Was she right?
Was she right?
didn't read but yes. She is correct.
Shoot all people who post twitter OPs with a machine gun.
no, I used to be anti-souls but literally once you git gud you realize you were being retarded. the problem is action games. most actions games are too casualized, so they require zero thought compared to something like nethack or whatever autism simulator you like. dorf fortress tier games are always the most rewarding because figuring out shit is peak fun, so when you have action games that don't have any such elements, they are basically just movie games. soulsborne games actually dare to have some aspects that require thought, and this triggers retards who just want a movie game.
"git gud" really means "if you actually took the time to become skilled at the game you would realize that it is more fun than you usually have, so you are cheating yourself. and also your taste is bad for liking games that require zero thought, and soulsbornes aren't even anywhere near the high end of the difficulty spectrum"
nah, most people liked bloodborne because it was the only game on the ps4 for the longest time and soñyggers needed to justify their purchases somehow
But bloodborne isnt even that hard
>i am a professional in this field
Nigga bb is the only game worth playing on the plataform.
bloodborne is decent regardless of its difficulty, but she's right in that it's stupid to think that hard = good
Pretty much this.
>hurr durr I'm gonna play DS1 just like my epic God of War combos
>wtf why is this so hard
so what there is literally nothing wrong to being superior to casuall peasants.
>being so awful you have to post this
I feel like I'm missing context here but I generally agree. She is right that some people think Bloodborne is good because they want to look like they're a 'real gamer', and it is a niche game so the majority of games created are not going to be like Bloodborne. However I feel like she is mixing up accessibility with difficulty, Bloodborne is not a bad game because it is harder than the average game it's just made to appeal to those who enjoy that challenge.
I've never played Bloodborne in my life though so I'm spraying shit about a game I don't even know about
but bloodborne really is game of the decade sony exclusive or not, its that good because japan studio was involved and sony had money.
>hate her
>also hate bloodborne
What do bros?
Why does anybody care about this mentally ill freak?
No, but she was. I'm glad to see that Vavle as one of the leading figures in the industry is finally taking steps against "them".
She's right. It's totally fine for a game to not be for a general audience.
and no one says bloodborne is good because it's hard
it's stupid to think that hard = bad
>I'm a professional in this field
Gatekeeping gaming is definitely just an inferiority complex, so in that regard she isnt wrong.
There's nothing wrong with enjoying a challenging game, but to assume that you're better than someone else because of it is just kinda pathetic
Accessibility and challenge are not the same thing.
BB is challenging, but is mostly based of simple accessible mechanics that one simply needs to learn.
If one chooses to not learn how to play the game, the game can seem inaccessible.
However if a dying crippled ginger can beat bloodborne with r1 spam, then accessibility is not the games problem.
About being a professional at anything? No.
But bloodborne is super accesable. IT gives you every tool you need to get good, but you gotta put in some work. Tranny is advocating for braindead games.
The best games are the ones that not only have a great story but also challenge you.
Sound to me an exreme case of gitgud
>like nethack or whatever autism simulator you like
I still remember those daily Opus Magum threads where it first launched, I never had so much fun at making shit work
>Retards believe this meme
>tech companies are gonna start mass firing virgins
Forgot to quote
yeah in all media its coming down if the developer will offend your ability to understand mechanics or story telling, people arent that stupid but majority of western developers treat their audiane like thy are retards. thats is pretty much amerimutts fault because they have been degenerated to fat idiots who dont know how to jump over obstacle if there is no tutorial for it.
Probably. S better question is what's wrong with that. I mean I think you'd have to be a bit of a loser to get your self esteem from how good you are at video games, but there's definitely nothing wrong with wanting skill to be a part of a video game's design, or being competitive about video games.
I also think she's right that most games shouldn't be bloodbourne, but that's not to say that no games should be. Let the market decide.
how many neckbeards do you see at companies and conventions these days anyway?
anyway bloodborne is easy as fuck once you get about 20 levels in
Blooborne is the easiest Souls game outside of the chalice dungeons though.
This bloke has no idea what he is talking about.
Don't be silly. She's encouraging CEOs to sleep with their employees as reward for good work, thus increasing productivity.
Isn't that the bitch who runs reddit?
>I'm sorry user our penis inspection turned up that you're celibate.
>Doris from HR is going to have to fuck you.
First statement: No.
Second statement: Yes.
Bloodborne is a good game but people wanting to feel superior is obvious AF
How would they possibly find out?
>tfw most of the developers I work with are married or in a long-term relationship
Fucking magic
>game of the decade
>it's half of a game
>the shitty chalice dungeons are supposed to be the other half
the chalice dungeons absolutely destroy any GOTYAY potential bloodborne has, it feels turbo unfinished and like they just tossed the dungeons in there because oh fuck release date soon. just like how 1's second half is rushed as fuck. bloodborne would have been great if it was the typical ~80 hours of a first souls playthrough, but instead it's ~35 for most people (according what I've seen polled on leddit) and before you say
>durr length doesn't mean shit it's all about quality
the problem with bloodborne is that there isn't enough quality, the flow of souls games shows that their length is so much better. bloodborne's length means it has to be shittily designed so you get lame stuff like the blood gems meta
>represents you in congress
>start firing skilled virgins
>massive workchain failures
>declare bankrupt after 4 months
Shut the fuck up mouth breather.
Not all games need to be hard but hard games shouldn't be criticized just for being hard.
If you don't want every game to be hard, then you should also understand not wanting every game to be easy. So if a game doesn't appeal to you personally, just play something else instead of begging for everything to be catered to you.
Causuals don't want to be casuals, they want to play bloodbourne and feel like a gamer. This is how you destory hobbies you dumb tranny fuck
Go to bed discord tranny.
Okay, this is based
Bloodbourne was great for more than just "difficult" gameplay. The aesthetics were great, the music was great, the pacing was great, the exploration/discovery about the world was great. It was a fantastic game and people like this are the cancer killing video games.
I was going to say "killing video games from the inside out", but to call Brianna Wu a gave developer is stretching the truth almost as much as calling Brianna Wu a woman.
Triggered self mutilator spotted.
tweet is fake boys gtfo
>super accessible
>if you pick the threaded cane without knowing the game it's basically ridiculous because of the shit starting dps
>normies get filtered
From is retarded for making the cane a starter weapon, I can see it turning people off and I wonder how many people dropped it because they picked cane and thought that's how the game normally is. granted, the cane is top fun once you know how things work and late game it's a beast but fuck, that's almost like making the stake driver a starter weapon
She is literally always wrong
I'm sure I'm pissing in the wind here, but what's the point of posting this? Are you so insecure that you have to post this otherwise you feel threatened? Or is it more of a compulsion? I mean if there was a thread discussing transexualism or something then there's nothing wrong with giving your opinion, but why would you come to a thread that's entirely unrelated and try to make it about something no one here wants to talk about?
I mean, why not just, you know, not do that. Why make this place even worse than it is for discussing video games?
Nope it's about being a snoynigger.
my friend’s gf who’s a pretty casual person loves BB and platinumed it.
>man pretending to be a woman and a game designer
All Twitter threads should be banned on sight
I think I’m getting too old to really care about improving myself in a video game but I think this is the right take. Not every game needs to be this way but there is something to be said about the process of getting better and growing in skill. A game that rewards that can be special.
But it’s important to note that he is, like all SJWs, a complete failure who wants to destroy the good and beautiful and exalt the twisted and ugly. The very idea of becoming good at something and taking some measure of joy from that process is alien to them.
Not a tranny, just sick of insecure pricks derailing threads just because they can't cope. You want to talk about trannies go to Yea Forums or whatever the tans board is, don't shit up a board just because your fee fees are hurt.
>Demon's Souls
>Dark souls
>Dark souls 2
>dark souls 3
Really makes you think where the magic is coming from.
I'm a professional in this field
not for like half a decade at this point
you really think that people in 2019 dont own PC if you got ps4, i dont know a single people like that.
It's real Ellen. Stop denying it.
Bloodborne is piss easy once you learn to be aggressive and not be afraid and back off of every single enemy you come across.
>if there is no tutorial for it
>implying they can get past the tutorial
Because Brianna Wu is a known and very outspoken figure from the gabelgabe era on Yea Forums and people don't like "her". The best way to shit on a tranny is to call out that they are a tranny.
So she just cancelled it, lmao.
Sorry I just went to her twitter and didn't find it.
why are you dumb cock suckers disscusing something some dumb fucking fag said IN FUCKING 2015
in the end bloodborne is best fromsoft game because of Lore.
Christ i forgot this dude even existed. What is he up to nowadays?
fucking this
i dont even like trans people or lgbtwhatever people
but the ideal she stands for something is laughable
she literally made one of the most sexist character designs on the level of DOA and at least doa is accurate because so what? some girls really do have giant honkers
Acting like this thread ain't about a triggered tranny to begin with
I'm fucking shit at video games and I just love Bloodborne because there's nothing like it. It's a haunting experience every time I replay it.
Ok, but why not discuss the issue at hand, you know, video games and how OPs question relates? If you want to talk about transsexualism why not go elsewhere? Why "shit on trannies" here?
because its bloodborne related, bloodborne is pretty much only game in Yea Forums that is being talked about this much after 4 years from its release.
That's not in the game
Because this is a bait thread on a shithole imageboard.
that was painful to watch.
>Demon Souls
Never played
>Dark Souls
>Dark Souls 2
Good but the difficulty is artificial
>Dark Souls 3
Never played
Not everything is about what you dislike just because you can't deal with the fact that it exists.
Calling for government to fight internet trolls