>you DO have hobbies other than video games, right user?
You DO have hobbies other than video games, right user?
Other urls found in this thread:
i occasionally masturbate
Reading and martial arts because I start hating myself if I don't work out
considering how shit vidya has got, it was find some other meaning in life or suicide.
I'm too busy to support multiple hobbies. I like to keep up with world/political news and read about the market trends, but I wouldn't call that a hobby. I mainly do that as parallel to my job.
I lift weights and play guitar and drums. I also write about politics.
I can't even say videogames are a hobby to me. More like academic interest, as I spend a lot more time studying them, reading about them, learning about the industry - then I actually spend playing them.
God, I don't know if I even have any hobbies. Just a fuckton of things I'm interested in studying and writing about, but nothing I can do just to fucking enjoy myself.
I'd love to be able to cock and have always been interested in fishing small naval vessels. Too bad I'll never do any since I'm a lazy piece of shit, don't have money and don't have contacts who would go out of their way to teach me..
>studying them, reading about them, learning about the industry
A lot of fancy words to mean "shitposting".
Movies, music (composer), writer, hiking, cooking, /g/ shit
>I also write about politics.
/pol/ isn't a hobbie you silly nigger
It's quite the bother since I have no sort of career I'd like to do.
I like to have long walks on the occasion
you need to die
Not really, no. While I spend a needlessly large amount of time here, it's more of a background noise to me these days, a bad habit from an era where this board was actually a good place to discuss videogames. I don't see the appeal of shitposting. Never had. I genuinely am interested in discussing the damn medium - shame this board long since lost that interest.
I'm pretty much dead inside, but really, I'm curious. Why the hostility?
>It's quite the bother since I have no sort of career I'd like to do.
Tfw only ever wanted to be a jet pilot but then was disqualified for being too tall so now i'm 30 and still a NEET
yeah i animate sometimes
Pic super related cause I frequent a climbing gym to get strunger in a way I enjoy
>at uni, prof asks up to stand and say our hobbies
>say video games, first one to say it
>a couple of other people say it after too
>guy comes up and ask me what games I play after class, we have a conversation
i like to bake
I collect (You)s on Yea Forums
Diving and skiing.
Sadly I can't do them as often as I'd like so videogames fill the void when weather is trash or I have no money.
Are you good at it?
everyone needs to die before me
I'm glad I don't know how to bake, or I'd get so fucking fat
Sorry, but I actually write essays on politics, I don't just shitpost like you, you projecting nigger.
How about you mind your own business Larry
Is this a competition how many hobbies we have?
I read, but only certain stuff, because I don't have a lot of extra room for books and I feel like a faggot reading something online, I have to be able to turn the pages. I've been into HG Wells lately, I'm trying to get through all of his big well known novels.
Writing/collecting music, playing bass guitar, keeping tarantulas. Also planning to get back into fishkeeping once I have the space for it.
>I'm not /pol/
>you projecting nigger
He said, while inmediately outing himself as /pol/.
Yeah, I talk about video games on Yea Forums!
I produce Rocky Horror Picture Show for my university, act in it occasionally but mainly produce it.
I make furniture for fun.
Is it /pol/ to call people niggers now?
yeah anime
Kind of a boring answer. Really - why is it so difficult to get people to actually discuss something - anything - on this board?
Legacy MtG and cooking
I'm a mediocre artfag and go to the gym.
Instead of playing games, I'm making my own game.
>I spend a lot more time studying them, reading about them, learning about the industry
Lot of people would call it a hobby for less than that.
I lift heavy objects and eat chicken to get the attention of women and self validation
>calling people nigger on Yea Forums is /pol/
Zoom zoom zoom
Good luck with that user. Watcha making? What engine/language?
Yea Forums is full of children who are nostalgic about the PS3, Wii and XBOX360 era, though.
if you are certain that old Yea Forums users who know how Yea Forums works still exist then proceed.
I play golf and read about american history
nothing has any value
i want to die but i can't stand knowing the world will go on without me like it was so great
everything needs to burn
Electronics repair
>Lot of people would call it a hobby for less than that.
The problem is that it feels more like a job than anything. And it partially is, because I do get paid for some articles, work on design docs and "consultation" from time to time. Sadly, it also tends to interfere with the actual enjoyment of the medium. For every one hour I actually spend lost in the game, I spend four researching, replaying portions to break them down, reading dev. blogs, watching analysis of other people, making notes, discussing the shit with friends and colleagues: it's interesting, at times useful, but joyless.
I like to doodle/draw and I recently picked up learning Japanese. I'm still learning Katakana though.
video game is not a hobby, just a time killer while I await my inevitable death
Started doing exercise because I was diagnosed with bradycardia some weeks ago, I also like to draw but only do it when im in a situation where its the only option left in order to entertain myself, I still need to finish the drawing an user asked for in a draw thread
Who /gunpla/ here?
i do Model Railroading as a hobby. comfy shit even if it's rather expensive at times.
I lift and am in the beginning stages of starting my own business so I'll have more time for vidya
My hobby ranking looks something like this:
1. Walking along abandoned railway tracks
2. Jumping over fences (with just one hand on the fence)
3. Skimming stones at the lake (16 skim record)
4. Turning over somewhat large rocks to see what's underneath (usually nothing)
5. Gaming
p.s. - with regard to #4, sometimes I forget I have already turned over a rock and turn it over again on another day. I hate when this happens it definitely drops my #4 behind my #5 gaming hobby when it does happen. So disappointing, as I'm sure you can imagine.
Lifting, going to concerts and music festivals and movies, more of a movie fan than a game fan I think. I can't really get into shit that others love for its story like jrpgs, Spec Ops and Uncharted.
Meditation, martial arts, and drawing. With the amount of time I've masturbated, you could consider that a hobby as well.
Airplane models
Actually flying airplanes
I've been doing shit like this and warhammer 40k for a while now. It's fun but it's expensive as shit.
Yes, I also train at the gym when I can and teach Jiu Jitsu.
I also enjoy ejaculating on anime figurines in my car while parked at Elementary Schools.
I go to the gym 5 days a week. Paint minis sometimes. Trying to find the right time to read again.
I enjoy fucking people like OP in the ass while wearing nothing but steel-toed boots. When I come I substitute my cock with an empty beer bottle and kick it until it shatters
I study Japanese so I can play more games, the erotic ones..
I like science, I also watch birds and document wildlife in my area, frequency, average time of day they appear the most often, which animal comes in which area the most, i even have a little night camera to watch them while im asleep
Of course I do asshole, I love movies, anime, cartoons, comics, tv series, books, edm, occasionally a creepypasta or two and even more.
I love pop culture, whoever has some objection needs to fuck off
Post your layout lad
I'm studying to become an historian. I dont consider this as an hobby anymore. Things are looking forward for me on a professional level.
I lift but I could be more consistent on my schedule.
Wait this place was good to discuss games?
>I love pop culture
do they need to fuck off because youd get angry at them for being right when they say those arent real hobbies and youre a loser
Music, toy collecting, record collecting, reading, exercise (does that really count as a hobby?), movies, cartoons, drawing, painting, woodwork, repairing old electronics (really like working on radios and CRTs), model making. I'm fortunate enough to have a lot of free time so I like to fill it with a little bit if everything so as not to go crazy.
It almost takes as much money as vidya gaems for me
>of course I have hobbies asshole
>proceeds to list non hobbies
You got a laugh out of me user, 8/8 if it was intentional
This is the video games board. Nobody cares about your worthless lives.
/fit/, /tg/ and reading about military history.
I've been dabbling with painting recently, it's really calming.
not sure if it’s a hobby but i really enjoy cutting my nails. I would collect them but i know that my gf would be disgusted. if i make a mistake and cut one in half, it really frustrates me. The worst part of it is waiting for them to be the right length, the longer they are the more fun they are to cut.
t.Yoshikage Kira
Cosplay and blacksmithing
Playing/DM'ing DnD, writing Apocalypse Now but 40k and in Afghanistan, and 1812 historical reenactment
4 is based as fuk. I still do that with my daughter in tide pools by the beach when we visit Vancouver. Lots of cool critters under there.
Yes, I make them
Anime, getting fit , MTG and having a gf
>pixel art
>3D modeling and texture work (though most of it is for vidya hacking, namely Brawl modding)
>studying architecture
>an unhealthy amount of fapping
That's it really. Kinda boring but it works for me.
i would if i had one set up. i just semi-recently moved into a bigger place and haven't even had time to start any benchwork or find which box holds my DCC Controller and which one holds all of my Rolling Stock.
>having a gf
Dressing up in a dress and doing your best buffalo bill impression doesn't count as having a gf user.
Nope. I mostly just spend my time playing video games. They're fun.
I like to read, make and listen to music and I've been trying to learn 3d animation lately.
Believe it or not, but yes. There has always been a lot of shit around, but it used to be that it took few seconds to find one of the actual game-focused thread, and have decent discussion, get good recommendations, shit like that. It used to be genuinely decent.
It's been a long time since then.
Fuck off, Larry.
>all these anons with unironic productive hobbies
This thread gave me an existential crisis, thanks.
Sometimes I draw, but I rarely see a point in doing it any longer
how old?
have a job? (still asking even though it's kind of ovbious)
interested in shit that you'd also spend time on?
all you have to do is create your own time to dedicate your time on interesting stuff and remember, discipline actually makes you feel good about yourself and your existential crisis vanishes, no matter how shallow and pointless life really is. even a daily stroll outside works.
Yes, i play the Cello, i have dragonboat Training three times a week and i go bouldering about once a week with friends.
And every friday evening i meet for a Pen+Paper RPG game
that eyes is looking alright but it also shows your current state of mind.
it'll be alright user, force yourself.
forcing yourself to do something that you want to do works wonders. do it in longer intervals from time to time and eventually you'll see a point when improving.
also, commissioning gives drawfags another reason for drawing.
Yes, I like reading, and film, and I write my own poetry and short stories. I also am interested in music (although no musical talent), so I go to gigs, art galleries, travel. Also very fond of drinking.
how old?
why would age make a difference
well i guess when you get older it's hard to fit time in
i'm learning 3D modeling and japanese every day, but i wouldnt call them hobbies
>would draw extensively during childhood and teens, but stopped when i turned 19 for whatever reason
>too self-conscious to jump back in nearly a decade later
>Yeah! I watched a lot of anime and YouTube!
Yeah I also like to TUG ON MY DICK TIL I CUM
I-is learning japanese a hobby?
Oh, watashi mo, bro.
Are /g/ and Yea Forums hobbies?
Being /out/ and getting Yea Forumsfit/.
Music, magic the gathering, warhammer and hiking.
>several posters saying they draw
Curious, let's see your recent stuff
>tfw people can tell straight away that you're a shitter
Yeah bro, I work and sleep.
Not him but
That's actually pretty decent. I like it.
/g/, sure
Yea Forums, is being a pedo a hobbie?
Better than I was expecting.
ERPinf. Regular RPing.
vidya, weed, my gf, anime
I roleplay and set up D&D games
On f-list
lol cringe
Off yourself stoner
illa smoke more instead
Sleeping and being mad at people I'll never meet are technically hobbies
Whatever gets you closer to your gave is fine by me.
>he thinks weed does anything
fucking retard lmao
>this is the absolute state of your average stoner
Yeah. I am a /fit/ freak that obsesses over gym and staying ripped. I also have an unfillanle void of loneliness Andie depression that I got from forcing my beautiful ex girlfriend out of my life.I have Tinder, and I look fucking ripped (old photo, much more ripped now), but I would trade it all for her back.
Here, have a 2 year old picture.
pastry baking
Gardening and drawing
You’re either a girl, or a huge fucking Nancy
>he literally thinks weed is bring me to death
you're stupid mate.
Airsofting and play mtg commander, both stupidly expensive initially.
Nigger, stop smoking for 5 minutes and go read up on the effects of marijuana on your body. That is, if even remember how to read greasy pothead.
I don’t think he is implying you’d die, user. It has, however, been medically and scientifically proven to kill your brain cells at a faster rate than meth or coke.
I’d honestly rather die early from doing meth, than live he rest of my life being a brain dead moron that relies on weed to have a good time.
3D artwork.
Any type of smoking is harmful goober
I like this idea that gardening is somehow a female thing now
>Read up on the propaganda from America's desperate "War on drugs" that literally sent children to jail for FUCKING. NOTHING.
>kills your brain cell faster than meth or coke
L M A O. You people are mega retarded. There is no scientific or medical proof of that at all. this is too funny. i get it, you're jealous but really?
literally everyone who posts on this shit is worth the same, through all ages and times, even the zoomers
user, if you were a gardener 500 years ago, you’d be considered more of a faggot and probably strung up for being gay/feminine. Gardening has never been masculine or not gay/feminine.
Whats it like to have a hobby?
Everything I try to have myself do feels like a forced interest. Like I'm forcing myself to practice or partake in it, rather than purely for the enjoyment of it.
I'm a photographer, DJ, music producer, writer, filmmaker, designer, gamer
>More like academic interest
>there are people that UNIRONICALLY (UN(IRONICALLY)) believe browsing Yea Forums for the latest shit wojak meme edit qualifies it as an academic field of study.
>listening to fantasy/sf audiobooks lately
>bought a compound bow year ago and i go to the shooting range
but I can't get really into anything as hard as i'm into games
Global rule 3, retard
user, nobles used peasants to do their hordiculture and agriculture. You’re not morally superior by posting this picture; you’re actually just strawmanning yourself into losing.
Good job.
literally mentally impaired
im in a paramilitary and like guns
I don't treat it as a hobby to be honest, its just fun to build.
But I lost contact with the only person I could talk about it with, ask for opinions or show her photos. In the end, I lost great part of drive behind making new models.
But small part of joy still remains. Im big fan of mechas after all.
>he thinks mods give a shit
Cry more reddit
I don't even play video games anymore, ever since coming to uni I spend my limited free time watching TV shows. I even used to compete in tournaments but now I'm rusty as fuck and consistently at the bottom of leaderboards...
I've spent almost 10 years in paramilitary organization, extensively training to fend off ruskies, if invasion ever happened.
>tfw living in a shadow of Russia
>licking american boots and tension rises
>Ukraine happens and become paranoid as fuck
It's retarded to think about it now, we are in NATO structures and have at least theoretical protection.
I moved cities, got a girlfriend, stable job and organization I was in naturally died off after lack of people and internal conflicts. During my stay got really into Tactical Combat Care, 2 years ago I went to couple of courses and loved that shit, wanted to train to become combat medic.
Now I probably would pick up tactical or casual shooting only, but being Europoor and geting license is a bit of a hassle.
moding, 3d animating, drawing, kidnap young girls.
Man fucking jealous of what?
my boy
Sasuga, newest of faggots
jealous of my smoke and toke motherfucker
I enjoy lifting weights a fair bit. Also making a drastic career change atm so most time is spent studying.
How long?
The idea that my interest may involve other sources than Yea Forums had not even crossed your mind, have it? You literally cannot even comprehend some people's entire world does not consist of this place exclusively the way it does to you.
I make and run traditional games for my Yea Forumsidyabros. Conveniently started putting this together before I even knew about Ready or Not.
Simracing(could be considered as video games, but I have a pretty decent simulator), collecting and smoking cigars, studying history, and film analysis and critique
Given that this has been more of a "boiling the frog" than "jumping the shark" scenario, it's pretty hard to pin-point when was the last time this board did what it was supposed to do to any reasonable degree of consistency. 2012 and Anita's FF kickstarter campaign seems like a somewhat major breaking point in my mind, but it took a few painful more years for actual, decent game discussion to die out. Hell, there are still decent game discussion threads out even today. It's just that there is one per week that makes it past the 100 posts nowdays, where as it was four or five up at any given time (though not necessarily on page 0) back in 2008-2011.
I really think it was around the 2012 and onwards when the people really started to realize this place can be treated as a consequence-free social broadcasting spot than a place for discussion, and when identities and politics became so overwhelmingly important. The months-long dramas of that time I think chased a lot of actual proper posters away too, and that resulted in a snowballing effect.
I remember it being good in 2013, used to be a lot of discussion about Spec Ops: The Line and by extension, other games that shook up the medium in gameplay, or story, etc, but the change since that was imperceptible, I think, yet still very much a big change
I never finished a piece so far, I don't know how to values and color. Been drawing for little more than a year now. When I got started I could barely do a straight line...
Needs more Loomis.
yes, preparing for the day of the rope
Good stuff. It's amazing how fucking quick people can get good at drawing if you treat it like a boot camp
does the stuff in that sticky from /ic/ really help? i drew non fucking stop until like 17 then stopped and want to jump back on again
Anita Sarkeesian, TORtanic, and Goobergate are the big turning points that stick out in my mind. But Goobergate is definitely the biggest one. It ruined this board.
Reading's good. Feels like its been a while since a new book has really gripped me though.
I collect firearms, and I'm reading The Right Stuff by Tom Wolfe.
I would argue that it was actually DA2, not TORtanic where something snappend really badly on this board. TORtanic was just people trying to recreate that DA2 rush... There was other shit besides that. The first big Reddit obsession, the "big viral" epidemic, and of course later on the endless onslaught of political bullshit...
But here is the thing: most people who talk about Yea Forums in the past talk about shit that was happening on the surface. What really fucking matters to me is the invisible shit: the shit that is disappearing, rather than the shit that is popping up.
I've been watching how recommendation threads gradually died, being replaced by 3x3, and eventually even that shit started fading out in stead of even MORE threads about character models and politcal drama in what ever AAA game was getting the biggest marketing budged at the moment.
And I think that sums up the transformation of Yea Forums better than anything else. There always was cancer on this board, but there also used to be a patient alive beneath it. Nowdays... There is just as much cancer, but nothing beneath it.
Thank you user.
If you want my /beg/ opinion he stuff in the sticky did help, I didn't like how the Loomis book looked so I went ahead and studied Design and Invention by Hampton as best I could for a couple months, then memorized the muscles and bones with "Anatomy for Sculptors" (and still use that as ref, really good shit). The artbook thread is fucking amazing, full of resources, you should check it out.
Another thing about /ic/ in general, I think a LOT of anons there are too focused on studies and mindless grinding, I personally think that once you got the basics you should draw whatever you like and use artbooks and anatomy books as refs, they're tools and should probably be treated as such.
Do get back into it user! You surely know. It feels frustrating at times, but oh so rewarding at others.
What have you been reading?
I finished a Canticle for Leibowitz recently and I found that one incredible.
Not him. Kinda, pick a book to start with and try get the most out of it then move on to other stuff and do the same. A lot of people pick loomis for beginning and then keep going for the branch they've chosen. But one thing you really shouldn't do is grinding fundies, that shit will burn you out on drawing and make you quit really soon. Ironically, the "just draw" meme has some truth to it. Learn the perspective/anatomy/construction theory and apply it to something you want to draw. Want to make anime whores? Then draw anime whores in your studies.
is jannie-dabbing a hobby?
I make money out of drawing furry porn
I barely even have vidya as a hobby anymore, let alone other hobbies.
Smoking weed, browsing Yea Forums, reading non fiction books and playing strategy games
>Anatomy for Sculptors
Nigga I was gonna upload that same book for him on the post bellow yours, chance is, I downloaded that same book from you when you posted in a thread about wallpapers or desktop idk.
Here's the book mate
post one of your pics/link to your profile
I used to do theater but that's not an easy hobby to have during college and it's also a terrible career path. Now I just kind of hang out.
>What have you been reading?
Just finished Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. One of those constantly recommended classics that I've wanted to read for ages but never got around to it until now. So Long and Thanks for All the Fish was great.
Need an answer to this too please
My problem is that I love fantasy series, but apart from Asoiaf and The First Law, everything that's been recommended to me recently boils down to some hyper-competent schmuck of a Mary Sue lead that drains my interest in everything else that would otherwise be interesting about the book.
Name of the Wind? Beautiful, atmospheric prose. Shit protagonist.
Gentleman Bastards? Fun setting, fun premise, cocky interchangeable lead characters.
Well, I also eat compulsively and frequently sleep to escape the horrible thoughts in my mind. Do those count?
Mirin. Nice brand tattoo, too. What routine did you use? I used Scooby's Intermediate plan for a few months and got in great shape
Who are you quoting?
I did theater for a while too. I actually wanted to be an actor, and I think I could've been good at it. I didn't really like doing plays, though. I wanted to do movies. But then some bad shit happened to me in my junior year of high school that I'm still fucked up from to this day, so I didn't have the mental stability or confidence to seriously pursue it. Or to pursue anything else, for that matter. I just completely fell apart to the point that I don't really enjoy anything anymore and it seems pointless to do anything at all.