So Yea Forums how would you save video game industry?
So Yea Forums how would you save video game industry?
I wouldn't.
Why save it? The video game crash is imminent
valve is the answer
I would kill every single publisher, make that dev are the only ones in charge of the company and ban any sort of micro transactions
It's in the process of saving itself.
Every five years or so, we go through a cycle of corporate cynacism, crash, and actual, good games. We're in the crash, and we've started getting some good games. The past few years have had some amazing things, both in terms of good games, and hilarious, spectacular failures that will, themselves, lead to good games, even if it is in a roundabout law-of-the-jungle kind of way.
stop pre ordering
stop buyng season passes
stop buying loot boxes
stop playing pay 2 win games
stop buying microtransactions in non-free-2-play games
stop buying into early access
the industry is shit because gaymers are the most retarded consumer base in the world only surpassed by aplefags
Cause another videogame crash
Nothing wrong with the first 2 if the franchise is legit, meaning that you shouldn't pre-order some game you don't know jack shit about it.
Give me money and resources.
if i worked for valve i'd just release a game on steam called HALF-LIFE 3: THE FREEMANNENING and it's just hl2 but every texture is a different picture of shit and sell it for 60 bucks via preorder for like 3 months and don't offer refunds
The only valid reason to pre-order is to reserve a physical copy for yourself and you only do that a week in advance at most.
Pre-ordering digital copies is a brainlet move.
Why contain it? In the end, they'll beg us to save them.
If I hadn't pre-ordered Metro Exodus I would have had to wait an entire year before getting it on Steam
Nuke America
The gaming industry is diseased, rotten to the core. There's no saving it, we need to pull it up by the roots.
Make more female oriented games that target to their tastes. I'm sure they like BL and that sort of stuff. Maybe more bara characters.
Yoi ate right and its because of a younger adieunce
Gaming is taken as one medium nobody really tries to go for the niches while also wanting to make money like for example manga does and hollywood used to do
Going cor mass appeal is just too safe and makes much more moneys
make it unprofitable and unpopular
the only way to save video games is to make it so only those truly passionate about what they're doing are involved
>law that prohibits time wasting.
every game should have a debug menu and be open for mods.
>law against online gaming
Online games isolate people like nothing else, they also turn people into shitty persons (can't take a loss, blames everyone but himself, griefers, narcissists)
>stop giving money to videogames, that will save them
get a job
This is the answer and the amount of people disagreeing is a measurement of how retarded gamers are.
"nothing wrong with giving your money away before you actually get a product or know anything about it."
Don't act upset when you inevitably are served a pile of dog shit you fucking idiot.
>pay $60 for a game
>game still tries to nickel and dime you for shiny things
Do you understand that when you support these types of practices you send a clear message that gamers are cash cows who want pretty pixels more than a quality experience?
Do you understand that funneling money into greedy companies makes videogames less about games and more about how to sell games?
Alright losers, hear me out.
AAA porn and hentai games.
What do you mean save?
It's close to perfect as it is now and it's only getting better with time
This is correct.
Personally I want mircotransactions/ loot boxes outright banned
And if not banned they have to pay outrageous high casino fees
basically a knock off Patreon but for AA studios that actually moderates submissions and gives out refunds in case of scam/deadlines not being met