Why is japan so bad at hitboxes?
Why is japan so bad at hitboxes?
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this enemy is a joke though. just get behind him and bait out butt attacks
gimme that butt
Where does Yea Forums draw a line on whether a game is tough but fair?
The hitboxes aren't like that in Dark Souls 2. And to answer your question why hitboxes are literally boxes in fighting games is because of balancing.
Earthquakes are a thing
Because consoles can't handle more complex collision geometry.
japs don't really care about technical polish for whatever reason. They have no issues with wonky hitboxes,clipping, rigid animations, no animation smoothing, etc.
I like how no one would ever complain about that guy if he wasn't placed right at the beginning of the game to filter out casuals.
Name 3 western games with good hitboxes
He sorta is.
no such thing, a game is either too easy or it's bullshit. And in online games if you're better than me you're a hacker and if you're worse than me you're a noob
Jackie Chan
Why are complex hitboxes so taxing but rendering models shaped the same way isn't?
The hitboxes are broken, which is all that they’re asking about, not every part of the moveset or behavior.
They don't care about good game design either, it's really weird. But then again, shiteating weebs will buy literally anything as long as it has "wifus", "crazy action" or is "redpilled and not sjw".
3D Pinbal Space Cadet
Trash bait
>3D Pinbal Space Cadet
That's bullshit and you know it
good game design has been pretty much lost to the east and west since 7th gen started.
Blade of Darkness. The hitboxes are so good the game has a completey trajectory based dodge system with ZERO i-frames. It completely shits on any and all weebshit action games ever made.
Died before that when Deus Ex came out and killed intricately designed, genre-bending PC games forever.
your face legit looks like an incel cringe comilation. Who cares about hitboxes?
Excellent taste
jesus christ lol, and soulsfags defend this?
No. No one defends Dark Souls 2 except the mentally ill. The game is a piece of trash that should never have existed
>good gameplay
Imagine believing this
sh-shut up
>get hit by his feet
based retard
Really now. The third hit was nowhere near him.
That's all DS2. There are only a handful of retards stupid enough to claim it's good.
how does this happen
DaS2 fags defend this, they're another breed of creature entirely.
hahahah holy fuck
DaS2fags will defend this*
Let the B-team make a game
None of the attacks the giant performed were anywhere near close to hitting the player.
DS2 is just pure jank
Come on, you're using a game that was given to a talentless, inexperienced newbie Shibuya to make, as some kind of generalization for Japanese games as a whole - even when it doesn't even apply to the entire same company that DS2 came from, only that hack Shibuya who got fired for screwing up DS2.
Just look at todays release DMC5 to see great hitboxes in a Jap game.
>Western development has better hit detection in action games
>Japan doesn't care about technical polish
What games are ANY of you playing?
>Got slightly grazed by foot moving slowly
>Took downward club swing damage and poise break
What's next, are you going to defend the fact that lightly touching a mimic on the foot teleports you to its mouth so you get eaten?
>Can swing weapons through walls and terrain
so close
>only that hack Shibuya who got fired for screwing up DS2.
Please find me a source for this, brother. I want to believe.
You can only be western or japanese in video game industry. Russia isn't japanese, so it's western.
Low effort, much like western games.
what does shooting him in the eye do?
They also don't see themselves westerns.
Who gives a shit about what russians think?
so are chinese games western? are korean mmos now considered western?
No-one but chinks and gooks play those, so it's irrelevant.
>but the feet
Not a stomping attack, not deliberate, not telegraphed.
>He links the fire
Dark Souls 2 Design Works mentioned that he was replaced halfway through development and his name was removed from the credits
They are literally /pol, they see westerns as a bunch of fags, multicultural, no traditions, refuuges' whores.
Get a load.
Yes, that's why people still argue over whether it's good or bad, because nobody likes it.
They also behave like literal niggers.
Also we're not talking about politics but video games. Russian games are western games.
>metro, stalker are western AAA shovelware politics nauseating
Get a load
>bearer of the curse stands up too quick
But the director was the same, wasn't it?
Not that guy but anybody with a brain could tell this a bug and got fixed in Scholar of the First Sin
gimme dat butt
Jackie Chan is chinese.
>not only it hits you nowhere near
>it also hits you while downed breaking the games own rules
ds2 in a nutshell
I refuse to believe this isn't someone that hacked the game and just pressed a button to hit himself in time with the animation.
There's no fucking way.
>Dark Souls 2 has bad hitbox...
>Dark Souls 2 actually has unique enemy design
>Dark Souls 3
>undead small
>undead human size
>undead big
>undead dog
>knight big
Dark Souls 2 actually had good fashion and exploration, too.
Dark Souls 3 makes me wish I played 2 more when it was alive.
Change my mind
>Ranking the linear nostalgiabait fest that is 3 above all else
Your mind isn't worth changing.
I wish I could find the video of the guy dodging Fume Knight with gestures and the dual artorias sword ninja flip
Reddit Rolls 3 is such a shit game unreal.
The giants are many levels of fucked.
They need hitboxes better than Freedom Unite Plesioth
This is stupid. All the aspects come together to form an enemy.
Nope, Miyazaki was working on Bloodborne
> linear
Nice b8
Jokes aside 3 has best bosses, graphics, art design, animations, hitboxes, story
Even if this was in SOTFS it's obviously a bug, I don't post glitches from ds1/3 and act like it's normal. Though with ds2 the shockwaves are pretty bs and do way more damage than what is reasonable
Legend of Zelda?
Ah, this takes me back.
It's the eye some kind of a weak point ?
This image is core to all of Dark Souls 3's problems.
You mean why is B team so bad at hitboxes
There is a cabal of DS2fags desperate to remove the game's status as black sheep of the series, typically they do this by deflecting to DS3 or claiming it has the best pvp
>DS2 is bad because it's too different from DS1
>DS3 is bad because it's too much like DS1
I'm glad Fromsoft is finally moving on from Souls.
There's is also a cabal of DS3fags that are desperate to shill that it's a good game because it has Miyazaki's name on it. From should not be allowed to do sequels.
It definitely feels like whoever was working on the giants had no idea what they were doing
Ds3 was a mediocre game in every regard,and would be the weakest of the souls games if not for DS2. But DS2 is outright bad.
Bloodborne is perfect
holy fuck are you just a homunculus that lives to post this in every fucking ds2 thread
It’s not stupid, it’s a simple fact. The OP asks the following, “Why is japan so bad at hitboxes?” Then makes a comment that does not answer the question, which I’m pointing out.
The makeup of the enemy does not answer the OPs question, simply put.
The eastern part of Russia was colonized latter than the fucking United States. Only delusional Russians think they aren’t European because they want to feel special.
seething DS2incel
Russia isn't even on the European continent.
DS2 is easily more fun that 3 though. DS2 goes from fun to awful repeatedly. DS3 is just boring all the way through, and has hardly any replay value compared to any other souls game. I'd rather have a game which has sparks of fun, than a game with 0 fun at all.
typical v/sponse
>If I grossly oversimplify the arguments I can seem smart on the internet!
Europe and Asia being separate continents is a joke
Why do you lie? Dark Souls 3 had a massive sandworm, Pontiffs pets, massive flying varied gargoyles, abyss bugs, demon mini boss, better mimics, the larger crystal lizards, frost knights (far better designed than any ds2 enemy), puss of men enemies, actual giants, implements bosses back into the levels well (see: crystal sage in the grand archives), ringed knights (which you seem to vaguely, exaggeratively shitpost addressed in your post with childish trivialization. the knights in ds3 are far better designed and unique than the ones in 2 by far, like syans and ruined enemies which are completely boring in comparison), crabs, jailers, wretches, monstrosity of sins, winged knights, crow enemies, serpent men, angels etc
Yes it is and most of the population lives on the european side
Dark Souls 2 enemies look like they come from a f2p korean mmo.
just gonna post more enemy images and in this case, its from an enemy/mini boss i didnt mention, the judicator. I really enjoyed some of the gimmicks, enemy behavior, aesthetic design and movesets of the enemy in this game. this guy is basically a summoner but one of the ones i really liked from above was the larger crystal lizards with its jumping, rolling, varying degree tail swipes, bite and slash combos, breath, placement in level design etc
i think the ds2 enemy designs, while sometimes alright, really pale in comparison generally
dark souls 2 was really lacking in any sort of mini boss/giant enemy types like the pontiff knights, angels, giants, etc.
to be fair i did like the pursuer
Im sorry user but for every good design choice in DS2 there are 10 bad ones. Its a a shit game.
cant forget about muh bloodborne reject xD
>Dark Souls 3 has giants, undead and knights
wow best Souls game for sure
At least it had those good design choices. More than DS3 can say
>enemy type that only exist 5 times
OK thats settled then. Dark Souls 3 has the most diverse enemies.
>implying they aren't connected
Look at this fucking dog-slug-dragon. He even has those pale tendrils on his back, same as Master Willem at the lake.
my point still stands you redditarian.
>frogposter calling anyone else reddit
oh im just fucking around. a lot of people said every ds3 enemy is a bb reject yada yada but especially that one iirc
DS2 is irredeemable trash but I at least replayed it a bunch of times to try different builds.
DS3 on the other hand...
and Dark Souls 3 enemies look like rejects from Bloodborne.
>go into memories
>see soldiers going up against giants
>they plink them for single digits worth of damage
>they still hit you like a truck and sometimes prioritize you over the INVADING GIANT ARMY
DS3 was shit but at least they let you witness a Mimic dropkick a stray demon to death.
Ds3 is the best game in terms of pure gameplay in the souls series.
Bloodborne and Demons are best overall though.
Ds2 had no good design choice are you silly? Ds3 was all fluff but it had great design.
>list of like 30 enemies
>Pick 3 out to complain about
You know, cherry picking generally isn't this completely obvious. Congrats I guess.
>Ds3 is the best game in terms of pure gameplay in the souls series.
>says that as he spams the roll button
Well I already mentioned at least 25+ enemies in my post and discussed some of the things we could go in depth on when discussing enemy designs and you addressed none of them. if you could read or remember short term then you’d recall i said im just posting images of enemies and wasn’t necessarily trying to refute anything you said considering you didnt say much of anything to begin with
the number of times an enemy appears doesnt refute its existence in the game (see the original claim made by the poster i was responding to about what sort of enemies the game has) either
try again sweatie
GPUs can crunch tons of vertices easy. They are pretty much designed for it. All it's doing is skinning and then drawing a model, getting each point and translating it to 2D space. There's no collision, no nothing. It's a very linear process.
If you wanted to use that as a hitbox, the CPU would have to calculate the physics for every single vertex every frame, which is incredibly costly to the point of being unusable. It's something that can be 99% replicated with a few cylinders so companies will use that instead.
It's autism user, always autism. Just like that guy who spammed anti Obsidian posts so much that the mods called him out.
>no fp or ashen estus flasks
>simple shield
>all out of estus
was this guy looking for le epic WA dodge the entire fight lmao
>another undead
>but this time with wings
god Dark Souls 3 enemy design was really the low point from From Software.
>Ds3 was all fluff but it had great design.
Uh-huh great design.
>Ds3 is the best game in terms of pure gameplay in the souls series.
Fuck no. 70% of DS3's gameplay is worthless. 0 builds, shit level design, weapons arts were awful, as were most of the weapons, covenants were STILL shit etc.
thats not really what an “angel” is at all but alright
Why don't they just make an AI compute unit to handle this shit
We all know you're not using that second PCI-E slot for graphics
god I want to stick my dick in that thing
>entire dlc is literally just undead knights and gaints
DaS II was originally directed by the MH guy who wanted to basically mix souls with MH styled travel.
His ambitions were WAY too great for bamco's budget so they fired him. By that time only core areas meant to be sprawled out across the map were complete, so they basically Frankenstein together the assets they had into a game.
This rushed development led to issues such as wonky hitboxes and completely bizarre level design.
All things considered, if DaS II development had been nurtured it would have turned out fine, enemy design aside and sluggish movement aside.
It's the most polished, not the best. Everything surrounding the game makes it vastly inferior, because a Souls game that prioritizes combat will fail since its core gameplay is nothing more than a lobotomized action game.
no not the flying thing
the slimy thing growing out of the pilgrim back
>III is a direct sequel to I
>"Nostoglia bat"
This is the most autistic arguement ever designed. Would you not expect some level of connection to the first game when playing a sequel?
Ds3 has even more cut content than 1 or 2 fucking combined. And it's STILL a better functioning game than ds2.
That's a different guy with the same name.
>bloodborne reject that literally gets bloodborne parried
das3 doesn't have a single ounce of creativity
>cut most of your content
>the content that remains ends up being more polished
Nothing is worse than 2. On release it was just garbage. Even with sotfs it was still trash. With all of 3's shortcomings, it's still better than 2. Stop defending 2, my god you faggots have been relentless.
Nope, the giants are just that bad. I pity anyone going up against the giants as melee only. Not even high ADP will help you.
basado y rojo pillado
There's Western Russia and Eastern Russia
The Russian Academy of Sciences is located in Moscow
Moscow is part of Western Russia, therefore, Tetris is a western game.
It honestly makes sense. Imagine getting 3/4th's through a plot or area and you realize....this is fucking shit. and you scrap it.
Entirety of Russia is in Eastern hemisphere.
In this thread we list things Dark Souls 2 did that were far better than Dark Souls 3. I'll start:
>No bonfire and no death challenge where you can beat the game without resting at a bonfire or dying to gain a reward and bragging rights
>Non-linear first half of the game allows you to rush straight to the areas of the game that contain the items for your build
>Chugging Estus immobilizes you, and the heal isn't instantaneous meaning trying to chug while someone is sticking close to you will result in death
>Stamina regeneration is tied to weight, so a character at 10% burden will recover their bar faster than a character at 70% burden, giving an advantage and a reason to make a low burden character
>Poise exists and armor provides relevant, but not overpowering damage reduction, giving an advantage and a reason to make a high burden character
>Phantoms and Dark Spirits cannot chug estus, spirits can only heal via spell useage which is slow. This makes fighting outnumbered even without mob assistance possible since any damage you do sticks
>Can only perform four rolls before running out of stamina
>Can only perform 5 attacks of a rapier or straight sword before running out of stamina
>Parrying has longer recovery frames and consumes more stamina, making parry fishing riskier and makes parrying require higher skill
>Power stance allowing for unique combinations of dual wielding and unlocking an alternative moveset for weapons
>Being able to use the full moveset of a weapon in your off-hand including running, rolling, backstepping, etc. attacks rather than just being able to do a basic R1 swing and blocking with the weapon as it is in Ds3 (lmao who would ever want to weapon block)
>Bell Tower covenant providing two unique optional areas to PvP for Titanite Chunks, Slabs, and Twinkling, making farming for upgrades fun
>Bonfire ascetics to replay bosses you like and or gain items from NG+ and beyond without grinding through the whole game again
>Nothing is worse than 2
3 is worse than 2. Deal with it fag. Miyazaki fucked up.
>on a sphere
This is meme argument because BB enemies are just derivatives of chaos demon aesthetic but with "slimy blue" textures rather than "charred orange" textures.
Basically, Quelagg and to a lesser extent Gaping dragon are the bases for most "le bloodborne designs"
Damn is it really that bad? Now I have to figure out which levels are which.
>point out something wrong with Dark Souls 2
>"yeah but what about Dark Souls 3!!!"
Every. Single. Thread.
Someone post the fume knight hitboxes webm so I can laugh more at 2 please
>not knowing how hemispheres work
big ouch
>the West refers to hemispheres
Australia is considered part of the West despite being directly south of Japan.
>point out something wrong with Dark Souls 3
>"yeah but what about Dark Souls 2!!!"
Every. Single. Thread
and someone else post the webms of dark souls 1 and 3 having these exact same issues because Yea Forums is a broken record
Bloodborne is just as linear. In fact DS3 problems come from the fact that it tried to be Bloodborne but with a DS flavour.
>No one touches DaS I's flaws
Remember ceaseless discharge? Remember bed of chaos? Remember Asylum Demon x 3? Remember no duel-wielding what so ever?
Remember all weapon paths except normal being absolutely useless in every possible sense? Remember no magic quality at all? Remember backstab fishing? Remember how useless Gravelording is? Remember two Identical covenants that have different rewards? Remember Blight Town? Remember how shit all the lord soul bosses are? Remember resistance?
Do it, that way we'll be able to clearly see how much of a complete joke 2's were in comparison.
that's the issue here, none of the souls games have bad hitboxes, not with any regularity anyway. we can post the hitboxes of the player getting hit by nothing while being behind fume knight and pontiff but those are rare occurrences that 90% of people didn't even see. stop being gay
>Bloodborne is just as linear.
What? No it's not? Bloodborne just has the issue (if you can call it that) where most of it's areas are optional, and you only need to complete like 4-5 to reach the end of the game.
>Remember two Identical covenants that have different rewards?
And they did it again in DS3, the absolute madmen. Covenants were a mistake, I'm so fucking tired of being forced to interact with the dogshit online functionality or grind for a gorillion years for a reward.
Is there a mod to view hitboxes as wireframes?
For either Dark Souls or Monster Hunter
I spent the majority of my playthrough of vanilla Dks2 and SotFS unable to avoid noticing how bad the hitboxes felt, which is not something I got in any other souls game.
>And they did it again
Sort of, BoDM was originally designed so that you could only join to help a blue boy out for extra gankiness but this idea clearly failed so they just made it identical to blue boys and said "This is the place where you can spend your blue boy ears"
And it's all ruined by the worst, floatiest combat in the series. I really like almost everything about DS2, but the general gameplay just feels like absolute fucking garbage.
and i spent the majority of my first playthrough not noticing anything out of the ordinary, just like every other souls game
I would put bloodborne first and then 3.
That is the opposite of good.
I don't remember seeing that in DS3, when does that happen?
When you go down the ladder before smouldering lake. You can bait the mimic into attacking the stray demon and they'll fight each other if you don't get too close.
>Cope cucks have to gather the entirety of the video game making market in the world to compete against a tiny island nation
Absolutely pathetic. Remember when your cope used to be "m-muh sales muh CoD muh GTA". Now you can't even use that, because FGO alone makes more money than all your shit combined. Maybe some day your jews will buy you Nintendo and Capcom, and you'll finally have a none pathetic cope.
>this was supposed to be master willem's true form
source my ass but you know it's true
2 is the worst
But in the case of DS2 area design is fucking lazy.
>Many of the optional areas are 5 minutes long
>The one horizontal link between routes is a fucking boat
>Crossroads are literally just crossroads with no exploration
Sure that image looks impressive but it's all horseshit.
Looks like you lost.
git gud
Why are you so bad at gitting gud?
Australia isn't considered at all desu.
But they do have a more Western culture due to being colonized by Westerners.
I'm curious on your logic here. How did Deus Ex do that?
That shit didn't get fixed in SotFS, that was the version I played, and the hitboxes were still shit.
The game conditioned me to roll whenever I saw something attack, because even if they're a mile away, I knew that somehow that hitbox would find me.
this but unironically
I don't see the problem here. First you got hit squarely across the face by the enormous backhand which knocked you to the ground and stunned you. Then, the gargantuan hammer weighing several thousand pounds is slammed into the ground only a few feet away by a massive and powerful creature with tremendous shoulders. You were already nearly dead on the ground and your brain, extremely vulnerable to further injury due to having been turned inside out by the backhand, is liquefied by the vibrations entering your head that is laying on the floor being slammed by the giant hammer.
In other words, simply stop whining like a child, and git gud, fagit
>shockwaves: the post
The first "backhand" isn't anywhere near his body.
Ds3 just shamelessly copied and pasted enemies from the Berserk manga, like seriously I lost count how many times I saw something blatantly copied over. Bloodborne on the other hand had the best enemy designs.
This is the one criticism I levy against DS2. Adaptability and/or Attunement are basically required to give you a chance at dodging that bullshit properly.
Again, probably this guy had a low ADP score, and/or he completely mistimed the dodge roll to begin with. He gets hit at the end/recovery animation of his roll. Granted that stomp animation wasn't good to describe the hitbox at all.
>hurr it's just DS2 that has bad hitboxes
I could post more, but this should be enough.
Man imagine ds3 if only B-team didn't fucked up ds2 so hard
>ds3 could have tons more maps and levels
>new design and lore related stuff instead of le nostalgia every level
>more interesting spells
>dual wielding and power stancing instead of 2handing everything with grass shield on back
>All these fags in this thread referring to Dark Souls games as DS or DkS
The reddit invasion is real.
Someone post Falconers and the fire salamander webm please.
What's wrong with Falconers? The way they walk?
Yeah, they are very clearly unfinished enemies.
The DS3 devs are to blame for not including that shit. They hate fun, that's why all builds were reduced to who hits first.
Actually gtav is still on top keep coping fag
>literally 95% of From Software employees plus an outsourced Q&A team
>>Dark Souls 2 has bad hitbox...
Did you cut of that sentence because you realized the error of your mistake?
I feel like the people who whine endlessly about DaS2's hitboxes don't really know why they dislike the game.
This thread is full of videos showing how shit DaS1's hitboxes are
I use to sunbro this nigga and I lost many hosts to that vacuum grab
fuck that happened to me last night, i was literally behind him when he was doing the grab too.
also i never knew you could make bosses fall off platforms and die
>that one webm with the chain axe dudes in DaS3 at the Archdragon Peak
My fucking God, I forgot how bullshit that was.
Whoever designed those should get fucking fired and publically flogged.