3 when

3 when

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Never ever sadly. Unless we get a souless reboot that is.


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never. literally nobody knows who owns the ip and the companies in contention for it don't care enough to sort it out. would you also like to buy a monkey?

Look. I’m just glad those new launchers exist. Let’s you play the original 2 on newer PCs and in good widescreen. I don’t need a remake with none of the original cast or charm or some awful reboot with a multiplayer “stealth focused” multiplayer that dies in a month. It’s dead Jim.

I just want a third game with milf Archer

An actual really done female lead in my videogames? not on my watch!

I can't decide whether I liked 1 or 2 better. 1 felt like it had more charm and 2 had better levels

Has 2 been updated recently? I installed it a year or so ago with some newer installer but it crashes like a bitch in the russia level.

I liked the first better, but you're right about the levels. 2 is also a lot shorter from what I recall

This is one of those IPs that get bought out by THQ Nordic nowadays. Loved NOLF2. This is what I mean when I say I like shooters, not fucking Fortnite.

Doubt it. There were attemps by the SSremake devs to get it but the rights to it are so far spread out that nobody really knows who owns what of it and if they could sell it independently.

1 is better. charm in abundance, better writing, better characters and the humor felt uhhm... slightly less in your face.

NOLF had so much soul.

2's levels were small as fuck and involved a lot of fetching stuff back and forth and dealing with endless enemy spawns

>NOLF dead
>Perfect Dark dead
MGS dead

I don't want a game made by modern s o y drenched devs.

>tfw I will never have a british mommy

Is this too much to ask for?

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and if you try to do a release they will sue
>I don't know who owns this beach ball that I have not touched or shown interest in touching but I will sue you if you do it
"entire team is babies"

Maybe MS could show a game at this E3 that is not Halo or Gears, won't be released in 5 years and won't be cancelled.

Just thinking that most zoomers around here don't know who this is makes me want to puke.
And then they say Western games never had a single attractive and charismatic character

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such a cute in-game model, especially for fucking 2002

There's a very high chance a new SC will be announced.


Nobody actually knows for sure who legally owns the IP.


ITT boomer tears general
i feel them too

I read an interview with one of the monolith devs claiming that a long-campaign single player shooter like NOLF could not be made today because the budget would be too big.

Makes sense that we have boring ass empty open world shooters today

Yeah but NOLF 2 Cate is prettier.

1 has charm, but it's pretty much impossible to try to be stealthy. The levels are pretty linear and you're guaranteed to get spotted no matter how hard you try, and then once you're spotted every enemy in the map magically knows exactly where you are.
That's a big downside for a game series about spies.


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game could have been a gadget gimmick pc version of goldeneye

>3rd NOLF
>no matter how they write kate archer, faggots on Yea Forums will scream about sjws
>mediocre big-butt porn for a week
just let the game stay dead.

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Never ever and that's unironically a good thing.
In this day and age with rampant libshit leftypol sjw lgbtqp commiekike sjw transracial genderfluid mental illness shoved into everything and anything, whoever would have made this would have bastardised and defiled the series forever.
I'm actually fucking glad we won't see some beloved franchises getting new games. It's better that way.

What are some other GOAT games from between 2000 and 2007?
Return to castle Wolfenstein
Deus Ex
Max Payne
Rome/Medieval 2 Total War
Pretty much all Star Wars games released in that time

when did Die By The Sword come out? I played a shit ton of that game.

Thankfully never. The first one was a janky broken mess where you could get stuck on world geometry simply by walking next to two flat surfaces. Broken stealth and hideous character models with the most generic of settings. The second is a mediocre stealth game, mediocre shooter which doesn't know if it wants to be a silly spy adventure or a serious spy adventure. Compromises all around and still results in being unsatisfying. The third game is even worse. Hopefully Monolith goes out of business after all their generic Arkham spinoffs.


sfm where

AVP2, the best AVP media ever made since it actually follows the fucking original story lore, both better than any movie or game made after it

multiplayer was fun as fuck too, shame there's no steam release

Most of those games are trash. The rest are mediocre.

1998 and it's awful.

Speaking of great movie tie in games: Riddick something something butcher bay.
powerful post

I wish the return to castle wolfenstein series had more games than the new nuwolfenstein, it's classic fps shooter and a shame we didn't get the ww2 shooters of that era on pc

you want classic? there's a RoTT remake that felt like it was designed in the 90s, right down to the not-so-great-but-also-great level design. Also Wrath: Aeon of Ruin looks alright.

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One of the earliest retro cash in games and it was awful.

strong post

We need more spy games set in the cold war era or around WW2 when HUMINT was a thing.

And an even higher chance it'll be shit, SC can't be turned into an open-world game so Ubi probably won't bother.

Blacklist was perfectly acceptable. It just got meme'd to hell on Yea Forums.

But I love mediocre big butt porn

Yeah, they probably would've done some lame SJW bullshit like making the main character a girl and having her beat up and kill loads of dudes

Fucking feminazis ruining my videogames

Vampire Bloodlines
Some GTA games
Some Command & Conquer games
Sone Metal Gear games
Some SWAT games
Serious Sam
Diablo 2
Baldur's Gate 2
Warcraft 3
Far Cry
Unreal Tournament 2K4
Half-life 2
Homeworld 2
Commandos 2
Silent Hill 2
First Medal of Honor on PC
Dark Messiah
Team Fortress 2

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You forgot arx fatalis

that spy who shrunk does actually look pretty neat, course factoring is in EA and by a small team.

the game that made me lose faith in that Duke Nukem fan remake.

have it, died to a bunch of hitscan in like the first level

Splinter Cell dead
Syphon Filter dead

Nobody cares about what Yea Forums thinks.