Let's have a comfy Animal Crossing thread

Let's have a comfy Animal Crossing thread

Attached: Isabelle.jpg (1024x1847, 122K)

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just post fauna and whitney porn and be done with it

who cares post Isabelle yiff

That plump Isabelle sure reeks of comfy

Attached: E6790B36-A406-4613-851F-2DB081A7D77C.jpg (655x1024, 67K)

I fucking hate art like this. It's so out of character. Post something in character instead of just a big titties mega slut you fucking posers.

The drawing I posted doesn't even have tits at all

Attached: FUCKYOU.jpg (1339x1227, 169K)

I'm just talking as a whole. OP's pic did have big titties, and yours showed her as a mega slut.

It's a SFW board but that's some good taste you have there.

Attached: 1370557940664.png (390x750, 138K)

Deal with it nerd

Attached: file(1).png (329x406, 103K)

>never played ac
im i missing out


A little bit. Some people compare it to harvest moon, but I fucking hate harvest moon and love animal crossing. The characters are actually fun and interesting and feel more real, and the music is great. It's comfy.

Just download the gamecube one and play it on am emulator or something.


Attached: 1526399176696.jpg (1039x1199, 120K)

let me put it this way
if you lack motivation and time to play video games right now you certainly and especially won't have any for animal crossing

Oh look, it’s the same hourglass shape that’s in 99% of fanart

guys does anyone have a higher resolution and size of this? or similar? I've been looking for a long time and I really want to get a shirt with this

Attached: shuthtefuckupbiiiitch-Recovered.png (782x800, 144K)

oh look a fag

maybe because it's sexually appealing you fucking lard ass celulite whale fucker

>Copy image
>Paste in paint
>Grab corner
>Make larger

it's a shitty resolution pal, it makes everything blurry as fuck

Making every single female character look identical and nothing like their original form is just boring.

its a comfy cozy chill game
essentially a virtual zen garden with a large amount of daily tasks that you have no obligation to do everyday but those tasks help your town look good and grow

dont know why there's so many people making hardcore and softcore porn about it

Attached: tumblr_njj2jvGnpc1qm11ido1_r2_540.png (540x810, 21K)

i'll do that then and maybe get the switch one

Download photoshop and make it into a vector with the pen tool. Then you can scale it to whatever size you want before saving it as pixel data. I could do this for you in 5 or 10 minutes, but I won't.

also with it's resolution it takes up like 1/20th of the shirt

Attached: IMG_20190308_085306_358.jpg (961x1280, 83K)

you never wanted to fuck your cute coworker or friend? same reason. spend enough time with someone and you're bound to end up attracted to them

Use a better upscaling method you fucking nigger

>wanting to fuck real people

Attached: 1550599869079.jpg (675x625, 45K)

Attached: 1413666093197.jpg (600x661, 189K)

I never said this I just said it's similar. my heart and love belongs to my one and only Isabelle

Attached: Screenshot_20190308-090100.png (1080x2160, 1.06M)


>all the animals are sexy, but you can't date them

>you can date the animals, but the art style is unchanged

Choose your new Animal Crossing game.

Attached: chio_smug.png (466x406, 212K)

Look son a faggot

do not speak to me human breeder