
>put disc in
>play game

>buy multiple parts that cost $1000 for a decent build
>have to manually put together all the components
>keyboard is uncomfortable and confusing since 95% of the buttons have no input on the game
>you have to replace all your parts every 1.5 years as the graphics cards become worse over time and run worse
>have to install a video game license rental service like Steam
>have to play $60 for recently released games but have no benefits as physical copy
>there are constant updates for games slowing down the chance of playing the game
>games constantly crash and run into compatibility problems
>Nvidia gimps their cards with Gameworks to make you buy their newer hardware
>try to play some indie games but most are uninspired rip offs of older SNES games I played
>try a early access to literally alpha test a game with barely any content and runs poorly
>can't let my friends borrow my games without jumping though huge obsoletes and even then we can't play each others games if the other is playing a different game at the time
>try to play older games from my childhood on N64 and PS2 emulators
>try to plug in my controller to use for more comfortablility but it requires multiple drivers and constantly rebind the controls every time I switch games
>download emulator for them but they take a while to get the right settings and even then the games run poorly and are missing textures and other graphical glitches
>try to play older PC I heard from others but the run into compatibility problems and constantly crashes when tried to play
>try to play a fun looking multiplayer game but the game is filled with hackers and childern and young teens constantly spouting memes
>try to play split screen with my friends but hardly any games supports split screen and is a hassle to set up
>start playing less and less and go on Yea Forums and shitpost more about games even ones I never even played

What is the point of PC gaming?

Attached: e9nit3njpsyz.png (1920x1080, 564K)

based and redpilled
pc has literally no good exclusives because they are degenerate nerds who pirate everything

>double click shortcut

dunno what you're struggling with mate

Attached: pcgaming.jpg (280x226, 16K)

that shirt is way too small for a pcfag

>windows 10
nice spyware

>PS4 OS is any better
>Xbox literally forced a high tech camera into your living room
If you play video games, you don't care about freedom

I can live with all the bullshit required to play pc games, but I can not deal with the fact that games crash, don't run at all, or when I open my game a few days after not playing it somehow got fucked up to where it's unplayable and can't load properly. Fuck pc. I had a friend go step by step with me when to get an emulator running. My pc is better than his, I did all the same steps as he did. My shit wouldn't play. It's a meme.

It's hilarious that consolefags think console OSs are any worse than Windows 10.

Ah yes this pasta is stale.

How many fucking times is this thread going to be made?

Love seeing console cucks seethe

as many as it takes.

>spend 500 on a PC 3 years ago
>literally free games forever, saved in the estimate of 1500+
>pirate RE2, Metro Exodus, DMC5 and it's only March

>put disc in
>install console system software update
>install game update necessary to play the two thirds of the game that weren't on the disc
>redeem and download the 'free' 'bonus' DLC that was cut out of the main game and given as a code in the case to dissuade buying secondhand
>at least i don't have to buy new parts every year like pcfags, lmao
>buy an entire new console halfway through the generation so you can keep playing games at 1920x1080 with fewer framerate drops
>play older games by virtually waiting in line until you can stream the game from a server hundreds of miles away with palpable latency and video compression artifacts
>try to play your old console instead but it doesn't work anymore because of cracked lead-free solder and dried out thermal paste
power to the players

>being too confused to use a keyboard

Yeah I think console will fit you best my little sub 6' friend


>downloaded system update
>make online account
>put disc in
>download update
>play game

>download windows update
>make steam account
>drivers cause issues update or roll back
>game still runs like ass find a fan made patch on Russian gambling site.
>lose credit card information
>play game
>shit post about being pc master race on Yea Forums

Video games!!

Stopped reading. You already have a machine that can play at double the frame rate with better image quality than an Xbox one x

Sounds like youre dumb

>want to play the brand new hit game Anthem on my Sony PS4
>install system update
>install game
>install day 1 patch
>finally I get to play
>game crashes
>it bricks my console
>a-at least I'm not a pc gamer

>it's my PC's fault that I'm a retard

Attached: (you)-1.jpg (901x1024, 81K)

>have to buy car
>Pay insurance
>Get license
>Go to store
>Open up credit card
>Buy game
>Cut open case
>Put disk in console
>Wait 24 hours for update
>Sign contract stating you'll go to jail for being "toxic"
>Then buy dlc
>Then play
>Click button, download for an hour
>Click other button

>want to play the brand new hit game Anthem
You deserved what you got.

$1000 is just the graphics card alone

>search "japanese games on PC"
>can count all the good japanese games on one hand, which are also shitty unoptimized ports (e.g. nier tomato)
>hate western aesthetic and western cuck games
>spent $1400 to build a rig for literally no good games

Hurry up Japan and catch up to the PC market

Attached: 1489359346182.gif (600x338, 786K)

>be born
>receive education
>find job
>wake up
>brush teeth
>have to buy car
>go to several dealerships
>buy car
>Pay insurance
>Get license
>stand in line
>Go to store
>make small talk with clerk
>Open up credit card
>Buy game
>take knife safety
>Cut open case
>Put disk in console
>Wait 24 hours for update
>Sign contract stating you'll go to jail for being "toxic"
>Go to jail
>Then buy dlc
>Then play
>Click button, download for 5 seconds
>Click other button
>Gain 200 pounds
>ascend to heaven


>fan made patch on Russian gambling site
>lose credit card information
Literally sub-70 iq monkey

>put disc in
>play game
>you forgot to buy 500$ 50 inch TV to make it look good, retard

this lol OP a tard


Most shit ports have fan patches user.


I find it adorable that you actually took my post seriously and replied to it.
Shine on you beautiful son of a bitch


>double clicking an icon is so hard

Attached: dh2r9g.jpg (1024x576, 51K)

A $1000 graphics card will get you triple or more power than an Xbox one X. And price: performance shits the bed after $500.

For 4k 30fps gaming you'd need an rx590/Vega 56/1660ti (whatever you can get for $280) and any $50 piece of shit CPU. Everything else can be bargain bin tier parts because that's what consoles have.

>Buy components to get good PC built.
>Not a brainlet and am into computer building
>Keyboard is fine. Learn that most of the keybinds are around WASD, while other actions are with mouse.
>Since I wasn't such a brainlet, I future-proofed my computer so I woulnd't have to upgrade again until 2024 at the earliest.
>implying that Microsoft/Sony isn't a vidya license rental service
>Pay $20 for a game that was originally $60. DLC is marked down too to boot
>I don't run on 100kbps download speeds, so I'm not affected by updates to games
>another brainlet moment. If your games crash this much, you fucked something up.
>people still use graphics cards from 7 years ago just fine, what kind of argument even is this?
>Sony/Microsoft also have the same indies
>early access/alpha test games are going to be shit and you knew exactly what you were getting into
>Why the fuck are you sharing games in 2019?
>You are again showing your brainlet capacity by being unable to understand that the drivers are necessary for the PC to recognize it and that once you map it, you don't need to map it again. You are needlessly being an idiot.
>Are you really this inept to look up a guide for retards?
>There are fucking modes you can enable in settings so you can play games with comparability issues
>So the same thing you get from consoles.
>Splitscreen on PC is uncommon for a reason.
>(you) are here

The point of PC gaming is to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Attached: 1429822953575.jpg (960x960, 132K)

>believing $20 for a download license is a good deal
You Valve drones that think charging for a download is acceptable are mentally ill and killed gaming. Pirates are the only real PC gamers left.

My console isn't connected to the Internet 24/7.

Your move.

Not another console vs PC thread. Neither side will change their mind.

Honestly, "is 1080ti a good gpu?" gave me a laugh. There's always some filthy rich retards on forums asking if the top end components are "good".

I don't know why you have PC gaming so much and I don't really care beyond that.

Couple of extra parts about the "console" experience
>spend $60 a year to play online
>spend $60 for your games
>put disc into tray
>download massive patches
>play almost everything at 30fps
>play fps games with controllers
yeah have fun with that, lol

wrong. a 1080 ti is over 2000 grand

PC popularized patches. Valve drones act like automatic updates are a good thing when they are the exact opposite since that means the game was intentionally released unfinished or unplayable without a patch and automatic updating existing encourages developers to release games unfinished or unplayable without a patch. Gabe said it was a bad thing that developers used to have to release games complete and playable without a patch on consoles because they had no way of updating it
The only legal way for most new games on PC is to pay for a download, even 1 cent is too much so fuck your Steam "sales"
When you pay for a download you are paying to use the internet you already pay for same as console cucks paying for online.
I play on pc and buy the few DRM free physical releases PC gets if I want the game and pirate everything else, but I recognize that Valve has done more damage to gaming than any other company

I'm actually 5'6 so eat shit lmao

I only play consoles you mad white boy?

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Commit suicide

Some people can’t handle freedom.


>This thread more than just once a day
This is a thing consolefags do congrats.


>>Xbox literally forced a high tech camera into your living room

>what is black tape: the post

Attached: lierallyeverylaptopdoesthis.jpg (474x363, 47K)

>spend $60 a year to play online
I don’t play online games so I don’t pay for ps+ and you can pay for just a month and get your fill
>spend $60 for your games
Games go on sale on the psn and xbl all the time even new games
>put disc into tray
I buy digital
>download massive patches
This applies to everyone even pc
>play almost everything at 30fps
Mostly open world games it’s pretty much 50/50 as far as the games I play
>play fps games with controllers
You got me there I played Nu-doom with a ds4 it’s not great. It’s playable but m/kb would be much better.

>pic says 5’5
>I’m 5’8
See ya later manlets

>I have no argument so you must be a brainlet

Attached: gigaincel.jpg (859x960, 35K)

Why? Why do you people love shitting on short people so much? My life is already hard enough as it is.

Why do people play multiplayer games on PC when its objectively a worse experience

>everyone is on a equal playing field, same framerate, same controllers, same FOV, same graphics

>people can buy better hardware and get way higher framerates than you, giving them a advantage
>people can buy wider monitors so they can see more of the field, giving them a advantage
>people can change their graphic settings to remove details so its easier to spot a enemy, giving them a advantage
>people can buy different controllers and mouses with more buttons on it making it easier to preform tasks, giving them a advantage
>people can change control layout making it easier to preform tasks, giving them a advantage
>a lot of players you fight are third world poorfag Brazilians and Russians so you didn't beat them with skill cause their games run so bad they have a hard time trying to fight
>more hackers and exploiters that ruin the matches

Only reason I see people like it is cause its free, but PC is pay 2 win

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the point I'm making is that even with a modern console you rarely just put the disc in and play. The implication of OP post is a lie. And if DRM is such an awful thing then buy the games on GoG. You might hate Valve but the convenience of their store and how cheap games are on it is one of the reasons it's actually cheaper to play on PC in the long run compared to consoles

The idea that heightlets are simply weaker.

D-D-Delete this

Attached: pc gamer.png (920x900, 227K)

Then git gud. Any perceived “advantage” your opponent may have can be completely nullified if you are simply better.

>Format PS3 500Gb disk
>Wait 24 hours

Attached: 47smile.jpg (335x397, 65K)

ah yes, great points. Clearly playing on gimped hardware with low framerates and motion blur and a fucking controller is the preferred and "fair" experience.

So when it is connected its sending all your data to sony or microsoft?

>racing against a Ferrari while you have to ride a unicycle

consolefag cope

Shitposters aren't even trying anymore, you pretty much got everything wrong.

First of all, it's the best place for competitive games. Casual shit is for 1 digit IQ subhumans.

PC gamers are the ultimate casual gamers.

If you wanted to hammer a nail, would you get a hammer, or would you build a mega-multi-tool that plays netflix, broadcasts your face to the world, has a word processor on it, and also has a hammer on one end?

That’s a comparison between a controller and a keyboard, not keyboard-to keyboard fair play.

And that would matter because ... ? The only thing I'm doing on there is playing games lol. They can have all the fucking data they want.
Meanwhile you use your Windows 10 PC to do literally everything lmao.
And yes I run gentoo.


Which can also transform fully into a hammer at the push of a button

Bo its a comparison between guy playing at 10fps with shitty Brazilian internet vs a guy with 144fps and using google fiber

Oh shit you guys have totally convinced me I am going to burn my console/Pc and get what ever you guys have because of your amazing and well thought out arguments.

>and that would mstrer because...?

Because your post implied consoles are somehow immune to privacy invasion on a computer because its not connected to the internet all the time...?
Stupid fuck.

imagine being so poor you cannot afford all the consoles + a high end pc

I don’t think the unicycle-Ferrari comparison is fair. I play on garbage-ass internet that lag-spikes every couple of minutes, and I still don’t do poorly in multiplayer. I still get a hefty amount of kills and resources in DRG, and frequently first place in Titanfall 2.

That wasn't me btw.

>privacy invasion
What sensitive data could they possibly gather from the console in the first place? If you are retarded enough to use your real name etc all the power to you lol

I love how Console gamers still pretend it's the 90's

>you can just put the disc in & play, also split screen is still totally a thing

Yeah right

>or would you build a mega-multi-tool that plays netflix, broadcasts your face to the world, has a word processor on it, and also has a hammer on one end?
Funny that sounds like a modern console.

Attached: XboxOneUI-3.jpg (1920x1080, 167K)

>my billion dollar corporations supporting my console with exclusive is redpilled

i think that's more bluepilled

>that wasnt me
Then dont jump in a conversation when you dont know wtf its about lol

I'm gonna jump into any conversation I want when I think that the arguments you make are retraded and need correction. Of course a confidence lacking incel like yourself wouldn't understand.

Attached: 1551961180151.png (680x760, 191K)

>moving the goal posts
Your point is moot regardless.

Your first post was lprived yiure an idiot but now yoyre just save face after getting btfo.
>guuuh im not connected to the web all the time si uhm safe huguhub

Not really moving the goalpost since I'm not the original guy you replied to.
How is the point moot? All I'm doing on a console is playing games while you probably use your Windows 10 PC for literally everything you do.

A lot of the problems you are listing are more of a pebcak situation than a problem with PC gaming.

Attached: OP.jpg (246x205, 7K)

Jesus Christ the Xbone dashboard is pure cancer.

Literally what? Can't you even read? How did I say that I'm not connected to the web all the time ... ? I said that whatever data is on the console they can have

>Brazilian internet vs a guy with 144fps and using google fiber

Brazil is poorfag central though

This literally only happens if you’re using mods in a Bethesda game or something similar

Great post

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You can buy 50 inch tv’s that are 200 bucks and run in 1080p user


>take money away from company that produces the things you want
>effectively detrimenting yourself if you ever want to play a newer better version of that game

If 100% of pc gamers pirated morrowind/oblivion Skyrim would’ve never been released, especially not for PC, and then Skyrim would never have mods

>If 100% of pc gamers pirated morrowind/oblivion Skyrim would’ve never been released, especially not for PC, and then Skyrim would never have mods

Next time try to make the bait less obvious. Literally nobody thinks that these games are any good.

You're an actual retard. What are you doing, trying to buy a prebuilt with a 1080ti in it, instead of JUST the 1080ti? The 1080ti can be found for under $1000 and in many cases under $800 dollars.
Not that you need all that power unless you really want to play at 4K at 60fps with high/ultra settings. Otherwise something like a 1070, 1070ti, 1660ti, or 2060 are much better choices for average use.

this desu, gaming is cheap as fuck compared to other hobbies
pic related

Attached: trash.png (605x806, 761K)

Nice gun mate.