>Devil May Cry is doing better than Resident Evil
How is this possible
Devil May Cry is doing better than Resident Evil
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Because nu-RE2 was a rushed piece of shit, while DMC5 was a dream sequel.
Based retard
Fuck off to be butthurt for your trash elsewhere.
I don't know maybe because one game came out weeks ago and the other just came out
RE2 is a fairly short remake. Well made, but still short.
DMC5 is a sequel that the fanbase waited 11 years for.
when are we gonna get a free cam shot of the nude scenes?
MHW peaked at 330k
Those numbers are flops, DD2 cancelled.
Look at all time user.
those numbers are good, mhw is an exceptional success on pc
>remake of a 20 year old game vs sequel for a 10 year old game
>Those numbers are considered good on twitch box
I don't know why devs even bother.
Many people aren't into horror games.
I had no idea DMC was popular before coming here a few years back. I only knew it by name before, I don't know anyone who has played it and I never saw any ads for any of the games at all where I live.
Because this is DMC bro
I wonder why jap devs don't even bother with steam
RE2 is a 4:30h game, no reason why so many people should be online at the same time...
Based retard
i can't believe they actually pulled it off. 11 years of dreaming and hype and they actually somehow managed to live up to the expectations. It's incredible.
downloading the fps boosted version
Because they're both good games, but with RE2 being a horror game it's much more likely that people who don't buy both will be more attracted to DMC5.
A dev gave a denuvo free version
I honestly thought RE2 will be more successful than DMC5 simply because it's a better streamer bait.
why would you buy stream bait instead of watching a stream of it? if stream bait sold telltale wouldn't be bankrupt.
This money will let Itsuno work on a new Dragon's Dogma now, right?
>if stream bait sold telltale wouldn't be bankrupt.
FALSE. Heavy rain, detroit become human sold million copies. Its because telltale was garbage.
>david cage games aren't garbage
there's no hope for you
Probably because DMC4 was actually a huge disappointment when it came out.
>no Dante for half the game
>Virgil not in it
>second half of the game was literally backtracking through the first half
Compared to DmC it was amazing in retrospect, but compared to DMC3 it was trash.
Resi 2 is a horror game which is a genre that has a limit on how much consumers it can latch onto.
They obviously ran out of resources with DMC4.
Everyone loves DMC, do you not remember how well 4 sold?
DMC is normie shit
It's impressive. I was ready for it to fail. Still abit pissed with some of the design decisions and the final fight/final mission felt really whack. It was like DmC came in at the last minute. Sick design though.
it's people playing at the same time, not total sales you mongoloid
It's an untapped market by the whole industry.
The market of "just do a good game and sell it"
>buying the gimped version of the game
ins't the game like 10 hours tops? They better not be asking 60 for this shit
That's becaise you are a zoomer.
no they backpeddled, when the game was shown everyone screeched WHER IS DANTRE WHY WE PLAY AS DIS NEW GUY HES FUCKING GAY so they put dante in and fucked the second half of the game
>He doesn't replay replayable games.
3 characters , bro.
Is the deluxe version worth it?
Most people buy RE2 on PS4
Plus several modes.
>judging a console game by pc player counts
alt rank announcers are nice
wtf is all this shit in the deluxe edition is it worth 10 extra donut bucks
Because RE2 is a month old and DMC came out toady, you fucking retard
anyone else having issues on PC? I can navigate through the main menu fine and watch the 2 first cutscene just fine, but when Im loading to the gameplay I get stuck at 95% loading and it just stops. Please send help asap.
>UK physical charts
check all time tranny
nevermind there's a vibrator robot hand and alt announcers
because people didn't check r/crackwatch before buying.
a non-Denuvo .exe has already leaked
I don't get the point of DMC though
I've played 3 and 4 and it has no replay value unless you can do donguri-tier combos and I'm pretty confident 84,700 out of those 84,726 playing right now can't combo well at all
That really is strange. I figured RE2 would be the most popular game for Capcom this year. Its definitely going to be my favorite
Its almost like part of the fun is learning how to play the game user
You're right, user. I don't play anything unless I'm immediately autistically good at it.
Link please?
You don't have to be god-tier with combo's atall dude. Part of the fun is the challenge of the higher difficulty modes. Like you don't ever actually see a bosses full moveset until you play the game on DMD mode (have to beat the game twice to unlock DMD). You are slowly learning the mechinc's of the game and the bosses, 90% of which are never actually told to you like in DMC4 when fighting Credo people figured out through experimentation that you can grab the arrows he shoots at you if your frame perfect and throw them back. It's insane shit like that why DMC is so loved.
you can't properly play DMC anyway unless you have a PS controller because you can't claw grip stance dance on an XBOX controller which most people playing on PC are probably using. That's primarily why I'm not interested in playing them, supporting Sony kikes that are holding Bloodborne hostage and then having to resort to rechargeable batteries and some bluetooth adapter that probably doesn't work anyway
Because a higher percentage of the RE fan base is console normies relative to DMC. Do you honestly think DMC 5 is going to outsell RE across all platforms?
It’s so obvious I have to be getting trolled
embarrassing post. you probably complain when brainlets highlight shit in red for other brainlets such as yourself
Action game is more popular than a horror game? How could that be I wonder.
Doing gods work user
I played Bayo, DmC, and MGR on PC just fine with KB+Mouse. Why should it be any different for DMCV?
To be fair, RE2 does have more mainstream appeal, which is probably why it sold so much on PS4.
You are the retard
I've never understood why people like Xbox controllers and would subject themselves to using it outside of actually playing on one.
>holding Bloodborne hostage
>Game produced and paid for by an internal developer in Sony
>Expecting the game to be on all platforms
Who woulda thunk that a game that was internally produced by Sony would be a PS exclusive?
>supporting Sony kikes that are holding Bloodborne hostage
That's like saying Nintendo is holding Bayo2 hostage, just end yourself consolewar retard.
>Using an Xbox controller
>At all
Xbox controllers are awful for anything that isnt an FPS or racing game, coincidentally thats pretty much all Xbox has in terms of games
4 mana 7/7
the practice of exclusive anything is anti-consumer
xbox controllers are vastly superior for everything except
>fighting games because of d-pad (apparently, i don't play them anyway and apparently you should play with a fight stick anyway)
>DMC4/5 Dante
they are.
your IQ is alaska outside temperature level if you don't see why exclusive games are PRO-consolewar by nature
>FPS games on any console controller
>racing games at all
>racing sims on anything other than a wheel/pedal/stick setup
i'm a PCbro, I haven't owned a console since the PSone
here's a question:
which is pro consolewar and which is anti-consolewar
>anyone can buy any game they want on any platform they want
>you have to buy MY platform to experience this ONE decent game I own in 17.94fps at upscaled 600p resolution
I emulated Yakuza Kenzan and Demon's Souls last year on my PC and I'll play Bloodborne on my PC within 10 years unless I get hit by a truck.
My Vive costs as much as 3xPS4 pro+Bloodborne
because RE gameplay is still kind of niche, while DMC hack and slash is a genre that everyone can enjoy
I'm using a XBONE controller on PC and i'm doing fine
>Third Person Shooter
Not him but I found the d-pad awful for styleswitching in 4, so I'm just using a ps4 controller with ds4. Only problem I'm having is that taunt is now the share button instead of the touchpad.
RE is not a third person shooter
it is slow as fuck
there is inventory management and backtracking
as much as I like RE, it is still not a normie genre
they have tried many times to make it a blockbuster (RE5 and RE6) and it is still too complex for the dudebro
>RE is not a third person shooter
Because one has been out for like a month now? Idiot
then I guess you consider Tomb Raider 2013 a third person shooter too
I thought you would understand the difference between REmake2 and Gears of War in terms of gameplay and not just the position of the camera
>yes it's third person
>yes it's a shooter
do you understand that from my reply?
It's more kino
Hyped revival of a horror game: People are pussies and want to watch their favorite streamer/youtuber play it instead for the loud noises and funny faces
Hyped revival of an action game: No need to be scared of anything
wtf my computer stopped working
It's so well optimised
Getting locked 4K/60fps on my 1080 Ti at max settings
Only framerate drops seem to be very minor & in boss fights with lots of particles, i mean like split second drops to like 58 fps
>not just downloading via Steam console
Only game crack can be downloaded from steam console, you cannot download full game from it.
Bang bang bang, pull my devil trigger!
>oh no he hurt my de-make.
at least i have 2 hands faggot
RE2 was short so everybody who bought one already finished it
This is the first game in quite a while that managed to make me laugh like a complete idiot
Those Nico entrance cutscenes are fucking adorably silly
Horror games are always going to be really niche. Resident evil 4, 5 and 6 sold extremely well because they were more action games than horror
Because it has good main theme where Re has non
that and it didn't launch during spring break
Agreed, devil trigger probably sold a tons of copies for them.
Have you watched the live action storyboards? They are amazing. Well worth the added price of the Deluxe edition.
Oh no no NO HAHAHA
yea dude, everything is amazing or trash.
Is the deluxe edition worth it?
Do we have sale numbers yet?
inb4 10 000 000
>Anything exclusive is anti-consumer
Exclusivity is the nature of competition in capitalism. How else would you get people to buy you're shiny box if it had stuff the others didn't. You're problem ultimately is not with exclusives but with capitalism and a competitive market
With Denuvo cracked so early there is no way it will reach 3 million sales.
RE2 was cracked on the day as well and it sold gang busters. Remember that console players are still about 70% of gamers and DMC is heavily marketed towards console players.
Sure it will, Denuvo has no bearing on sales.
Three characters, several modes, free Bloody Palace coming in April. The game is 10-15 hours long, but that's pretty long for a DMC game. These games are all endlessly replayable. After all, some of us had been playing DMC3/4 for over 10 years.
>DMC5 is good
>So good that it makes known shitters like IGN and Kotaku put out top shelf content for the game
>Yea Forums is still stuck shitposting.
>Remember that console players are still about 70% of gamers
You're thinking of mobile gamers.
A new game beating an older game?! Impossibru!
OP confirmed retarded.
An actually torrent with decent speed, god bless you user
>>Yea Forums is still stuck shitposting.
>>So good that it makes known shitters like IGN and Kotaku put out top shelf content for the game
Further proof that the word shitposting is misused by outsides who are here only to shill while trying to fit in, but don't actually understand the meaning behind the words.
Piracy doesn't affect sales.
See all time, retard
Nothing wrong with that he said. Shitter out of Yea Forums usually means shitty people.
It must hurt to be this fucking dumb.
God you people get dumber every day.
>new game in popular franchise beating remake of old game in popular franchise
It’s a recently released game that is how. Like all games it’s numbers will ebruskkt drop.
All-time peak
it be funny when dmc wont be first oof
based retard poster
How should i fix this? Besides buying a new monitor.
All live action cutscenes
Wait for a patch I guess.
It will be stretched if you "fix" it. Just gen 16:9 monitor
Man, everything about this game just looks like everyone involved had a ton of fucking fun in doing their part.
You're not completely wrong there but ultimately my problem is not with exclusives or capitalism itself, it's with people who are too impatient and/or not intelligent enough to act as conscious consumers.
If people had any common sense they wouldn't buy Sony's (replace this with nintendo or any other company) console to gain access to a game. That's like protection money. The great thing with capitalism (in theory, that is) is that people can vote with their wallet, but they never ever use that power.
People meme about PS4 being a dedicated Bloodborne machine, but the fact of the matter is there are many people on this website that bought it just for that one game. And they think there's nothing wrong with it because they can afford it.
Most people have no patience or concept of ethics. The most common comment you get when you go against exclusives is "too poor to afford a PS4?" It's the zoomer microtransaction mentality. When did WASTING money become cool? I mentioned I have a Vive and all sorts of peripherals, it's not a question of money, it's a question of principles. These people have no soul or integrity. You're not Jeff Bezos, If you're lucky you might save $2000 a month after taxes and groceries but buying a (new, at launch) console is still a quarter of your monthly income. And for what purpose?
People are tribalistic and jealous though so they use exclusives to justify their purchase and gain a sense of belonging with other sony/nintenbros under the flag of brand loyalty and actually get mad when their platform(/cult) loses an exclusive series like Nioh or Yakuza. Console players, especially the ones that participate in consolewars are poorer anyway, that's why they don't get a high-end PC. Some get pleasure from people who aren't in their cult not having it available to them. Why? I'm not going to die if I don't get to play Bloodborne today so maybe I'll play it in 10 years. But I'm not giving Sony protection money today, or ever.
i think its because of all the positive word about RE2 Remake for PC, so now more people are buying the PC versions knowing they will be way better than the console versions
I don't understand why the game decide to do this. Re2make worked fine without tinkering with it. I changed the aspect ratio in nvidia control and it doesn't change anything
I think the ultrawide people currently have to hex edit, so you could try what they are doing but for 4:3 instead?
RE2 has low replayability, no?
Why are the Devil Bringer and Devil Breaker snatches separate commands? Why not just replace Wire Snatch with Devil Bringer Snatch? The latter is clearly better beyond being a weird command (L1+L2) because it upgrades when in devil trigger.
I don't know why they had to do the bleach long hair thing for Nero though.
Pirated copies get counted towards player count. thats why. Speaking of, will I get banned if I keep myself online on steam while playing the crack.
>Pirated copies get counted towards player count
Are you retarded or just a cuckold?
It makes your steam profile say you're playing dmc5 when you launch the pirated version.
>It makes your steam profile say you're playing dmc5 when you launch the pirated version.
if you didn't added a non-steam game, then enjoy your ban lmao
>cant even play as vergil
shit game
imagine being used to 1280x1024, running everything on ultra with AA, RT, HBAO out the fucking ass and still running 100+fps on a 960
absolutely fucking based
Is that a mod or was the trailer just censored?
is DMC worth getting into? never played any of their games and lost interest in Bayonetta after act 3
Just need to disable lens flare option
Isn't MHW Capcom's best selling game in terms of year 1 numbers?
THat's rong though. I was about to buy it and had the game in checkout and everything. Checked Yea Forums first and saw it was already cracked. Forgot about buying it and just pirated it. I can 100% say if it wasn't already cracked I would have just bought it. Piracy affects sales all the time. There's people like me that are honest with ourselves, see the opportunity to just get free shit, and take it.
I don't know man. Im pirating it and if I like it im going to buy it. If thats the case don't I cancel you out or something?
>don't I cancel you out or something?
Nope doesn't work that way. If you're being honest you were going to buy it either way, independent of what I was going to do. If Piracy was impossible I would have just bought it. So Piracy being easy for me means they got one less sale then they would have otherwise. And there's tons of people just like me if we're being honest.
>I was about to buy it and had the game in checkout and everything. Checked Yea Forums first and saw it was already cracked. Forgot about buying it and just pirated it.
Everyone can lie on the internet, poor nigger.
Piracy doesn't affect sales
Is this just the game files, or does it come with the crack pre-applied
I really have no reason to lie about something as irrelevant as this, but OK. Whatever makes you feel better.
Pirate it and try it for free
>no dante for half the game
just like 5 then
Vidya, the true ethical frontier.
I've been doing this for a 7 years now and i'm used to it. The problem is that even if i forced the game to be 5:4 i still have a small black bar and the game has some weird glitches like showing me what is being loaded at that moment while still loading. I presume that even if they will fix the widescreen problem this won't be addressed because fuck people still living in the past. I understand getting new video cards so that you can run games on ultra and smooth but i don't really need a bigger monitor. If i want to play games on a widescreen then i just connect it to my 4k TV. Am i really that weird?
considering dmc is a lesser known franchise then RE and that denuvo was cracked day one this is a bit strange to see. But I'm happy more people get to try out dmc.
DMC5 won't outsell RE2. DMC literally never outsells mainline Resident Evil. I don't give a fuck about steam numbers. The best selling one is DMC4 with 3 mil units and every RE game since like 4 has completely dabbed on that. I love both series btw but don't be a retard and certainly don't assess the quality of games by their sales numbers. Fucking RE5 is the best selling RE game by far. Sales tell you nothing.
Is there any way for lockon to be toggable? Holding down right shoulder button is cubersome as fuck.
DMC5 fucks
RE2 isnt honestly fun
the zombies take too many hits to kill and it ruins the sense of the player feeling strong. I wish it were just an RE4-feeling remake of RE2 instead. Kind of what I expected when I bought it desu.
>but i don't really need a bigger monitor.
you do need >120hz though
I wouldn't really say Resident Evil is a great outlet for a power fantasy. It's sort of like the antithesis of that.
RE should be more clever and tense than anything, but RE2 is never the former and rarely the latter.
yeah i dunno why i bought it, it kinda sucks desu. :\
I regret buying RE2 from a third party seller. I would have refunded it, for sure.
>ruins the sense of the player feeling strong
That's the point. Horror is supposed to make you feel weak.
even then I feel pretty powerful with an upgraded magnum in that game