What reviewers are approved by Yea Forums? IGN, Gamespot and other SJW queers not allowed.
What reviewers are approved by Yea Forums? IGN, Gamespot and other SJW queers not allowed
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>SJW queers
So basically anybody who doesn't subtly broadcast a radical conservative agenda isn't allowed to be Yea Forums approved?
Get the fuck outta here.
people whose verdict i agree with
everyone else
Anybody who doesn’t moan or cry because the game is sexist, or there’s no fags in it, or the game is too hard. Simple.
I don't trust relievers and critics of any kind. When it comes to games I only trust my own instinct.
karak is literally a resetera faggot.
I cannot dispute this
Formulate your own opinions.
Why, I watch his vids and I think they are direct to the point.
stop being a fucking retard who bases his opinions on what some faggot said
have some self respect christ
Gameranx is pretty decent, 'before you buy' is informative without assigning a numerical score to games. no sjw bs, either.
>dude just waste all your time to play shitty games just to have your own opinion
>He can't tell if a game is shit or not by just looking at it.
imagine needing second and third opinions about biting down on turds lmfao
As opposed to basing your opinions off other peoples opinions of a game that you've never played?
>can't tell if you like a game by watching some 2 minute video
>believes some literal who who is usually paid to review shitty games
>approved by Yea Forums
go back to where you came from
Liked ACG until i saw his asscreed review, cant stand him anymore.
The only reviewer i follow these days is SkillUp and ZP, though the latter is more for the keks
Colourshed, does only older games though
this thread is darksydephil
My own goddamned brain. And Civvie 11 to an extend.
i personally like Worth A Buy. the problem i have with many other good youtube reviewers is they just talk and talk and talk for like 20 minute long videos instead of getting to the crucial points about the game.
fuck off resetgender tourist
The Quartering is based!
>looking for validation from Yea Forums
He's either a paid reviewer or extremely normalfag to the point that he recommends any game that's polished regardless of how good it is. Also he uses those analogies so much that I'm starting to suspect that he's doing it because of his lack to provide actual arguments that cover his opinion on the game aspects.
His technical analysis of the games and his knowledge on weapons and weapon sounds seem pretty good, I'll give him that. But if Yea Forums could possibly agree on one reviewer being good, it certainly wouldn't be him.
if you unironically watch anything suggested here you need to remove yourself from this website
has been my favorite review site for almost a year, and they just recently updated their site again.
Can't stand WAB, he reminds me of everyone's Boomer uncle in Britain, and he often goes off on rants about women or whatever hot-button topic, instead of just discussing the fucking game mechanics. Also the autistic bell-ringing and his voice just grate on me
>What reviewers are approved by Yea Forums?
Not the one in your pic related.
>reviews metro exodus
>says that the game is perfect with 0 issues
>has an affiliate link to the epic game store
>silently removes it after people are calling him out on it
Looks like his "no sponsored bullcrap" was just a facade.