In this we pretend it's 2011 and we're all play Spiral Knights for the first time.
Just hopped on, and I need help getting past the Snarbolax forest level to get me tier 2 clearance.
In this we pretend it's 2011 and we're all play Spiral Knights for the first time.
Just hopped on, and I need help getting past the Snarbolax forest level to get me tier 2 clearance.
Use element damage you should be fine.
This game sucks by the way. I can only play shorts ass 10 levels a day, and they expect to grind for EVERYTHING
Hard to say which was worse, the pre-elevator short games or the post-elevator nonstop grind
I literally reinstalled this the other day after not playing since like 2011, is it better or worse now?
fuck off
>Element damage
>Against snarbolax
Nigga you high
I play once when the day starts, and once when I come home from uni classes, so I think it works out. It's nice I have free energy though, so I can craft armors to sell if I don't have time. I like mist to be honest.
Here's my set up you guys, I have a flourish and a fire brandish.
No worries OP, leave Snarby to me.
The game essentially received 0 content updates after that first year to two, with the rest being bi-weekly cosmetic lootboxes or simply retooling game mechanics to JUST the progression (modeled pay to bypass, of course.) My observations+assumptions are that after being adopted by SEGA, the developers blew their planned content load over the rest of the first year, and were probably either made, advised, or planned from the start to merely profit off of constant gacha-style additions, with the aforementioned changes over the years to wring any money that was left of its players. Meanwhile, the whales continued (and continue to) to eat up monthly to bi-monthly lootbox banners. Eventually the lead developer left and created his own company+game (Slime Rancher) and SEGA abandoned SK, leaving what's likely to be a skeleton crew of original Three Rings staff to reclaim the IP under a new company moniker. Though since then, they haven't really done shit besides revitalize abandoned Alpha content and pump out rehashed gacha banners again.
Incidentally, slime rancher is free on epic right now..
..wait, was this the point of this thread?
1989 Tiananmen Square massacre
RIP Spiral Knights, Sega was a mistake.
I guess that, without the main developers, the current team simply don't know what to do with the game. They are probably afraid of breaking this Java-powered mess permanently.
An vague attempt to break away from the threads we usually have.
That and I needed someone to play with.
God I hate the new UI. That and overall icon redesign piss me off the most (there are still changes like Level Stratum system with crystals and dumb pets that piss me off, but not as hard).
>That and I needed someone to play with
I didn't realize you were actually playing, though I can't favorably help you there. It's a past long gone.
Apparently, from what I've just read, SEGA had been gearing up development of a mobage SK called Rise of Knights which had a limited release in 2015 and was canned shortly after. Of course, this was followed by SEGA's abandonment of SK in the months onward. What a fucking joke.
>Three Rings gets bought out by Sega
>No content for centuries
>DLC finally comes out
>It takes a long time to clear and is worse profit than Vanaduke
>Dark Retribution (5* DLC bomb) gets nerfed into the ground because retards say taking four of it to Jelly King is "overpowered"
>Even though taking 5 star weapons to a tier 2 boss is overkill and the fight was already heavily trivialized by using other 5 star shadow weapons that most players already had at the time (Gran Faust, Sentenza, Acheron)
>PvP comes out and weapons get nerfed because they're "too strong in PvP" and the nerfs affect PvE as well, instead of having the weapons function differently inside of the PvP minigame
>Pets come out and they're worthless as fuck while being designed to drain your money and resources (No damage, negligible utility, using an ability puts every other ability on cooldown because fuck you)
>Mission system comes out and it's joke because you end up playing the same levels over and over but with a "story" that's essentially lazy filler
>Developers even unironically tried to calm the players down by saying they added "Blast Processing" to the game one day which they claimed would fix bugs and stability issues (hint: it fucking didn't)
>Every time the game receives an update it's to add new lootboxes with cosmetics that are recolors 90% of the time
>Shadow Lairs were also a colossal scam (Difficult and unprofitable content with trash rewards that could only be accessed by purchasing shadow keys)
>Eventually Three Rings splits off from Sega and renames themselves "Grand Haven" or something but nothing changes
>Game still hasn't been shut down cause people keep fucking buying lootboxes and energy despite the fact that there's been no new content for MANY years now
>The official Spiral Knights forums are one of the worst cesspools of all time, words cannot describe how absolutely fucking stupid and mentally ill people are on there
I'm sure that the online model and the monthly gachas are at least keeping the company afloat, but I wish this game was just a normal single/multiplayer game without servers and all this MMO shit. It didn't even get enough content to justify the MMO format, they actually just ruined the original content format to introduce recycled content like missions.
Shame about this game. Another MMORPG that I really liked was Survival Project, though I rarely see it getting discussed here.
>The official Spiral Knights forums are one of the worst cesspools of all time, words cannot describe how absolutely fucking stupid and mentally ill people are on there
This remind me of my last visit to this game. I was fucking around in the main HUB and found a few knights role-playing pregnancy and birth in public chat.
I blame the Sonic crossover (Tails' tails accessory) and all the furry items introduced after that, this kind of shit always attracts the worst kind of autistic kids.
>it's a pretending thread
>spirak knights
game is super comfy but was ruined and now it's retarded
why do they have to ruin every comfy game
To be honest I was mostly talking about how people had really stupid opinions. Like the things you would read on the forums sometimes were mind-numbing, even rage-inducing. Can't give you any examples though, either you were there to know what I mean or you weren't.
Spiral Knights' main target audience, just like OOO's other games, are little kids with their moms' credit card. "Mind-numbing, rage-inducing" posts are inevitable.
Sprites cold have been good
>The official Spiral Knights forums are one of the worst cesspools of all time, words cannot describe how absolutely fucking stupid and mentally ill people are on there
Explain what wrong with it
There are many who knows how bad it is and want change
>That one time a glitch happens in the cradle and you need a GM to bail you out.
Lore is there and deep