Defend this Denuvokeks

Defend this Denuvokeks

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that's why you never pre-order ha ha ha ha ha

why are people lying pretending that there is a crack?

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Imagine pouring thousands of hours into making a product with all of your friends and then a bunch of absolute scum steal your product and share it free of charge to everyone else. Imagine going home to your family with literally no money because all the effort you poured into your dream went to waste due to thieves. You people make me fucking sick

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Companies treating every single pc user as a fucking thief with this denuvo crap makes us sick too, but you don't seem to care too much about it

it's not cracked. it's better. we found a dev build leak with no denuvo.

The crack was uploaded to steam, a dev accidentally or purposely put the denuvo free .exe up.

Its the demo

>devs don't get paid a salary while making the game

holy lmao
based dev

imagine seeing a thousand happy normal customers but then slapping shackles on them because one fucker decided to rob you
You people make me fucking sick

haha developers get paid the same
its publishers that ask for denuvo

>its real

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this is what is likely. dev probably hates denuvo as much as a lot of players, it gimps performance and is a nuisance to develop around

it's actually idiot shareholders/investors

>wow i saw on the twitter that someone is BRAGGING about stealing your game, don't you have cyberpolice for this sort of thing? I'm pulling my 4 million because i'm worried you'll go bankrupt allowing this shit to happen
>t. 70 year old jew that only started using a computer 3 years ago

it's still up? How do you get it, just download the demo? What about the rest of the game files

>t. worlds biggest cuck


imagine being this retarded.

And that's a good thing.
Fuck publishers and fuck denuvo.

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You are all so fucking sad. I can't believe none of you would actually side with me on this and you literally support stealing. You're no better than niggers.

Jesus were a best pirate Arrr

Pirating is a Gods thing.

yes stealing bread from local bakerys is also good, right? what about beating the shit out of unsuspecting civilians and hijacking cars? yes such good things. fuck you

>type like the numale sjw you are
>sprinkle 'nigger' a few times to try and look like
Why are denuvocucks like this?

>stealing bread from local bakerys

s so what my monitor can only see 60fps anyway!
>screamed the poorfags with shitty monitors

this guy knows what's up

Imagine being a retarded QA """engineer""" and publishing a private dev branch lmao