In honor of women worldwide, what videogame are you playing with a female protagonist on womens day today?
In honor of women worldwide, what videogame are you playing with a female protagonist on womens day today?
Why is there no men's day?
Men have done nothing that is worth celebrating.
thats every other day though.
Why is there no International Gamer's day?
Metroid Prime.
This fucking game takes forever I swear.
Resident Evil 2
this is gonna be another mysogyny and lonely thread isnt it?
Because women felt that they needed a day to be celebrated. Men typically don't really care to be center of attention.
Key word is attention. Men do so much other shit without needing to attract attention.
There is
19th november bro
>Men do so much other shit
Like slavery, genocide, rape, murder, etc?
I don't play games with a female protag'
It's just disgusting. I fuck women, not play as them
There is
I will be masturbating to pictures of 2D women. Does that count?
Too busy running the patriarchy to stop and celebrate that shit for even one single day.
Dead or Alive Paradise, an actual game
I'm still playing with my bimbo slut.
those "men" that play as women ...
Im not
fuck women and fuck video games
I’m going to watch facefucking porn
Why is there always someone who fakes disgust at bimbos? Could it be that they are gay and want to be bimbos themselves?
RE2 Claire. I want Leon’s cummies almost as bad as Claire and Chris.
>doesn't like videogames
>is probably an incel who just comes here to complain about "roasties"
No, fuck YOU. Go away
Might spin up NOLF 2 if I can get it working.
>obscene nig lips
you just have shit taste in bimbos user
MAybe because she looks like a female Bogdanoff?
>I fuck women, not play as them
No u don't user
He gets fucked by women and gets played by them.
You're truly an idiot. If it were not for men the world wouldn't be where it is today in terms of advancement. Women have done a whole lot comparatively besides ruin society with feminism and politically correct bullshit
Why should I honor roasties, fatties, and feminists?
Are there ryona content of OP pic related?
Why is that hot?
t. never got his dick sucked
>I don't play games with a female protag
>post a picture of a game you can play as a female in
the absolute state
Rape day
You can't have a bimbo without lips wtf. The lips make them look retarded and transform their mouth to a cock socket.
Nothing, I'm just going to get drunk and call my mom a nigger.
Nothing, because I THINK WOMEN SUCK
Can I have lewd/ryona content of her?
Based Fredposter.
Good game, just disappointed by the dev laziness, too many potential cool machines slots wasted because of elemental variation or the exact model but with a different head.
because we live in a society
fucking retarded neckbeards
I wonder the same thing
And redpilled
We have the world. Who needs days?
Why is there no international cocksucking lips day?
Bayonetta 2
link is canon a bottom
I'm playing MTG Arena with her in my deck and as my avatar. I know next to nothing about MTG lore but she looks pretty cool.
>The day is not without controversy, with feminists and other leftists questioning whether the event is necessary at all,[15][16] and others arguing that some men have adopted it for misogynistic purposes.[17][18]
Why are leftists such hateful and evil people?
nah dog you the gay one
I've been playing Olga's game.
gamer's will never get the equality they deserve
empowering and progressive game
don't talk like that. someday the gamers will rise up.
im going to be edging hard to strippers all day
As someone who knows a decent amount of MTG lore she is pretty cool, basically a better character than Chandra in every way.
It counts.
Ass creed Odyssey but it fucking sucks
I've fucked my girlfriend twice today. But I burnt my hand because she's a fucking dumbass, so now I can't play any games in general. Fuck!
Nipples enjoy your vacation user.
But she's not getting bet up.
what the fuck are you talking about
Devil may cry 5
I don't suppose that shit's optional is it?
Playing overwatch right now, it seems my wife has some practice, swallowing ults like they're nothing
Torna: The Golden Country
I'm playing Blade & Sorcery and turned the enemy slider to female only and I'm kicking them down a fucking well.
>STILL shilling HZD trash on Yea Forums
>STILL mad
Wew. I remember this post.
Good to know you were wrong.
It is. The guro is just the gore from dying and dismemberment of enemy zombies.
The scat and pissing is optional to partake in- there's an option to use it to relieve stress but there's no detriment if you don't.
I'm not into those things myself, and found it pretty easy to avoid them.
I check my privilege when playing siege and only play as a strong independent female navy seal who dont need no man
Im being a good goy because I dont want to be banned for wrongthink on /resetera/
Lost Kingdoms and Lost Kingdoms 2.
Are Trish/Lady playable in DMC5? I'm playing that later today.
Battlefield Bad Company 2 because it doesn't have a single female.
Mother's day is already a thing and is the only one that matters, women's day doesn't.
For me it's the cinnamon bun's day
My woman arcanist in Bloodborne.
>have to make a new account and set my ps4 home region to se asia if i want the new tanks
ugh, that's a small amount of work. why the hell are the new maps just an update file but the new tanks are dlc?
You gotta have some shit taste to like that bitch
Unironically though I legit enjoy the game.
obviously OPs game, you tard.
Suck my cock you autogynephilliac
Probably start a Scion or Witch in PoE league that starts today.
Nier Automata
PD is QT
Because victors write history.
Uneducated answer. You wouldn't be posting on Yea Forums without female inventions.
>people not understanding what women's day is
fucking edgy stupid retards
women have been literal pieces of meat for the entire history
they want to be as equal as men
several groups of women have been fighting since long time ago, losing their lives but they don't fucking care
this day is to celebrate the fight that is still going on nowadays
if you think they deserve to be treated as such then you're probably an uneducated mongrel who believes everything that is posted in social media or are surrounded by stupid whores
give me your You's you greasy neckbeards
what you usually see with women with dyed hair, screeching like retards and spouting retarded shit
that's not feminism
that's just being fucking retarded
learn to differentiate
This reads like a middle school social studies essay.
I wish there was more to do in this
Just finished up Claire B scenario in REmake2 and instead of making me celebrate female empowerment in the face of zombie Armageddon it rather just really made me want to fuck her in her ass.
Deus Ex, specifically the parts where I can kill Ana Navarre and that lying whore of Maggie Chow
Dark Souls 3 NG++ with female pyromancer
I was expecting a nearly porn thread, but we can go with your idea.
Clearly they’re bimbophobes repressing their bimboisim
You are the one that doesn't understand if you think that celebrating this day in a country like Saudi Arabia where you would be extremelly fucking lucky to do in the first place is the same as celebrating it in any western country where everyone and their mothers supports the "cause" including political parties and governments that would be considered part of this so called "patriarchy".
Those retards are the reason why this day has shifted from Working Women's day to simply Women's day. Those retards are the reason why politicians are taking stupid demands like even aknowledging shit like manspreading seriously, in fact sometimes thoso retards are sometimes politicians with more power than both you and me. Those retards have far more numbers and control than the average "true feminist" is willing to think.
Anita fits well into the category you just describe and look at her, not only she was able to scam thousands but also managed to get a whole massive cult movement with great names of the industry inside of it that has her and Zoe as some kind of great inspirations for change despite not knowing shit about videogames and/or doing favours for good reviews.
Some bimbos are outright disgusting tho specially when they reach bogpill status, others just downgrade their beauty a bit.Not many of them are able to improve their face with surgery as they seem to always go for extremes.
Pic related for example, while not becoming a monstruosity or anything, had a better looking face before (I had a picture with the comparison but I can't find it)
Imo just with the tits and the bodytype she has know she would still be pretty fucking hot even if she didn't touch her face.
in honor of womens day i will pay tribute by cumming on some titties
please accept my offering of my own seed
in my culture this is the highest and most sacred form of respect
because men are retarded
celebrating it in arabia saudi is probably a faster way to die than throwing yourself into a volcano
I think that the point is that in those places it "should" be okay to want to have the same rights too, since the sandnigger society is fucking brutal
I agree 100% with the second part of your post and that's one of the mains problems
because it's a fact that even toddlers understand and I'm being very simplistic so even you can process it
I'm playing Bloodhound in Apex.
im starting the original tomb raider today
Yes, but take a look at the demonstrations everywhere, they aren't fighting or demanding help for those woman who have to marry Ahmed at age 5 unless they want to get stoned to death, they are fighting for petty causes and demanding shit that shows how egoistic is their movement past a certain point.
>DMC5 is out today
>Playing anything besides it
>Salty gamergater mad about women's day
lel, poetry
>Salty trannie still mad about Gamergate almost 5 years later
Two can play at this game of rhyming stanzas
Stop projecting incel, it's sad
Because modern society is anti men
Way to blow your cover.
Funny oh now company seems to celebrate while they always do something for women’s day
I don’t think Sony has ever celebrated it
where? because I've seen them demanding worthwile stuff and not what you're talking about
I'm outside america btw
I'm outside america and most of the stuff I said fits the shoe quite nicely. The usual stuff about how everyone is catcalling them, how bad everything is despite living in one of the countries most protective to women, etc.
I only guess than in Burgerland shit is worse
>Gamergate brings up Zoe Quinn out of nowhere in TYOOL 2019
>Passing user points out how sad this is
H-heh, they're totally o-obsessed with us, right, fellow gamers?
Dudette Raiders: The DLC
>I only guess than in Burgerland shit is worse
there's a lot of retards demanding retarded stuff but there's plenty of people asking to just be treated like a normal person
I've met people from every side in this subject and sadly there are a lot of cavemen that give plenty of reasons to keep fighting for the fair thing
my sister has been harassed and almost raped multiple times
my friend circle is mostly women who are being treated like witches just because the stupid incels that try to flirt with them are nicely being told down
my roommate is my best friend and is a girl, and is constantly going through a lot of shit too
the thing I most despise is just ignorant and insecure people not wanting to think properly and admitting they're wrong, wahtever gender they are
and I'm out of this thread
I was gonna make a female only Darkest Dungeon party, but that's actually pretty viable (Hellion, Grave Robber, Arbalest, Vestal)
Why is Red Hook so cucked bros?
>Implying I was talking about Gamergate/Antigamergate movements and not just the progressive circlejerk that nowadays is one of the most prominent poisons the game industry
>Implying Zoe and Anita don't have that much influence way beyond the Gamergate shit in said industry and fandom
Druckmann and many other people said several times (and way after GG happened) that Anita was their inspiration and about two years ago a dev on E3 was lynched in Twitter because he wasn't antigamergate when it all happened three years before said E3, guess who was the dyed haired obsessive fuck who railed up people to shit on his twitter.
I literally said "cult that have them as inspirations for change" you were the ones who filled the gaps and after throwing the stone you hide the hand.
>O B S E S S E D
>He doesn't have any arguments against me
Ok, chump.
Women are the ones trying to angrily shut down men's day.
Has Twitch and Sony ever promoted Men's day? I think that is problematic.
Total War as Morathi, the strong mother
Gravity rush 2.
Anything else is yikes and bluepilled.
>they want to be as equal as men
Fucking bullshit. They never wanted to be as equal as men. They don't want to be miners, construction workers, trash collectors, farmers, or conscripted fucking cannon fodder in a war for the defence of their nation.
Women are not able or willing to build and sustain the things a nation actually relies upon. Why the fuck should they have a say in how it's run? Why in God's name should half a country be able to vote for a war that only the other half will be expected to fight in?
Only good post in thread. If a woman isn't producing, she's just a walking cockhole.
I kinda agree, but also a big turn on for a lot of people is that some bimbos look so fucking ridiculous that nobody would take them seriously for anything other than fucking. I might be a bit extreme when it comes to lips since my bimbo at looks great to me.
You're not alone user
I would love to see some ryona of this chick in this costume, shame people doesn't know how to extract it
American McGee's Alice
>meme OP image
You had a decent amount of choices and you went with Horizon Zero Fun.
Explain yourself.
>if you think they deserve to be treated as such then you're probably an uneducated mongrel who believes everything that is posted in social media or are surrounded by stupid whores
also you're probably american
>why in god's name
lmao yes you are
I'm playing ME2, except I'm not playing as female.
>half a country be able to vote for a war
lmao, not even .1% votes for a war that millions have to fight and die for.
>What is Father's day
>What is Worker's day
>What is fucking men's day?
imagine having a vagina lmao
yeah how silly haha imagine how would it feel to have a cock inside you haha
Senran Kagura
>how would it feel to have a cock inside you haha
you dont need to be a woman for that
Prove it
Because we are busy actually doing stuff
K, spread you're asscheeks.
Men also defend against such things.
Men do things because they are expected to. Women do things because they want a round of applause and a participation award.
Think I'll make a cute hunterfu in Bloodborne today
What build should I go for on this run?
I actually kek'd a bit.
2D women by definition are women, shouldn't you honor them?
I legitimately think women are subhuman, they ruin everything.
Because we don't give a shit about having a stupid holiday.
A man probably did that
t. Never got his dick sucked through botox lips.
I’ve seen this horrible picture a million times, but only now am I noticing that OF COURSE he’s carrying a Spencers bag.
unlike women, toilets take shit and never complain
The unsong heroes of our civilization
Where is Zombie Slayer-san when you need it?
Does v from dmcv count?
>botox lips
So they're completely immobile? Do you even know what the fuck botox is? Did you confuse it for silicone?
Have your white knighting tactics gotten you laid even once?
Typically I just act like an asshole and it works (becuase women know deep inside that’s the way they deserve to be treated)
Try it sometime
Isn't she a clone?
Why the fuck does she have a navel?
Beacuse sex'd be very bland without one
Violated Heroine
>women have been literal pieces of meat for the entire history
So were man
>have been fighting since long time ago, losing their lives but they don't fucking care
So were man
>Why the fuck does she have a navel?
for licking
Because she enjoys to have her navel penetrated
I would do anything she bids to get the chance to lick her navel and then fuck it
>Why is that hot?
Probably because she's a naked teenager
Literally every day, even the so-called women's day, is Man's Day, as it should be.
>fakes disgust
I literally cannot understand how anyone can find those features attractive.
because you never asked for one until you got triggered that there's a women's day, cuck.
I'm playing Rape Day.
Really makes you think of the plight of women in Muslim-dominated countries.
Women are literally worth less than men, a woman could never hope to match a man in anything she does, why should she be considered equal?
Degrees of Lewdity.
witcher 3 and im having sex with every single woman out there
November 19th. If you care so much, why don't you even know when it is?
any game where i can fuck a stereotypical bimbo?
>Why in God's name should half a country be able to vote for a war
What country democratically votes on war?