Rate this trilogy

Rate this trilogy.

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Other urls found in this thread:

gamereactor.eu/articles/368023/Tetsuya Takahashi Talks Xenoblade Chronicles X/

1 > x >>>>>>>>>>>>> 2

I didn't play XCX. Overall I like Xenoblade 1 better than 2, but I think 2 does a few things better than 1.

X > 2 >>>>>>>>> 1


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1 was great. The story was a bit rushed and convoluted at the end, but I very much enjoyed the game as a whole.

X is a big fucking mess. The world is big and pretty, but that's about all it's got going for it. The characters suck, the music sucks, the story sucks, the combat sucks, the exclusive platform it's on sucks, almost everything about it sucks.

I haven't played 2 yet, but it seems to be way more similar to 1 than X. I hear good and bad things about it, but I feel safe in saying it's probably better than X at least.

It's like Megaman and Megaman X, two different series.

X is fucking trash

Golden Torna > 2 > 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> X

X is mmo chink shit only /vg/ faggots defend it

>2 games and a spin off

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X had amazing exploration and some good sidequests, but that's it.
Great OST, but only if you like Sawano.

But for real, all the Xeno games are a treasure.

1 > 2 > X

X is such a price of shit. Fuck the WiiU in general. I'm very glad 2 sold over a million copies.

Attached: XC2.jpg (1080x785, 205K)

>spin-off after 1 game

X > 1 > 2

X is an incredibly enjoyable experience with some questionable design choices, I've replayed it 3 times

1 is a frustrating game to play with a nice story

2 feels like a step back from X in all the wrong ways, the gacha thing and field skills hampering exploration is mind boggling

X IS the side stories. The whole game revolves around building up NLA and expanding your sphere of influence by mapping out the country and forging alliances with other species. The search for the lifehold core is just the biggest on going side quest, but treating it like a story driven game is the wrong approach. It's a Xeno daily life sim.

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>I've replayed it 3 times
I honestly cannot fathom how you could do this. I'm playing it for my first time and it's an absolute slog. I'm trying to enjoy the exploration at least, but how can you do such a thing on a repeated playthrough?

>I've replayed it 3 times

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Based and mirapilled


2 is so incredibly bad, i did not even bother buying the dlc

>. I'm trying to enjoy the exploration at least, but how can you do such a thing on a repeated playthrough?
Why not stop playing if you don't like it, ya brainlet.








perfect until music, but I'll forgive that

Do you even have ears? The music in X is passable at best and soul-crushingly terrible at worst.

>better sidequests than 1

no way
every sidequest in 2 was a drawn out fetch quest

The quests in 1 are often find this item, kill 5 bunnits, or bring me 5 items. 2's quests are better.

Even excluding the 100 "monster" quests of 1, yeah. Objectives were equally tedious at worst, but more fun.

You either love Sawano or you hate him. There's no in-between

And that's still better than 1.

2 actually has real quests and affinity quests.


I'm glad 2 made them boatloads of money. Wonder what they'll do with it.

>inb4 XBX2

>You either love Sawano or you hate him. There's no in-between
But I loved the music in Kill la Kill and Attack on Titan. There's just something about the music in X that is really, really bad.

And what are 1? Just way worse fetch quests

Reminder that X's story is bad on purpose, and Monolith is a better company for it.

>“We deliberately distanced ourselves from having philosophical themes intertwined with the core of the story. Given that we at Monolith Soft had no experience with developing HD titles, our goal with this project was to experiment with and implement the assorted tech skills we needed for HD game development. We decided that trying to balance that with an epic theme-laden story would pose difficulties."

>"In RPG development, the sections that cost the most are the cut scenes and events in the main story. Since this is Monolith Soft's first high-definition open world title, we decided to focus less on these and instead shift our resources into improving the quality of the gameplay - which is most important - especially the "hack and slash" combat. This is the reason that we decided to make the player's character an avatar without a real personality. In exchange, we focused on designing lots of quests, and added a lot of supporting characters related to these."
gamereactor.eu/articles/368023/Tetsuya Takahashi Talks Xenoblade Chronicles X/

X > Torna > 1 > 2

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Yea Forums used to said XCX is going to save Wii U

1>>>>>X>>>>>>>>>>A PUDDLE OF LIQUID SHIT>>>>>FAGS HUGGING WAIFU PILLOWS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>



haven't played X but I want to

hank hill wants his ass back

I mean, I respect them quite a bit for having the balls to stick to their goals. Doesn't change the fact that I still don't like the game, I played it before I knew all this and the story (i.e. the plot and associated elements) was like nails on a chalkboard.

With any luck they'll finally be able to reveal that fantasy action project at E3 this year. I don't even want to imagine how they'll tackle XBX2. Pull a XB2 and try to salvage the first game's story? Say "fuck it" and just have more fun exploration and sidequest nonsense?

Some people weren't really expecting the Wii U to be beyond salvation. Not even Mario Maker saved it in the end

Malos was a good boy, he was also a better villain than anyone from 1 or X. And despite being a good boy, Rex still kills him as opposed to Mumkhar being a psychopath and Shulk letting him live because killing homs is bad

What the fuck why is 2 so bad? X was a disappointment but 2 is downright GUCKING TRAASSHH


It's not, it's better than 1 in a few ways

>BotW interview comes out
>"we removed the touchpad options from the Wii U version because actually, it was kind of distracting"
You couldn't have figured that out when designing the fucking thing?

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Idk how I even made that mistake I have autocorrect off but either way 2 is downright trash what a shitty game

I can't bring myself to play 2. Rex and Pyra's designs are just so fucking embarrassing.

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I hate all of the characters Rex is a gay retarded scott nia is a gay retsrded scotts fucking everyone hates scotts

i have only played X and it is good but a little janky. i want to try the others but i have heard they are way different and much more story driven. i don't like story games but i will probably still try 2 because of Pyra's fat titties.

Taking requests for art book pictures

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Not a trilogy/20


X means 10 dumbass

Where's Rex? I don't I ever saw his pages.

Its a shit game that panders to you with tits user will you just be a sheep?

I don't care about there being tits in a game because I'm not a prude.

>Xenoblade Episode 10

So this is the power of the new Perfect Works

Their VAs are even more embarrassing.

Its xenoblade cross user
The women in the game are cheap whores

this is the attitude of a faggot

>The women in the game are cheap whores
In what way

>I don't ever saw
Pyra and mythra kidnapped him for /ss/

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>game has pretty girls in cute outfits

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>hearing Shulk during 2's ending

hype was real
redeemed what I felt was a pretty mediocre game up to that point

Of course an immature child like yourself would defend that garbage.

I agree with the official ratings.

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>literally every girl had a thing for Rex
Its fucking harem bait

>literally can't handle looking at cute girls
>calls others immature children
o i am laffin

You're fucking stupid.

How is that related to them being whores or not. Also, only Nia, Pyra and Mythra like Rex

>literally every girl
But that's not true? There were two girls who had a thing for Rex. One had a split personality. The game has tons of other female characters who show no interest in him at all.

I would put X about 3 points higher, but I agree with this too. 2 just has too many tedious flaws and frustrating aspects for me to fully get behind it.
1 is just an all round solid game.

>Spacesuit Rex's shorts are even shorter

Of course, Pyra and Mythra would have designed the outfit.

god damn those look stupid

What is it about this series that attracts so much shitposting?

lord imagine being this salty about cute girls and people enjoying them, shit like this is why girls in so many American games are purposefully made ugly

This particular thread reeks of discord.

X2 flooded the fanbase with cancer.

This is Yea Forums

Does XCX get better? I really wanted to like it, but after the 10 hours or so I put into it, it all just felt like I was playing all the worst parts of an MMO. I really wanted one of those mechs though.

Wrong answer.

I literally just said Rex and Pyra looked stupid, nothing about you and your cute girls you Brony tier mental retard.

>t's better than 1 in no ways
>removed town affinity charts and citizens having their own relationships and quests to improve them
>no armor
>armor skills locked into two slots
>no gem crafting to customize the effecty you want and get rid of unwanted effects
>field effects such as runnung speed cant be crafted anymore and is now locked behing buying out shops(???) that doesnt even tell you what you get so you randomly have to buy out shops hoping you get the effect you want or look it up online
>shitty mmo-like timed meals that most people even forgot existed in the game
>gacha shit that may lock players out of characters/quests in their whole playthrough
>shitty timed merc missions that dont even count time spent not playing the game
>shitty world design
I could go on but I have an appointment tomorrow

All the games are flawed but brilliant in their own ways. It's a legacy that has followed since Xenogears was half-finished.

Idk anons i just really didint like the game or characters at all atleast the music was good again unlike X

You're literally me.
1 was one of those "once in a lifetime" games for me.
2 should be a bit higher and 2 is just wack

Pyra in the OP image

But seriously, it's people being triggered over the character designs, running the gamut from REEE DISRESPECTFUL TO WOMEN to REEE MANCHILDREN LIKE CUTE GIRLS to REEEE ALL ANIME IS LOLICON to REEE I HATE JAPANESE THINGS REFLEXIVELY

2 is just a lot more flawed in terms of gameplay than 1 and X, as has listed.

Dont forget that it has one third of the content

No, he's fucking right. X2 waifufags fill Yea Forums daily with threads of this dead and buried game

This. I'll never understand why people defend 2 so heavily. Must be burer's remorse for the game and Switch itself.

Gears, Saga 3, Blade X, Blade 2, Torna
Saga 1, Saga 2, Blade 1

Emeralda and Poppi are the best Xeno girls by the way.

In Japan, X means Cross.

1 = 2 > X

But damn X had the best trailers

It's a very vocal minority.

half the things that person lists as bad being gone were flaws in the original game

2 streamlined some of the tedious and stupid points of 1's system, and added depth to combat with combos and chain attacks and seals

Absolute shit taste

>I'll never understand why people defend 2 so heavily.
Just look at this post:>Emeralda and Poppi are the best Xeno girls by the way.
I mean we're talking about a game that literally zooms the camera into pyra's breasts in her introduction and has a maid bot.

>having one thread you could easily ignore
>filling Yea Forums
at this point the problem is with you, friend. You are the weird one.

2=x>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>dog shit>>>>>>>>

all the hate on 2 turns me off from even playing 1 and X

>>no armor
>>armor skills locked into two slots
Three in NG+, plus extra armor and resistances can be used with Blade's auxilary cores.
>>no gem crafting to customize the effect you want and get rid of unwanted effects
Pouch items are more efficient and less time consuming.
>>shitty mmo-like timed meals that most people even forgot existed in the game
I didn't.
>>gacha shit that may lock players out of characters/quests in their whole playthrough
That adds to replayability. All the blades aren't meant to be unlocked in one playthrough.
>>shitty timed merc missions that dont even count time spent not playing the game
You're meant to do something else while they finish, and they're a good way to train up your extra blades
>>shitty world design
Absolutely wrong, Gormott, Mor Ardain, Uraya, World Tree in particular have phenomenal level design

>Better battle system
>Better music
>Better quests
>More environment interaction
>Better item collecting

>half the things that person lists as bad being gone were flaws in the original game
l fucking mao

It's literally just waifufags.

>How dare people talk about video games
You're the cancer.

You're fucking retarded.

Smash fans who became Xenoblade 1 secondaries**** ruined this fanbase. There's the original Xenoblade 1 fans who love Xeno in general, and then there's the wave of REALLY FEELING IT children brought in from Smash who threw a tantrum over XBX and a meltdown over XB2.

Attached: Xeno-autistic-screeching.png (1652x579, 656K)

There is no talk in XB2 threads. Just waifufaggotry.

1 is good, but the sidequest and social system is fuckhuge gigantic. Like seriously overwhelming. And unfortunately, the graphics are really, really dated. I might be more willing to explore it more and do a completionist run of 1 if the graphics weren't so bad.

That's wrong, though. People talk about the game all the time.

>Just look at this post
Emeralda's from Xenogears you absolute fucking retard.

Waifuposting's inevitable with this series since its inception since Takahashi confirms nearly every girl in all of his games represents his favourite anime girl archetypes or fetishes in some way.

I'm not the one who comes into threads about games he hates to screech autistically at everyone trying to discuss it

All 3 are excellent and I enjoyed them

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When was the last time?


>since Takahashi confirms nearly every girl in all of his games represents his favourite anime girl archetypes or fetishes in some way
And there are people who defend this.

We had a thread at least 3 days ago reach bump limit and people were discussing the possibilities for the future with the zohar, aion, vita, lifehold and elma potentially being linked

>make good games with cute girls
>thinking this needs defending
o lawd

fuck off you pathetic fence-sitting retard
people like you are the fucking worst

this isn't an XC2 thread chum

Why not? Xeno's always been a series for people who like anime, focus on a cute, sexy or appealing main girl or secondary girl's always been prominent in this series because that's who the series is made for.

People who like serious sci-fi narratives, anime and cute girls.

1 > T > 2 >>> X

not him but if you really think accessories replace armor and that a feature in NG+ is a replacement to, then you're literally grasping at straws.
>Pouch items are more efficient and less time consuming
yea the efficiency of having to restock it all the time and less time consuming than equipping what you want once....
>this adds to the replayability
thats really what people look for most in a 100hr jrpg...
>You're meant to do something else
shame the game hasnt gotten anything to do then because they cut sidequests down by half or even more.
>Absolutely wrong
the geometry is ass and its cramped as fuck.

>Better battle system
>Better music
>Better quests
lol no
>More enviroment interaction
if you have to list jumping over a puddle with a skill as a feature then you really show the colours of the game you defend
>Better item collecting
lol no part 2.
and this is something I wanna add to this anons post .
XB1 had its items layed out across the land actually putting certain items where they made sense, whereas 2 just bundles them together because they dont give a fuck. also 1 had the field guide that rewarded exploration with items and a sense of completion that 2 didnt evne bother with because its world was streamlined as fuck

that is seriously the most fanboyish response ive ever seen, blatantly disregarding criticism. why cant you guys just accept that its a huge step backwards? it might still be a good game, but theres no reason to play deafmute

It's a Xeno thread, which includes Xenoblade 2, which constitutes talking about the game.

>Cute girls
>Literally drawings
AHAHAHAHA fuck incels

this post is a perfect example why these threads are shit now.

All the xeno2 shitposting has run the xeno2 fans into a frenzy about shitting on xeno1 or X, and now the threads are full of infighting.

i'm 100% sure the people starting it didn't even care about the franchise and just shitposted (aka barry) but the fragility of the fanbase did the rest.

>>no armor
This was intentional since Monolith listened to old Xeno fans complaints that the mishmashed armor in Xenoblade 1 was intrusive on serious cutscenes.

>seriously defending gacha and the merc mission system
There's an argument to be had about about 2 being better than X and even on par with 1, but this isn't it. Even most people who love the game agree the gacha is tedious garbage incorporated from mobile games.

>There's the original Xenoblade 1 fans
thats me
>who love Xeno in general
thats not me. I never finished Xenogears on psx because I found it too boring, never bothered with Xenosaga,didnt buy a WiiU, and thought X2 was let down.

desu I shat on X1 as well for years for being weebshit before I got bored and actually played it. turned out as one of my favorite games ever.
tought me a lesson about shitting on games you never played

>All the xeno2 shitposting has run the xeno2 fans into a frenzy about shitting on xeno1 or X
But that's not what that post is doing. Did you pass first grade reading comprehension?
It's no coincidence that Xeno's fanbase went to shit after the wave of Shulk getting into Smash, having some multi-million e-celeb play it, and getting a 3DS port at the peak of its renewed popularity all at the same time period.

The people who shit on XCX and XC2 are Smash/e-celeb bandwagoners who hopped on the hype train in 2014, not proper XC1 fans.

Alright, that joke with Xenoblade 3D was good, user. Here's your (You) for your underrated post.

Attached: 1522276243490.gif (262x275, 2.73M)

But it's not an XB2 thread, stop being retarded.

Yea that was totally the reason................

2 has Poppi so it's the best game.

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>you must be an incel if you think drawings are cute!!
man look at this nigga stuck in 2002, thinking drawings are cute is mainstream now my guy, you just look sad and weird trying to deny it

>not him but if you really think accessories replace armor and that a feature in NG+ is a replacement to, then you're literally grasping at straws.
Accessories and Blades collectively make up the armor equivalent.
>yea the efficiency of having to restock it all the time
You don't have to restock it all the time, they automatically refill.
>thats really what people look for most in a 100hr jrpg
Some people, yes.
>shame the game hasnt gotten anything to do then because they cut sidequests down by half or even more.
Yes they do, you can affinity train your blades, explore, hunt for uniques, and the quests actually tend to be a little more extensive than 1.
>the geometry is ass and its cramped as fuck.
How? And it's not cramped at all, most places have ample space.

>lol no
Yes. They're literally just a better version of 1's quests.
>lol no part 2.
In 1 you couldn't tell what item you were gonna get unless you picked it up. In 2 foraging and collecting is much easier, especially considering you can use field skills to collect even more faster. It's a good system to efficiently collect what you need fast and much better than 1's system of collecting. The only thing 1 has over it is the collectapedia.
> also 1 had the field guide that rewarded exploration with items and a sense of completion that 2 didnt evne bother with because its world was streamlined as fuck
That's wrong. 2 extensively rewards exploration with new areas that have uniques and treasure troves and salvage points.

"lol no" isn't a very impressive response, I think I did better than you in that department.

I always thought Emeralda was best Xeno girl but Poppi almost made me shake my faith

Attached: Emeralda56.png (640x800, 543K)

>Did you pass first grade reading comprehension?
I could ask you the same. Because right now you're proving to be a huge retard.

If you really think these threads aren't full of XC2 fans pretending that XC1 fans are cancer and secondaries who don't know what Xeno has always been about, then this is either your first day or you're a huge retard.

I wish Addam was the main character for 2. I can't fucking stand Rex.


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This was not about "these threads", this was about you using my fucking post as an example for something completely unrelated. Eat shit.

>The people who shit on XCX and XC2 are Smash/e-celeb bandwagoners who hopped on the hype train in 2014, not proper XC1 fans.
But I am a "proper" 1 fan who even imported the japanese release and I think 2 is utter garbage.

You guys are really obvious about your discord raids.

All these people that think 2 is better than X reminds me of why I stopped buying Nintendo shit after the wii u

Not based and cringe pilled

I've been in these threads for a long time as a XC1 fan and I can 100 percent say you are making shit up. You pretty much never see XC2 fans shitting on XC1. You see a TON of people reeing about XC2 or the Xeno series in general.

There's no other way around it, you are simply a liar.

2 > X > 1

No amount of Eric shitposting will change this. Most people agree. Get over it.

Pneuma please.

>Accessories and Blades collectively make up the armor equivalent.
no they dont
>You don't have to restock it all the time, they automatically refill.
except for restocking them at shops you moron
>Yes they do,
not compared to 1

seriously i stopped reading there. i'm tired of a back and forth with "but I liked it" posting.

this post says all there is to say about the gamesthe quality dropped tremendously in objective ways in 2 and especially the great world design and exploration have been gimped to oblivion.
such a shame, better luck next time monolith and you might return to greatness instead of barely scratching the 80/100 mark

Same here. Torna was a bit better though. Just a bit.

>I've been in these threads for a long time as a XC1 fan and I can 100 percent say you are making shit up.
Confirmed retard.
>You pretty much never see XC2 fans shitting on XC1
Look at him and laugh!

Xenoblade 1 murdered Xeno and Xenoblade 2 was its next victim.
Under a lot of the trash heap that is most of Xenoblade 2', there's at least small glimpses of classic Takahashi but it's quickly swept aside to pander to the same shit-eating casuals who ate up Xenoblade 1.

Let's hope Xeno still has some dignity with whatever Blade X's sequel's going to be. I don't have high hopes since takahashi claims X won't be story heavy, but at least it's not embarrassing to play like Blade 1 or Blade 2.

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>Most people agree. Get over it.

>if I just call him a retard and meme, maybe people will buy my obvious lies!
imagine being so pathetic you tried to start drama on a vidya board instead of just discussing vidya

>no they dont
Yes they do.
>except for restocking them at shops you moron
It's a long time before they expire. If you have 20 items that each last 3 hours that's like 60 hours. That's not "all the time".
>not compared to 1
You don't explain how, so I guess you're just not interested in discussing the games honestly or fairly. Also, metacritic isn't an argument.

>this retard again

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>You pretty much never see XC2 fans shitting on XC1.
I refuse to belive that anyone would say this with a straight face, after the Eric and "anime trash" fiasco.
You're really trying hard to defend decisions to dumb down the game, and its fine. I'm not saying its shit, but it is what is is: a step backwards.

>Metacritic mattering

Metacritic scores are irrelevant. Both critic and user. User scores especially since they're mainly just console war shit flinging.

Kill yourself

>but it is what is is: a step backwards.
In some ways the game is a step up, as I've said. I like 1 better, but I can still acknowledge this.

Guys, I think something's wrong with my copy of the game.

I'm at this scene here where Nia confesses her love to Rex, and, no matter what button I press, he always responds by friendzoning her in the most obnoxious way possible instead of pledging his eternal love and devotion to her like anyone with common sense would. Anyone know how I can fix this bug? I can't believe they'd release a game so broken on a fundamental level.

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>If you have 20 items that each last 3 hours that's like 60 hours
Given that those are the items you want to use. Different items: different times.

Also I strongy agree with them saying that accessories aren't a replacement for exchangeable armor and skill slots. And I'm a bit baffled that you actually try to say they are.

they only matter when you want them to right

Enjoy your hotpants slut sword.

>critical and user consensus isnt an argument
showing your colours at least.
you're not entitled to me guiding you through the discussion by hand and adressing anything you come up with. if I see you making shitty points or showing signs of delusion, i can drop the subject any time.

i'm not the one with his back to the wall because most people think 2 is inferior, thats you and you act like it. grow up

>Different items different times
The lowest I've seen I think is 20 minutes, so if you have 20 items, that's like 6 hours. That's still not that frequent.

Friendly reminder Takahashi didn't sound inspired or enthusiastic at all in the interviews leading up to Xenoblade 1 and after it released with critical acclaim, he was surprised people even like it.

Imagine pouring your heart out into Xenosaga and calling it "hopefully a masterpiece", it sells like shit so you make a "shonen story" and it puts you on the map again. Xenoblade 1 mindbroke Takahashi, hence why Xenoblade X's story was butchered and Xenoblade 2 is an embarrassing amalgamation of conflicting themes that can't choose between old Xeno and nu-Xeno


>kill yourself
yeah you sound like a real reasonable human being, I totally take your opinion over critical and user consensus

So reviews only matter when you agree with them. Showing your true colors.
>grow up
I'm trying to honestly discuss the game fairly. You're trying to belittle and insult.

>critical and user consensus
I'm not him, but you are an idiot and probably should kill yourself.

>Imagine pouring your heart out into Xenosaga and calling it "hopefully a masterpiece",
wow thats actually suprising to me, given how shit those games are

XB2 is unironically my game of the generation

I like all 3.
Don't kill me.

Those hips shit all over the cowtit girls.

Mine too. Breath of the Wild might be better, but it loses its magic once you're done with it.

>So reviews only matter when you agree with them
not at all. what a weird strawman to throw at this... just like your points which were for the most part just delusional deflection of common criticism towards the game....

The reason why Xenoblade's stories are so bad or mediocre is because Soraya Saga was what made Xeno good in the first place and she hasn't been involved in a Xeno game since Saga 2.
She's what made Xenogears and Xenosaga so good.

So much these!

I'm gonna be forever mad at the shitty accessory system they thew in this game and the blade affinity chart was a complete joke.
I dont care so much for the visualization of the armor, but what they've done with the skills was a complete and utter joke.

So reviews matter even if you disagree. I guess everything popular is objectively great. Skyrim is a masterpiece.
>delusional deflection of common criticism towards the game....
Your response to the points were often lackluster and some variant of "i disagree" or "lol no" or something false or debunkable.

She's Takahashi's wife, even if she's not officially a part of the projects anymore I'm pretty sure they brainstorm ideas at home desu.

Attached: Shulk shrug.png (698x515, 209K)

>Skyrim is a masterpiece
pro tip: if someone points out that you're just strawmanning, maybe not keep strawmanning you moron
>the points
you havent made a single good one. all of yours were "but i like it.."


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popularity isn't the same as reviews.

>Your response to the points were often lackluster and some variant of "i disagree" or "lol no" or something false or debunkable.
Well i guess its settled then. Its you who's right and everyone else is wrong. XB2 is a masterpiece. Brb, calling all critics and people who played the game to change their reviews and opinions.

>you havent made a single good one. all of yours were "but i like it.."
Maybe don't strawman while you're accusing me of strawmanning.

Are you fucking retarded?

This thread really shows why quality of threads went down with XB2s release

I didn't say it's a masterpiece and I don't care about reviews one way or the other. I just care about fair discussion.

i'm literally shaking my head at this comment. you're a fucking idiot man.
this ad hominem is one the house

I don't live in a house, faggot

I made multiple points that didn't just reduce to "but I like it."

But what if you're not smart enough to participate in such a discussion and refuse to see when proper arguments have been made, and instead keep trying to argue around them?


If I see an argument that's poor or unfair, I'll argue against it. Just because you agree with an argument doesn't mean it's proper.

Could've fucking fooled me.

Because some discord retards organised a raid? This thread isn't even remotely representative.


They literally never matter unless you're a gigantic faggot.

Why is that?

Let this thread be a warning to people to NEVER POST PYRA IN THE OP IMAGE

Post Nia, or Poppi, anyone but Pyra, it attracts the whining shitposters

Yeah it was one of my biggest issues as well.
But at least they were upfront about it.
But the thing how in 1, the citizens would have their own schedules and you got to learn who they were and what lives they lived was amazing, whereas in 2 they'd literally materialize out of thin air if they were supposed to be somewhere it was so sickenly cheap in comparison.

And the pouch items were such a shitty idea to begin with too. Either you have to put new ones in all the time, or you stock up on them and forget about the whole thing forever.
2 is full of misdirection and misplanned ideas.

As someone who played 2 then 1, 1 is very similar to 2. I don't really know why there is this giant fucking shitfest of people complaining about how 2 is so different when the games are similar both from a gameplay and thematic perspective. The main difference is 1's combat is more shallow but much less tedious in the beginning of the game, 2's story takes 20 hours to start taking off while 1's takes about 2 or 3 hours, but 1 starts getting mega retarded towards the end while 2 actually redeems itself.

I'm questioning your ability to spot poor or unfair, and don't just take proper for poor and unfair because you didn't see an issue with it.

>As someone who played 2 then 1

Stopped reading.

One sec sorry I'm kinda away

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I want to play xeno2 but not without playing the other 2 first

then what does matter?

>I'm questioning your ability
Why is that?

His own personal opinion which he thinks is objective fact.

If you play 1 and you like it a lot, just skip X. You probably won't like it and you'll just be putting yourself through unnecessary frustration to play 2.

>, or you stock up on them and forget about the whole thing forever.
Why would you forget about them?

Because from watching you two, you seem like the kind of person who nitpicks critisism until you can argue around it, not because said criticism was poor but simply because you disagree with it.

Its a common beginner mistake. Just look at how you responded to "no xyz in " with "but the thing in xyz is actually good". Instead of adressing the feature of the original or the hole left, you went into campaigning for another feature.

Because its a minor fucking feature that I dont have to care about anymore since items are automatically restocked.
And I found the timed consumable idea pretty terrible in a single player game to begin with. It makes sense in MMOs but has no place in a single player game. Especially not when in comparison to better implementations like actual slots without timers.

It wouldn't be so bad if 1 hadn't done it a million times better.

I dunno about 1 but X and 2 weren't very good

Multiple times I provided evidence to the contrary or stated a fact that directly contradicted their argument. I did state a simple disagreement every now and then but so did the other guy with his simple "lol no" and "no 1 did it better".

Not a trilogy and my ranking is

1 >>>>>>>>>>> X >>>>>>>> didn't even play 2 because X was so bad and it looked even worse

Xeno2 is a weird and nonsensical game. Only play it if you're really into JRPG, like, you're a fan of JRPG and played everything under the sun. If not it is a really bad game (Joseph Anderson called it a parody and it's not far from the truth).

If you're more of an open-world monster-hunter make Xenoblade Chronicle X is far better as an introduction to the series. It's an excellent game with a deep, but easy to master, gameplay. Just emulate it on PC.

>Because its a minor fucking feature that I dont have to care about anymore since items are automatically restocked.
I'm just confused because you always get alerts that they're restocked. How could you forget about them when the alerts exist? Did you not get them?

fuck gacha shit
fuck mmo mechanics
fuck blushy crushy and other moe shit
fuck no armor
fuck no citizen quests
fuck no colony building
fuck the shop thing
fuck no sidequests
fuck the gated world
7.5/10 I enjoyed it

I didn't mean literally forgetting, I mean that its a forgettable feature.

I still don't follow.

>Multiple times I provided evidence to the contrary
Not really.
Your literally first response is
Doing just what I showed you. Take it as an opportunity to look at yourself and be better next time.

x>torna>1=2, although i love all of them. x is fucking insane from a design perspective and i love that, although i can understand people not liking it. pyra a shit and ugly

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The implication was that accessories are evidence to the contrary of there being no armor in the game. I'll write a full sentence next time.

Very late delivery service

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Certainly matters more than your shit opinion , Eric

Beautiful. Too bad because she is a spoiler, her art is very little compared to the other two.

Thanks user very cool

XC2(including Torna)>XC1>XCX

My man

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>evidence to the contrary of their being armor in the game
But that alone isn't true.

Armor in 1 were exchangeable pieces of equipment, each with their own look and physical and ether defense as well as coming in three variations (light medium heavy) and having slots to customize your desired skillset with, which includes defense, attack as well as field skills.

Accessories are two slots for passives.
Your evidence is none at all

Do you need brain damage to like X?

I tried to like 2, but the goofy anime shit, and terrible gear/skill system ruined it for me.

Attached: Knives_and_Vash_as_Kids.jpg (720x480, 138K)

I loved X but you're delusional if you think it's better than 2. X was only fun because of the Skells, which were pretty barebones compared to other mech games. If X didn't have Skells, it would've been a blunder.


>I tried to get into this goofy anime series but I just couldn't handle all the goofy anime.

The shitty world design ruined it for me desu AND the goofy moe anime shit.
I got just as angry about the missing armor as everyone else but i could've dealt with it.
But I had zero interest spending time in this world since it felt like it was so cut on all corners.

X>both of the other games' sidequests are trash
>UI Design
I don't actually care about the UI in 1 and X, this is just a section to mention how fucking bad 2's was, holy fuck

>goofy anime series

No. People need to stop saying this. XC2 is the first to linger on the absolute worst aspects of modern anime.

>goofy anime series

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Yea I dont know why people always act like the whole franchise is full of cringe.
I dont care about anime, I care for shitty anime thats shoved in every possible scene and makes me embarassed not just for everyone involved in the making of th egame but everyone playing it too

>modern anime
Dragon Ball?
Remember that time when Shulk went "NO WE CAN'T KILL THEM WE'LL BE JUST LIKE THEM!"? He even did it two times, once to himself.

I stopped playing when tsundere Mythra appeared.

Dragon Ball is 80s anime, so not post 2010 anime.
Can you zoomers get your fucking shit straight? I bet you even meant to say Z.

so much worse than blushy crushy or rex getting hit in the face by mythra becuse he touched her involuntarily, aka the #1 scene in shitty anime

don't forget the cringe dance and Poppi's awakening

And your "cringy anime moment" is a reference to Dragon Ball. Is Dragon Ball a modern anime?
Yes, actually. One is a comedic scene, while the other is a poorly written cliche that the plot is supposed to revolve around.

What I really missed was the character chart for buffs and atacks though. They tried to salvage this with the blade affinity charts but those where mostly superfluous with passives and also tried to replace skills at the same time

>And your "cringy anime moment"

My what?

2 > 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> stubbing my toe >>>>>>>> X

>pouch and merc missions

I'll never not be mad at these shit mechanics.

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>while the other is a poorly written cliche
The entirety of 2? Sorry but if cringe outweighs the decent then its a loss in my book.
Oh yeah... so much trash scenes in this game... one eyed monster or the zekenator coming to rock your socks off! come to mind as well.

not defending it but neither of those scenes are really of modern anime.

Attached: illust_62638745_20190120_053222.jpg (1536x2048, 569K)

>one-eyed monster

I physically cringed at this.

2 is the best. Get over it, Eric/Barry/whoever the fuck

>people putting 2 above 1
>people putting X above anything
>people counting that shitty DLC for 2

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I physically cringed at most story scenes.
Nevertheless I made it to the religious place before I sold the game.

One of the few cases where release order is also order of quality, starting with the best being released first.

I really fear for the next game in that regard. Or maybe its dead now, who knows.

>that shit DLC that turns Addam into Zeke

Don't know why people felate it so much.

Attached: 1532524261582.png (685x555, 548K)

>old good
>new bad

XC2 is the studio's best selling game and there's nothing you can do about it, hipster.

Any good methods to farm driver affinity in XC2? The second chart needs ridiculous amounts.

DLC items

The main reason people play these games are for their stories and complex narratives
Xenogears > Xenosaga 3 > Torna: The Golden Country > Xenosaga 1 > Xenoblade 2 > Xenoblade 1 > Xenosaga 2 > Xenoblade X

Xenoblade X has story potential for a sequel, though. Things get interesting but there's no payoff because cliffhangers.

Attached: 2d1a1a81b64ba29ebeec69335a05ac57.jpg (840x1171, 177K)

also the worst received, and there's nothing you can do about it fanboy.

>shitty fap bait pic

opinion discarded

>sales means its good
I love Yea Forums just constantly going in circles if it fits their argument.

who fucking cares
it made money and I like it

>sales means bad

ho boy and around we go

XC2 has a laughably bad story full of ridiculous and predictable tropes. Fanboys like to shit on Joseph Anderson but he calls them all a mile away.

Would've played XC2 if I didn't have to play as a manlet in daipers and Smough leggings.

If 2/Torna are that high then I really question what this fanbase's idea of complex narrative is. There was no such thing in 2 or Torna.

If I were to put objective measures in place and apply them to the three, the one that would be the most complete package would be 1, with X and 2 following behind in that order since 1 managed to balance exploration and plot pacing pretty damn well, unironically had more QoL than the other two, with the one waning aspect being the quest design.
However, if you ask me my own personal preference, my order goes 2 > X > 1, since I find myself occasionally playing one of the former two more often.
While I can replay 2 or X for one reason or another like finding the combat mechanics more enjoyable or because there are still places I might not have visited yet, replaying 1 feels like a chore.

I think people overrated XB2's story since it's the only Xenoblade with a lot of nuance and layers to its story and similar symbolism and psychology, even though it's not even a fraction of the depth of Gears and Saga's.

Quite literally just because of Slant Magazine. You're saying that XC2 is worse than XCX because Slant Magazine tells you so.

2 is the most complicated Blade story but it's not that good at all. 1 is extremely simple and borderline one-dimensional in comparison but hits all the right notes because it's well written.

big fippy bippy

Not a trilogy. X >= 1

why can't nips into roman numerals?

There are items to raise affinity SP? Must have missed them.

Beat up the final boss with a low level party member on the bench

Guess I'll have to do that.
Does BoC give anything extra or can I just go custom for speed?

I mean we all know why 2 is the superior game.

Attached: 20190308_145143.jpg (720x720, 156K)

I haven't played XCX but I like XC1 the best despite XC2 having better combat
While I did think XC2 was cliche garbage when I first played it, the more I stuck with it the more I came to appreciate all the things it did
Its true that XC2 is almost nothing like XC1 like I was hoping for and instead goes the cliche jrpg route, but it does it well so I can appreciate what was given to me in terms of gameplay, visuals, music, etc, except merc missions those can burn in hell for being nothing more than time wasters

so basically 1 > 2 > Didn't play X

You can go custom for speed

Dont @ me

Can you please go ruin a different series now


Very good
>xenoblade X
Amazing game
>Xenoblade 2
Not bad, average

10, 1, 5.

>In RPG development, the sections that cost the most are the cut scenes and events in the main story
Well that explains why those are basically just Talking Heads for the most part
Like, the only cutscenes I can actually think of where it wasn't talking heads was the Wrothians taking the Vita and Nagi deactivating his secretary inhibitors

XBX, Torna

XB1 doesn't factor in because Monado: Beginning of the World isn't a Xeno game.

Attached: el homo consider the following.jpg (312x560, 30K)

Its like Star Wars, X is the 10th entry that we won't be able to truly understand for another 20 years.

Imo 2 had a better story, but the writing and localization is 1 was worlds better.
Aside from that you're spot on. Ignoring the spoiler b8, of course.

I bought X and never finished it. It's a pile of shit. It's like an offline MMO that was never bug tested. And it's just shit in general

>XB1 doesn't factor in because Monado: Beginning of the World isn't a Xeno game.
Now I'm pretty sure this is bait, but how the fuck is Pantyquest 2 a Xeno game but the actual mecha game with a plot isn't?

>but how the fuck is Pantyquest 2 a Xeno game
For the same reason Pantysaga is.

Attached: Xenosaga Momo Panties 2.jpg (598x447, 74K)

Not the guy you replied to, but I did. Twice. Yea Forums convinced me it might be good so I tried again. Still shit.
Probably one of the worst games I've played in the last 5 years.

Nia actually got me into the game. Couldn't help but laugh at the minge and Welsh fucking voices so I gave it a shot

Oh look, this 'argument' again. It's like you're obsessed.

>Freudian sci-fi that goes into Leibniz's Monadology and Jungian character analysis with proper Gnostic mysticism and returning plot points like developed romance, the Conduit/Zohar's origins, Torna and the Shevat/Solaris war and the Trinity system resembling Deus systems with mechs that actually resemble robots and not oversized bakugan rejects isn't a Xeno game

Attached: Shulk came here to laugh at you.jpg (640x448, 29K)

>I like all three :)


Post more homura sniff threads

Imagine if the scene where Melia slapped Shulk in Makna Forest was in a more apparent anime artstyle, neo-Yea Forumseddit would have a field day screaming weebshit.

Elma sniff threads*

Attached: Elma person.jpg (900x820, 373K)

Wouldn't really make a difference, it's still just an end-of-life Wii game. "UGH ANIME CRINGE" is just an excuse people use to put down games on consoles they don't have.
That's why XC2 gets the full force of autism while other games fly under the radar.

Attached: 1537280867363.webm (1280x720, 2.75M)

I want more Xeno super robots, not Xeno real robots.

Imagine a Xeno game with the exploration of X, but instead of conventional Real Robots like X had, you get laser shooting physics defying Super Robots.

Attached: Xenoblade 2 Malos mech.webm (747x420, 1.01M)

>Is actually 7 games long

What did he mean by this?

This thread is fucking garbage

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Attached: Xenoblade 2 siren.webm (747x420, 1.88M)

This is true. Although XCX is very good

what the fuck is this scene

This but in reverse

>laser shooting physics defying Super Robots.
Aside from the size that's basically what they were in X.


She slapped him because she was surrounded by strangers she's never seen before and got startled for someone handling her.
It literally is the straight opposite of the Rex scene,which is a common cliche in anime and anime games.

The scene is so fucking old they should be ashamed of themselves for even using it.

I've never heard of Slant magazine.
I say 2 is worse than X because I played them.

Why is the Siren so sexy?

fpbp, such taste

>XB2's story since it's the only Xenoblade with a lot of nuance and layers to its story and similar symbolism and psychology
I want 16yos to leave this site.
Yea all that moe shit and cookie cutter thematics really really go-zzzzzz

Does anyone have the big collage of xb2 cringe, that also included joseph anderson's comment?

Xenogear's plot was good due to being mainly written by Soraya Saga, she stepped down after Xenosaga episode 1 which is why the series overall fell in quality

It's the legs

Attached: Mythra_with_Siren.png (1743x974, 2M)

Fuck, all this X on the first place. Was i memed? I passed on it because it was the year when Nintendo went apeshit with censoring.

Fact: Monolith Soft is better when they focus on gameplay rather than story.

probably because nobody played that game you autist

I'd lick the golden parts.

Did you want those yous that much? X1 have like top 10 ost of all games.

>Takahashi was the hack all along.

Only true Gears fans know the truth. No matter how much Takahashi tries, he'll never make a good Xeno story without his wife.


>people unironically putting x or torna above 1 and 2

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Attached: celica.png (570x1000, 236K)


Be real with me. Was Xeno always weeb?


XB2 > XBX > XB1
XBX > XB2 > XB1
XB1 = XB2 > XBX
XBX > XB1 > XB2
>World design
XBX > XB1 > XB2
>World building
XB2 > XBX > XB1
>World Concept
XB1 > XB2 > XBX
>Characters (based on being enjoyable)
XB1 > XB2 > XBX
>Character Development
XB2 > XB1 > XBX
>Character Design
XBX > XB1 > XB2
>Art Style
XB2 > XBX > XB1
XB2 > XB1 > XBX
XB1 > XB2 > XBX
>Best girl
Poppi > Celica > Melia

Attached: Xenoblade 2 Poppi 08.jpg (1280x720, 235K)

2>1>X. X is trash, with its stupid gating of the story along with being a unnecessary mess when it comes to explaining its systems. The only good thing about it was the world.

Attached: X horrible UI.jpg (1024x576, 127K)


Attached: illust_20865328_20180817_200158.jpg (1500x1500, 1.18M)

Xenogears is pretty much a culmination of everything that was popular in the late 90s era of anime.
It even references an anime that aired only a few months before Xenogears was released.

Attached: Xenogears elements 5.jpg (850x378, 151K)



sure, but there's degrees


Hardly a trilogy with how loosely connected the games are.

>comparing X to literal filth


What a shit thread....

Why is it that everytime people criticise 2 on this site, the threads are swarmed with faggots crying anime and other shit?

i'd say x has the best world concept but overall this is pretty accurate

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>1 last
>can customize armor sets of different weight types and equip different skillsets you crafted yourself, ranging from passives to active effects
what did he mean by that?

Past Xeno games didn't have unrequited love, r-right?

Attached: a734441784628e1ee059f68ee0fe00567914ca32_hq.jpg (630x355, 51K)

Xenosaga has a character who was based on moe cliches and has magical girl transformations, even sharing a name with a classic character where the word "moe" came from.

>XCX - everything that matters in a video game
>XC1 - everything that matters in a movie
>XC2 - nothing that matters

yup legit.

Fiora was a mistake.

>playing Xeno for the gameplay

Attached: come on now.jpg (236x213, 8K)

You are pure evil, worthless, lying, mentally diseased human waste.

You are pure evil, worthless, lying, mentally diseased human waste.

You are pure evil, worthless, lying, mentally diseased human waste.

You are pure evil, worthless, lying, mentally diseased human waste.

Big surprise, swarms of mentally ill, deranged, evil XC2 shills in this article spreading lies, hatred, and FUD.

Big surprise, this thread is swarming with sick in the head, hateful, pure evil waifufag sacks of fanboy waste spreading LIES and HATE. You are deranged, mentally ill, and full of horrifying evil and hatred.

That's what XC2 shills are typically like. Dumb, delusional, constantly wrong, full of hatred, hypocritical, and mentally ill.

Once again another thread swarming with pure evil Xenoblade 2 fanboy shills spreading LIES, FUD, and hate. It seems despite the mentally ill, constantly WRONG, evil Xeno 2 shills spreading LIES, ignorance, and hatred, almost nobody wants an Switch. Just another malicious, demented, constantly WRONG fanboy shill spreading COMPLETE LIES and hatred.

You can clearly see how XC2 fanboys lie and distort the truth to reinforce their delusions and fanboy hate. Or they're just dumb and ignorant.

Stop spreading fanboy lies, FUD, and hatred and get help.

You constantly LIE and make things up to fuel your mentally ill hatred of a piece of plastic. Sad.

You are sick in the head and need help.

Once again another thread swarming
with pure evil XC2 fanboy shills spreading LIES, FUD, and hate. It
seems despite the mentally ill, constantly WRONG, evil XC2 shills
spreading LIES, ignorance, and hatred, almost nobody wants an Switch.
Just another malicious, demented, constantly WRONG fanboy shill
spreading COMPLETE LIES and hatred.




I'm so tired of these fucking threads and so tired of the same argumens and conversations over and over again.

Fuck all of you who participate in this garbage for ruining xenodiscussion forever on this board.

/thread aka the only things that need to be posted in these terrible threads

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>Playing a """""""Xeno"""""""" game without Soraya Saga

>It even references an anime that aired only a few months before Xenogears was released.

Xniggers, everyone

We've had like 100 strawpolls for this and it's always 2 > X > 1

as an xfag i have to say seek help

Attached: cross.jpg (1118x1500, 261K)

I didnt finish any of these games since I always lose interest at one point.
But from what I've played
I loved playing 1 and wanna finish it one day
I liked playing X and wanna finish it one day
I regret playing 2 and dont want to finish it
thats how I rank them

Shit taste

o no strawpolls!

finish all three so you can join the autistic shit flinging

Easy there Andrew.

This thread is pretty much a strawpoll anyways, just saying we've already decided that 2 is the best.


2fags: calm, cool, collected. Like having fun, not autistic. Loves cute anime girls and complex battle systems.


Good, good, never played but I shitpost about it pretending like it's the worst thing ever to get (You)s I'd probably enjoy it.

Gameplay Wise:
X > Torna > 2 > 1
Story Wise:
1 > Torna > 2 > X
If you want to include X's side story/affinity quests then its this:
1 > X = Torna > 2

I havent and judging from this thread it ain't true either. Why are you so insecure?

>Was Xeno always weeb?

Attached: Xeno isn't anime.jpg (1968x2912, 1.49M)

2 > X > 1

1, X, 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>> your favourite game

2 and Torna are the same. You're only separating them because if you put them together it's better than X and 1.

But Torna is literally DLC for 2.

>9 point drop
What happened? I mean I obviously agree because 2 is way worse a game than 1, but what exactly happened? No effort? No enthusiasm from the devs?

Nah, most people agree 2+T is better. Get over it, Eric.

For gameplay I separate them because Torna had a few general battle flow improvements that made the game have a faster pace and just be a bit more enjoyable. And if I put them together that would actually end up hurting it since Torna would be dragged down by certain aspects of 2.

Well at least you're confirming that you're just an insecure shitposter.

I really wish Andrew never existed so that there wouldn't be this assumption that anyone who loved X is an insane, shitposting monkey that's clinically obsessed with hating 2 and all forms of waifufagging

Remember that X had a pretty huge amount of shitposting when it came out, too (though nowhere near as much as the fucking astronomical amount that 2 still gets to this day)

Attached: 56570360_p5.jpg (700x640, 110K)

you keep saying that but I've yet to see that majority anywhere on Yea Forums

rushed development and some really confusing/bad design decisions. still good imo

>No enthusiasm from the devs?
About that
Takahashi wasn't enthusiastic about Xenoblade 1 at all in interviews leading up to it, describing it as an experiment or just a shonen story, and when Xenoblade 1 was received well he was surprised people liked it so much compared to Xenogears and Xenosaga. He sounds more enthusiastic and confident over Xenoblade X and Xenoblade 2, since X is his dream mecha game and 2's a throwback to the stories he liked as a child and teenager

Can never get over how ridiculous you can get with the gundam armour in 1.

Who is andrew? I only know about Ericposting.
Is he the new boogeyman for criticism or what?

where his nipples tho?? look like they got cut off

Yea I agree with the decisions, didnt know about the rush yet but it makes sense in how reduced it is as a game.
Weird considering the quality.

That's because you're new.

Okay but they're the same game.

I didnt know that being here since 07 is new but thanks for the heads up user

people always seperated dlc from the base game in terms of ranking of games
if anything they'd do something like 2+t

Metacritic userscores for console exclusive games get bombarded with 1s. IIRC sonyfags in particular were butthurt that there's a JRPG they can't play.


This is the only correct ranking. The only good thing about X is the environments and Lynlee's cunny.

You sure don't seem like it. Keep lurking, maybe you can start posting next year.

People also think Fortnite is good. Point is, people are retarded. Torna is DLC for 2. If you liked Torna, you liked 2. It's literally part of 2.


X had the worst story yet best gameplay, sidequests and exploration by far.

It's really starting to feel like Jap games these days can't both be fun and have a decent story. All the most enjoyable games are saddled with retarded stories, but the games with decent stories are a fucking slog or just plain unfun. I couldn't even play Xeno 2 to the end since I got so sick of the boring combat, gacha, weeb shit and gimped exploration(compared to X) that I dumped it by about 2/3 of the way through. The story being okay does not make up for all that shit.

Sorry but thats a non-argument since that would go for all three games. Please try to not give in to confirmation bias and keep level headed.

2 is the best. Anyone who disagrees either doesn't own a Switch or is autistic /m/fag that thinks X was amazing. I'm not sure why either considering the mechs in X were basic as fuck.

Not really. The autistic 1 bombarding didn't really start until recently, especially when Yea Forums started joining in.

Eric and Andrew were real posters with a lot of copycats and even though Eric disappeared to bait different JRPGs (like he always does), Andrew still pops in time from time.
Retards are paranoid and think any form of criticism that is flamey is either Eric or Andrew. Andrew's easy to find though since his posts are always spaced out (redditspacing), his posts are more like autistic arguments instead of flamey, and he always goes on about waifushit or moeshit and thinks Xenoblade X is Western inspired.
Eric's just a shitposter while Andrew's genuinely autistic and believes what he posts.

>maybe you can start posting next year.
>in response to someone not liking what you like
>People also think Fortnite is good.
>in response to someone saying that DLC is usually not paired with the basegame when ranking
You're the biggest fucking moron in this thread, and that means something.

This, if 2 was going to disregard gameplay it should had been a visual novel

2 > X > 1

I don't know, guys. What am I supposed to think about the games that made me fall in love with a fucking cat?

Attached: 68346241_p0.jpg (3507x2480, 3.03M)

Stop replying to me, newnigger.

>The autistic 1 bombarding didn't really start until recently,
I've done it for years, so you're wrong. Also, its 0.
>no new IP

Glad most us agree 2 was the best. Xfags have finally fucked off after their dreams of a Switch port died.

>Also, it's 0
You would know, metacritic autist.

My enjoyment of 2 went up considerably after finishing the Ursula quest. God that shit really dragged down the main story for me doing it at the same time.

2 > 1 > X

Wow thanks for the info user.

Also I havent rated yet so:
I'd put X over 2 if the story wasnt shit and they had canned the retarded MP for more SP quality.

BotW is one of the highest rated games on metacritic:
>lol metacritic think for yourself, it's a fucking shit game
XC1 is the highest rated xeno game on metacritic:
>based metacritic, truly the most reliable metric of a game's quality

Fuck off, retard. Do you also let Rotten Tomatoes tell you which movies to watch? What's wrong with this new generation of zoomers that can't think for themselves?

I liked BOTW and XC1. Metacritic is still for redditors and console warriors though.

>Who is andrew?
Also known as Xfag, of which all of us are his number 1 fan

Yea exactly, thats my point.
>no new IP
This is really pathetic at this point user. Stop spamming so you can feel better about yourself. Like, what are you even trying to do. Spamming "2 is the best" won't change anyones opinion on the games.

2 has way too many flaws to be considered the overall best. I still think 1 is the most well rounded game. A remake with updated graphics would probably show more people that it's a very solid game in terms of story and gameplay.
X has a lacklustre story and 2 has too many frustrating gameplay elements to outdo 1 in my opinion.

This thread smells like Eric.

why would i fuck off when i have a sequel to look forward to?

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This user gets it. What the fuck were they thinking with 2?

Stop being so mad, Xnigger.

In both cases Metacritic is right.
Both of those are just aggregators you braindead moron. They don't tell you anything, but just gather critical and user consensus.

1 has too many flaws to be considered the overall best. X has too many flaws to be considered the overall best.

But....I don't like X

There's nothing critical about giving a game a 0 or a 10 because it isn't/is on your favorite system.

Metacritic is for console warriors. Stop using it.

2 > *

2 is the best

2 has too many frustrating story elements , gameplay elements, removed content and features to be even great in my opionion. It barely manages to be good and it can thank GOD for having enough anime tiddies to make me forgive them for the gacha shit

Anyone with a brain knows 2 > X > 1

But they're all great

2 > 1 > X


2 is the best and Eric can't change that.

1 is for nostalgiafags

X is for mechafags

2 is for animefags

Torna is for men of taste

So ignore the user consensus, there done.
But strangely enough... it goes in line with the critical consensus too.
Also, thinking that the small fraction of flame reviews amount to anything is a good joke.

None of the xenogames had any review bombing

>1 has too many flaws to be considered the overall best
Not really. I would say its main flaws are the graphics being outdated and the sidequests being very generic and tedious. I'd take that any day though over affinity chart shit, gacha and merc missions in 2. The forced cliche moe anime tropes in 2 really drag the story down until the second half too. I much prefer the shounen tropes in 1's story.
> X has too many flaws to be considered the overall best
I agree I think it's in the middle, but it experimented with something new and I still enjoyed playing it immensely.

2 (now) > X > 2 (at release) > 1

You literally can't dispute these facts.

Glad we all agree 2 is the best.

He's just parroting you for shitposting sakes user.
This thread is an absolute trainwreck and right now there's some butthurt 2fan who seems to samefag the thread into oblivion

2chads rise up


>my opinion is fact
2 fags are fucking retarded



By all means, try to prove me wrong. You can't, but go ahead and try.

I would rate torna higher if it didn't mess with the orb system

Jesus Christ you Xfags are autistic. I actually wanted an X port/sequel but now I dont because I want you retards to suffer.

I dont even know what the point is. Does he really think that it amounts to anything? He could make a 100threads saying "2" all over again, it wouldn't change the opinion or reception of anyone. It seems a very reddit thing to do, of just shutting others opinions out so you can feel better about yourself.

Shame that these threads are all shit now.

I didn't say that. I liked 2(not my favorite though) and I'm glad other liked it too.
What I don't like is spamming because you're butthurt.

I dont wanna say its just one guy, but its probably just one guy.
Eric has found his fanboy counterpart long ago and you always spot him using the same language

You're just mad that most people prefer 2 and your autistic brain can't handle it.

2 >>>>>>>>>> X = 1

Have you considered that you're the faggots in this scenario?

Got it, thanks.

Can't comment at all on X as i never had a WiiU, but XC1 > Torna >Xc2
XC1 had a way better story than 2, to the point where 2s payoff is its nnection to 1, and the gameplay in 1 is way more solid than the gacha system in 2. Haveing characters be more versitile with different blades equiped is nice in concept, but whwn the blades have no personality in combat and have the same basic movepool over the main drivers, every character just feels bland in combat, where as xb1 characters had specific rolls and access to more moves to customize them bit not lose their uniqueness.
Torna is a weird perfect mix of both systems, where all 9 members still fulfill there own roll, and you can swap between them on the fly. Not to mention all the QoL changes that never made it to the main game like camping and labeling gather spots. If the story didnt have to end short just to tie into xenoblade 2 it would have been perfect.

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no it's fucking garbage

Torna > X > 2 > 1

2 was the best overall.

X and 1 were better in some areas but 2 was a overall better package. Especially with all the updates and DLC it got which 1 and X didn't

2 wins again.

>all these sudden one liners about 2 being the best
you're not fooling anyone autist

>call out samefagging
>no youre the faggots!
Stop getting so attached to video games, its not healhy for you
At least its towards the end of the thread.

I'm autistic because I don't yyle out a long review that no one will read?

Seething Xnigger.

Stop getting to attached to shitty games. It's not healthy for you, Xnigger.

When are they going to lock-up all Schizo's?

its either one guy or some fucking discord group intent on shitting up every xeno thread he/they can

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2 wins literally every thread and strawpoll we have over this. Why are you just now getting mad? Are you a metacritic shill or something?

Are you really this mad that most people don't share your opinion?

Just stay on your meds and we won't have to lock you up, user.


Gentlemen, this is what happens when these threads overstay their welcome. It'll only get progressively worse, so don't even bother complaining about the autism. It's your fault for continuing to make unnecessary threads for a year old game.

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>Xfags still mad their game is always 3rd place



I don't really get what people see in 1. I started playing it after I finished 2 and it seems quite lackluster.

Xfags on suicide watch

It's mainly nostalgiafags. It's the first JRPG a lot of zoomers on Yea Forums played.



>All of a sudden all these falseflagging posts regarding X when the thread originally had a level of balance
Man, cope harder.

So glad X2 isn't happening.


Reminder that the Skells in X were slower, weaker, and had less customization than ground combat, which is completely ass-backwards of what a mecha game should be.

Skells in X were only useful for traveling.

I absolutely hate Xenoblade 1 but that's probably because I was playing the Xeno series back to back in anticipation for Xenoblade X and I was still high from how great Saga's narrative was.
Xenoblade X is an absolute blast to play, reeks of FUN. Probably my favourite Xeno game.
I like that Xenoblade 2 throws a lot of nods to older fans of Xeno, JRPGs and anime. The lighthearted nature of most of it compared to other Xeno games makes the humourous tone more justifiable.

2 = X = 1

There hasn't been a bad Xenoblade yet, they all have their own strengths and weaknesses, with the strengths outweighing the weaknesses every time.

Dropped the first one after 20 hours, never bothered with the others.

>/vg/-fag was right all along

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Why is Discord so fucking cancerous? It literally acts like a cancer
>dead cell people all clumped together (2 fans in this case) in a Discord
>go out and try to kill other cells wherever they can by shilling literally everywhere in the most autistic manner possible
It ruins every board and fanbase

s-shut up gwin

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Why is Yea Forums so gullible?

>Xfags have finally fucked off after their dreams of a Switch port died.

Xfags didn't buy a shitty 2009 soulless port machine, neither do they care about it.

what a weak/safe opinion

There's a discord?


Sidegrade at best, objectively worse at worst

Complete improvement on gameplay and depth. Story hampered by having to be connected to XC1 and what I suspect is gameplay mechanics developed first with story justifications written later.

All Xenoblade games are great and I've enjoyed playing all three of them. I can't wait to see what Monolith does next and your petty attempt at shitting up the fandom won't work, but by all means, keep wasting your time trying.

>Torna is for men of taste
Men of shit taste, maybe. Torna was incredibly disappointing.

fuck off you fence-sitting retard

Best boy.
XB1>XB2=XBX. 2 is my favorite, but it isn't the best game.

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>and depth

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