, odsts, spartans, elites, brutes, and even flood

Rumor is it will drop at E3, and at E3 they are announcing Reach as DLC for August

Yes. Well Halo 2 anniversary.

Great, now I can finally get rid of the Xbone.

You actually have Windows 10?

On one computer, yes.

You're a fool, Sora.

Fake as fuck. The master chief collection is the only reason to buy a xbox they will never put it on PC.

Never ever PC fags

Microsoft has already announced that every single Xbox exclusive going forward is coming to PC. They care more about building Windows Store and Games Pass now

And yet, they want to bring the Game Pass to the PS4 and Switch.

so it has all the maps from halo 2?
on this page it only lists 10


Probably Halo, and then Halo 2, and finally, Halo 3.

Yes, it ((((((((((((could)))))))))))))))) come

reminder to participate in /hg/ halofests

>just started playing halo 1 a couple days ago
>this happens

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>Fake as fuck. The master chief collection is the only reason to buy a xbox
Virtually nobody buys consoles for exclusives anymore. The age of exclusives mattering at least as far as sales are concerned, is over. The most popular games on both Xbox and PS4 are all multiplats. Microsoft has realized this and is making the right move.

I own MCC. It has every map ever released for Halo 1-4.
That being said, it's the Windows Vista version of Halo 2 so the physics and spawning is all fucked up, but the maps are there.

>reminder to participate in /hg/ halofests
Yes this. They're actually pretty fun. I don't make it to all of them but the ones I have been to are good shit.

>There can only be 3 good fps series!

>excited for another console shooter

I wish MCC included Reach instead of 4.
Reach was the last good Halo game and last one made by Bungie.

Only those 10 have been remastered

10 were remastered. They are all there

as long as you’re using Windows 10 and Xbox services they don’t care anymore. It’s not 2007 anymore they just want you on their shit they’re not trying to push hardware.

I've never played a Halo game before, so I'll start with one

How fast do Win10 games get cracked bros? I'll probably start with 1 of course

If you honestly believe this you're a fool.

No very fast, and there are not many people cracking them. Forza Horizon 4 is still uncracked, among a couple of others.

Ah that's lame, maybe Halo MCC is high enough profile that it might be quicker..

Yes, I hope so. On the bright side, Crackdown 3 was cracked almost instantly, so there's hope

>Can finally finish this fight

The skyboxes in the halo series are so good. A lot of them creates both a sense of awe and dread

Microsoft don't want want to make consoles, selling hardware make you no big money. They want to transition into games as a service.

Halo 4 is retarded.

I'll get it if it's under 30. I miss halo 2

I knew this was coming since they want to give a proper release for Halo infinity on PC.
It has been on news for like 6 months but boss of 343i denied it so news about it stopped circulating.

Then explain the switch

1 2 and 3.

Or old enough to have played pre-Halo era PC shooters and thus having basic fucking standards.

Nintendo is basically a different market entirely from PS4 and X1. Switch base is demograohicaly different, plays for longer hours at a time, and buys a lot more indie games. If you look at the user reviews for games like celeste, they are much higher on switch because a lot more people play them. Switch only recently got fortnite and it isnt even the most played game because that audiance is already on the other 2 consoles.
The Nintendo/Microsoft partnership should help narrow this though

The Xbox division makes way more money off of software and shit like Xbox Live and Game Pass than hardware sales. In fact I'm pretty sure the hardware loses them money. They have no reason not to.

I just want to play the original trilogy again easily on my PC, also no Reach which kinda sucks, I never played it, and 5, but people said 5 is bad.

But still, it'd be nice to have all the games.

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Not him but I'm 28 and Doom 1 is my favorite shooter. Not even Ultinate Doom because I think Thy Flesh Consumed is pretty shit desu and I'm not surprised to hear those wads were made in a day or something like that.
Halo, or at least the original Halo games, are basically Doom on a console. The variance in enemies, locals, and even things like monster infighting is all very reminiscent. Halo CE and 2 have very very good campaigns on legendary difficulty and while 3 is a bit too easy and short, it still holds up as well. If you're going to criticize an aspect of Halo, criticize the multiplayer. That's the area where the consolfied development really shows. And even then, it's a pretty fun party game with friends in the same way that smash bros is.

tl;dr they probably are a bit overrated but as far as console shooters go, the original halo trilogy is still the bar to beat. Depending on how much of a PC purist you are, that might not mean much to you, but they're certainly not bad games.

...Halo Reach and onward though... well, that's a different story.


tfw no spoogy ougi gf

it does if you make a console people want to buy LOL

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>are basically Doom on a console
No, they're basically Half Life on a console.

>win 10 only
Thanks I will watch gamematics instead

Halo 3, CTF with a controller. Fuck K&M niggers.

Halo 2, since I haven't played it since it came out on XBOX, then Halo 3 maybe since despite I played it a lot when it came out, even that was ages ago. Replayed Halo 1 on PC semi-recently though

fucking drones still pretending HL is good at all

It's better than Halo.

Kind of. There are aspects of both present. The combat is much more reminiscent of doom. The level design of half life, maybe. The multiplayer plays like neither however, but again, that's the weakest aspect of the games.

The PC community by and large doesn't care about Halo. Go into any PC on Halo thread and 99/100 comments are about people being nostalgic for Halo 3 crazy custom games. Once those people play a few games of jenga and fat kid and get their nostalgic itch scratched, they will abandon. They don't actually like the core gameplay that much because if they did they would have been playing Halo Custkm Edition, Halo 2 Vista, or Halo 3 El Dewrito. Nobody cares because they never really cared. Even when Infinite comes out it's going to be overwhelmingly played by console games.
That being said, I'm glad a PC release is likely because it's long overdue and the few PC players that do like Halo for what it is can play it soon.

ill take halo CE over HL2 anyday of the week
at least halo you can skip cutscenes and not have to sit there listening to bullshit ruining the FPS genre

Half Life 1 is better and one of the greatest of FPSes, and while I loved HL2 on release, I've really gone off it these days since you constantly have to stand around listening to people spout exposition, Half Life 1 had none of that, and from what I recall of Halo, that was usually only at the start and end of a mission

You know you can play halo 2 right now with the project cartographer mod.

>The combat is much more reminiscent of doom.
Not really. There are enemies that fire projectiles, but you just kill everything in 1-2 shots. Unless you have absolutely no ammo you're never going to be switching weapons to suit a specific task because the two pistols cover every encounter you would ever face.
>multiplayer is the weakest aspect
I think the multiplayer is the only thing Halo has going for it. The campaigns are all slow, linear, sparsely-populated, and filled with padding. For the first game, it's also full of bland repeated areas that all look the same.

I honestly think Halo is overrated but it is not garbage by any means.

There's plenty of fun to be had in the games.

I thought vista version also works on win 7?

>Halo Battlefront
Oh fucking god please.

this unironically

>Halo, or at least the original Halo games, are basically Doom on a console.
Is this... a joke?
Am I supposed to fucking laugh here? Is someone trying to make Halo faggots even more pathetic than they really are - because boy, you really don't have to do that.

Yeah. Two weapon limit, terrible guns, oversized but strictly linear levels with no secret hunting (which would be pointless given the two weapon limit and health regen), poorly implemented vehicles, massive emphasis on insanely juvenile yet incredibly bloated narrative told through cutscenes and constant voices in your head, horrible level design in general with massive re-use of levels and god-awful padding, and clear child-focused design: that SPELLS Doom all fucking right.

Literally the only two elements that Halo did decently - A.I. being not on par with HL1, but at least better than HL2, and half-decent implementation of coop, are the two things you'll definitely WON'T find in Doom or similar games. It's as far removed from that games as humanly possible.

HL games were always notable for two things: seamless integration of narrative into the gameplay, and good environments. Halo has neither.

Do you think you can relieve your halo 3 days, zoomers? Without your friends next to you?

I know its only zoom zooms that care because this was already an xb1 game 5 fucking years ago.

I care. Guess you're wrong, per usual.

shut up nigger

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ODST was fun.
I miss Firefly.

It's not console doom you twat he means it's good for the same reasons doom is good. ffs.

I agreed with most of your post but you're wrong about the half life/halo comparison
Halo actually has a pretty damn good lore aesthetic in its gameplay.

Except the list of actual qualities of Halo clearly prove it's FUCKING. NOT. Literally not a single element that made Doom good is present. Doom was made by good selection of weapons, good level design that was tight, encouraged exploration and creativity as well as resource allocation, fast speed, and charmingly self-aware edgy tone, and little or no fucking bloat.

Please, tell me where do you find ANY of that in Halo.

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Halo on PC is garbage.
It's great for a console however.

This. Halo at its core is balanced around controllers and aim assist. It's too easy when you can actually aim.

It really does not. It's fucking pathetic. And incredibly inconsistent in tone to the boot. It's simultaneously trying to be a saturday morning cartoon and no-seriously we are fucking serious space opera. The environments are incredibly over-sized and completely lack in detail, or even sense of purpose or functionality, and so jam-packed with bad children-focused sci-fi clichés it's not even funny. There is also a remarkable lack of variety and obsession with padding (CE being arguably the worst in that regard). The sense of scope might have been impressive, and there is precisely ONE good, actually atmospheric moment in the entire series (the moment you emerge from the drop-pod and see the halo for the first time in CE), but that hardly fucking saves the waste of god damn data space of a series.


I'm gonna do the mega playlist start to finish in hopefully 1 sitting

>It's too easy when you can actually aim.
the people you play against online will have the same advantage dummy

The same advantage of shooting at slow-moving targets with a sniper that is designed around aim assist being its only downside.

Holy shit, this is great. Halo 3 will finally be on PC, after all these years.

No thanks, we don't want it.

>cough cough
Halo online

It's shit and dead.

I never got why they dont port all the maps to all the games in MCC. It cant be hard. I want to play all of Halo 3's maps with Halo 2's gameplay, for example. This sounds like something an intern could do in a week, and would add a ton to the game.

if you use an elite in multiplayer everyone thinks you're a furfag

Gearbox doing the port again?


>chasing nostaligafags instead of making a good game for the platform it is being played on
Yes, it is shit.