This will be your P5R protagonist for tonight

This will be your P5R protagonist for tonight.

Attached: femjoker.jpg (760x577, 96K)

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If it did happen it would be completely different like P3FEMC.

That's why everyone wants it retard.

It won’t look like Joker with long hair. But Yea Forums wants a long hair Joker.

Regardless of how she looks, I would really like a fem route with revamped slink and slightly different story beats.
Would make for a great 2nd playthrough.

>slightly different
It will change a lot. Not saying that’s bad but Atlus is lazy.

After the first palace the story focuses on joker less. The only places in the story that need a decent amount of attention are the beginning, the first act, and the S-Links.

Here's the rest of your P5R cast too.

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fuck no.

So long as I can get on that Yusuke D as the male protag.

Would fug fem Ryuji.

It'll change as much as P3's FeMC did.

Info when?

You say that like it’s not a lot.

No it won’t. It doesn’t matter what gender you are for P3s story to make sense. So many story beats happen because Joker is male.

I really hope they actually make worthwhile changes instead of some pointless gender option.

I want them to rework the end of Goro's arc and make some of the characters more nuanced instead of being cardboard cutouts.

more kamoshida doujin soon?

It's a decent amount of work, but it's mostly writing and voice acting.

Animated scenes can probably be replaced with in engine scenes. Frankly, the animated scenes looked like crap, anyway.

I actually just picked P5 up again after not playing it for like a year and a half after the first dungeon and holy Christ the first month with just not having any evening activity options is awful.

If anything they’ll just touch up the animated scenes, which is usually easier and cheaper.

Other than the dates, list them. There's fewer than you think that can't just be handwaved. You don't need Joker to be a dude to get arrested because the point of that scene is that Shido has the police in his pocket. You don't even need Joker to be a dude for Kamoshida's palace, just add a line about how she looks too scruffy and bland for Kamoshida's tastes. The biggest amount of work would be the rank 9 of the confidant scenes (because they can just reuse platonic rank 10 for the girls and for platonic guys) and all of the times you can either go on dates or hangout with Ryuji.

They're not gonna pay for a new set of cutscenes just for a female character you morons.

I hope they add on to the original game instead of a stupid FeMC

Good thing it'll be on the Vita and all the animated cutscenes will be scrapped to fit everything in, just like P3P.

These retards don't know that cutscenes in JRPGs are probably among the most expensive parts of making them.

>Iwai probably would flat out not hire you
>Mishima would be a sperg
>Sojiro would be nice to you from the very beginning
>Literally everyone in school would be surprised that a girl would be a delinquent
>How would you even do operation maidwatch? Force Ryuji to let you go?
>Would Yusuke still want to paint Ann? It means he thinks another girl is beautiful and you can’t have that if he’s a romance option. Maybe he paints you.

P4G did retard.


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>>Iwai probably would flat out not hire you
His link would be changed. Maybe it's with his son or somthing.
>>Mishima would be a sperg
>>Sojiro would be nice to you from the very beginning
Probably. Not a huge deal.
>>Literally everyone in school would be surprised that a girl would be a delinquent
High school girls are brutal about rumors. This shouldn't be an issue.
>>How would you even do operation maidwatch? Force Ryuji to let you go?
Rewritten entirely. Babe hunt in P3P for example was rewritten to exclude the MC.
>>Would Yusuke still want to paint Ann? It means he thinks another girl is beautiful and you can’t have that if he’s a romance option. Maybe he paints you.
I dunno. Maybe? Ann is meant be particularly pretty so it's not like it has to change.

Yu is pretty cute.


Iwai doesn't care as long as you have the guts to talk to him about it.
Mishima is already a sperg (and would probably be a romance option).
Why would Sojiro be nice to you just because you're a girl? As far as he knows you're still a delinquent with an assault record.
Why would people be surprised a girl is a delinquent? You run into plenty of them yourself, including violent stalkers that you'd probably be painted as.
Maidwatch would probably be replaced, and likely Kawakami replaced as a confidant in general.
Yusuke only likes Ann for her artistic beauty.

P4G was a PS2 game on the Vita, not a PS3/4 game.

>Just touch up

Romance options can never show interest in the other gender. They have to look “pure”. That’s Atlus’ autistic standards.


Isn't this from some hentai doujinshi? If I remember this girl put on some glasses and got super cute, then proceeds to fuck a bunch of guys? Or something like that.


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Because AI totally didn't wanted to get porked by some guy.

So is Catherine, a ps3 game.

Yusuke himself is quirky and autistic, so it's not a stretch whatsoever for him to be "I was only attracted to Ann for the beauty of her body, but now I see I'm attracted to you for the beauty of your soul" when literally the entirety of his confidant is about looking beyond surface impressions to find the deeper meaning in everything.

Skirt I thought you were just talking about not making the animations look as terrible. They’ll probably just end up scrapping them.

Wait nvm I kinda remember now, it was pretty depressing.
nsfw obviously

Is this the FemJoker thread

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>you came inside? you freakin' shitty adult

Cringe incel thread

I want to fuck Yusuke.

She’s supposed to be a slut.

I'd take a FemRyuji over a FemRen desu

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Cute desu.

I'd play an all female cast persona 5 if yuri was in it.

What if the only yuri option was Ohya?

And a romance option so user is full of shit.

>scrapping them
Why? People like the cutscenes.

>People like the cutscenes
Citation needed.
The animated cutscenes straight up look worse than the in engine ones. How they pulled that shit off I don't know.

I didn't realize how much I wanted this until now.
>Yusuke romance option finally available

It picks back up to focus on Joker in the sixth palace though.

Not him, but that's just weebs being weebs. Muh nihongo voices and hand drawn key frames!.

Waifufags are worse than fujo-shits

>You don't even need Joker to be a dude for Kamoshida's palace, just add a line about how she looks too scruffy and bland for Kamoshida's tastes.
Not a great idea seeing as the whole point is Kamoshida is lustful in general and assumes he has power over everyone and you don't want the main character to seem ugly. Just let Kamoshida salivate over Joker a little but ensure that the main object of lust is Ann.
I will admit the other user is right though, in general this part of the story makes way more sense if Joker is male.

Damn you're right.

then it'd be pointless as a yuri game and i wouldn't play it.
don't know why so many people hate ohya she seems fine.

>and you don't want the main character to seem ugly
Literally everyone thinks Joker is a weird scruffy-looking kid until you start putting up Charm points. It really isn't a stretch at all for Kamoshida to think of early-game FemJoker as being beneath him.

That's your opinion

How about trying to make an argument without being a retard and doing the whole "m-muh weeb" bullshit.

>weird scruffy-looking kid
He's still described as handsome, and that's without putting charm points in. All the Persona protagonists are supposed to be good looking. The problem is he wears big thick glasses, scruffy hair and slouches a lot and that, coupled with his reputation, is why people are afraid of him. He's called scruffy because of his hair.

I'd play a Persona with a female protag.

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I like them. Are they the best animated shit around? No. Do I wish the whole game was like that? No, but I always like seeing them. It always make a scene more special or memorable. They're a nice touch

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I like how by expanding on his backstory they made that line even more retarded
>You have NO idea what kinda shit I've been through, I had to study REALLY hard god damn it!

That’s Asia countries for you, poor people still cling on the broken education system.

>The problem is he wears big thick glasses, scruffy hair and slouches a lot and that, coupled with his reputation, is why people are afraid of him.
And you think that isn't going to influence how Kamoshida would treat a FeMC early on? He want big titty foreign sluts like Ann, not some scruffy crazy bitch.

>He want big titty foreign sluts like Ann
I mean if that was the case he wouldn't be fucking Shiho, just threatening her.

He only fucked with (and fucked) Shiho to mess with Ann.

As a straight male, I would love to play as a cute lesbian, but if you have to be straight, fuck that, I don't play as female Robin in Fire Emblem to fuck Chrome. Why don't more games let you have waifus while playing as a waifu?

He sexually harasses all of his female students.

Thought the implication of the girls flocking him and tortured in his castle was that he had been doing his abuse far before Ann.

I just want P5R to be announced so people screaming for a FeMC can fuck off. P3 got away with it because it was a easy change and the game started with gender selection in the concept phase while P4/P5 went with male MCs from day one.

>P6 gets a Femc and the story revolves around it

I feel your pain. I only play as female protag if there's no romance, there's yuri or all the romanceable girls suck so I might as well play as a female. Wish they would just man up and do explicit yuri. Mitsuru link in P3P was so full of subtext even a dense retard could see it.

You don't fuck Chrom user.
Chrom fucks you.

You don't get a choice in the matter.

This. Can't wait for them to get btfo
>Implying atlus will make a female mc in a persona game where romancing the waifus are one of the main selling points

It would alienate too much of their audience. I can see gender selection in future titles,but never a solo FeMC.

>tfw haru was originally a boy
>they probably changed it for waifu points

I wouldn't even say "one of the" I'd just straight up say THE main point of the game. Christ I mean even when Persona 5's trailers and shit were coming out all the hype was around more girls being found.

Tbf I don't really care . I got my demon pokemon game, my social sim game and waifu game. End of the day I win. I hope the atlus keeps pandering to me

That's exactly why I keep getting confused when people say "Persona should focus on X instead of waifus" motherfuckers ATLUS makes a series specifically for you already.

Desu, you can add husbandos in the femc route without hurting any waifus in the male route.
There's little to lose.

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>Yusuke looks exactly the same but with tits
Kek almighty

People seem to forget that the FeMC route came on what was essentially a ripped apart version of the game, closer to a visual novel with dungeons, on a handheld console. I don't understand why they think it's a) easy to do if they do it in the same vein as their regular game (and not a pulled apart VN spinoff) and b) something with mainstream demand.

Desu, you sound like you simply don't want it and can't understand why others want it so bad.

Most wishlists I've read for P5R have FeMC at the top. Everyone who's played it want's a way for their next playthrough to feel fresh, plus there is the large female fanbase.

where do I find a girl like this?


what are you implying?

Kys faggot.

I played 3 and 4 years ago. How does 5 compare?

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Worse than 3 and 4 in terms of story but a huge improvement in every other regard in my opinion. Definitely worth a play if you liked them.

But do I get to scissor Anne and Makoto?

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>to feel fresh
In what way? FeMC just had the female version of all the standard anime romance, as the male did
Wishlists also ask for outlandish things that should make it pretty clear they don't really mean much for what the main audience wants. It's not that I don't understand it, it's that people overplay it.

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>female can fuck shota
>male fucking loli is strictly prohibited

Cute! CUTE!!

Pretty much every single S-link was changed, often dramatically.
Some were removed, some were added.

What lolis are you talking about?

Any loli in a Persona game.
3 had the little bitch who ran away from home.

Any of them

P3's guy had that one girl asking to marry him, P4 had Nanako essentially doing everything but outright saying she loves you (and, you know, Dojima's whole thing at the end)

>Cum inside Fem Ryuji

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I mean, that girl in P3 and Nanako are like 7. Ken’s 12.

Her age is never stated. Only that she's in elementary school, which in Japan is from 8 to 12. She doesn't look that different from Ken.

Does anyone have that picture of the cast genderswaped, with fem ryuji having pigtails?

She looks the same as Nanako.

I cant manage to find it in english i really want to read what they say.

well uf fem joker is going to be in smash then it'd be easier if it was just him with long hair wouldn't it?

How would this scene play out with femJoker?

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He’s not gonna have a female version.

Bukkake session

Hopefully an orgy.

>Cum inside her again
>Eff yeah...

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Does anyone have the shot where Futaba calls herself your girlfriend and gets flustered?

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This is your /ss/ for tonight.

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Stop making me sad

gang rape

Why is Daisy immune?

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Because she's gay

fucking RUN

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I still think that was a really mean thing to say to a kid on probation.

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Something similar to this, I'm guessing
>inb4 FemJoker is a confidant in P5R and joins in

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>on probation.
still can get a job

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People don't realize how much they would have to change.
>Shido would be too embarrassed to call the cops if he was attacked by a girl
>Sojiro would be nicer to a girl than he is to a guy
>Kamoshida's stuff would be completely different in tone
>Kawakami's social link just flat out would not work
>They wouldn't want to show the police officers beating Joker up
Persona 4 didn't have a female protag in Golden.

She knows a fuckboy when she sees one

>Shido would be too embarrassed to call the cops
Bullshit there is 0 proof of this. The guy was ready to beat the shit out of the female witness.
>Sojiro would be nicer to a girl than he is to a guy
He doesn't treat Yusuke or Ryuji like shit, only you at the start because he thinks you're a troublemaker even if he knows you aren't guilty. He could easily treat you the same despite you being a girl because you're a delinquent.
>Kamoshida's stuff would be completely different in tone
Nah he's still after Ann you're still the little shit standing in his way and actively opposing him with Ryuuji
>Kawakami's social link just flat out would not work
Not a big change, some dialogue here, she still comes to clean your room but instead of romance a sisterly bond or some shit forms. Ryuuji could do something like make you call the maid service because he thinks as a girl you'd feel calmer around another girl and he wants to see if its real or some shit. Any number of things, not big changes.
>They wouldn't want to show the police officers beating Joker up
Shiho is a battered woman, user, they wouldn't give a shit if the officer beats up Joker.

I don't even want a FEMC because it feels like pointless effort to satisfy a small portion of the fanbase instead of just focusing on adding more to the main game and story, but these aren't big changes. The actual big changes would be making a new model, re-recording lines that call Joker a guy and the cutscenes. Also the bath house would be on the womans side.

No but i have this.

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there's game data for joker having a pony tail. it seems likely

It's just garbage data.

Made me kek