Why do people say that this is the best Call of Duty?

Recently picked it up, and i gotta say, this game kinda sucks. Why is this the best Call of Duty to everyone?

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everything is broken and overpowered. its fun

How the fuck did you get that idea when CoD4 was the one that got a remaster?

Shut the fuck up

1. World at war
2. Cod4
3.black ops 1

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playing the mp in this broken piece of shit game was the few times i legitimately got mad at a video game. black ops 1 is way better

retard nigger

stfu faggot

Retarded zoomers

Insanely based taste, I totally agree.
What do you not like about it? I personally find it to be extremely fun.

You played it too late. Like a decade too late. It doesn't age well because the formula for fps games has become so autistic that the better basic stuff feels like slow garbage now. It's a curse.

got off the cod train after MW2 but I agree

4. MW2
5. Blops 2

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am I the only one who didn't hate the blops 3 campaign? the twist was cheap but I still liked it

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Nothing at all. I played it years ago and found it equally as boring as any other cod. Honestly it's the same as the other cods it's just a bunch of retards who grew up with it and have the most memories with it that are in love with this game.

Based. World at War is great

it was incoherent shit, yes you are.

Yeah it was literally the worst campaign ive ever played how could you enjoy that??

It was the one that came out when CoD's popularity was at its peak. Yes it probably isn't the top seller, but this was when there wasn't a quickly growing crowd of people burnt out with CoD. But MW2 was also an unbalanced mess and the story was too Hollywood, so I never felt like it deserved the title.

>Recently picked it up, and i gotta say, this game kinda sucks. Why is this the best Call of Duty to everyone?
Because it was a cultural phenomenon when it launched. Everybody and their dog bought it. Basically it was the Fortnite of 2009. This was also around the exact time Halo stopped being relevant which means all the Halo 3 babbies moved over to this. It's an overload of nostalgia, plain and simple.
Every once and a while a game launches under perfect conditions that has absolutely everyone harp to it and as a result they never let it be looked at objectively. Other examples of this happening are Pokemon Red/Blue, Skyrim, and Fortnite. None of those games are terrible but they're all hugely overrated. MW2 is in the same boat as them. Is it terrible? No. Is it good? Eh... not really.



This basically
MW2 is literally THE normie game of the late 2000s so it's hilarious to see anyone on Yea Forums say it's the best cod.