DMC thread
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DMC thread
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anyone else got no PS4 logo on their spine?
First for DANTE
There is a universal flaw in this game that I believe everyone can agree on. Cerebus theme is awful. They even remixed Suffer in the CUTSCENE, but completely disregarded it once the battle began. Why?
Still at work but still motivated.
>you can unlock DMD from the start by beating Urizen in the prologue
Anyone got any tips on how to beat him?
>Making a co-op system for two(2) missions
BP is going to have co-op, right guys?
Is it the same voice actor for vergil? He sounds so normal and boring in dmc5.
I played 3 missions and now I'm on my way to work for 8 hours.
So begins the longest day.
misprint. very nice
Yes it is. Dan still voices him
haha good joke, just one song. Nice one capcom ok now bring out the actual soundtrack
Just finished the game
It was way too short, pretty fun though, I'd give it an 8/10, not sure how Itsuno thought this one would be better than 3 though, last boss fucking sucked ass
>the game on PC has ACTUAL borderless window (ie you can click somewhere else and your controller input still goes to the game)
holy fuck thank you
im having fun. i havent had this much fun in a while
and then my gpu died the moment i got a SSS and lost my progress for that level so i gotta redo this shit
has anyone got the EX taunt yet? i need footage of it
RIP Lucia
Why is it I only ever get the DMC crew as cameos?
It is, he just doesn't have a cold.
>anything that might be considered negative about capcom games is shitposting
Nice narrative, but that's not how it works faggit.
>what do you mean I'm a terrible father?!
>Defeats you waring sandals
The absolute madlad
Gonna miss him.
He's way older and had a cold when he voiced him in 3
Fucking orbs, man.
looks like it's the same for everyone
anyone know if any other PS4 steelbook sleeves don't include it?
I'm not sure how the cameos work, I started Son Of Sparda earlier and started getting myself as a cameo
>tfw he never gets a devil trigger and turns into nero angelo
fuck virgin and fuck his weeb shit for ruining a potentially great game
bro, you thinkin what im thinkin?
She's perfect Yea Forums.
>Game too short
>No patty
>V was not that fun after maxing out Nero and Dante
>Three pretty boring bosse
>Too short
>Bloody Palace was removed (Got a message that confirmed that if you got the deluxe edition and you accept the 100k red orbs)
8/10, shame.
Mission 07 and 13 are cameos that are literally CO-OP with banter between the characters.
Other cameos are just watching people in another mission
>SSS screens are all trash
>S-C are KINO
not reading anything here but i'm having a fuckton of fun.
Griffon is already spouting some of my favourite lines up until now, it's some good acting.
and i only played 1 V mission.
V is probably the character that needs more hands/hands in the series.
sure, you can spam shit but doing familiar specific inputs while keeping an eye on 3 possibly 4 characters it's gonna be hard as shit
I want to see nero, dante and vergil run a train on her.
Still can't even play the game, 5704 createComputerShader Fail keeps happening and the "fixes" people have don't do shit.
Is there no AI co-op on M13 if you don't have PS+? I don't remember seeing V and Nero when I did it
She really is
>no Credo-tier boss fight
Expectations: met, not exceeded. The only fun fight was Cavalier and Vergin for me.
>Crew Cut has lines
All is good in the world
>tfw sitting in Nico's shop more than playing the game to look at her delicious tummy
>Nico's Bang Bus
>Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series
Thats what I'm saying, I'm only in mission 2 and had two cameos but both were The DMC Crew. I'm just hoping I actually get paired up with other players for the missions.
please, please for the love of god, go out and get a real girlfriend, that way you can finally stop obsessing over every woman Capcom uses in their games, finally stop posting 100 images every thread of "muh lady is perfect" "muh claire" is perfect
It's all really sad to look at, be it a thirsty incel in his basement or a "influencer" who is hired to keep these threads bumped
Look closely at the cover. Dante has specific taste in literature, but it's not surprising given all the posters he has all over his office
>reading porn right in front of his brother
which one is better?
find me a single edgier pic than this
>spends half the game naked
What a whore.
>Bloody Palace was removed
Bloody palace is a free update/patch/DLC, it wasn't removed
What you gonna do about it
>Mission 7 bonus for managing to stay with your co-op partner for the entire time
>Also the only mission where I got No Damage
Game is fun
I can't be the only one that feels like nobody had enough screen-time though, 20 missions wasn't enough for 3 characters.
anyone else on steam getting the game crash sometimes when playing as V?
I’ll ask here too, since the other thread is too busy being retarded.
Has anyone else had an audio bug where voice lines literally don’t play at all? I don’t want to play the game like this at all.
They fixed the artbook chronology.
Early buyers got a limited collection book now.
Here you go fag, music starts also playing while dancing
absolutely nothing, going to leave this thread and do something else.
You just know.
Yeah I’ve gotten them with Morrison not even talking at points and some with Nico.
user, making a collage and actively screencapping people's posts every tike you reply to them just because you don't like the way a character's nose looks is pretty autistic
>playing day 1
>why is it always the dmc crew
Oh boy
I just noticed DMC4 Lady has a scar on her leg from Arkham, that's a nice little detail
Find me a sexier one than this
What do you anons think about the cameo system? I find it amusing enough. Ran through chapter seven using V’s big aoe attacks while a random unga popped off three or four ragtimes.
>get to mission 10
>stinger not available
good riddance.
hows the optimization
user slurping up what ever a company serves you up and claiming it as perfect even when objective proof points to otherwise is pretty autistic and pathetic.
DMC4 Lady looks like ass without her glasses..
Well it's not quite the meme dance, but fucking lmao
i said edgy not flashy
Pretty fucking fun, I really hope BP has it.
Help a poor lad out, how do I fix this error on Win 7? It's preventing me from having crazy fun.
Any fixes? I went ahead through the prologue mission to see if it was just the first scene, but Nero and V were silent too. I’ve seen one or two other people mention this, so I know it’s not just us. I uninstalled and reinstalled before I went to work, so here’s hoping
>play first dante mission
>suffer through fucking subhuman the entire time
>music is so terrible im fucking up simple combos because of awful screamo
>finish the mission
>instantly go to the jukebox and change it to devils never cry
>entire next mission is spent at S rank
>perfectly parry cavalier nero despite never seeing his attacks before
kinda sad im forced to use swordmaster for my fancy combos, and royalguard doesnt seem as hilariously overpowered but im having fun
how does the jukebox work? does the song you pick just play through the entire duration of a mission? or is it only during combat? does it change according to your rank?
Picture of Nero sexually assaulting demon
You absolute faggot. It was in the game, they removed it just to add it again one month later for refreshed PR and some good boy points from retarded people like you. Why the fuck would it state that the red orbs can´t be used on Bloody palace in the game huh?
Holy shit them moves, is it the same for all 3 characters?
What did they change with the rank system?
IM trying to get S rank on mission 8 and I noticed that not only do it get 2000 free points at the start but my points can actually diminish if I do kinda bad during certain fights
Didn't it used to be some additional thing ? Like you get X amont of point during a fight and that gets added to your total ?
>big chin good
>jew nose good
>tits baaaad
>feminine facial features baaad
Do we have sale numbers yet?
>mfw too retarded to play as V so i just mash buttons
i dont think i can multitask for shit
Is it a reference to something?
I yield I yield!
>The chapter opens with Nico meeting Kyrie for the first time. As Agnus amassed a lot of research documents, Nico must stay for a little while in Fortuna with Nero and Kyrie.
>Nico doesn’t really consider people to be beautiful, she thinks well-made guns and swords are beautiful. However, she believes that Kyrie is so beautiful that it’s a rare sight. The way that Kyrie looks at Nico reminds her of her mother Alyssa who died when she was very young.
>Kyrie asks if it’s okay to call her Nico. Nico immediately nods and says “You can call me whatever you want! ‘Nico’, ‘Nicoletta’, even ‘Bitch’!”. In response, Nero stomps on her foot under the table, points at her and yells “Hey! Don’t use dirty words in front of Kyrie!”.
>Nico heard that Kyrie was Nero’s girlfriend, but she couldn’t imagine just how special Kyrie was to Nero. Nico apologises to Kyrie for her foul mouth and says that her father is to blame; Nero lets out a small sigh. Kyrie smiles at them like she’s watching two children bicker, which puts Nico at ease.
>Kyrie invites Nico to eat with them as there’s plenty to go around. Kyrie asks Nico if there’s any food that she doesn’t like and Nico responds with, “If you cooked a tyre then I’d eat it!”, making Kyrie laugh.
>When Kyrie goes to the kitchen, Nico tries to get a rise from Nero by saying “Lovely woman, she’s too good for you”. Instead of a snarky rebuttal, Nero says “Yeah, I think so too”.
Kyrie is the purest being in this series. How would Vergil react to her?
Am I retarded for thinking king cerberus was the best boss? I even like his theme.
HELP when can I get Mega Man Buster? At which mission does it start to appear?
>claiming it as perfect
when did I ever say it was perfect? Just because I like the way Lady looks means i think the game has no flaws? For someone being objective you seem to be making a lot of non-existent or subjective claims.
>objective proof
all you do is post pictures of 4Lady and throw around buzzwords. Even other people agree that Lady's face in Dmc4 looks bad. Why don't you just go back to the millionth OH NONONONO LA CREATURA thread?
>red orbs as a confetti
hes innocent. she was asking for it
DMC4 Lady is fucking horrible Barry
DMC4 Trish otherwise is the best one
How to unlock vergil in the van?
You are retarded.
Did you get deluxe version?
>poetry, son
>You absolute faggot. It was in the game, they removed it just to add it again one month later for refreshed PR and some good boy points from retarded people like you.
why don't you give me a source for this other than "dude trust me"
>the only good thing about 4 Lady is her tits
So, is Patty in the game?
Beat the game
hate her so much
but you do?
Is the deluxe edition stuff any good? I was cheap and got a CDkey for the base game but I might get the DLC just to support Capcom a little.
My sides
Its in the shop from like the second or third mission. I don't think it'll show up in missions to be picked up.
As disembodied voice in one scene
Because in his tiny brain he thinks you demanding evidence to a claim is you trusting a company over him, a stranger.
It's bizarre in his world that people don't instantly assume companies do shady shit, so claiming they do it without proof is okay.
she's built for rape
I'm going out on a wild limb here but I think implementing a text box takes less time than the bloody palace.
how do you get the timing for combos right? I feel I might be pressing them too fast and basically canceling them out with a basic attack
>when did I ever say it was perfect?
would you look at that.
>all you do is post pictures of 4Lady and throw around buzzwords. I provided plenty of proof, majority of people agree that DMC5 is higher fidelity but uglier character.
for lady it's DMC3>DMC4>DCM5
>can't look at the face at all
>literally incappable of looking away from tits
>also brings up costume and clothes when the argument is about her face
>but tits REEE
how to spot an incel who can't control his urges I guess.
Is there a point to the buster arm post game?
yes, all other weapons are showing up regularly everywhere
I think it randomly appears after you beat the game
>that tummy
Not the logo, that just has the name
Apologize to my wife NOW!
how sexist of you goy, you need to be reprocessed it seems.
built for the trash can, I have no idea why they had to make her so disgusting.
>for lady it's DMC3>DMC4>DCM5
The only good thing about 4 design is her tits dude
Breakage has super armor and won't drain your DT.
Barry she looks god awful without the glasses. The Pachinko cutscenes had to fix her up. Stop defending this mug.
>Almost 90k players on Steam.
Wew lad, this launch day of DMC5 is even better compared to the REmake 2 one, on steam so far.
>tfw 5 points away from devil quads
If you can't read porn in front of your brother, who CAN you read it in front of?
I always thought it has more damage
Fuck, Exceed is so damn fun but getting Max-Act reliably is fucking impossible to me.
Also how do you guys weave Blue Rose into your combo? I ended up ignoring it most of the time.
So can you counter buster vergil's shuttle loop or nah? Im having so much fucking fun countering everyone's bullshit. What's the point of the buster arm then?
This except she's my wife
You better me fucking kidding me.
Time doesnt count anymore for the final rank
Damage taken doesnt count anymore for the final rank
Only deaths and style.
A re bad decision imo
>>when did I ever say it was perfect?
>would you look at that.
that's not me you stupid nigger. Not everyone who has a different opinion than you is the same person
whatever eat my ass.
>tfw too shit to get SS
I find this boss very annoying. That stupid chicken is the worst when you get trapped when it is in that rage mode.
Wow for a game that got "cracked" in a matter of hours it's doing pretty fucking well, I'm glad.
Tits only get you so far user. If I have to put a paper bag on your head, after a while it gets distracting.
People with the 100k red orb DLC get the message. It is iffy, but it is Capcom, they had on disc locked dlc.
I'm only on mission 10, why is Dante randomly a smug dismissive fucking faggot to V as they initially approach Urizeb's chamber? What the fuck
>see this
Wat do
Lady peaking out is cute.
Post more of those screens please.
>Griffon getting BTFO by Nico
Anyone else running into a stuttering issue that throws the cutscenes out of sync? The game was running perfectly fine until the start of mission 2.
What is this, Castlevania
Can anyone tell me if you get refunded orbs when you switch characters?
Where have you been all morning? Some user shared the Deluxe copy with mega and it is the first message that hits you among the other confirmation of dlcs in the deluxe. Made me think that you could unlock the BP after beating the game going by that message.
Because they know it'll be in the final version a few weeks after release? Why bother making said notification part of a patch?
Because people with sense buy good games.
Any stooge that's actually pirating DMCV is either too poor to buy it or a genuine faggot.
Either way they weren't going to buy anyway, and I'd say "Fuck em" but the poorfags have an excuse, the other faggots don't.
Did you decapitate yourself
He recognizes that V is vergil?
Get my dick out.
I usually just use it as filler, though I like to colour up while I grapple someone in and use a breaker on them (remapping buttons helps a lot for this). Then use the big shots in between RQ combos and breakers
Nico's a qt desu
No, you don't.
I finished it, jesus fucking christ they fucked the story so bad.
The gameplay is a solid 9.5, with deductions for gilgamesh and me not being sure about the faust hat and sin dt.
But the story is a solid 1.5/10, it is so abysmally bad. The first half shows promise, and then it nosedives into shit
No, you'd be correct.
Cavalier also was damn good.
Yeah but the style rank seems to have completely changed
You can get negative amont of point after a fight and you get a massive boost at the start
Zs an example mission 8 start with 4 basic empusa, if I go all out I can barely reach a B before they die and I start with 2600 point , if I intentionally fight worse and keep it at C I finish with 1700
Keep in mind this is basic empusa , the guys that die in 4-5 hits
And after that the counter goes up really really slowly, sometimes going even backwards à few points if i'm not doing so good
kinda suspect it's about how long you stay in X rank rather than attacking while in X rank to get more points
Changing from DX12 to DX11 in the .ini helped for me
>Why the fuck would it state that the red orbs can´t be used on Bloody palace in the game huh?
Because it was always like that?
Besides I don't really care about when I'm getting something, and as long as I get it for free I'm cool with it.
*blocks your path*
Me too, and new orbs/items models aren't showing.
>tfw that sensation of finally get used to Dante again
It feels so good switching between styles at the right moment, holy shit.
You got me
>every character has to be holding every single button on controller at the same time, while doing directional inputs and dodging, but also using your DT properly, don't fucking waste your breakers
I'm not even complaining but holy shit, there's a lot to do for someone who gets bored with the basic inputs and wants to step up their autism
look at this cocky fucking shit
I'm soooo fucking glad DMC is back so I don't have to deal with "mash that one defensive option to win" Platinum shit
same in every region, not just UK - weird
The head ruins it utterly, and it needs some blue on the legs.
tranny fuck off
did they reveal the double kalina ann? the laser beam attack is so fucking awesome
Why the fuck isn't my controller working for the older games AAAAAAAAA, I just want to play through them so I can play this DMC.
Trish looks kind of okay the more scenes I see her in. Honestly I would have been fine with her appearance if her nose was fixed up a bit and she had better hair. The hair thing should be doable since Eva's model is in the game already, and in RE2 people have already done mods where Claire has Annette or Ada's hair, etc.
>Keep fucking up which D pad direction each style is.
>Finally get it down
Looks weird with it's straigh up DMC4/anime design
I like it tho
>They didn't put the super fucking cool hood the OG sketch had
It could've been better.
DMC is so fucking casual holy shit, I mean all you have to do to win is play well and if you want to boost your ego you just practice and get better? REAL skill is grinding for RNG drops to show you're a TRUE fan.
You guys have no fucking idea how refreshing it is to just play a game and have the shit in the game. I can't remember the last time I came close to unlocking all the content in a AAA game, this shit has me in tears
How do i unlock the dlc breakers? Im in mission 4 already and i cant buy the buster and the preorder bonuses
To fellas who beat the game. Where do you rank it? It's a throw up between preferring it to 3 or not honestly. Love them both.
Also, the final Dante vs Vergil. I had a harder time than I ever did with any 3 vergil. Loved it, think its one of my favourite bosses
>replying to your own post with an edited picture to try and make yourself look right
fuck off
Waiting to beat it on Son of Sparda to give it my true ranking. Nero is so jank without his buster moves. I didn't get to use based CHUCKs that much as Dante either. But holy shit it was a nostalgia trip going at vergil with Inferno/Cerberus only
lmao stay mad capcocksucker. didn't even pirate it but who actually gives a fuck
>entering 'the zone'
>getting multiple max-act in a row
Fuck, this is too good.
>work sent me home early because it was quiet
>it pulses up and down
That's too lewd
It's nice that you are defending me user, but it's the internet so I can admit I am wrong as there is little consequence.
Do you have the DLC enabled? As soon as I unlocked the van there were little intros for each of the DLC Breakers as there are for all the regular ones and I was able to buy them right away.
>get up to Caviliiere (I can't spell, fuck off)
>have literally never used RG ever
>impressed by some webm's give it a shot
>absolutely destroy his anus and beat him in less than 3 minutes
What’s that?
>tfw attending family dinner
I was getting my shit pushed in. Noticed I wasn't utilising belrog so I dropped it. Going in with just Dante sword, cerb and EI, kalina; man that just made me feel something
be careful on your way home user
3>4>5, not sure where I would rank 1.
The story and writing being so terrible and it having no ending ruins it for me. 4 felt considerably more complete.
hes too easy to get SSS on
Fuck me, I just remembered thats not what DSD is actually called.
Last boss was great as Dante but really easy as Nero for some reason. In terms of gameplay 5 is far superior to 3 in almost every way. 3 Probably has a better story but I don't know yet, it's too early for me to know how I really feel about everything I just witnessed.
its time
Anyone needs help getting red orbs? There’s an trick on mission 13 to get you a ton of them in a minute
He hasn't clicked for me. I just mash buttons and wiggle the stick around while I read and I get SSS somehow. Sometimes Shadow just repeatedly spawns at my feat instead of doing combos. I don't actually know how the familiars work, do they attack on their own? Seems that griffon doesn't. His charged shot damage though, oof.
I'm pretty sure he's less agressive when fighting as Nero
what is the trick
The ending is pretty clear. Same with the writing about family, power and finding your humanity. Crazy how V was vergil finding his humanity and in parallal you see Nero gaining power from what his father forgot before instilling driving his own power of 'family' into Vergil at the end.
So. Drive is in, which is good.
Distortion isn't in, which is kinda sad, but there's a ton of mechanics surrounding DT now, so it's okay, I guess.
It's sad to see Gilgamesh go, though. I wish Balrog had just-frames, a great weapon otherwise.
he probably meant Balrog
Here is Dante's EX Taunt
With the music it's even better
Possible to change button prompts on PC? I fucking hate xbox promps when using PS controller
No you goddamn faggot, DMC5 Lady is boy in comparison
Take a pick of when you execute cavalier. That was edgy as fuck in the best way possible.
Distortion is still in user
Why did V want to remake Vergil? Why did Vergil not have the humanity that V displayed? Why was V crumbling but Urizen was getting stronger? Didn't Nero lose his arm like 2 months ago? Urizen became a demon king in 2 months? Why does V use Mundus summons? They're figments of Vergil's memories but somehow they have real experience in the demon world and know all the big players? Why is the damage that the familiars do not "real".
I think I prefer Rebellion/Sparda to DSD it just feels weird not using style for raves, I also prefer Round Trip when it actually throws the weapon
>Game is LITERALLY out
>OST still isn't out
Is there a way to turn off announcers?
>amai kawai anime girl uguuu
ughhhh, I can smell the incel a mile away, who the fuck wants women to look like ayylamo children
Dante and Nero got enough I thought. V didn't get enough missions.
I knew Itsuno was trolling me when he said "Make sure to spend your orbs on V because he'll be important later on". I fucking new 100% he was meming.
oh my god. can you post V's?
Look how they massacred my boy
So who's V's VA?
>30 seconds taunt that gets you like 5 bars of DT and S Rank
Pretty cool
How do you put the hood up?
What’s bothering me about the story is, how is Vergil completely healed of all corruption? He split himself because he was a walking corrupted zombie. So reforming makes him cured? Unless they explain that Urizen eating the fruit cured him of said corruption, but nobody and nothing states that or is shown that. Re-fusing again should bring him back to corruption
What about V?
My normal bus didn't turn up and I'm fully expecting the one I'm on to have something happen to it on the way.
Juar hope Steam is actually working properly now, it was playing up last night and wouldn't unpack the pre-load.
>Press X
You're interpreting more than what the game actually has, and the other stuff is in there, but it is so absolutely abysmally executed.
The only thing writing wise I liked was V, he went from a character I couldn't care less about and I was worried about to the best thing in 5.
The most outstandingly retarded moments were Dante stabbing himself with rebellion with his stupid logic to gain Sin DT, rather than developing as a character, focusing his resolve or something mildly emotional.
And also that scene with Niko and Nero in the van at the end that just wouldn't stop with her going "go cry bitch."
I utterly, utterly hated that.
Don't think about it, Bingo didn't either
Does it need specific inputs or just random?
no love for the dual kalina ann?
you did get it, right?
A/B rank taunt without lock-on
What went wrong
Fucking magic, plus theres a denuvo free exe that adds another 20fps
>Why did V want to remake Vergil?
Write hit wrongs. He said so.
>Why did Vergil not have the humanity that V displayed?
He has it, just under layers of power lust and his clashing ideology between Dante and him of power vs humanity/family. V also says he craves power even.
>Why was V crumbling but Urizen was getting stronger?
Demon energy > separated human husk
>Didn't Nero lose his arm like 2 months ago
Little before the gqme starts
>Urizen became a demon king in 2 months?
Dante kills a lot of the big bads.
>Why does V use Mundus summons?
They are Vergils nightmares from his period as Nelo.
>They're figments of Vergil's memories but somehow they have real experience in the demon world and know all the big players?
Knowledge from under when he was under mundus I guess. I'm assuming it's implanted knowledge of what vergil knows.
>Why is the damage that the familiars do not "real".
They aren't literal demons after all, maybe something about demons killing demons, mostly game mechanic though
Shit, you got me there. Playing DMD and this shit still doesn’t make sense now that I think about it
I feel like something went haywire in the end. I’m seriously wondering if Capcom insisted on Vergil and the story ended up morphing to fit.
I tried doing it a couple of times but it seems to me it just switches between DT and regular versions instantaneously.
Provided, I was trying it out with regular Rebellion swings, maybe I missed it every single time.
I'm 100% sure they changed it from the demo, I've also gotten it at C and S
>Scan technology
>taking inspiration from Donte may cry
Give me a minute, you are going to love it, the music is fucking great too
Hold Left joystick then hold select
You're a little gem, user.
Man, the blender porn can't come soon enough.
It had to be since even the familiars don’t make sense if it was Vergil’s nightmares as Nelo Angelo, considering that Griffon never interacted with him as Nelo, and Griffon acts completely different. V shouid of been a human who studied the lore of demons, came across the book, studied Mundus and communicated with him. Mundus would of used V for his gain via giving him his powers so that he can claim the tree for himself without V knowing. V would have to decide if Mundus is telling the truth or lies
Everything is explained in the game.
>Why did V want to remake Vergil?
Because V was about to die
>Why did Vergil not have the humanity that V displayed?
He probably does, we dont get to see because he is too proud. Think of Vegeta 's Sacrifice.
>Why was V crumbling but Urizen was getting stronger?
Urizen hooked himself up in human blood. I assume that it kept him alive, and the fruit restored his body. I assume that without it he also would have died.
>Didn't Nero lose his arm like 2 months ago? Urizen became a demon king in 2 months?
Hes not the demon king, but he successfully managed to get an invasion going so the demons are following him up. Imagine him as a big newcomer instead of a well established king
>Why does V use Mundus summons?
They are his memories and nightmares. Probably Strong enough to manifest
>They'rets of Vergil's memories but somehow they have real experience in the demon world and know all the big players
You known vergil spent like 20 years in the demon world, right?
Also, if you can upload these with sound on or it'll be great
Thank you based user
can you upload the webms with sounds to /wsg/?
Helter skelter sucks
I don't know how often this happens, but I've had the camera lead with a enemy and not focus on Nero.
I kinda hate that. Has happened twice and because it's not focused on me, I've gotten hit almost off screen.
The story bits seems fucking rushed honestly. I would have liked if neo vergil had some kind of brain conflict from the 2 personalities combining, or if the other characters talked more. Theres a lot of plot happening and the casual flair of the series doesn't do it jsutice. Its such a weird thing, cus the gameplay is so tight, I only have 2 complaints. Story is less than stellar, and the lack of environments. I know this is Teminigru 2 Electric Cerberus, but shit dude, even TIG had more diverse locales. The time skipping and character hopping bugs me. I wouldn't say its bad, but its just weird.
He eaten the fruit to heal himself ul. Urizen in the start of the game is still really fucked up and needs the tree to stay alive
How good is it? Have not been at all invovled with the upcoming news or anything, I'm sick of being disappointed with games I was looking forward to so I just didn't. If I think Devil May Cry 3 is excellent and Devil May Cry 4 is great for playing Bloody Palace, would you recommend me this game?
>use cavaliere
>the one who gets styled on is my fps counter
How do i fix this? I usually have ~80-100 fps during battles, but cavaliere's sparks drop it down to 30.
wew lad. i saw some lady butt
omg my husbando got moves, that's sexy as fuck please marry me
Get out
show me your worst screenshot
I like this game
>use Cav
>i'm basically invincible against normal mobs, my style is going out the ass, and kill almost every small mob in a single combo
>if I get in trouble I pop DT for those dank revs
its really busted and that's a good thing
Did they call Tom Cruise to mocap this dance?
Fair points. The time hopping and the story both appeal to me for whatever reason, sucker for the themes and ideas in DMC5. I can get how it wouldn't be someone's vibe though. I do wish there was more character selection for levels though
The gameplay is absolutely fantastic and better than 3 and 4 put together.
The story however is no kidding a 2 out of 10, the first half has promise, and then it hits the shit so bad.
If you go for the gameplay, you'll like it a lot. If you go for the continuation of DMC3 story wise you will be very, very disappointed
>Bloodborne mechanics
So if that’s to be believed, then Vergil did need to kill thousands of human blood, just to reform back to himself.
Man I forgot how to Dante
Sometime I randomly switch style and weapon and end up getting sss
sometime I doing horribly
How do you close distance as Dante? Do I have to switch back to Trickster everytime?
What are the anti-air options?
Gun stringer mode doesn't seem to do much
>tfw ywn be nero in this moment
Yeah you'll dig it. Combat is tight as hell and the story is pretty neat, if not rushed slightly in places
So what, you've seen this thread and instead of fucking reading it to see what people think you have to ask?
Read the thread jackass.
The themes and ideas are kinda there.
Its just every single thing is executed absolutely abysmally
tell me i'm not the only one NEVER skipping the intro with Nero when starting the game? i legit have some goosebumps when it plays
This game is crazily cinematic, even when it's not trying to be at times.
>game is forcing dx12 on startup
Here you go V's dance, I will now make Nero and Dante with music
>That autist getting angry at people pointing out DMC5 Lady is the best girl in the series
Kek good job
>he closes the game
Alt Nico is for ____
I enjoyed the scenes and characters from DMC3 a lot, but the gameplay is all I really care about. Though I must admit, a final boss fight without proper build up thanks to the story like Vergil 3 will hurt. But it looks like I'll pick this up, thanks user. Who can you play as, Dante Nero and Vergil?
How's Vergil in DMD? Does he get new moves? Is he worse than 3 Vergil?
Try out the demo
>Dante Nero and Vergil?
I mean, technically
What Bloodborne mechanics?
Feel bad for Goliath, he thought he was the shit when he was just an absolute jobber.
Still less a jobber than Crew Cut
is there a way to change the skill casting to where no matter where you're look at it's always the same direction to use the same skill?
That's right you sexy fuck shake your booty
I don't really think his intention was to reform at least as he split himself I think he just wanted to go full demon to get revenge and maybe not die from the corruption
I think the concept of power and the running theme of what is it that separates humans and the main demon characters from devil's is handled well since its not beating you over the head with it.
>trying to style with Yea Forums
>you get a style bonus for pulling familiars out in the nick of time
>trying to get the timing down
>pull out catto
>he just runs right back in and dies
Is there an upgrade I'm missing for getting these dumbasses to just stay still?
There is build up but its a bit rushed.
How could you feel bad for killing Arkham?
I got a taunt where Nero pins an enemy to the floor and revs, how the fuck do I do it again?
Getting covered in blood after you fuck up your enemies or they fuck you up.
I hit and got hit before that, I don't know what triggers that.
Crew cut mod when?
he took the note.
>uses clickbait anime persona
I actually saw this on my feed earlier and reported it.
>you're no son you're no son of miiiine
But splitting himself to be full demon is corruption taken beyond Nelo. V as his human side plays a pivotal role in not being corrupted, but he’s dying due to this. So re-fusing should make him back to corrupted if that’s the case. It’s just really weird
Worst part about this game is that you have to play through 9 missions as literal who's before you play as the main character
Some cool shit is about to go down in here ain't it.
I can sense it.
I remember there being a way
but I might be wrong
As expected of Vergil. And people think he reformed.
oh my fucking god THIS IS AMAZING
>that comfy van music while customizing mid mission
been thinking about it, do you think MS cancelled scalebound because they caught wind of DMC5 happening? what with all the marketing they bought for it to shill the XBONE
Love this meme
>do fine with Nero
>suck complete ass with Dante
It's DMC4 all over again. There's just too much to do with him. I can't keep up with all the style changing and multiple weapons that have a ton of different combos. It's just too much.
Maybe all those demons he absorbed in his cane cured him.
I think the fruit healed his body
Almost like he's off in hell trying to write his wrongs, almost like his humanity in V implanted that into him. Crazy.
V is the easiest one of all, he's overpowered as fuck with KB+M
5 is the king of gameplay. It will be even more so when it gets turbo. It has the best enemies in design and variety. It has better levels than 3 and none of that backtracking shit 4 did. It has the consistently best bosses but it might not have the best bosses in the series. I feel that Vergil 2/3 and Credo could be better than anything in this game, although Dante Vergil in 5 could be just as good, I just haven't played it on DMD or turbo yet. Getting to fight Vergil as Dante with styles is really something else though. The amount of options you have is unreal too, I never would have thought in my wildest dreams they'd make dante even more complex and give him even more mechanics. V is really unique and great to play too, looking forward to learning how to play well as him.
In terms of story it's really hard to say. It's going to to a long time until I come to terms with how I feel about the story of this game. It's at least the second best story but I don't know if it can top 3 in that department. I was expecting a sad ending and I did shed a tear or two but I didn't expect it to be so happy. I'd wanted so bad for Vergil to have a happy ending and never thought he would. Now that he has it I feel like I've been caught off-guard and I don't even know how it makes me feel. It feels very fan-servicey but maybe in a good way? Hopefully there is DLC with playable Vergil that expands on it. Him and Dante going to hell together is great but I just wanted him to tell him he loved his son, or have said something at least somewhat sentimental. I think it would have been better if he had always known that Nero was his son, so that when Nero beat him he finally realized he no longer needed power to protect those he loved, because they could protect themselves. Which was kind of the message, but him only finding out Nero was his kid at the end was a bit weird. I was hoping for some kind of message in the book he gave Nero that would pull at my heart strings.
>Play one level as V.
>Think he's fun.
>Play another level as V.
>Still fun, wonder when his moveset will evolve.
>Play any future levels as V.
>Wish I could play as someone else because after two chapters you've seen his entire moveset a thousand times already.
This is the one thing I'm not enjoying already.
This is the guy that used to be Vergil?
Can't be helped, if that's what it takes to bring back our power autismo back.
Enjoy it while you can.
>used to be
He IS him.
Parts of me will prefer the DMC3 story but this also clicks with me. I think as a whole package 5 edges out infront
Semi-related, I don't get people who say that the story of DMC5 has no stakes. Or that they had no real reason to fight Vergil like DmC's Vorgil fight. like i'm not trying to be a blind fanboy saying the game has no flaws, but that complaint in particular doesn't make sense to me, it's foreshadowed throughout the game and explained near the end. V says the Qliphoth is a special plant/tree that only grows in the underworld. After the tentacle boos thing on the bridge Nero says "Yamato did this..". Right before his fight with Vergil, Dante says his "portal opening days are over" and to give him the Yamato. After the Nero/Vergil fight the tree starts shaking and shit and Nero says that the underworld is taking over. And lastly Vergil says they need to sever the roots of the Qliphoth and seal the portal with Yamato. Dante and Nero needed Yamato to stop the invasion from escalating even further, whether that meant killing Vergil to get it or by convincing him to do it willingly, which sort of happens.
Are they playing some famous song when he does it?
Wonder if we'll get V moveset mixed in with vergil's for dlc.
>Almost like he's off in hell trying to write his wrongs
Nigga what? It’s explicitly shown he’s only in hell to take out the roots of the tree + to settle his score with Dante, but now in a much more friendly way.
How does it compare to 3 and 4?
Yea Forums is fun to play! He feels kinda easy, but he's fun.
found it
>watch the DMC history recap video because curious
>the way they completely gloss over DMC 2
>square face
Dante use to bully Vergil that's why he went full retard.
Here you go
EX Dante taunt, the webms doesn't do enough justice
And Nero EX taunt
Trust me, they are better with the music
Even the novel does this too lol. The explanation for why Dante was depressed and him escaping hell was so hand waved
How long is it? I just fought gilgamesh.
good luck feggit
Guys, the game is too good, i almost want to cry...
so whats the best weapon in the game
I'm honestly going to miss griffon and v,they played well off each other and best boid had good banter.
Is it just me or getting style points is easier than in 3/4?
You’re about 1/3 way there
A bike
By far easier because time doesn’t count for SSS ranks anymore
How do I get back to base Nero? can't change the EX skin
That is what 3 did and it did that well.
5 is trying way too much shit with nothing sticking.
>Dante seems untouched and as if he can barely be bothered to kill Vergil again, because which has to for some reason. (Although Vergil can and is reasoned with after he is in normal form)
>Dante also just stabs himself with rebellion for superpowers instead of doing something interesting like killing or making it look like Trish has been killed, him surpassing Sparda's legacy, wanting to stop corrupt, evil Vergil out of brotherly love or anything that could make people care a bit
>Vergil doesn't care that he ripped out his own son's arm, that he has a son, the humanity V experienced, that Dante and Nero are stronger or equal to him in spite of him eating that fruit
The only one that seems to feel something is Nero, because he is rightfully pissed at Vergil, but he also wants Vergil to live although he has no reason to believe Vergil is anything but evil at that point.
Also his "I could've saved Credo" came out of nowhere along with his DT, really, really didn't work for me.
There is this massive disconnect between what characters are doing, but having no or minimal motivation behind it.
The story is plain fucking awful and so much worse than 3,4 and 1. I don't understand why they make V and Urizen being Vergil a shock reveal instead of the player just being told that and the characters being like "yeah that is how it is, we gotta deal with it."
>tfw DMC6
>Griffon is back and tries to bant with Vergil
>he's just old to fuck off and is confused, saying he missed V
Yeah I think I agree. DMC5's story is definitely better than 1, 2, and 4's stories but i'm still debating whether or not the story in 5 is equal to or slightly worse than 3. But that's just the overall plot, I think I definitely prefer the characters, dialogue and interactions in DMC5. I don't get people who say that the story in 5 is completely awful, it seems about on par for a DMC game. Maybe they're just pissed their wild theories didn't come true.
TWO rocket launchers
dante challenges you to a danceoff
how do you fair
When can I get buster arm breaker?
Don't care for rest
I don't feel like showing my steam username but I got a screenshot of me seeing myself in the cameo system during the gilgamesh boss fight
I don't see how you think 5's story is worse than 1. 1's story isn't awful but it's barebones and cliche as fuck.
Man I wish Dante was fun to play without having to invest thousands of hours into him. He's just too difficult since 4 and even with JCing DMC3 Dante feels more fun AND easier to play.
>Nero & Kyries tiny little daughter gets Dante’s sword, Yamato, Devil Bringer & her own weapon, and bitchslaps Mundus into oblivion
>game tells me i am playing with some other guys
>never see them
>apparently we don't even play the same mission
>game asks me to rate them
>But that's just the overall plot, I think I definitely prefer the characters, dialogue and interactions in DMC5
Not him, but I agree with that but for me I would put 5 a bit higher than because it's a happy ending Im sucker for those.
is MGR2 the new DMC5 aka : Game we knows it will happen but we have no ideas when?6 years old already...
Mission 6
PC Port is very bad
Changed to DX11 and got much better performance
Downloaded the .exe that doesn't have Denuvo and got better performance
Game has crashed 2 times for me
Very strange, especially after DMC4's PC port, however
Sucks I have to jerryrig it to get it to run, though. Also hope I don't get in trouble for not using the Denuvo exe version, but it's on Steam's database and signed by Capcom, so
Now i kinda want to see a "Let's Dance Boys" crossover segment with Bayonetta and Dante
1 didn't piss me off with how poorly written it was. It was amusingly bad at times.
5 pissed me off with the non-ending, especially that scene with Nero and Niko in the van, with her going "cry bitch" for two minutes straight.
That was the worst fucking scene in the entire scenes because it angered me with how out of place and terrible it was
feels bad man
I don't think their pissed. There's a few things that might seem rushed and I can get the V thing not being peoples thing. But since the story is essentially about power and what not it might not come across as grand as people hoped.
As a story that engages with the themes and ideas of devil may cry however, knocks it out of the park
Vergil seem to be a good kid, his mom death really fucked him up so bad he became an autist in every incarnation of him.
>don't feel like showing my steam username
then just cross it out with MS paint or something m8
I think it’s definitely worse than 3, because 3 is a focused, stand-alone story with great pacing and few characters to juggle. DMC 5 relies a lot on existing emotional investment, something I’ve noticed way too much media is doing these days
>murder thousands
>get away with it
>Dante and Vergil; Moondusts return dlc
pls itsuno
>cameo during V's boss rush
>if you say cry again I fucking swear
>*phone rings*
>devil may cr- fuck
>We're still trying to obtain the following item[s] you ordered on January 29th: "Devil May Cry 5 Collector's Edition - PlayStation 4"
Amazon deserves to burn to the ground
just change Capability=DirectX12
TargetPlatform=DirectX12 to 11 instead of 12?
help how do i change to dx11?
Fuck off donte
I'd say best in the series for gameplay alone. Story isn't bad in my opinion, it's the 2nd best in the series, 3 is still best.
>DMC 6
>Dante's debt collector invades hell just so he could get the money from Dante
Someone needs to edit the sasuke pic with Vergil saying “yeah....sorry”
So what happens to Dante? just curious about since i heard somethings about the ending. At work, cant finish the game right now.
V is best boy
End with him and Vergil fighting each other in hell
>V has a taunt where he says "I need more... Strength"
Motherfucker just say the line
It has an ending though, I seriously don't understand how it appears to not have one. Also the scene of two characters ribbing off one another annoys you? Would you rather have had anothrr demon cry and someone say devil's never cry? Or would you like some father retrospective featuring some character moments?
That's the cutest shit, we better get to see a good mix of vergil personality now that we know what kind of person he could be.
>tfw vergil kicks your ass so hard your PC crashes
Playing as V fucking SUCKS
In hell again. thats fine since he is bound to come back anyway. Thanks for the answer!
>V imitates Paganini and Wagner while his demon squad fucks everything up on the background
I love 5's story more because Dante and Vergil's feud finally ended and Nero's arc in this was great. It has everything I wanted, shame about V but I already expected that.
>Vergil is a fucking joke 5
Was he...ever cool?
Let me guess, played for multiple hours?
There's memory leak apparently.
Go into your files on your harddrive or whatever
Program Files (x86) - Steam - Steamapps - Common - DMC5
Then you find the .ini
No animosity mind you. They are just having really long childish duel with a really dumb score system. Vergil still won't admit defeat tho.
to any speedrunners here
if youre damaged right as the last enemy is killed, ti will skip the slow motion camera completely
is it just me or is the vergil/dante fight a parody of DmC?
>they fight over something minor even though they could easily talk all this shit out, don't even take any time to really sort anything out, clear misconceptions, anything
>Vergil uses doppelganger
>Vergil dressed in black, you can throw a fedora on him
>one of the characters (I forget which) says not in a million years during the fight
You've got spunk...I hate spunk
So when are we getting the Lady model ripped for SFM?
Yeah lol
I've been dark for weeks so I never saw the leaks. I love Vergil, even in this game and I haven't actually seen anyone say this so I just have to confirm. Vergil's face looks pretty fucked hey? HE just looks really weird, not in a good way. Is that the general consensus?
Wait does vergil still say his power line? I haven't reached that part of the game yet.
the story really fucking sucks
In case you haven't noticed the entire Sparda bloodline is a bunch of absolute goobers that come through when it matters most
You don't have a sibling, don't you?
Best gameplay of the series, probably worse story than 3 but better than the rest.
it was on dx 11 but i have laggy cutscenes and great gameplay
Almost like V is the Vergil that died that day and Urizen is the one that was born.
Almost like this is the Vergil game in disguise. I'm not implying it's deep at all, just that ideas are flying over heads because it's a little less literal than DMC3 and a couple things are handled slightly poorly compared to it.
Also fuck you Urizen actually being 'Your Reason' is fucking kino and you can't convince me other wise
Form Ranking:
1. Majin Form- Grants you invincibility and huge attack boost/ let's you fly and shoot projectiles
2.True Dante's Devil Trigger- Stronger and better version of his DT. Strong enough to beat full power Urizen.
3.Sparda DT- Strong enough to outclass Mundus.
4.Dreadnought form- Grants user Invinicbility for 3 seconds.
>>one of the characters (I forget which) says not in a million years during the fight
It's Dante who said it
He looks better in certain shots just like the other characters. I have no idea why they didn't use adam for his face as well.
>During the demo I thought I'd be on the punchline train forever
>Get tomboy
>Use literally nothing else
Also I think it's bullshit your score goes down if you use auto assist but there's no way to permanently turn it off
Dante said the "not in a million years" bit.
Come to think again Dante is probably feels more comfortable in hell since he is now basically far away from debt, unpaid bills, bitches who leech all of his money and teenagers birthday party. Hopefuly he build a nice, comfy house in hell too
is there a bug on mission 8 the demon king?
the game keeps saying I don't have any arms equipped despite just doing so
How did nobody post about Dante's version of Judgement End? I literally found it sitting in the movelist with no mention since the leak drops.
What madman would compile all the shit Vergil has done along with screencaps and quotes and then do this?
Isn't there a menu button and the r3 click in?
Capcom hates Tetsuya Shibata.
Turn it off in the settings you goober.
Its not a fight to the death, its more like skirmishes and beating eachother up because Vergil agreed to that after Nero beat him.
So its just Dante and Vergil fucking around and killing time in hell.
The "ending" of this game is Vergil and Dante agreeing to not murder eachother, hopping to hell and having an okay time fighting there.
Nobody learned anything in this game, maybe Nero learned that he should've saved Credo in 4 somehow.
Dante doesn't give a fuck throughout the entire game, fights Vergil because he has to and seems at best mildly annoyed that he has to deal with that shit again.
Vergil doesn't have to pay for his crimes in any way, V's lessons about humanity are instantly lost the moment he becomes normal again and he doesn't care that he has a son that he has hurt.
I am not sure what, if any closure you receive from this other than "yeah vergil is alive now"
>just that ideas are flying over heads because it's a little less literal
user people get the idea, they just don't like it.
Dante never obtains Majin form in canon.
>Hopefuly he build a nice, comfy house in hell too
Sounds like a fujos dream
Can someone tell me how mouse/keyboard controls are?
> Dipped out before the Final Trailer
> Didn't see any spoiler that wasn't the obvious (Vergil)
> Marathon game from midnight to just beating it now
> Can finally get back to the BASED DMC threads
Anything I missed in the past 12 days or so?
I love the training hub cant wait fo you lunatics to come up with some stylish tech
Man, it's been a day already, where's the porn at?
Is it good or what?
I did, holding r3 toggles it
Vergil face shitposting and Vfujos crying.
if in day one the game is already cracked, we won't be getting dmc6 anytime soon anymore?
Think about it a little. V wants to write wrongs. Vergil atoning by closing portal behind him, dealing with tree roots.
A lot, anons going insane when Vergil was shown, anons going even more insane when the screenshot of Dante and Vergil in the van, everyone losing their shit when Nero went full DT, that poem about Vergil's hairline , lady nude screenshot leak and OMG LADY TITS etc
Welcome back user, good for you for bailing out , how did you enjoy the game?
Probably the dual Kalina-Ann missable weapon.
Cancelled my preorder and pirated it. FUCK DENUVO.
fucking brutal
Except for the fact that Vergil shows zero remorse and wants to kill Dante until Nero beats the fuck out of him.
I am sorry, but what you're seeing simply isn't there. This game's writing is utter garbage
Not him, but he can get out of hell any time he pleases due to Yamato, so essentially it’s jusr a vacation to him.
>online play is a feature
>can't coop in the void
Bought the game but can't get it to work. Gonna try to see if the pirate version works.
I didn't expect that last voice clip at the end of Nero's taunt
>1/4 health gone
cheap as fuck
Already cracked, Crack doesnt impact sales that much. DMC is more popular on consoles than on pc. i would say we are pretty safe.
Can you buy the Deluxe Edition stuff as a bundle separately?
>that faust hat cutscene
damn so edgy wow
I forget, what does Faust do while on the enemy?
Yamato seperates Human and Devil from one another.
What does the rebellion do again?
I am too much of a brainlet to follow what was going on. Why did Dante absorb the sword of sparda as well?
You can
There are games cracked on launch day or even before that, IIRC wolfenstein got cracked two days before launch.
>tfw have to wait two weeks until I get back home and finish my deployment
>might get killed by a sandnigger
fucking hell I hate everything
>Crack doesnt impact sales that much. DMC is more popular on consoles than on pc. i would say we are pretty safe.
You sure? I really want Itsuno and Capcom happy, i can't live to see another shitty reboot
Make them drop red orbs on getting hit
rebellion unlocks power
first it unlocked dante's dt
then it unlocked his sdt
>he bought
based Chad
stay safe user
So how come he didnt unlock that power in DMC4 when he got impaled at the start of the game?
Or in DMC1 by Trish?
>so poor can't even afford a videogame
DT was already unlocked in DMC4 and Rebellion wasn't even in DMC1.
It just so happens that he was never impaled with the Rebellion WHILE holding Sparda.
dmc1 was force edge not rebellion
I also like that Trish and Lady had a bit more of a prescence in 5's story than 4. Trish sort of did stuff in 4 but Lady appeared in what, like two cutscenes in 4? But I guess every game doesn't have to be super focused on every character, 4 was more of a Nero game because he was a new main character being introduced. Lady probably has the best characterization in 3, but I can understand it not being as strong in 5 because her main arc is finished. I liked the parallels drawn between her and Nero near the end (the whole killing your father thing). As well as her relationship/history with Nico.
thanks a lot user
I think Capcom derp phase is finished now. They are back, Just wait a bit more because we are getting Dragon Dogma 2 before another Devil May Cry sequel.
>This game's writing is utter garbage
Welcome to DMC.
>tfw can't play because of no money
I still hope you're all enjoying it.
Vergil craves power because he felt powerless to save his mother and he felt alone when he lost his family. In the final battle he learns that he has a son who has power even greater than his own, who can protect himself and he comes to terms with his brother through his son. He is no longer alone, nor is he fearful that those he loves are powerless to protect themselves.
So how come a brainlet like Dante managed to figure that shit out?
where the fuck is sparda though
>Get Kalina Ann II
But I picked up the original like 10 missions ago, why would I-
Dante needs Yamato to seal the portal. Verg doesn't want to give it up initially
So since V proved he had a lot of money, Vergil should totally open up a Devil May Cry shop, but caters to the rich and fancy people.
In my opinion, DMC5 is the best game of the three because the gameplay is the best.
In terms of story 3 is the best, while I find 4 the worst which makes 5 the second best of the three Bingo games, however the gap between 3 and 5's story in terms of quality is still pretty huge.
Overall, best DMC in my opinion because the gameplay is simply the best.
3 had a simple story that was told very well, its written well enough to work perfectly well.
This is a mess.
>In the final battle he learns that he has a son who has power even greater than his own, who can protect himself and he comes to terms with his brother through his son. He is no longer alone, nor is he fearful that those he loves are powerless to protect themselves.
You're just making shit up now, Vergil in the end only cares about being stronger than Dante and that is why he fights Nero. He flat out says so you retard.
None of this is even hinted at in 5, he doesn't love anyone and doesn't care if they live, suffer or die. He doesn't even give a shit about his own son and that he ripped off his arm you retard
I really like Super DT form, but it's basically "I win" button, at least on normal.
Playing as V sucks.
And just an interesting gimmick on Rawhide which makes it slightly better than Helter Skelter.
V robbed those shekels from people in dark alleys, user
I know brother
>zero remorse
Part of his characterization is through V, who straight up says he wants to atone for what he did and make his wrongs right. I honestly don't get the point you're trying to make, you're making generalizations and ignoring details. Also the way Vergil says "Nero..." during their fight when he says "Nothing to do with me?! It has everythijg to do with me!"
Physical copy release was delayed to march 13 in HUEland. I fucking preordered mine already holy shit I'm mad as fuck
>He doesn't even give a shit about his own son and that he ripped off his arm you retard
He didn't know it was his son. He only finds out Nero was his son when Dante tells him at the very end. He probably thought Nero was Dante's son.
This is better than having the game on steam and not being able to play it because errors.
Anyone rebind V's controls? I'm trying to find something that's more comfortable.
Where is the original? I missed it.
When do I get Rawhide
You mean the characterization that immediately is null and void the moment he is reabsorbed into Vergil, and all Vergil cares about is fighting and killing Dante once and for all?
Great writing
>Also the way Vergil says "Nero..." during
If you think that is proof of anything but your headcanon then you're plain retarded
Where he still doesn't care, thank you for proving my point
I think it was in mission 10? Some user posted the location
Mission 7
We all agree that the opening van scene was pure kino... right?
Any other PCFags not have their free red orbs?
I would swear to god we got something like 200k free red orbs for buying the deluxe edition, but they're not in game and not in my steam inventory either.
Mission 10 is the flashback, Lady still have it then. It’s mission 11.
>Where he still doesn't care
He does care, that's why he gives him the book, the one that he was extremely possessive of as a child. He's too proud to show any other form of affection.
I think you’re purposefully being dense the more I read your comments
>Vergil giving Nero the book he doesn't need or even seem to want anymore is proof he cares
I guess it is better than absolute apathy
I am sorry, but if you think somebody saying a name in a certain way is proof that they care then its not me who is being dense
Face scanning. I thought they turned out alright. I expected worse.
How does RG work now? Can I just hold block or is it still timed? Surely there's no 1 frame timing window more like in DMC4.
The ugly chicken
Urizen Final
Those were fucking monsters in Dante must die. Honestly DMC5 has by far the toughest and funnest boss fights too bad the maps are fucking boring.
DMC5 was a best-seller on Steam for the last few days.
It's still the best selling game right now even after being cracked.