Rehash of a Playstation 2 game

>Rehash of a Playstation 2 game
>Rehash of a Playstation 2 game
>Rehash of a Playstation 1 game
>Rehash of a Playstation 2 game

Man, the japanese videogame industry is truly in the toilet

Attached: rehashes, rehashes everywhere.jpg (908x434, 185K)

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Wow what a shit thread.

I guess.

all these games were demanded by the fans

So? Fans are blinded by nostalgia, clinging to their childhood instead of moving forward

Companies should try to please their fans?

And yet all of these games were quite enjoyable, well reviewed and sold well. At the end of the day these are solid concepts updated to modern times to some degree. Better than all this other "live-services" bullshit where every "game" is just a second job trying to pad for time and get you to log on for the daily/weekly objectives and open the lootboxes.

So say whatever you want about those games, but they at least are video games with an attempt at being fun, not gambling simulators.

So this is nu-Yea Forums, huh

never do what fans want ok nice business strategy mr billionaire.

>video games are equal to progressing in life
>not about fun

Get a grip

rehash of a Playstation 2 game
>God of War
rehash of a Playstation 2 game
rehash of a Playstation 3 game
>Crackdown 3
rehash of a Xbox 360 game

Not their fault "modern" franchises and westernshit are shit. Pople want remakes and "rehashes" cause everything that comes out is crap and can't capture an audience.

This is the most Bobby thread ever.

Attached: 573D6939-2F2F-4622-BDCC-371ABD8711CD.gif (220x166, 196K)

Are you enjoying your sjw western games with ugly as sin females and trannies


aaaand these companies capitalise on that because it equals money.
congratulations, user. you figures how business works.

so there was money to be made.

>every game is just a rehash of pong

They sold because they pandered to nostalgia, not due to their own creative merits.
This kind of mentality will damage the industry in the long run.

>Fans want good games like they used to make, they don't want shit games with modern design sensibilities
Wow how fucking awful

>(((moving forward)))

Attached: 1518561291655.png (637x445, 54K)

>This kind of mentality will damage the industry in the long run.

Everything is just 1's and 0's anyway. Literally every game does that, it's so boring. Throw a 2 or something in gotdamnn

Holy shit I just realized that
Get this..
>darks souls is a rehash of a ps3 game
>darks souls 2 is a rehash of a ps3 game
>darks souls 3 is a rehash of a ps3 game

I wonder how far this rabbit hole goes!

Which is why they're all shit too.

found the leftist

Whats wrong with sequels?

>This kind of mentality will damage the industry in the long run.

Coming up with an entirely new concept, never done before and executing it well is quite difficult. I'll gladly take a good game based on ideas we have already seen. You know what is going to damage the industry in the long run? Pretty much everything else that's being done right now from a financial standpoint. This isn't pandering, people who have never played RE2 can enjoy the remake. Devil May Cry 5 may be my first DMC game. I've been a fan of Ace Combat but I saw a lot of people enjoying it as their first game in the series.

At the end of the day, these are just solid games that you are criticizing for not being "truly revolutionary" in an industry that's trying to siphon all the cash and let it die, not caring for long term consequences. This is the least harmful thing they could do.

>discussion on the state of the industry
>prices, revenues and profit trends aren't even brought up
"gamers" lmao