Why yes of course I prefer the English dub over the original Japanese

>Why yes of course I prefer the English dub over the original Japanese

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How much of a cuckold does someone have to be to unironically play a video game in a foreign language?

The one game I couldn't play with a jap voiceovers is Dragon's Dogma. It's so Western in style that it was jarring to me, besides I got to hear so many gems. Wolves hunt in packs, fuck yeah.
If it's anime trash like pretty much any jap game, then yes, the original is better.

>mutts cant read subtitles fast enough

Do you watch Japanese dubs of American media set in Japan, you fucking tard?

unironically true
I fucking hate my retarded countrymen
only problem is any nation that could possibly overtake us is even more subhuman



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>I wish I was born Japanese, c-curse my white upbringing b-baka desu

don't sully the name of giga chad you faggot

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>Game/show takes place in an obviously western setting
>English dubs it is

>reading instead of paying attention to the action

You're paying attention to the dialogue you stupid, fat, mouthbreathing muttoid

I can but it’s more boring than appreciating the animation

Have you even read my post?

what if there is both
tiny brain can't do both

>he doesn't know more than one language

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It's not our fault most dubs suck in comparison to jp voices

I love it when japsub cucks say the sub is better when they dont even understand a single japanese word. How the fuck can a retard that doesnt even speak japanese say its better than the english dub?

>he thinks there is a language worth learning besides english

>why yes, I don't speak Japanese
>but I can understand the emotions and based on that I think the original is better!

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> t. Illiterate amerilard

Subtitles? Oh god...
I can't read while i'm also trying to see things.

Imagine playing a game with dialogue lmao.

>Mandarin is more spoken than English
>Spanish is more spoken than English
Get fucked wh*toid

Says the monoligual mogloid. Enjoy your Alzheimers.

>all the least important countries are non english speaking
makes you think

you are fucking retarded
they might have more native speakers, but they are not more spoken
english is the universal language that everyone speaks
no china or spanish
you are speaking english right now retard

>hating your language so much that you rather want 13 year old girl screeching through the whole game

>english is the universal language that everyone speaks

From my personal experience, IT nerds are the only group that is able to speak English fluently in Europe.
Most normal people sound pretty much exactly like the people in those Japanese "We can't speak English" shows.

They don't surf international web, they wait for local subtitles or dubs, they study solely from local materials and books, unable to get through actual scientific literature written in English, and so on.
The reality is that most of them are barely able to hold a conversation and this sort of faked fluency can easily switch if anyone says they have to speak in another language when talking to foreigners.

If you believe everyone speaks perfect English, I invite you to try and have a conversation with any randoms on EU servers. Obviously excluding British, Irish and one or two countries which genuinely teach this joke of a language.

Anything made in a foreign language is usually best watched in the native language with subtitles.

>Yes of course I find most modern JRPGs more intellectually challenging than the current gen of WRPGs

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Spanish is a "white" language, retard.

What if there is no English dub?

>dubfags are brainlet xenophobes who hate other cultures than their own
color me surprised.

But resetera and game journalists love dubs because they're friends with the VAs

That is very true, people overestimate how common fluent English speakers are. Of course you can communicate in English with most people in in Europe, but you won't be able to have a proper conversation with the majority of them.

>white upbringing

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Thank you for sharing this image.

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Exactly, you dumbfuck nigger monkey. You're paying attention to text instead of watching what's actually happening.

Needing to divert your attention away from the action and onto some text is preventing you from experiencing the content to its fullest.

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I really don't get how people are still finding this funny it's just repeating itself over and over now.

Xenoblade 1's english dub is actually better than the japanese version

People who prefer dubs are weird. Nine times out of ten, the dub sounds like something even cringier than the original with few exceptions.

Why yes, I indeed play Roblox

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arabs are caucasoid, not white

I know these are just mostly jokes, but I can't help but think of the fact that most people posting these are probably ugly as fuck too.