Who's your favorite streamer Yea Forums?

Mine's Man
Love the dude, funny dude, listens to chill music

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Didn't he admit to doing cocaine before streams to hype himself up?

yeah nah, fuck him and his chat mods

MAN was really good when he started, but he quickly became a massive faggot. The MANkind is thr most pathetic thing ever and his constant retarded screaming is fucking stupid and cringe. Evem more cringe now that he wears ties.
I really liked him, but boy he fell far.

It was speed. Stupid idiot lost his wife because his drug addiction.

any streamer not actively undermining the very platform they're on deserves death. until we can fuck niggers and stream honey select freely, there is no reason to ever engage in streaming.

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Uberhaxornova, though his taste in games is really fucking putrid

This guy is my role model

The best streamer and a role model

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>ohh no that guy backseated me someone ban him
>Orangeman is bad
>*makes dubstep noises*

this guy is a total manchild retard who gets mad at anything and everyone who didsagrees with him. Everything is consudered a spoiler so you will get banned too.
Oh shit people will backseat and spoil when you're playing videogames in pubic, NO SHIT.
He spends 30 minutes talking and like 1 minute actually playing the game which he sucks at. He is DSP tier.

now KYS with these threads btw flanboyant faggot

Does he stream these days?
20 playthroughs of PS4 Nioh and then 10 of them on PC was pretty autistic tho

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fuck him
>ask question regarding the game
>wtf, dude you trying to backseat me?
>banned for 1 hour

> reads almost every chat post and replies often than usual streamer
This guy is insane

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you can definitely do that, you wont get paid for it but there's nothing stopping you

Does he still take 20 minute breaks to snort coke? lol Man's a pompous jackass.

happened to me as well, his mods are faggots


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>child bitching about people liking things he doesnt like

Yeah praises Anthem and Fallout 76 role model how to take bribes .

He shitted on F76 and Bethesda, the fuck are you talking about?

any bajs around?

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>watches streamers
>calls other people child
O I am laffin

Where is the obligatory 'i can't understand why you enjoy watching someone else play games' faggot?

cohh a sellout cuck lmao

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>Puke tier streamer
Begone reddit.

i kinda have this love hate relationship with Lirik.
Sometimes he's just a funny dude making me laugh, the other time he is such a whiny bitch it's almost impossible to watch

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talk all you want but MAN is based as fuck

plays every game on hard
doesn't suck dick for donations
does coke to stay awake and stream 16h per day

shame he stopped streaming

this fucking cuck is always on top views whenever i open Twitch and he streams only new games (sponosred btw) and just shills

his chat is just sucking his dick and praising him, its like a fucking cult and it scares me

>plays DMC 3
>defeats Cerberus
>still only goes on with Rebellion
>some faggot: "w-would it be b-b-backseat gaming to notify him he got a new weapon?"
Pathetic shit.

>ok i'm back
>lets play the video game
>*suddenly starts crying and has a mental breakdown
>and thanks for the sub BootySniffer69

that dude is a wild ride.

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>and thanks for the sub BootySniffer69
did this actually happen kek


>people conforming to basic politeness scares me
oh boy going outside must be a pain for you

>the other time he is such a whiny bitch it's almost impossible to watch
nah that's prolly you being autistic

>Playing TLOU
>Constantly talks over the cutscenes
>Misses the dialogue how clickers can't see because he's thanking for a donation or some shit
>Goes through the whole game thinking clickers can see him
>Anyone in chat who says they can't see gets banned because muh backseating
>Playing Trials
>Gets stuck on some level for hours
>Dev team literally watching his stream
>Level creator says MAN is really bad at this game, obviously joking
>MAN gets assblasted and goes on a rant telling the dev to go fuck himself for over an hour even when the dev apologized

Drugs ruins people lives, whaddaya want

hello topramens, do you want to donate another 50k to mr. lirik today?


how does a fucking gnome get to smash a Swedish goddess?

I used to watch ManVsGame in the justin.tv days. In all honesty he's beyond washed up. He spends way too much time dedicated to calling out backseat gaming and other various first day on the internet trolling in the chat and making a big deal about it. His stream schedule is not consistent and makes me feel sorry for the people who have been subscribed to him for years. His webcam color levels have gotten more and more obnoxious. A stream a few weeks ago, his exposure is basically put to max and he looks like a grayscale ghost. That isn't even going into his drug problems and Tawnithan breaking up with him.

report the thread pls

death of video games

the one that rants then most about politics, you know who

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>eceleb threads
Do you newfags have no shame at all?

the one that has like 2 videogames named after him?
yeah he's unironically my favorite

> he think snowflakes like topramens are browsing 4channel
pull your head out of that ass

Women like smart guys *shrugs*.

_____ got _____ in this ____

you can't be serious, jesus christ just end yourselves

> 145 cm tall
> smahes swedish 9/10 girls pussy
How in the world

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Yeah it puts a damper on the mood when something chat says gets to him

This is now a Steven "Destiny" Bonnell II thread

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200 IQ gnome gets the pussy

fuck off you retarded redditor

>Starts stream
>Half an hour of music just playing
>He finally shows up on screen, says he's going to play some game today
>Takes half an hour to thank his donators, subscribers
>Says he went to some salon to dye his hair the other day
>Starts complaining how the hairdresser was incompetent because she did one thing out of order
>This rant continues for half an hour because he's thanking people inbetween his rant and constantly repeats himself, while looking at the chat for people to tell him that he's right
>Anyone who speaks out or tells him to just plays some games gets banned
>Rant ends, says he's finally play some games
>Some person says something in chat that triggers him
>Goes on a 2nd rant
>Finally starts up a game after 2 hours of "pre-stream"
>5 minutes pass and he stops the game to thank his donators and subscribers for the nth time and starts talking about some off-topic shit for a few minutes
>Resumes the game only to stop it again 15 minutes later to do it all over again
I haven't really watched him in a long time but I did want to check out if he's still alive recently and he seems even more cynical and egoistical than before.

Go cry to your mommy

don't b jelly bro

say that to my face IRL faggot

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He switched one drug with another. Streaming is just an elaborate form of addiction that activates the same pathways in the head as doing meth and in turn gives you the same level of confidence and "there is no tomorrow scenario" when you do cocaine, it's also attention validation on steroids.

>Finally starts up a game after 2 hours of "pre-stream"
literally DSP

There's photoshop blur on the tree and the shadows on the asphalt. He's like 170cm irl if I remember correctly.

>tfw he still isnt back

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I think that's the joke

Based God DSP of course.

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Tiny is such a fucking joke I love him.

do you, by chance, watch JLP or one of those alt-right circlejerks steven's debated?

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>Actually watching streamers
I mean youtube ecelebs were one thing but imagine spending literal HOURS just watching a guy play a game and talk to you like he's your friend cause you've thrown money at him

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shut up steven

I just watch "best of" daily highlights :)

"come on bro" hahah XD

No, I just watch destiny for people shitting on him.

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>not liking left leaning desTINY
so much projection shouldn't be allowed also i'm not even him but i hate people like you.

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How is it different from TV on the background, you dumb ass cunt?



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Well, there's not much to see then is there

How will I ever recover

He came back after recovering from a serious bout of depression. Or so he says.

If you're watching any tv worth a damn it's well edited and has a lot of work put into it.
Unlike some autist playing videogames who doesn't look like he's showered in a week, retard.

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Jonas Neubauer and his wife currently.

Macaw45 because that guy plays some of the most obscure shit ever.

Pog :pointing_right: TRUE

>shitpostin twitch memes on Yea Forums is next level retardation.

that's why you put it on back, retard. Learn to read, cunt


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jermaJup3 jermaJup4


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if you ever wonder why some people on Yea Forums spout shit opinions, just take a glance of this thread

>BTFOs every alt right youtuber

> watching forsen instead of woman

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>sucking a random guys dick is considered basic politeness
only to you user

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Our retard
FeelsAmazingMan Clap

this guy is so far up his own ass that his face is literally hollow riddle with his own farts. cringy retarded faggot and his pathetic fanfaggots. kys

it's weird and sad but I get it

I'm actually watching a lot of NYMN lately i like the guy.

Fuck off grandpa

When streaming became a career, shit went downhill. I can't understand someone renting an office or home for the sake of having 3-4-5 streamers set up to "make content".
It's just so backwards to me, and how much money some streamers are able to make is so stupid.

He's Yea Forums incarnate...

yeah he keep up a bit with Yea Forums memes and stuff, like his content, like his chat, liked the last song he made, like apollo, like the mans ass

Mine is Vinny