why are people so hyped for this game, its literally just dark souls but with samurai. i thought we were sick and tired of soulshit?
Why are people so hyped for this game, its literally just dark souls but with samurai...
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I'm sick and tired of Souls shit, there's no shortage of people willing to slop this game up though. It's like Marvel movies to them
it's bloudborne but samurais, also japan set games are rare contrary to popular belief on Yea Forums
What the fuck are you on retard? Literally everyone is crying that it isn't dark souls enough, it went from an action rpg to a pure action game with lots of mobility and even stealth.
the gameplay is the exact same shit except you get a zipline fucking dumbass
it got no pointless number games, so you can't overlevel to bruteforce the game
souls fags in nutshell, I somewhat miss armorsets though but I got Nioh for that on japan front
Are you trying to summon the Souls fans?? Jesus fucking Christ are you stupid? That is one of the worst communities of all.
One has to constantly avoid their shitty "muh souls game is soooooo hard" threads here EVERY DAY.
It's like they can only jerk off playing From Software games...
Why would we be sick of well made games? That being said, I'm not hyped for Sekiro because I hate weeb shit and this game is full to the brim with it.
I'm hyped for it BECAUSE I'm sick and tired of Souls shit, and this has nothing to do with Souls games.
Combat is very much different
>this has nothing to do with Souls games.
uhhh you're gonna be pretty shocked when you play it if you think this
i want from software to make another mech game god dammit
Fuck, you’re retarded. Stop making these threads you pathetic cum stain.
Not really, just a bigger focus on parries which miyazaki has always had a massive boner for
>No builds
>No character customization
>No multiplayer
>No PvP
>No newgame+
>No levels
>No shield
>Published by activision
>No weapons
>No messages
>Retarded story
>No heavy attacks
>No stamina management
>Big red flashing sign to tell you when to dodge
>Just zipline all the way to the boss with the grappling hook
>90% of the enemies are dudes in japanese armor (i.e. not aesthetically superior western armor)
Yes really.
all of that is true except for NG+, which it has been confirmed to have
stay assblasted
I like Souls combat but think the RPG elements and exploration are poorly designed. This game just has the stuff I like without the shitty stuff.
Half of those are blatantly false. Try harder.
its not like dark souls because it has gay stealth takedowns. its significantly worse than dark souls imo, im not hyped for it. but ill wait and see if it somehow turns out well.
Says the dumbass that makes a thread about something he hates several times a day. Truly pathetic.
says the cuckboi who replies in every single one of those threads
What's false besides the NG+ one?
You again?
>>No multiplayer
No more shittily implemented and forced PvP. No more reddit co-opers
>>No shields
>using shields
Get better at the game.
>>No leveling
>>No builds
>>No character customizing
Not a Souls game nigger.
>>Only one weapon
Multiple combat arts to compensate.
>>No outfits
>>Published by Activision
>doesn't know the nature of the publishing deal
Game is only published by activision in the west, From in the east. With this kind of deal, Sekiro isn't an activision owned IP, thus has no say in the creative process beyond quality control.
>>QTE's everywhere
After filling the posture bar or stealth kills. It's still considered the hardest by Soulsborne vets.
>>Bad plot
>Soulsborne """""lore"""""
>>Focus on cinematic kills
Parrying is cinematic too, if we are going by your retarded logic.
>>No stamina
It's not a Souls game. It's an action game.
>>Resurrecting on the spot
Still considered hard by Soulsborne vets.
>>No magic
We don't know yet.
>>No pvp
Invaderniggers and metashitters blown the fuck out of the waters.
>>No newgame+
Not confirmed.
>>Good ending locked behind no death runs
Nowhere was this mentioned.
Nah, I don’t reply. I’m just sick of seeing this garbage every fucking day.
>still replying
>>No newgame+
>Not confirmed.
actually, NG+ has been confirmed to be in the game
>its a souls game
whats even the story? these souls games are so boring because theres virtually no story
Because it clearly isn't a Souls game. Which is why I'm interested they always do well with new IPs.
And sekiro is shaping up to be another good one.
Core gameplay is still largely the same. got to area full of enemies, kill them all, oh i need to save, slog it to not bonfire, save, *all enemies respawn*.
Boring and gay, i was sick of it by the midway point of DSII. And is why i can't be bothered playing 3 or Bloodborne.
>no builds
There’s literally several different skill trees
>no weapons
Several different prosthetic weapons have been confirmed already
>no heavy attacks
Sure, but there’s sword techniques, which are better heavy attacks
Do research retard
bloodborne is soulshit
It'll be the usual fromsoft ng+ where enemies attack and defence are uniformly upscaled. It might as well not exist.
>still making threads
You’ll be seething all year while I’m enjoying this GOTY
this right here. the core gameplay is the EXACT same thing and you retards are acting like its a completely different game lmao
It looks fun. I like the setting and it's much faster than Souls (even BB)
>why are people so hyped for this game
previews dropped two days ago
There are unlockable combat arts and multiple prosthetics.
Considering the last Souls game came out 3 years ago, I'm ready for something new.
Go to*
And bloodborne is just Dark Souls and Dark Souls is just Demons Souls and theyre all outdated and boring
At the very least it was different and doing something new.
I'm not the one who posted it, I was just asking because I wanted to know, way to be a dickhead about it
there's no "we", dipshit
>"muh souls game is soooooo hard" threads
You mean "Dark Souls x is the best/worst dark souls" threads
I'm not buying it because it has no multiplayer. Literally the only reason I enjoyed any of the souls games was invading, being invaded, and helping people. I'm sure the game's gonna be pretty cheap after a month or two anyway, so I'll probably get it on sale, but this'll be the first souls game that I won't be buying day 1. feels pretty shit.
>Doesn't like PvP
>Tells others to get better at the game
Git gud scrub stay assblasted
Maybe make that clear next time. If you’re butthurt over some rando on the Internet calling you a retard, maybe Yea Forums isn’t the place for you.
Broken PvP doesn't equate to having skill.
You just don't want people to think it is good because then you have to spend what little money you have on it. Or else you will be left out.
actually based
Can't imagine getting sick and tired of perfect gameplay, so no, I'm absolutely hyped for more FromSoft.
Yeah people are tired of Souls, and thankfully Sekiro is nothing like Souls games, which is why we are hype.
>literally just dark souls but with samurai.
Sign me the fuck up
Impressive samefagging OP
Just because you're bad at the game doesn't mean its broken, maybe go practice
Yep, they're all the same thread. Circlejerking over a faulty sorry ass excuse for a game
15:50 shows the possibility of a Japanese horror-like twist in the game
fuck off hive mind faggot
sekiro threads are cancer
People are even more tired of Bioware and their shitty games., But that still doesnt stop them from making games. And always making games that are subpar
Fuck you PvP fags, you are the worst cancer that has ever existed. The Souls community would have been great without your existence.
Prove you’re not seething by not making these threads anymore
Pretty obvious how much this game makes you angry
>souls pvp
>requiring skill
Prove it
He's probably a Kingdom Heartfaggot
Prove you’re not seething by not replying anymore
and you're a dumb falseflagger
thats gay as fuck if theres no outfits/armor
hey dumbass you've just summned XV-kun.
Happy now?
I really like the games, but those threads are awful. It's just the same arguments over and over again
Definitely is. Only someone with the mind of a child could make the same shit thread day after day.
>dark souls but with samurai
Unfortunately no. I wouldn't be pirating it if it was dark souls but with samurai.
oh look its the anti barry shitposter
Why? There's literally no point to anything in this game but multiplayer, everything's designed around it, the stats, movesets, level design, its mainly an mmo. NG+ would be pointless without it and everyone wouldn't play it. If Sekiro has no PVP its gonna crash
Shut up dumbass lmao
the more autists i get on this thread, the better.
you just got baited by some faggot trying to pit fanbases against eachother because final fantasy 15 has the worst combat of all the games mentioned in this thread
Well can't really argue with that
Lol so now you're good at PVP? I thought a second ago you were seething about how soneone hurt you and how unenjoyable it is, so which is it
Epic bait
Is this what every Sekiro thread amounts to discussion wise? Are Soulsfags this feral? Jesus Christ, can we talk about the game? So far it's looking pretty interesting.
Soulsfags are the most mentally ill retards in a gaming community. I'm happy to see them btfo with this wonderful game.
But I am hyped for it though
I mean the whole point of the games is the pvp and coop. That's literally the defining feature behind why demons souls did so well versus shadow tower which flopped super hard and put the future of the company at stake.
I don't like the posture system, seems really annoying and most bosses i've seen are just dodging the same 3 attacks over and over, getting in a few hits, repeat until posture is broken then you do an attack that takes away a full health bar.
If you could damage bosses without having to do deathblows it'd probably be a lot better.
>every thread is complaining that it's not souls shit
>OP complains that it is souls shit
Which is it, faggots?
I have no idea why Sekiro shitposted to death. It's not even PS ex
>>>No shields
>>using shields
>Get better at the game.
Imagine being a dex fag.
Shields are unironically low IQ
I personally don't really care much cause I won't be able to play through it with multiple weapons or builds. No reason to pick it up a second time whether or not it's a souls game. I just don't know who the game is supposed to truly bring in. I feel like they're marketing towards souls fans doesn't have all the same things that keep soulsbourne players playing longer. People who want Asian souls already got Nioh, and people who want more Asian character action games have so many other choices, admittedly we haven't gotten a Ninja Gaiden in a long time. It's fine if From wants to make a different type of game, but I know a whole slew of people who love Dark Souls after beating it with two summons removing the struggle who think this is gonna be japanese Dark Souls.
>full of weeb shit
I dont see any anime girls, do you? Fucking braindead mongoloid reddit tourist
>tfw souls fan
>excited that From is finally making a new type of game
>excited that it's going to be a different type of hard
>excited they don't have to balance areas and bosses around people having 2-3 friends with them so they can finally make really cool areas and bosses
>excited that people who claim that souls games are difficult and then use the summon mechanic are now forever btfo
only thing i'm sad about is the lack of armor and weapons, but there's apparently a fuckton of those arm gadget things, and i have a feeling there will be some kind of a skin mechanic, at least for katanas, similar to Nioh
no its not
co op is just a side activity to keep you entertained. Exploration and bosses are the main dish. People that treat souls like a fighting game are fucking retarded
Based and blessed post
These threads are boring can you stop making them.
Some e-celeb meme uploaded long play on youtube. It's looks fabulous max and very fast paced
yeah so why did their attempt at making a single player souls game (shadow tower) fail so horrendously before then? the multiplayer is literally the only reason anyone still plays. They're novel the first time you play them and that's it. And we're about 10 years past that point now.
there is an annoying 'battle' track that plays whenever you engage a single enemy becomes aware of your presence and if you can't disable it I am refunding
>People that treat souls like a fighting game are fucking retarded
No. /fgg/ autists are retarded.
>every fucking game that has PVP should be compared to their fighting shit
It's a TENCHU successor you dumb zoomers.
>its literally just dark souls but with samurai
that's exactly why we're hyped about it
1. They weren’t nearly as big as they were back then
2. Tons of people still only play souls for single player
Just because your experience is different, doesn’t mean it’s the only one, retard
but.......everyone is saying it isnt a souls game. so which is it dumb nigger
Newsflash dumbass, different people have different opinions on things
It's not a matter of opinion. The game lacks the features that would make it a souls game. There's no leveling, no builds, no PVP. It's like calling Armored Core a souls game, just because it's by From.
yeah and yours is wrong XD
>just because
just because literally everyone EXCEPT for your autistic self does, you mean.
face it, the games that don't have lively multiplayer aren't played nearly as much. How often is someone even playing the remaster of dks1? how about dks2?
Even bloodborne pales compared to dks3, cause it's the only one with lively online.
quit making excuses for them being lazy hacks and REMOVING features from a game.
I don't know why people still argue whether or not Sekiro is a Soulsborne game when From clearly stated that it isn't several times
have you considered the possibility that maybe those games have lively multiplayer because they are played a lot
>why did their attempt at making a single player souls game (shadow tower) fail so horrendously before then?
Shadow tower is not at all souls-like. It's a first person dungeon crawler, it's autistic morrowind, like king's field. It failed because those games are extremely boring.
Removing features from a game? Show me where Sekiro originally had multiplayer.
Probably the first good post in this thread
I'm as big of a soulsfan as anyone but fuck it needs to rest if not put away for good. We got three good games plus Demon's and Bloodborne. That's 5 of some of the best games to ever be made you can play.
Sekiro looks to have just enough of that Souls DNA in it while still being it's own thing. People just saying it's souls but more parries are retarded or not paying attention. Not all attacks can be blocked the same. Not all attacks can be dodged the same way. Souls didn't have any weapon collision like Sekiro will. The prosthetic looks like it's going to have a ton of customization and there may be hints of some of them crossing over and combined.
Exploration looks to be fantastic. Tons of hidden areas and secret bosses.
Enemies will replenish their posture so you can't just zip away to safety and cheese when you get into trouble like people are suggesting.
Will online be missed? A little.
Will armor and weapons be missed? Yeah a lot for some but I feel the prosthetic will make up for that.
It's going to be a polished experience I feel since the need to balance so much for so many different builds is done away with. Plus they've said they're not going away from the online components and customisation for all future games. I'm willing to bet there's a game being designed around these mechanics right now. It may not be Dark Souls 4 or Bloodborne 2 but it's going to have that Fromsoft DNA we all love.
Why are soulsfags butthurt about everything even souls games? what is wrong with them?
>shadow tower is first person
nice to know you never played it then.
Oh sorry, they were lazy talentless hacks and never even put IN the multiplayer. Thanks for the correction, they're selling half a game and charging the same price and you're slurping up their shit like the retard you are.
>excited that people who claim that souls games are difficult and then use the summon mechanic are now forever btfo
I'm extremely happy about this. Fuck people who walk around with phantoms the entire game.
>>shadow tower is first person
>nice to know you never played it then.
What are you talking about?
It's more Dororo the game but with souls gameplay. Go to area, kill all enemies, slog it to notbonfire, save game, *all enemies respawn*. At the core it's the same shit as souls.
>i feel the prosthetic will make up for that
I mean, prosthetics are magic, not really a customization tool, considering a shit ton of enemies are basically "you must use this tool to beat them" I struggle to even call them magic. If you're up against shielded enemies you either have to use jump around and get lucky hits on their head or back, or use the axe and it breaks their shield and immediately makes them into a regular enemy.
dual blade wielding samurai opponents? You use the spear since they can't parry them. Enemies are like puzzles where the right solution makes them braindead easy. Pretty disappointing, in that regard.
FromSoft making different games again makes me happy. I miss the Armoured Core days. I've been looking forward to something that wasn't Souls no matter how much I actually enjoyed them.
>Armored Core soon
>Bloodborne sequel soon
I'm 99% sure those one will be PS5 launch/main titles
its gonna be xbox exclusive. m$ bought from
I honestly think it's the PC crowd. They're so fucking autistic and complain about everything.
>this game doesn't run perfect 60fps
>this game doesn't run perfect 120fps
>muh 6 layers of anti aliasing
>muh ambiant occlusion
>muh 6000 mile draw distance
All they do is bitch and moan. They bring it on themselves by pirating everything. Why spend effort on a platform that's just going to steal from you.
Dark Souls threads were comfy when before it got ported. It was mostly Sonybros that came from the Demon's days and those were some damn good threads. Not a ton of Xboners were there to shit it up since they were playing CoD and Gaylo.
Then jealous PCJews had to do their little petition and whine and cry about not getting games.
And even when they finally got it they still cried.
>waaah it's only 720p
>wahhhh it's locked to 30fps
>wahhh keyboard and mouse doesn't work
Entitled elitist cunts that ruin gaming imo.
Stay mad bud
Bloodborne 2 is too high profile to be a PS5 exclusive, unless it comes out in 2022.
I only know one person that plays DaS multiplayer, and he's as autistic and annoying as you are. If that's the playerbase, I'm glad I don't play it.
1.3¥ had been deposited to your paypal
Must everygame suffer these TORtanic threads by fags that are deprived of social interaction and have to get it by trolling on these boards until the actual game comes out and you get BTFO because people actually discuss the game?
>PC gamers whine about things that actually matter in the game
>Console fags whine about the fashion choices of the game characters and other pointless inane shit
>Console gamers ruined gaming by being EA enablers buying reskinned skinner box sports games every year in droves
enjoy this game being irrelevant in the span of 2 weeks when everyone's done with it and it never gets mentioned. Meanwhile I'm playing dks3, a fucking three year old game, with tons of people.
people whove played it say its harder than souls tho.