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Other urls found in this thread:

PC when R*

I hope RPCS3 can run it soon.

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You can run this game with PPSSPP

MCLA is the single best racing game ever made and I adore it.

Not a big fan of Remix, but it wasn't a bad port at all.

>Series cancelled forever
haha imagine if someone thew a brick at Dan Houser's big fat bald retard head haha.

Why the fuck is cockstar so against a new Midnight Club? It's criminal at this point

>tfw this is the only recent game I can play that has one of my cars in it
feels bad

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sick car user

A new midnight club or a remake of midnight club street racing would be good

Based chevy chad dabbing on Crown Vic incels.

my daily driver is a Grand Marquis so I can't reject the big blue oval yet

R* Sand Diego is not allowed to make anymore since the wives against rockstar thing 10 years ago.

>remake of midnight club street racing
but MC:SR was just a Midtown Madness game. Midnight Club only became Midnight Club from 2 onwards.

tuning culture doesn't have mainstream appeal anymore, even fast and furious movies are heist movies now, and these games existed thanks to the first fast and furious movie


What is this junk

Been playing some MC3 lately. Man that game's still great but the framerate was killing me.


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Because gaming has become a business, there's no point in investing a new game when your existing products already bring you in profits with minimal effort. As much as I want a new MC game, there's no way they're gonna make one.
Street racing culture has seen a resurgence in the last 3 or 4 years thanks to Initial D (and in a minor part, Wangan Midnight) getting a new wave of popularity. Just check the modding scene for Assetto Corsa, there's a fuckton of touges and even a large scale recreation of the Tokyo Shuto Expressway, all of this on top of regular racetrack and cars you'd expect in a racing sim.

>Street racing culture has seen a resurgence in the last 3 or 4 years thanks to Initial D (and in a minor part, Wangan Midnight)
they're much less popular than they seem

>Because gaming has become a business
yeah, more than 40 years ago

Why didn't they use the police scanner from this game in GTA V? Sounded much better and more realistic.

What the fuck was up with that huge difficulty spike? It is legit harder than Dark Souls.

Now more than ever though, remember when there was a time in which devs actually experimented?
Between the late 90s and early 2000s every software house apparently wanted a racing game under their name, Namco had Ridge Racer, Capcom came up with Auto Modellista, EA had NFS, hell, even Konami tried their hand at it with Enthusia.
Today we're left with racing sims and simcades true arcade racers are dead. NFS has been sucking dick for more than a decade now, Ridge Racer's attempted revival was a failure, there's a huge void and nobody to fill it.
It doesn't help that interest in cars is actually slowly dying down.


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literally git gud
midnight club isn't some bullshit trial and error game like most "hard" games are. it's very fair and never fucks you over. the physics are consistent, the AI are consistent and the traffic will always leave a gap to pass through



>Rockstar makes voiced racing protag
>is actually charming and doesnt overstay his welcome
>EA makes voiced racing protags
>are the most annoying pieces of shit that never shut the fuck up
playing NFS Payback made me appreciate MCLA so much more

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I couldn't fucking play Payback, I pirated it and two hours later I uninstalled, it's just shit.


>get a cutscene
>your car is parked in the background
this shit made me nut so much in 08 when every other game had pre rendered cutscenes

I'm fucking jelly user, I've been wanting to get a 96 ss for some time now but they're all niggered out where I live or being sold by boomers for way over what they're worth.

>drums along to the beat of the music in the car
>cool banter with other racers
this guy was pretty cool

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>hold rear view button
>he looks to his mirror

>hold rear view on motorcycle
>he looks over his shoulder

>pull up at stop light
>he adjusts his mirror

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dont forget
>in first person mode he properly spins the wheel according to direction instead of just turning left or right, even manually shifts if you have it activated
it makes me fucking sad we will never get another MC game with Rockstars autistic attention to detail

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>shift into reverse
>he steers with his palm to get more range

>car interior has clock and odometer
>they're actually accurate

fucks me off so much how people bitch about LA saying 3 was better. LA is such a good game and got shat on by people who just wanted something to bitch about, same as Burnout Paradise

i hope they're happy with killing the genre and leaving us with absolute trash like nu-NFS and boreza horizon

LA was garbage because it had a smaller roster then 3 remix and paradise was shit because it fell for the soulless open word meme

t. "LA was too hard and I have no sense of direction so got lost in Paradise City"
enjoy grinding loot crates in a racing game

are you kidding me? LA and paradise was piss easy

Reminder that LA sold well enough to green lit a sequel and that they were working on it as soon as LA shipped but rockstar ny forced every one in the San Diego branch to either help in RDR or get the boot
The whole team in San Diego got the boot anyway after RDR shipped :^)

> he had an one liner for every race
> different animations depending to what where you doing with your car
If you use nitro to accelerate he looks confident, but if you use nitro at top speed in a fast car to get a speed boost he looks like he is gonna shit his pants

I loved this game on 360, so good.

I think I have that song in my library because of it actually.

Horizon has nothing on it.

one day emulators will reach a point we can play MCLA on PC at 1080p 60fps

right bros? right?

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Marauder > all
Though, Marauder X-100 > modern Marauder

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Xenia runs it a lot better, albeit with some minor graphical bugs.

loved this game growing up, thanks for reminding me user

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the dnb in 3 was out of this world, man

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I was doing alright until I got to that first pink slip event you have to do in the campaign. What happens when you lose all your cars?

>Unironically one of the best open worlds ever, actually felt like driving in real LA traffic.
>This was the spiritual successor to the Midtown Madness games.
>We will never get another Midnight Club.

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The thing I liked most about these games was that you could use normal everyday cars. The first time my friends and I saw that you could use an Escalade we lost our shit

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>we will never get a Midnight Club based in 1990's japan

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Fuck man, I'd buy that in a heartbeat.
Japan is one of the places where tuner culture is still a big thing so even if it was set in the present day it'd still be cool.

holy fuck, i sure was missing out not using the cockpit camera huh

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I love MCLA, but MC3 Dub remix is my favorite racing game ever made. Up there with Burnout 3 and FlatOut 2.

i really liked LA but i still think 3 was better because the levels where more designed for fun racing rather than just realism, LA had no rooftops you could drive on

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LA had loads of rooftops and big jumps lad
they were actually hidden and effective shortcuts like mc2 but not in plain sight like MC3
maybe you should explore la

3's entire soundtrack got me hyped as fuck

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ive got to admit, its been years since ive played LA for the last time
might just dust off the PS3 to play it again, see what ive missed

Just went back and played it again because of this thread and god damn I forgot how relentless the cops are. Fuck off already I just wanna race

just take the ticket man
I hope you're happy you killed my favourite video game series, Yea Forums. All because you didn't want to git gud.

sometimes there is a bug where you can't avoid the cops but otherwise they're easy to hide from

it adds to the challenge though

I somehow had this gather dust for 10 years then got a g25 and played it.
Fucking hell its amazing full ffb and it held up fucking well even on my ps3
Goat game.
Horizon 1 was good but 2 3 and 4 where just idk kinda soulless? Wish we had that perfect storm of ex r* and Nfs devs from the 00s come back and make a new game

>Midnight Club on a G25
absolute mad lad
how are your control bindings? there's way too many buttons and axes to bind to a wheel

>get game through backwards compatibility on xboner
>have to start a new game cause the cloud is not working for some reason
>lost all my custom cars I made and my audi r8 along with the social club unlocks
God damn it.

>redline gif
hell yeah brother

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I lost my R8 too, user. I never went and started working for it until years after the game came out, and my friend had the R8 and used it all the time.
then I finally worked towards it and unlocked it, and then shortly after the servers closed down on PS3 and there was no way to get the R8 anymore. i had made my R8 look like darius's from NFS carbon, it was perfect.
FUCK i want to go back
I loved 3 and LA so much

Just ordered online. Thanks for the recommendation, lads.

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I still have my save from 360 on my cloud, I wonder if there is a way to get it working.

>vs the boss
>this is "my town" I betta not see your face in again
>whatever broo

please just let me escape this fucking relentless hell hole of copy paste characters

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Memes aside I miss the old nfs games. Ug1, 2 and MW were GOAT.
this is fucking terrible
who thought people wanted this shit while racing

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Still the best street racing game out there, I love style of events that just give you checkpoints and let you figure out the fastest route, made it really satisfying when you knew the city like the back of your hand.

makes NFS look archaic in comparison, with it still having streets closed by magic barriers during racing

the driving model is so much better too. and it also had a proper vinyl editor, which NFS wouldn't sport till 7 years later

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i made that exact same car user
i also did it with the audi s5 but the widebody kit wasnt as thick

I'm still sad about the multiplayer being shut down. it was genuinely some of the most fun I ever had with an online game. I miss checking the auction and seeing all the cool designs people made

Holy shit are you me?

i still remember on PS3 some guys uploading cars from modded games that had Neon in the engine and donk sized wheels, and they would still be purchasable
fucking madlads

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>paradise was shit because it fell for the soulless open word meme
>soulless open world
>literally the best implementation of open world in any racing game
I understand being disappointed if you expected another track based burnout game, those were great, but paradise is one of the only open world racers to actually take advantage of the open world and give it a purpose other than just driving between races.

nigger it felt like you was driving through a nuclear wasteland truly soulless

we talking about the same game here?

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What are the best PSP racing games?

>all that brown&bloom
is this supposed to look good?

Burnout legends
Ridge racer
Nfs carbon otc
Midnight club LA remix
Gran Turismo
Initial D street stage

It seems there are 2 Ridge Racer games for PSP. Which one would you say is better?

Oh I'm sorry, I thought we were talking about the game not about graphics. Yeah most games back then overused bloom and brown, who cares, the game was good.

>the game was good.
no it wasn't keep coping paradise-kun


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Both are pretty good.

Is there a way to run PSP version for this game on phone? Mine lagged dropped framerate badly i kinda play monster hunter PSP but framerate is fine.

The second one is just the first but with more tracks and cars. Go for that one.

>street stage
My brother of african american descent.

mommy mommy this game sucks i cant ride against the walls to compensate for lack of skill
mommy mommy buy me forza

No one played this. Everyone played NFSU

imapala SS, faggotron.

>tfw one of the arcades near my house has arcade stage 3
Go there every weekend to play that shit, I'm getting a wheel soon though so I can emulate the newer arcade stage games on parrot emulator.


need for speed is the common whore used by everyone and fucked down to nothing over the years
midnight club is a fine maiden who must be treated right to gain entry but when you're in you're in for the best time of your live
until the common whore dies out and drags midnight club with it

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Remember when Rockstar said that MC3 was coming to PS4 and Xbone and then never mentioned anything about it ever again?
Haha, that was fun. FUCK OFF ROCKSTAR.

keep cope and seeth paradise-kun

Do it desu, I have a g27 and play D8 all the time, it's loads of fun and soon we're going to be getting zero.

booted it up on the latest RPCS3 and its coming along, I think 10-15 fps

Maybe in a year

when GTA Online finally dies


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The fucking editor was so good. I still don't understand why the fuck didn't rockstar just copy and paste the editor into grand theft auto. Makes so mad. I used to make so much money selling my vinyls to

Is extreme stage already working on rcps3 yet?

but if we have a vinyl editor how are we supposed to sell 500.000$ skins to players?

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Sort of but it runs like shit right now.

Not him, but they didn't say it, a bunch of old Rockstar games got ESRB ratings for new consoles and some even got store listings on xbox live, though they got taken down quickly. That was two years ago.

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Gaming was always a business, you just grew up and aren't being pandered to anymore


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They could've just not allow vinyl trading. But post it online to share with crew ect. Just the editor its self would've been nice.

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it seems like those were only PS2 on PS4 re-releases and Xbox Original backwards compatibility with Xbox One.

From those games, only the GTA stories games got on PS2 on PS4

I really wish they would make another initial D console game.

>playing MC:LA on xbox
>friend gets up to do something
>knocks xbox over
>laser burns a ring all the way around the disk
>game dead
thanks "friend"

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bought this game on ebay because of this thread, what am I in for, being a LA native?

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its almost to scale with the real LA and features a lot of the landmarks and shit
even has massive billboards with real ads just like LA

Were these games anygood, from this era i only ever tried Need For Speed, which always felt terrible to me because of how bad the cars felt to control and burnout which felt amazing
Never tried midnight club though

lowriders if you have south central

Not him but also LA native and considering buying, it's like $10 on PS3
Does online still work?

No, it was closed on PS3 when GameSpy shut down

Whats the difference between base and complete editions of this game? is there a lot of dlc or does it not matter

this was the first game i pre ordered

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The only game I remember with that song is Watch_Dogs.

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Fucking A
I just remember the buzz about the game was it being mildly accurate to LA, which, me and all my local friends just laughed at (senior year of hs) but a friend had it on PSP, im sure that version was toned down a bit in terms of scale but id be keen on trying it someday, never touched a midnight club before

good game
>do a jump over a bridge and hit an invisible wall
had its flaws but very good fun

MC3 and MCLA were such great racing games

Just emulate wangan midnight.

it was piss easy. if you want difficulty play midnight club II, which is a better game anyways.

too bad R* is only about GTA and RDR now

best waifu

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The cost to make games have exploded. Back in the late 1990s you could make a game for $1 million with a team of maybe 15 people. MGS2 cost $10 million which was exorbitant. By 2008 or so it cost at least $30 million to make a multi platform game. EA dropped at least $100 million on Anthem and BFV and they’re both shit.

Not that $1 or $3 million is nothing but if the game tanks you could eat it up a lot easier. And if it’s a hit, I mean what’s $50 or $60 million of revenue against a $2 million budget. The business model encouraged putting out lots of stuff and trying new things to see what hit.

I went to school in LA and thought the game nailed the vibe of LA perfectly. Lots of landmarks but the feel of that weird enormous city was very well represented.


if you want more variety in enemies play midnight club II

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>be me
>buy MC:LA "complete" edition
>100% and unlock everything
>still can't get the R8
fuck you rockstar

Why the FUCK is Tokyo so hard in Midnight Club 2

Wait, did they added it to the BC? Does that mean the servers are back online? I'm pretty sure you can't 1250/1250 the game without online

Last I played it, it worked fine. Rate my ride doesn't work anymore tho.

you posted a finely based opinion
damn shame you had to take their car, she was cute
savo was a fucking kick in the balls even by tokyo standards

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all those wooden telephone poles you can't just mow down like everything else in the game

You still can't rate a ride
also the game was delisted last november, rip

Man, that game was fucking hard, I could never finish it.

I still couldn't get too far in it because of the pinkslip event.

when you do pinkslip events you should turn off auto saving and run the race. if you lose quit and restart. keep doing it until you win

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Lads I completed this about 10 years ago. Where did my fucking life go?

I think I've already lost all my cars, don't know what's gonna happen if I get back into the game.

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if i emulate the psp version do i miss out on anything from the ps3 one?

psp is completely different game