Who's the best girl and why is it Haley?

Who's the best girl and why is it Haley?

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Because Marnie isn't marriable.

>the year of our lord 2019
>choosing a literal roastie
>not laying your seed in the fertile farmlands of Leah

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>pure haley

leah is literally a roastie and the only character that never says she loves you. She only uses you for your property to build stupid wood shit no one likes

>can't pay nightly visits to the lonely army wife

Honestly this game was fucking trash, can't believe people just forgave a transgression of this magnitude. And as for the marriageable candidates, if you did not choose Penny you are directly contributing to the degradation of our species.

Where are the girls? All I see are cows.

No matter how much you alter them, they will never come close to the pinnacle of farm sim waifus

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thats a child

how many times do we need to have this discussion?

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>Penny is the hope of humanity

Then Humanity deserves to die.


How dare you

and your point is?

Yes and?

>Not Maru
>Not Abigail

Literally any of them is better than Haley.

Maru is the obvious best choice, but you god damn sad NEET idiots can't stand a woman that is actually capable of doing ANYTHING better than you because of your superiority complex.
It's so laughable and sad at the same time.

>In b4 wagey wagey

>a nigger


>a nigger that less lazy than you ever will be


Whoa dude you should take some days off.

projecting this hard

Over and over till you get it right.

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Very fine point, sir :^)

I want to fill her with my salmon dinner


Jas. The rest of the girls belong in the barn hooked up to milking machines.

Is this a porn game?

Is this a full pack?

I really wish there was an all characters portrait mod of this quality.

Emily completely. irl she'd be a nutjob who believed in this dumb magic shit but magic is real in this game. Bitch can astroproject and there is probably merit to her healing crystals. She'd probably give you free coffee enemas too. You're welcome to enjoy your favorite girl but Emily is the one for me and it's really not even close.

Attached: Emily.png (624x256, 12K)

I tolerated all her crazy shit until she started pushing her sick vege-diet on our children
THAT was the last straw
no kid of mine has to grow up eating bunny food

None of them
None of the marriable candidates are either interesting or charming in Stardew Valley, and the ones that are interesting are married into broken marriages

Great, another character that was better in every portrait than the released one.

One of the main things that turned me off from Stardew was how bad the girls' sprites were.

Sorry lads, but best girl is Karen.

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Red meat is awful for your long-term health. You can compromise with her and you kids will have a healthy balance. But if she can heal colon cancer by rubbing amethysts on your face then it's a moot point anywho.

you're not wrong

Luckily mods to fix this are plentiful.

For real, how did this happen so many times? Emily and Penny have a weird sickly looking skin tone.

Its not, its an indie called Stardew Valley

If only.

y'all should use the diverse stardew valley mod. Makes everyone a separate race.

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If they're not cute, why bother?

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Muh representation. That author even made an Albino Black Demetrios

Haley doesn't have magic ancestry though, gotta go with Abigail

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I instantly gave up on romance in this game as soon as I realize you can't fuck or marry Caroline

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Abi still best

Why are 99% of these portrait art tumblr style?

why do emily and penny look so fucking weird compared to the other three

>Vegans are now spreading lies about meat on Yea Forums
Back to /fit/ with you

Wouldn't it be funny if they got fat anyway.

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>used goods

I'm not vegan or even vegetarian, it is well-documented in scientific literature about the subject, user. I'm not trying to police your eating habits, I eat red meat too, but I understand it's not healthy.

I always marry the attractive blonde in Harvest Moon or Stardew. It’s nice to have a trophy wife

Eating red meat is perfectly healthy.

Eating red meat at the rate most developed nations do is not.

Fucking hell that's creepy as fuck

If it's not healthy why is it so delicious? Besides what do I look like a cow? What else am I supposed to eat? Greens? Fish? Too much fish is bad too. Too much vegetables it bad too. Too many anything is bad for you. Even living too long causes you to die in 70-90 years.

That's just eating something unhealthy in moderation. Snacking on sweets occasionally is totally healthy as well, but I don't fool myself into thinking the act itself is a healthy one. I just limit the amount I do it in.

Penny is and will always be the best girl.
And no she doesn't cuck you, that's was a bug.
Fight me

>You will never have a farm sim where you can slaughter cows, pigs, and chicken and then cook and eat them
Why even live

There is nothing about red meat that is inherently unhealthy

I HATE Sofia!

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Eating red meat of US quality in typical US quantities fucking murders you.
Eating the proper stuff regularly is perfectly fine.
The evidence of red meat causing cancer is spotty as fuck and pretty much ignores a shitton of factors to push an agenda in one way or the other.
Nutritional Science is a god damn shill infested shitshow.


>everyone lives in the US and eats 600g of hormone fucked beef daily
I said "red meat" not "USA """"meat"""" product"

You can do a simplified version of that in Stardew with a mod that I forget the name of. There ought to be one that goes into more detail though.

Depends on how much of it you eat. You can limit your consumption but there are carcinogens in red meat, to the point that diets high in red meat have it show up in their stools.

European research shows the same trend.

>European beef
I'd rather not get mad cow disease either thanks

Is this canon?

Literally fucking Minecraft.

>Being able to afford meat
Choose one

I think its less about cancer and more about the saturated fats that red meats have. Not that it matters if you do any kind of physical activity.

Not wanting to cherish this smile. Plebians.

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I'd cherish those tits if you know what I mean

>that one's bad too sorry
You're welcome to give me a study that shows X country's red meat bucks this trend.

Most research points to possible carcinogenic compounds.

Not everyone is polish, user.
Being from the civilized part of Europe, can get highly regulated grass fed beef at reasonable prices. Fuck, I'd pay more if I could be sure that the farmers were getting the cash, but the few left butchers here are moneygrubbing as fuck

>not using the genderbender mod to fuck Alex tomboy pussy

I did some reading after this thread and found this.
It's not really related to either of our points but thought it was interesting.

You substantiate your claims first.

>Not Poland
>Civilized part of Europe
Muslim rapists are civilized now?

Based. Also i dont know how the Poligamy mod works. Maybe its broken.

They're all quotes from the characters in the vanilla game, so yes

It's rather well established, I'd tell you to unironically just google(scholar) it.

Now about that red meat from X country that bucks this trend?

PROTIP: Everything "causes" cancer.
The only cancer free diet is fasting

Foods with antioxidants actually do the opposite, user.

I'm doing my PhD on this and no, red meat does not directly cause cancer. There's no proven mechanism by which it causes cancer. It's associated with a slight increase in cancer risk but there's no concrete link since when measuring it because the people you're studying for years and years encounter millions of extra factors, including the fact they probably eat processed meat which actually does cause cancer. Tbere's a shitload of reasons why like salt, chemicals from smoking, nitrites and so on, so don't eat spam and you're fine

Soccermom detected
Fucking drunkards trying to justify their bottle of red wine a day habit by saying it's got "antioxidants" which are a miracle cure and good for you

>not choosing the cute purple haired mineral muncher

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I'm doing my PhD on it too, I sit in front of you in class user.

I drink half a glass once a week and it's been shown in my labtests to improve my hormone level and in general. Just don't drink like an alcoholic.

I teach PhD classes
You're all getting F's for posting on fourchan instead of studying

Leah>Abigail>Penny>the rest

I'm the dean and I'm firing you because you called this fourchan and not 4channel

It's pretty sad that most people here actually think PhDs have classes

i would have liked Maru if her portrait wasn't so god awful. She looks like she's twelve.

PROTIP: Normies don't even know what PhDs are
They think it's just another degree like a masters, just more advanced

I'm so glad I quit my PhD, despite all the perks I hated life while doing it

She’s fat, has shitty hair, shit glasses. I dunno why he turned her into such a shitty tumblr tier looking character. Should’ve stuck with the original designs.

>he doesn't know that it's Emily who literally has magic powers

Fucking Emily is worst girl
Literally retarded
Fucking homeopathy n shit

I didn't know you were taking one of *those* PhDs, user. I guess you aren't in mine, shame because the prof is pretty cute.

Haley, easily

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Sounds like my kind of girl

Considering he made the smart waifu black, and has a cuck fetish, wouldn't surprise me if concernedape made this canon

Hmm, I do hate living right now, but I've had a real job before and I wanted to die during that too

The only part of uni I enjoyed were the first 2 years when I had friends. Everything went to shit after I fucked that up.

Why am I even typing this

>Cuck fetish

I can assure you that none of the biomedical and healthcare professors could even be called cute as a joke

Two cuckings in one "family friendly" game

>Impying that one asian one who has a little bit extra pudge and lowkey sends intel to the Chinese government wouldn't be a qt in makeup

Where? I've never heard of this

Can we at least agree that the males are garbage? Harvey and elliot are non entities, Sam acts like he's 15, Sebastian is more interested in his bike, Shane is a bad day away from jumping in front of a train, Alex inflates his ego because he knows he'll never make it.

Penny cucks you
Abigail is the wizard's daughter

>Penny cucks you
What the fuck?? Since when? I never saw anything

Yea Forums fighting windmills, as usual.

Didn't you notice all those nights she never came home, but was there when you woke up?
She's a school teacher, what school teacher has lessons at 10pm?


Those old portraits are terrifying but as user pointed out Emily is the definite best girl. Her personality when it comes to relationships alone is perfect and you know she be fun a fuck in bed

What's her personality when it comes to relationships?
Open relationship?

>open relationship
Technicly if you date the whole town you get a cutscenes and Emily is pretty hurt. But the whole cast is really. But no she just seems bubbly and genuinly happy for you with whatever you do. To be fair most of the girls are that way, but I feel that shes one of the more realistic ones

If only she didn't have that look like she's going to stab you because Saturn told her to, or her sprite which makes her look like she's 45.

I'm not a thiccfag, but Marnie is fantastic. I really wish the dev would make her a romance option, but that'll never happen because of the fucking mayor. Fuck that faggot.

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Marnie was actually in the vote for possible marriage options to add in a patch, IIRC. Shane and Emily won, though.


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Shane is easily the superior choice overall, where my shanebros at?

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>Shane and Emily
What the fuck? Both of those are garbage. In fact, out of all the bachlorettes and bachelors, I'd say those two are the worst. No wonder tho, the Stardew Valley community is awful. No good portrait mods, but a super in depth mod for making the valley more "diverse". Fuck these people.

Shane and Alex are pretty top tier
Shane's heart events are way too dark, though.

>No good portrait mods
Debatable, it's been a while but I remember having a decent selection to choose from.

>no good portrait mods

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Shane's a bro and I'd probably go with him if I were into manly dudes but I'm not. Vincent is the only guy that actually does anything for me.

For the most part I'm into girls, so I usually go with either Penny or Leah.

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Huh, never seen that one before. Looks alright I guess, but I prefer something less moe.

There's a big selection to choose from, but not many are good.

Can someone recommend a ''good'' portrait pack that doesn't make each character look like they contracted syphilis and skin-pigmentation at the same time

>there are no good portrait mo-

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I fucking meant to type SEBASTIAN. But I associate the name Vincent with vampire goth guys so I fucked up.

Oh well, time to post this and then immediately abandon the thread out of shame. Good luck you brilliant waifu/husbando warriors.

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Sebastian is a good choice, user.

Absolutely no more of this.

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I think you forget about Jas, who is living with her Aunt. I think she's the Wizard's daughter. The wizard mentions his ex-wife turned to a witch and cursed others around the world. And the only girl without parents with purple hair is Jas (Remember Abi dyes her hair and has two parents).

>not the girl portraits

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>strong tan
>huge tits
>likes to eat
why are these qualities so common?

you motherfucker

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Because she's the only one that doesn't have the personality of a rock.

If there a mod that makes the girls into guys too? It'd be kinda nice to start a playthrough where the girls are guys and the guys are girls.

>huge tits
they're common in fiction because they aren't common irl

those look ugly as fuck compared to what I posted

Abi looks like a Final Fantasy character in this.

>Abigail: Final Fantasy
>Leah: Modded Elderscrolls
>Haley: Newgrounds Meet&Fuck
>Penny & Emily: The Sims

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lmao your shonen pedo shit looks like garbage

What's that one called? Does it do all the villagers?

Uh, well there's one that turns them into what look like cross-dressing men?

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Is this Angela Anaconda?

What mods should I get for my first play?

this fucking yaranaika mod gets me every time
at least it somehow makes harvey's dirtlip look okay

>can't decide between BIG BREASTED missionary, BIG BREASTED nurse or notAnn
Send help.

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gift taste helper, npc locations on map, experience bars, loved labels for animals, bigger fridge maybe. some basic qol stuff that doesn't trivialize your playthrough, not that the game is hard in any way to begin with.

later on there's the cjb cheat menu mod which is fantastic imo, but i wouldn't suggest it for a first playthrough. if you decide you don't like the way friendship or fences decay or how the fishing minigame plays there are popular mods to fix those as well, and plenty of aesthetic mods that add more variety of barn animals and such to taste.

Plan D: Pick Sam.

umm she's creepy

Can't handle a girl that can kick your ass?

Missionary is the cutest but the nurse has the best body.

I think there are a few porn mods, but nothing very good

Why does this remind me of the Warhammer kid's art?

shit game can't marry Jas

oh jeez

>want to fuck Sonia
>cant stand her voice

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Isn't there a J curve in having a glass of red wine a day?

There is a mod for that.

Still no Jodi mod

Any one of these is better than any of the mainline girls combined