Anyone know why Claire's face model twitter account got banned?

Anyone know why Claire's face model twitter account got banned?

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Trannies reported her for being too perfect

She posted pictures of her blue waffle

Probably closed it after getting DM'd by every fucking neckbeard



She constantly kept retweeting her fans though and said everyday that she liked the support. Even had her background with Claire.

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Most likley.

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The model agency realized that allowing her to speak her mind freely might hurt her brand in the long run.

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who's the other girl

she's so nice ;_;

How would it hurt her brand though?

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she might say something problematic and have to be burned at the stake for the sake of hobbyist victims

probably because it was fake and not really her

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Her writing always confused me. Is she ESL?
Nope, it was her real account

probably because of an incel like you that posts her everyday

I don't even have a twitter but okay

Most young models stop going to middle school and just work full time. Could be that she just never finished.

Why? She isn't radical or stupid like other celebrities... Such as Alyssa Milano, for example.

What are you doing, Marvin?

her writing is not like she's ESL on her instagram, which is why everyone thinks the twitter is fake. Also she never talks about RE2 on Insta

gettin handsy

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Her twitter was quite clearly fake.

Because she essentially is a sex worker, which are no longer allowed to have a voice online

she kept sending me nudes so I had to report her


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thats a good thing. there is bound to be some sjw mob that goes after her if she likes something unkosher. leftists must be stopped.

how old are you freak?
time to kill yourself

i'm 29
only had one gf for 2 1/2 years
only had sex with one woman

i remember seeing her reply to a post that had cropped SFM porn from RE.
She didn't know it was porn, but the threat of her doing that might have been enough for the company to tell her to shut it down.

wasnt it some chinese guy running it
it wasnt her posting on it

>had gf

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She's 18 you spastic

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>Jordan McEwen is now Claire
>Alyson Court disappears off the face of the Earth
I'm sad, senpai

desu sometimes i wish i hadn't because then i wouldn't know what i'm missing

i unironically still sometimes cry when i think of my ex, i can't listen to certain music because it reminds me of her

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Gotta find something, ANYTHING, to take your mind off her, user. Learn a trade, hit the gym, having free time to sit around just makes things worse. I regret ever meeting my ex to be honest but I'm doing my best to stay busy, so those thoughts happen less and less frequently. 6 years fucked me up severely.

My friends are constantly trying to hook me up with people. I don't want to end up like this.

>lanky monkey-like proportions
>flat chest
>face of a ten year old boy
I imagine the reason Capcom got her as Claire's model is because she was dirt cheap

I was in a relationship with what was pretty much my soulmate and I felt so relieved when we broke up, I don't miss it one bit and wouldn't dream of getting into another relationship, not worth it all around


No, thank you!

Then tell them to fuck off? You're a grown man, you decide when you're ready. 'friends' who try to set up blind dates or whatever aren't friends at all.

dumb ass normies

How long ago did you break up? From my experience time was the greatest healer.

Don't practically all celebs and aspiring celebs, actors etc. have people manage their twitter for them? Wouldn't be surprised if that asian guy that shot all those clips we see webms of does that.


thanks user
i think the best thing would be to find a new gf who gives me the same feeling she gave me when we were together but i have no idea how to do it of if such women even exist in my country (my ex is a foreigner)

sometimes i wonder if i will ever really get over her but i doubt it, she'll probably be a part of me until the day i die

i sort of hope there is an afterlife where i can be reunited with my ex, i kind of given up on becoming truly happy again in this life

why did you feel relieved when you broke up with your soulmate user?

>had a gf for more than 2 seconds
>not a virgin
You're a disgrace to the Officer K posters profession.

i think it has been two years now user

she was you first? Depression hit me hard when i broke up with one i actually deeply respected and admired.

>Best thing
>Find a new GF
No. Stop. Seriously. Focus on yourself first. If it takes you a decade to get yourself together and be over her, so be it, but don't assume you NEED to be with someone else to succeed in life.

I wanna date Jordan

I wanna rape Jordan

yeah my first big love and she also took my virginity

i think i also have depression or at least i'm mentally unstable. don't think she's the only reason for that though because i'm also studying law and i struggle passing the final exam also i barely have any friends

but she's definitely a big part of why i feel sad and depressed so often, i miss the times i spent with her so so much and i feel like i will never experience anything like this ever again

There's still hope that you'll eventually be able to move on naturally. It sucks, but it's part of life

It's never too late to kill yourself

Because it wasn't fucking real? There is no way it was her, the real Jordan probably complained.

Yea Forumsincel kept posting nude mod pics of Claire onto her Twitter. Fucking autistic virgins.

thanks anons
i don't wanna make this thread about me anymore but thanks for all the responses and stuff i feel better and more hopeful, i'll try to get my own life together and keep hopinf i'll find love again someday

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Too bad for Yea Forums that twitter was the only way to legit see her nipples. "She" posted some nightclub photo of her erect fucking little pokies coming right through her shirt

You can't just say things like that and not posting a fucking pic, user.

Wait did they?

I didn't save it, but its been posted. They looked like they could cut diamonds. There was also a pic of her on a balcony with her back turned to the camera but she was completely topless. Some neghibour opposite her balcony had a good day that day.

Isn't Twitter left leaning. Also still wanna plow her.

>having friends to hook you up with people
fucking normalfags i swear


desu i don't even wanna see her nudes i bet they are disappointing

girl on the right is unironically perfect

Maybe she said something out of line. Like "I like men".

Jordan wasn't mentioned in the credits of RE2 and she only made a short instagram story about the game being released.

Fuck. I'm so ugly I can't even imagine this kind of women speak with me. What a wonderful life of incel.

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They only mention voice actors in credidts

don't worry, I'm sure she, like many other models and instagram thots, is eating out the assholes of sheiks and producers that are MUCH uglier than you

wrong, they mentioned all the face capture models too


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Based and bonerpilled

Whose hotter Jordan or the Blond Chick?

Age of Consent when?

Now. She's 18.

Yeah, I never want to fall into this trap memory-wise. I remember when things were going south with my cunt of a first date I was playing Xenogears for its 20th anniversary. Xenogears is my second favorite game of all time and I kept getting reminded of all the bullshit that I was dealing with with her and I finally stopped the playthrough, even though I never stop on my favorite games when it's their anniversary. I just didn't want to be reminded of her everytime I hear music, pictures, videos, or when I play through the game again later and have it tainted.

i love her but she's a sticc
she most likely has very long and weird looking nipples

also most women have weird looking vaginas, because we're used to porn we think most women have perfect cute innies but nothing could be further from the truth

I liked you better when I didn't know your story

Its never hurt my feelings to not be cool or good looking enough to have a model gf like it does before Jordan. I know its superficial but i bet you have to be the BIGGEST fuccboi imaginable to get in her... well, she probably doesn't even wear panties from the photos i saw on that twitter.

Both of those asian guys that she did videos with are fluent in english. Whoever was running the fake twitter account could barely string sentences together.

I'd be just as happy with the girl on the right tbqh

It got banned because it was fake.

She might be sticc but her buttocks are out of control. Jordan is what we at /fit/ call a "squat slut" every day at the gym is treadmill, squats and leg raises and eating enough calories to feed her ass to grow.

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How the fuck did it get photos that were no where else on the internet though? It had pokie photos not even on her instagram. It had a photo of her sat on the floor wearing denim short shorts with her legs open and you could clearly see part of her bare pussy. You could literally see the corner of her mons because she doesn't wear panties or a bra.

Looks like Emma Watson.

that's cool and all user but i'm more of a titsfag
i wish some scientists could cross jordans face dna with the body of someone like ana de armas or alexandra daddario

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I think whoever it was took those form her page. There's simply no way it was an official twitter. She's not famous enough to have a PR team, and if it really WAS her writing those tweets, why was the English so horrible? And before you tell me about how 20% of the people in Canada speak French, let me remind you she was born and raised in the English-speaking capital of the country.

>It had a photo of her sat on the floor wearing denim short shorts with her legs open and you could clearly see part of her bare pussy.
Um. Post it.

But even jav idols have twitter.

I feel like daddario is what happens when a rich man likes to fuck hookers ans strippers, thus creating another one but with slightly more options than their mothers had. Same with all girls with those outrageous tits.

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>Don't practically all celebs and aspiring celebs, actors etc. have people manage their twitter for them?
only famous people do, she's not famous

vsco? Also where the actual fuck IS her twitter then? She's a zoomer model, how is she not on every social media out there?

maybe you're right user
all i'm saying is i wish jordan has some nice natural b cup tits

Well i cant anymore can i? But again, like her erect nipple photo, that photo has been posted on Yea Forums. You can basically see all her shit but the holes are covered. I can tell you two obvious things: she shaves like a zoomer, she doesn't wear panties.

Sure you can.

Reminder that most states in the US age of consent is 16.
Why is she skinny?

No i mean i literally cannot, the twitter account is suspended.

>why is she skinny

I dunno because she is 6ft tall and a teenager? What do you mean?

And so what?

It's some website women use to post pictures and shit. It's kind of like a mix between pinterest and tumblr.

Why a lesbian Rebecca?

user what are you trying to say here?

That you have to post it.

She probably just has a private twitter account.

How can he post it the account closed he didn't save the pic

I didn't save the pic

You full of shit, lier. There's no pic.

Yes there is the twitter is down you retard. Its been posted on Yea Forums. It will have been archived.

you do realise...That her account was run by her chink guy friend, right? It had little to nothing to do with her, he just posted her pics and baited her fans for her.

I knew this, but he posted lewd exclusive shit so i stayed

I call it bullshit because I can't believe somebody following some thots twitter and doesn't save hot pics. That's like a one step from sucking dicks.

Heh, nothing personnel, kid

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>it is great to see your face every time i play
maximum cringe
I fucking hate betas

And where's the pusy you fuck? There's nothin. Deceit.

Sorry my memory filled in blanks from an old thread, you get a buttock tho.


She's a Canadian school dropout.


>complaints about not saving anything off her twitter
You all need to learn when to level up

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You do realise the vast majority of your collection will be of a 15 year old girl user.


you say that as if its a bad thing

>obsessed over a literal who

LMAO where do you think you are?

Upload it on 8ch loke /joosten/ or to an imgur, please

no u

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I ain't clicking shit nigga even if it is YT

You're a fucking moron

>he doesn't even have 4chanx to see what links are

I guess I do now? Kinda hard to tell it was run by a chink lmao

she has no twitter
it was a fake
her own modelling agency didn't follow that twitter
the chink fuccboi didn't follow that twitter
it didn't even have the blue check
it was made just in 2018 while her instagram dates back to 2014
her instagram doesn't link to it

tranny cope

barefoot slut

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nu-claire goblinofags on Yea Forums scared her off

Jesus you faggots are fucking pathetic.

ok chad not everyone can be as alpha as you

>158 MB
you must be new here

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That's exactly the problem.

I'm sure he just saved what was there dude

what's it like to have a Claire gf?
or Jordan gf?

Well any hot chick doesn't actually want to get off the carousel
They're "still young" and "experiencing life"

They used a different body model for Claire, though. If I remember correctly the voice actors also were the body models.

this, just get a 5/10 gf user you'll have more fun

jordan is just there to fap to on the side

>voice and body of a 30 yo woman
>face of a 15 year old girl
What did Capcom mean by this?

Because she literally got DMs with wiki link to explain what SFM is with the message "I skullfuck your face 10 times per day and I'm working on a full body model, got a naked pic?"

How would you cope?

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Set up a Patreon


hags begone

long toes

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>had gf
>had sex
kill yourself you normie
t. 36y old wizard