Who is the best WoW PVPr of all time?
Who is the best WoW PVPr of all time?
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>wow pvp
Literally any paladin player back in WotLK
Zalgradis and Vurtne.
Some fucking undead fire mage from vanilla that I can’t remember the name of because it’s been 15 fucking years.
absolutely based
Til, Magno and Nightside from Shadow Council.
How come only vanilla names are being posted? You do know that vanilla wasn't peak pvp, right?
cringe kino
Shut your whore mouth.
>being overgeared against people who click spells instead of having keybinds in 2006 is considered being the best PVP player
That's a big cringe, yikes and oof.
Happyminti during vanilla. The man had such a firm grasp on concepts of open PvP design that most players wouldn't get until late burning crusade, that he absolutely shit on everyone and everything.
>people seriously think Pat was skilled and not just mega overgeared, overbuffed and overhealed by teammates
>liking any Horde PvP player during vanilla on
True sign you were 12 or under when vanilla was out. Older players went to alliance where the true skill was.
>Wow PvP
Jesus christ imagine still being so much of a boring ape to be enjoying something as mundane as this
>such a firm grasp on concepts of open PvP design that most players wouldn't get until late burning crusade
Name 2 things he knew and utilized that nobody else did.
>being this assblasted about Horde
Typical alliance bitch.
>he never made it to gladiator
swifty is based
Swifty is a great guy, kinda strange he is unmarried and no kids
t. butthurt classicfag
he is right
Hey guys its Athene
Blinding before succubus charm
Vanish sapping healers/backup in world PvP
Riddle me this horde faggots: how many other players would openly take on multiple level 60 players alone in world PvP? And come out on top with 5+ kills before getting overrun? None. They either had backup or they focused on solo kills. Happyminti absolutely worked players because the skill gap was immeasurable. Go watch Nerfsap 8 and get back to me.
Frankie Fast Hands
Fuck I hate this stooge.
>You do know that vanilla wasn't peak pvp, right?
>Yea the peak was were we all hugged pillars and waited for dambening
Laintime was 10x the warrior swifty ever was
You’re a faggot and your opinion is trash.
master of the sell-out. He managed to make money from youtube in the early days.
man what an asshole
I remember him doing his life's story videos and calling belgians racist even after saying morrocans went around with machetes in gangs and shit, also I cringed when her sister said their father was like Philip Banks from the Fresh Prince of Bel Air but white ahahahahah fucking sandniggers
>peak was when cc lasted for a minute
Laintime took on a lot of groups. Give him bonus points for being a warrior which is a trash class solo.
Wasn’t this retard French? His accent was annoying as fuck.
no, his father is morrocan and his mother is belgian
Huh. I always figured my irrational hatred of this cancerous faggot was because he was French.
Cataclysm was peak PvP.
Pilav is based
Swiftly or PILAV.
>Inb4 he isn’t good!
He ain’t.
But god he’s funny.
Pshero should get a fucking hair cut would be a 8/10 chad
it was in fact me :)
Pinky in a stinky
Without question
It isn't going to be the same. Classic i mean.
It is going to be a rat race of big guilds trying to hog all of the best gear and players and optimizing everything to the highest degree.
I just hope everyone is prepared to understand that Classic will not revive your previous experiences. Just play it for the quality gameplay.