Thoughts on the new Apex Legends character? Visually

Thoughts on the new Apex Legends character? Visually.

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Is this from Borderlands 3?

It's epic and gay

I like Borderlands too.

Have they fixed the hitboxes for the bigger characters?Haven't played for 2 weeks and not willing to unless they do something about that.

1000% guaranteed to be gay

>I like Borderlands
...You do?

What needs fixing?

Yes and I also sucks dicks

what does he do?

>Caustic gets the drop on me as Wraith
>Turn around and hipfire into him
>Kill him despite getting ambushed because his gigantic hitbox means I don't even have to try to aim
This shit right here, that's what needs fixing



Kidney exhaust ports make me feel really uneasy.

looks homosexual
perfect for its audience

Reminds me of Gas-O

Looks gay, which probably was their intention.

looks like a generic borderlands enemy. nice midriff tho no homo

He's white, so he's either gonna be gay or have something to do with radiation.

Wraith and Lifeline have the smallest hitboxes in the game which means is harder to land shots while they bunnyhop and strafe whilst Gibraltar has almost two times bigger hitboxes making them far easier to land shots especially when you're spraying or using a shotgun.And they all have the same 100 hp which makes it ridiculous.

>2 white guys in the game
>one is a junkie
>the other gasses minorities
the devs are secretly based

They're waiting until season 1 starts, according to their leddit post their aim is to make them "more powerful" which probably just implies they'll have higher DEF or something.

I thought that was fucking Junkrat wearing a mask.

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What is this catch?

I was promised a jetpack character, and I am very disappointed.

Looks super gay and degenerate like every other character in the game

the dew

Very suprised he isn't a black tranny.

He's a gigantic guy, so it makes sense. Not an issue.

They're the smallest characters so their hitboxes should be smaller. Not an issue.

Looks Slaaneshi, guess it could be a lot worse.
Considering AL-era Frontier basically turns into a bunch of Pandora-like planets, it wouldn't be too far off.

>Everyone has the same stats so that the playing field is even
>Playing field immediately uneven because some characters are easier to hit than others
The big guys either need to have stronger, more impactful abilities or more HP. Or shrink their fucking models so everyone is the same size.

I hate this fucking game. I hate all new games. But I keep playing them.

My guess is that his ult will be super speed and faster firing of bullets for a short period. And he’s probably gay.

Idk can you tell me what it sexually identifies as?

Awful bait.

He has a passive heal, speed in exchange for health active, and a trampoline ult.


But their abilities are so good, that’s what (is supposed) to make them balanced. Gibraltar’s kit is ridiculously good. Caustic is kind of ass but that has nothing to do with his hitbox.

And yet, despite his amazing kit, no one at a high level takes him because it's better to just avoid damage than to mitigate it.
You can't seriously say that being twice the size of the smallest character isn't a handicap in a shooting game. You're practically saying that if someone can hit a barrel they can hit a barn, and even if that were true, it's obviously easier to hit the barn.

lol proof reading is for lasers. Meant to say "you're saying that if someone can hit a barn they can hit a barrel."

give be a big boobie bimbo so I can play as a sexy woman killing diversity hires

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Literally borderlands. I said that when the game first came out it had the same outlining and batshit character designs like Borderlands dressed over a CoD game and everyone called me crazy or kept spamming the same stupid pic of the black chick.

Gibraltar's passive is shit, it doesnt block enough damage for short range, and makes him an easy target long range, his Q is shit as it just makes it easier for enemies to move in with the peacekeeper while you cockblock your buddies, and peacekeepers rape gib extra hard. His ultimate is baller, but not worth his shit passive, ability and hitbox.

Caustic is trash, how the fuck did they allow you to just disable his traps by shooting the bottom, why does the gas affect your allies, what were they thinking?

Seriously, I have no idea how they playtested this game. Weapons like wingman and peacekeeper are obviously miles ahead of other weapons while a devotion requires some rare ass attachments and ammo pickups (and those dont stack to 80 like other ammo types) yet is not that strong.

Respawn will buff Gibraltar, Pathfinder and Caustic hitboxes pretty soon , possible next week or so

The entire design is highly indicative of his personality, which I can tell you right fucking now I hate, but when compared to most other characters in Apex I don't mind his appearance as much. Not really a fan of the exposed torso but I can live with it.

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how the hell will they do that without changing models sizes? It's not going to be any better if they shrink the hitbox but keep the model the same, that would be more of a buff than just shrinking the models.

Caustic is pretty good on early and end game he sure needs buffs but is not trash by any means

I agree with you on Gibraltar though

they took too long, the game is dead

I have no idea either , we will have to wait and see I guess

That's why you put your traps around corners where people are likely to blindly run into them and not at the end of a fucking hallway. If you're going to pick the cringey 200 IQ scientist you could at least try and pretend to fill the role.

Completely agree on the allies being debuffed by his gas though. His kill zones are pretty much for him and him only which is a tactical handicap.


its even more difficult considering the legendary skins' model for PF are even larger than his base model
they might give the bigger guys more health and give the smaller characters less health, making bangalore or bloodhound the baseline, while making the health restore things work by a % heal
their announced mindset behind buffs and nerfs gives me hope, but I have to see it before I believe it

Ive played caustic and won with him. I also play with a friend who plays him quite often. Its retarded you can remove his traps on one shot. Sure you can put them around corners but being in some position for an extended period of time, being able to put up traps before anyone comes close to hear them being set up, and then having them activate is a super limited ability. Why does someone with the hitbox of a fridge have that while the ones with a small hitbox have abilities that are easy to use, more useful, and useable in a pinch?

>it isn't an issue that one character is extremely overpowered compared to another because their lore says so.
>in a BR game

You are functionally retarded.

Sadly non of their abilities are good enough when they're as big as buildings and I can down them within 3 seconds.

Whereas if I'm up against a good wraith player it's nearly impossible to trace her unless I'm up close with a peacekeeper.

>durr the bigger guys have better abilities so its fair that they're easy to kill
Wraith has the best abilities in the game, a passive that tells you if you're about to be ambushed, a strong speed buff and invuln for easy repositioning, and another repositioning move that her whole team can access. She also has the best run animation in the entire game
I really don't know what they were thinking when they designed her

What is going to be the next hot, twitchshit game now that apex is kill?

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>best run animation
Nigga she runs like naruto

t. someone who flies into the ocean and rage quits if someone picks wraith before him

That's the tacticool white male out of the way. All that's left is some waifubait caucasian/asian females, though I'll extend that to nonhuman because it looks like they're adding a fuckbot. So far my prediction is going smoothly.

I'm not saying coolest run animation, I'm saying most compact and hardest to hit
She bends down and makes her tiny hitbox even smaller

yeah, she ducks her head down like naruto
meaning she can't be headshot from behind while sprinting

>legendary skins' model for PF are even larger than his base model
Respawn absolutely fucked up on this part, if they make character's hitbox accurate to their skins then nobody will use the thicker skins. Pathfinder being the most obvious example, I've also found the Bloodhound legendary skins (the japan themed ones) made his head a lot bigger and more visible from afar, I've killed some bloodhound hiding behind boxes with their dumb hat poking out, it's hilarious.

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You mean this one?

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