Wow Professah! So the village was fake all along?

Wow Professah! So the village was fake all along?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Everyone was a robot Luke. There's always a logical explanation for everything.

>can't see pure black
They literally ran out of ideas for this, didn't they?

everyone was acting Luke. there's no other solution but this

>game is called "Layton: Curious Village in HD"
>cutscenes are 480p
What did Level-5 mean by this?

why is luke so adorable?

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>Everyone was hallucinating and for some fucking reason we collectively all saw the same thing, it was so obvious...

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i hope they make a HD release for the other games, i really want a new cutscene for UFs ending

I mean, this at least had an attempted explaination for how stupid it was, but the collective hallucination is just bullshit, how the fuck are 20 people supposed to see the same exact thing and hear the same dialogues?


what the fuck happened

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wtf... I'm glad I stopped paying attention to professor layton after the first 3 games.

Usually people grow until puberty ends

I hef tvelve matchsteek

>When you're so edgy the villain brainwashes you to be a good guy

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You can't just remove one of the biggest appeal of a game like that

Yes luke this other town is also fake an we've been high off our minds for days.

Professah... do I really need to wear this dress?

Oh fuck off you pedophile, you have 6 games and a movie with kid Luke

>all these new games, HD versions and an anime
>Still no London Life standalone game
who was your roommate when you played?

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everyone except for stachenscarfen and granny riddleton and that guy who fixed the robots and flora and the cat


i just meant he's ugly as fuck when he was a cute kid but thats mean i know


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Itt games only posted for gay pedophilia

Wrong people do those puzzle threads where anons try to answer. also i saw a thread about clives bullshittery the other day


but user, this is a pedo board...

Could have had more.

i unironically wish all of the games were just layton and luke adventures ending with unwound future, no pedo
its just a good formula. there was no need for all the wild plot shit that went down in the prequels.

still cute desu

>These posts

Anons......are you under the assumption that older luke is real?

That was so fucking retarded yet scary at the same time.

>The good persona is actually the parasite
Good lord

>First game

>Second Game

>Third game

>fourth game

I completely forgot the other 2

the other 2 didnt really have twists like that because it was more concerned with the mexican soap opera subplots
Last game in particular is hilariously just "its actual fucking magic" after all the shit in the first 3 games to have reasonable explanations for otherworldly phenomenon

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yeah it was a really shit plot twist. not one person bumped into pure black machine or whatever was shown at the end

Are all the Layton TWEESTS retarded like this? I only finished the first two games.

Unwound Future is objectively the best game so you should cap off the trilogy user.
But yes Professor Layton is full of asspulls. Still manages to be fun though imo.

I mean, after numerous 'this supernatural phenomenon can actually be perfectly explained via scientific means' twists, it's only natural that 'lol it was magic all along' can also be a twist.

Diabolical box was the biggest horseshit I have ever seen

I literally didn’t continue because of how dumb this game was holy shit


>Somebody bothered to recreate London Underground for the benefit of a fucking hammer

The individual puzzles you get are fun, don't bother trying to explain the plot logically though.


>This city is actually a replica London located in a massive cave right under the real London!
by far the most retarded plot twist i've ever seen.
why do japs do this so much? phoenix wright and kingdom hearts also feature enormous asspulls that cause like twenty plotholes

N-nani. Pls explain

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Yeah, they are all pretty stupid but that's what makes them so entertaining.
At least play the third game, the twist is retarded as always but it has some great moments and a really good ending.
Easily the best game of the series.

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claim your non-main character waifu

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Your an assistant to a professor investigator for murders

During the second case you notice that the professor sometimes blacks out and becomes this dark edgy persona that also wants to solve crimes but is a psychopath about it. This is very minor however and the professor tells you it just happens and means no harm. He pops up everyone and then to help but gets upset when he has to go.

It’s revealed late in the game that the “psychopath” is actually the investigators true persona. He was hypnotized to get a new personality.

The goody two shoes professor was the “new” persona that has now become dominant because the villain wanted to hide the fact that the edgy persona knows what actually happened.

Luke is so fucking annoying

No, he's cute and lovable

Phoenix Wright's twists make sense and the serries wouldn't make any if the logic was straightforward
Kingdom Hearts is just nonsense not because the plot logic is stupid but just because it's simple elements arre, like you're supposed to believe Xehanort's motive is "Lol I wonder what the keyblade war was like"


you've read the "comics" right...?

thats some GOAT tier material

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I can't fap to anything if there's an adult involved, so it's not for me

Yeah apparently the Japs hated all that crap so Level 5 doesn't know how to continue the series. I have to agree with them, it was really disappointing to see that in a Layton game. It was too stupid for the character.

Picked up.
What about the anime series?


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hmmmm ok

shit taste

Gotta love british boi aesthetic

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>They replaced Layton with this cunt
fucking WHY

Interesting. Let's hear it, Luke.

They are too busy with Youkai Watch to care about their ex-cash cow Layton. Enjoy every new game being mobile-tier.

gotta pay the bills somehow
they knew a cute girl MC would make money

nothin personnel, kid

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I play Layton for Layton, not some shitty "waifu" who's much less cute than the vast majority of anime girls.

>Yes luke, that makes them things not people, now help me build the incinerator.

Professor Layton & the night of knives was a pretty dark turn, even for Reimi's debut into video games.

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Guck me?

Duck me? Guck me?

What a weird gf.


These series was never about the story, retards. The farfetched and insane plots is literally the point of these games.

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I'll never understand why these games treated my waifu Flora so poorly

and yet it seems she flopped

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Yep, but this isn't.
>*unzips dick*

would you eat her cooking

girl layton is definitely worse than regular layton, but whats even worse is the betacuck and the dog that follow her. At least Kat is just boring, the other two made me stop playing the game entirely.

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games like layton? google didn't help much. guess i could try emulate the 3ds ones, but i'd rather save those if i ever get 3ds


They could have at least made it a black/purple checkerboard pattern, then say everyone was hypnotized to not be aware of black/purple checkerboard patterns.


That one also had an attempted explanation: Everyone was telling each other tales of what to expect ahead of things happening. So when they saw something weird, their brain was primed to believe the narrative.

Except it's still the dumbest fucking thing because no one was controlling and making sure that narrative stayed consistent. At least with the PURE BLACK one it was a legit conspiracy theory with tons of people controlling it.

Fire has four letters in it.

Yes, without a second thought

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I really liked puzzle agent but it's a really short game

>want to replay Curious Village in HD
>game only has the American VA for Luke as an option
Absolute trash tier. The English VA is the GOAT and I have no fucking idea why they changed it to such an annoying voice for Americans. Same with the game names, the cutscene at the end of Lost Future makes much more sense when Claire says "lost future" instead of "unwound future", it feels like much less of a cheap title drop.

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>The English VA is the GOAT
You're joking, right? I've never been able to watch the movie because the English VA is complete shit and just sounds like an obnoxious little girl, instead of sounding at all like a little boy. It's too distracting.

They needed to keep the dynamic of a young and an older person with one being the mentor and the other following them around asking for pointers on mystery solving.
In other words...

Katrielle's partner shoulda been Gumshoe.

From Ace Attorney? It'd definitely help to have a character who's actually endearing in her games.

Then download the EU version? retard

i miss him so much

that's true love right there


Thats actually a perfectly fine motivation for a mad scientist. Dont forget that’s what Xehanort is user.
Hes a scientist at heart

Well, Yea Forums?

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>yfw future Luke was actually the villian
>yfw Layton was actually the villain from the previous game in disguise
>yfw time travel doesn't exist except it does though
>yfw London is under attack by a towering mech whose core is connected to the prime minister's heart
3 was peak Layton

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i'm surprised that the anime still ongoing, I though it's a regular 32 episodes anime

Phoenix Wright doesn't cause too many plot holes later in the series.
Hell, they even learned how to do unused clues and closing plot holes subvertedly.

Did you notice Inga's Black Hair Spray can? The one L'Belle branded? It wasn't actually his can. We can assume it was, but the can was absolutely necessary for the case to happen the way it did, and it's the best assumption to think it wasn't. There was someone who went inside his room and who had white hair but had an incredibly good reason to come out of it with black hair, and no ability of their own to do it. The can is there ONLY to close that plot hole, yet the game never even points it out despite being potential evidence.

>yes luke, we were in an underground model of future London all the time, wr came here trough the lift in clock store, owners of which worked with he villian for no reason at all!

We haven't had a professor layton thread in a long time

>Made a mind control experiment
>Allowed the underground construction of a replica London

Is the British Government fucking Lizard People?

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already played puzzle agent 1 and 2. but thanks anyway.

Layton Mystery Room was Kino and even when you figure out the formula they still surprise you

>The first time they pulled the assistant suspect gimmick

That got me good

When are we getting the console port of this now that ace attorney happened

Goddamn it user, i literally started this game a few days ago, why would you start a thread with this?

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HD release only has the American VA
Because an American poorly imitating a cockney accent is much better

Get out before you get spoiled on Unwound Future, the best Layton game

Fuck off, Layton became fucking boring. This nigga is great.

Please no spoilerino.

These twists are fucking amazing and if you take them seriously you are missing the point.

Aeris dies to Sephiroth.
Shiek is Zelda.
Tetra is Zelda.
You're Atlas' mindslave, Andrew Ryan forces you to kill him.
Manfred Von Karma killed Edgeworth's father.
You're the cat. The lamp is the dog.
Tidus has been dead for 1000 years.
Wesker betrayed everyone.
Shodan is the Villain Again.
You put a portal on the moon.
Sonic 1 happens in the span of a single day.
Shelby is the origami killer.
YOU are Darth Revan.
The princess is on World 8's castle.

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>Manfred Von Karma killed Edgeworth's father.
Fake news spread by Wrightfags.

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I'm glad I played the first three games as a kid so I got to enjoy the twists without realising how dumb they were

No idea what any of these are for, and they all sound dumb as all hell. Stupid boomer shit

I played Diabolical Box again for the first time in years recently
The puzzles are good, but Jesus Christ the story is dumb
>oh everyone on the train carriage gets knocked out by flowers and the carriage gets switched onto another train without anyone waking up or noticing

>they cut the whole thing in PAL regions because frogs and other europoors don't speak English

Yes, I'm still mad

Bimbos, worse than scat fans

>Sonic 1 happens in the span of a single day.
WOW thanks fag I was about to play Sonic 1 for the first time ever later today and now it's RUINED.

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Imagine not knowing how much this impacts the story when you totally have "played" this game

What's wrong?

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>gay porn with hats
I'm glad to see some things never change.

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>You're the cat. The lamp is the dog.
Now I'm curious, what's this from?

As long as your solving stupid mysteries with an English person filled with bullshit puzzles the Layton series will still be the same

Hotel Dusk

Wrong. I want the warm reassuring voice of Layton and the chipper cute curious Luke. Nothing else matters.

As retarded as all the twists are, at least they aren't completely fucking pointless and retarded like Layton 5.
>ackshually they're just statues and they placed them there after kidnapping the people
>achshually they're attached to clear string
>akshually there was an old amusement park right behind the new one that nobody noticed
>who could the miracle mask be? the guy we spent half the game in flashbacks with and repeatedly emphasized him being dead?

>how can it be that 60% of crimes is committed by 5% of the people? Answer that Luke
Man what the hell happened with Professor Layton & Detroit?

Oh. Guess I can never play that game now.
That wasn't very clever of me.

text me
some user dumped the shittiest of the shit layton puzzles with their respective answer a while back and I remember that one to be fucking retarded

Miracle Mask had the least bullshit twist.

The actual twist wasn't the Masked Gentleman identity but rather finding out that Henry is the biggest cuck of all time.

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>luke will never call you a nonce
Why even live?

ghost trick

There's nothing wrong with Curious Village's twist, desu. They throw at you several hints throughout the game, and its story as a whole is perfectly fine. Now, the sequel is a fucking mess, and it ruined Flora and Layton's relationship.

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I mean that’s pretty standard for Professor Layton games
My favorite is the gas that makes you see and feel what you expect to.