
Attached: dmc5denuvo.png (1274x694, 331K)

Other urls found in this thread:

based hamster poster sticking it to the man

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Based hamster poster

BASED and piratepilled.

Attached: mHHHHHHHHHHHHH.gif (410x268, 1.62M)

how does denuvo even works
what does it do in background that it ates 20fps of a game

Denuvo improves performance, get a better PC you BR poorfags

Nice. Fuck capcom.

It literally runs the executables in an obfuscated vm.
It's complete overkill and there is a reason why no one wants it in their games.

Real time decryption.
It's the stupidest thing and people eat it up.

that actually better be fucking bullshit

ewww Donte

Good hamster

Attached: 1490866630325.jpg (1634x1826, 855K)

>even with denuvo bloat we still get at least 40 more fps than consoles

Attached: 1540379854287.png (633x874, 56K)

Why did the faggot mods nuke the thread with the exe?

Has anyone ever been banned for cracking their owned steam games?

and you paid for every one of them

you can't get banned from steam unless you chargeback something you bought

No I didn't I'll pirate or get it on sale in the future.

Holy fuck I almost bought it
thanks user

It isn't, check the steam forums

Anyone have it?

>v having sex ever
You can still download the exe from steam right now with this method. Don't need to download it from some faggot

So did consolefags but they only bought 5 of em

>d-denuvo is completely reasonable
>o-only poorfag pirates hate it
This shit is literally a fucking tumor.

Attached: lol.jpg (610x86, 15K)

What's the matter goy? Can't afford a game? Denuvo is a good thing

it's running on a VM
it's validating checks in runtime
it has an additional half of gig of shit loaded into memory

i bought the game, but if i can remove it and get extra fps, why not do it?

B.....because it's wrong!

>yfw dmc5 saves gaming by being a great DMC game and sparking a denuvo controversy

Attached: 1543594369626.jpg (560x632, 35K)

>be game developer / publisher
>waste time and resources paying for Denuvo and adding it to your game
>cracked around the day of release
>get an fps boost on top of being free so people who actually want to pay for the game now feel compelled to pirate it
I don't know whether to laugh or to cry

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good thing that i didn`t preorder

fucking niggers.they must have done something. game crashes when using the free exe downloaded from the console.

So will Capcom remove Denuvo from the game now? There's actual proof of performance increase from it not being in the game.

Jesus fuck, it actually works.
The RE engine already runs pretty smooth but this is perfect.

Human eye can only see 24 fps, retard

Question: What is a VM?

Attached: 1446933420357.jpg (259x270, 20K)

It's not. The whole "kills SSDs" scare tactic that was proven false actually hurt the anti-Denuvo case because now people just assume that anything against it is just made up, but this is actually real.

Behold! I am one of simple mind!

virtual machine. Read more about it user

You niggers don't want it because it makes it more difficult to pirate lol

Is that fucking Donte? This really is DmC2. Jesus christ

can you get fucked by removing denuvo? like getting your game banned or some shit?

It's 60fps on all consoles except the shitbox one

Capcom's the only dev worth giving a shit about that still uses it, I expect them to continue to be stubborn as they have been with their other games.

Its Nero you fucking plebian.

Don't worry they'll remove denuvo from the game like they did RE7. We just have to wait 2 years

Christ, they can't keep getting away with this bullshit.

Didn't they remove it from RE7 after some time? World still has it, unfortunately.

Looks more like Donte than Nero senpai

Anyone tried this with REmake2? It's weird how it makes so much difference in this game but nobody said anything in RE2.

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>games with denuvo literally cracked day one
Oh no, I have to wait 30 minutes after release. Whatever will I do?

Remake is without Denuve since few weeks.

were are literally just downloading a file from steam itself. If it leads to ban they are fucking retarded

That's great. I welcome piratefriends enjoying good games and I hope supportfriends remove Denuvo anyways.

Has there ever been a performance analysis of denuvo by a professional tech review company? I don't trust piratefags or denuvo/publisher opinions on this matter. They both have too much stakes in it.

RE2 crack still have denuvo in it which still affects performance. It basically tricks denuvo into thinking your game is legit. DMC5 version has no denuvo because this was accidentally leaked by capcom themselves

in terms of game dev, how can something like this even happen? does it check if the game is legit on every fucking frame or some shit?

There was that FF15 shill article trying to claim Denuvo didn't affect performance while showing data it did.

if you have dmc5 you can try it yourself

jesus christ

Attached: download.jpg (610x86, 10K)

oh nvm just read the replies earlier in the thread hehe


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there is a youtube channel dedicated to this sort of thing

He has two videos on the subject. Basically yes denuvo does affect performance and load times but how much so is a game by game basis. Some games like hitman the difference is 1 - 4 fps where as DMC5 here performance is 20%


Hope capcom just removes it in a week or some shit, it's already been cracked

Think it was eurogamer or some other faggy blog along these lines.

Why don’t y’all just buy games on console instead of pirating them on pc due to denuvo?

Because REmake 2 is just a bypass crack, so Denuvo is still raping you. This is an actual leak of non-fucked software.

Honestly, when Denuvo is implemented by western companies I think the performance losses are minimal, a few fps or something. It's just the incompetency of nip programming combined with a braindead publisher telling them to put on ALL the in-game checks for extra "security".

Based pirate bros. Having so much fun with this game and I didn't need to pay a cent. Fuck Denuvo

I can pirate them on consoles too though

Obvious bait, but the human eye is capable of discerning differences in motion up to around 950 fps.

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>This is an actual leak of non-fucked software.
Capcom leaked a version of the game without denuvo?

They aren't pirating, they're executing the game they legally bought without it also loading the denuvo executable.

>why not play on console
Inferior performance/graphics, and you can't use whatever controller you desire to.

Holy shit that's awful. Another reason to hate Denuvo

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The executable, yes. They will soon patch the game to prevent it from working without Denuvo, so disable updates.

Because I don't support the awfulness that is modern consoles.

Yes That 300mb of crap is denuvo.

Doesn’t it cost like $100k to use Denuvo? They fucked it up too.

I'm pretty sure for big studios it's much much more.

I don't want it because I own the fucking game, why should I have piracy protection in a game I fucking bought ? It's retarded.

method doesn't seem to work, only shows a legacy .bin file now.

Not him but holy shit is it really bigger than the game? for what purpose?

>$100k to use Denuvo
That's a lot. Are there really enough players who sit there going "oh well shit, [game] isn't listed on my fav tracker site yet, guess I'll have to go buy it instead of waiting a week-month and playing all the other stuff I have instead"? Really? I know most people are impatient, but it sounds absurd to me.

gamepad or m+kb?


Because if you didn't have that protection you could just upload your game to everyone else. Isn't that obvious?

you have a line that says
>Depot download complete

Gamepad for TPS, always. Especially for a game like this where they designed it around you having shit joystick aiming.

Its clearly a murder followed by a rape in that image.

user i...

I believe their price scales on how big an earner the game is so indieshit would pay less than megacorps.

hahahaha eat shit denuvo
I hope this opens their eyes

>are there lots of dumb, impatient people

It's probably worse. Honestly I don't think they even break even from the investment.

The game itself is probably split into multiple libraries. Denuvo is just 300mb of obfuscated vm crap directly embedded into the main exe. That's why you can't just fully remove it with cracks.

The Japanese are bery slow on the uptake for this kind of shit.

Fuck I hope the game still sell well

Even if I say the n-word a lot?

It's obfuscated and encrypted on top of that. The way Denuvo works is it decrypts part of the .exe as they are required, checking beforehand if the copy is legit every time. Yes it's an overkill, but it appears devs can mitigate the performance impact somehow. They don't always do tho

filesize bloating is a common anti-piracy measure now because they are assuming third wolders with no money are the majority of pirates and they are the most severely affected by it.

Don't third worlders just get repacks with all the ultrahd textures and extra languages ripped out?

Pc version with Denuvo has higher FPS than console

Denuvo fags are literally watching this thread and crying. Feels so fucking good.

Attached: 1551595130660.jpg (1920x1080, 188K)

just get it from your typical pirate sites then

Attached: crek.png (857x152, 15K)

how is there even a single solitary human
defending denuvo on this stupid planet

what thr fuck do these idiots stand to gain

do you think any boomer tech investor, gigajew shareholder or preppy young trust fund kid that flaunts his wealth knows what a "repack" is or even how piracy works in general? This is why I said "they are assuming"

but piracy bad

Question though: Clearly we can see the perf impact with DMC5 as we literally have an exe without denuvo, but is denuvo's impact on perfs removed in regular game cracks?

Poorfags that just bought the game and people who think we'll never see another dmc because of the early crack.

Attached: 1547118482689.gif (258x215, 78K)

>how is there even a single solitary human
>defending denuvo on this stupid planet
>what thr fuck do these idiots stand to gain
Piracy takes money away from publishers (which they will ultimately pass on to devs by reducing budgets or scrapping projects completely) in cases where the pirate would otherwise buy the game.

Not defending denuvo, but I'm defending capcom

No it doesn't remove denuvo it just lies to denuvo that you bought the game.

I play everything with M+KB

Can't really stand gamepads anymore.

Is Capcom even aware of their games being cracked 1 week after release? Do they not learn anything? I hope the game still sells well though.

>is denuvo's impact on perfs removed in regular game cracks
No, cracked games still have denuvo. The authentication system is tricked.

See Denuvo is literally baked into the game itself.

>defending crapcum ever

>people with the money to pay professionals to uncover every little detail about how their products are being intellectually stolen will not do so
It's pathetic when Yea Forums thinks it knows more about business and tech than actual businesses and tech experts.

Well, I guess this is karma for pandering to the muh realism normalfag masses with this shitty character design.

>Piracy takes money away from publishers

Attached: 2ec.png (327x316, 208K)

So whether you pirate or buy a game with denuvo, you're stuck with a more or less 20% perf impact, great. I hate this shit and I hate publishers putting this cancer into pc games

>Getting the stupid fucking error that requires me to update Windows 7

Had this problem with Dead Rising too, why is it always Capcom games? Guess I'll refund and wait for the repack.

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DMC5 had 1k more players at peak than RE2, so I guess they're doing good already.

You know in hindsight ed, edd and eddy was kind of shit

Never go full retard son.

just buy a better graphics card goy

>market behaviour is not contingent on human behaviour
it's pathetic when Yea Forums treats the existence of certain companies and products as being the result of some all-knowing supernatural entity that always makes good decisions. No multi-billion dollar company has ever failed, after all.

Player peak is still going up, remember it's still pretty shit time for everyone to be playing.

>that fucking tool "JonB" defending denuvo in the steam thread

And the solution is to aggressively hunt down distributers of pirated software, don't make the rest of us suffer from your DRM cancer.

I wouldn't worry too much about it. Remake 2 and AC7 got cracked in under a week and still sold like crazy.

The controversy might look bigger this time because it's literally a day one release, but it's still fucking nothing compared to the Metro fiasco desu.

Despite what denuvocucks try to tell you, the majority of steam and pc users have no fucking clue about how to pirate shit. A lot of them are even afraid of downloading stuff so they end up paying for the convenience and easy updates.



Attached: Denuvo a shit.jpg (1920x1080, 365K)

Was metro a fiasco? I didnt see anything about it.

A comedian, huh?

I hate it too but it's literally just the one platform update. That's what it is called.

>what is epic store controversy?

I wonder if denuvo refunds them.

how do i run this with the Devil.May.Cry.5.Deluxe.Edition.SteamRip-InsaneRamZes version?

But are piratefags enjoying the game?

Piracy =/= Lost Sale

Most devs remove denuvo if the game is cracked since due to the way the licensing works they need to pay a fee to denuvo every time they update the contents of the game and if the system is no longer working as DRM then why keep paying for it?

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Eh, honestly I think all the shows I watched as a kid were pretty bad save for maybe Scooby Doo and that's just because I have a lot of nostalgia.

It's less cost-effective and more difficult to hunt down pirates compared to just making the software itself anti-pirate, even if that upsets a large minority of legit purchasers. Very few countries have a good framework for allowing companies to effectively stop pirates, even the most anti-pirate countries are still hopeless at it.

>Despite what denuvocucks try to tell you, the majority of steam and pc users have no fucking clue about how to pirate shit
Exhibit A

I hate cheaters.

>in cases where the pirate would otherwise buy the game
Fucking illiterate pro-piracy posters.

Video or fake.

Fps goes up and down all the time. Even when you are doing nothing. Showing 1 frame doesn't prove anything except that you're comparing the worst of one thing vs the best of another.

I'm done after this gen of games.
>Consoles can't run games smoothly that are literally designed for the system.
>PC games include software that lower game performance.
>Games released on consoles and pc almost seem like betas because developers are too lazy to test their own games.

I'll finally upgrade my pc after ~10 years and just pirate what I might like. I really can't support this shit anymore.

Huh I wouldn't say it was a huge controversy but it was definitely MUCH bigger than this. There was even a member of the dev team who said on a forum that they weren't going to release games on PC anymore if people boycotted the game. 4A games had to apologize for that later and made clear that they were going to keep releasing games on PC.

Attached: epix.jpg (1185x824, 142K)

>would otherwise
Either they're going to buy it or not. Lack of piracy method do not force sales.

don't ISPs in certain countries track you and report you for piracy too?
t. slavfag where this shit never happens

>950 fps
Holy shit, source? I couldn't tell the difference between 144 and 240

Welp, there goes the sales I guess. PC was a mistake, thanks to the pc cunts dmc5 will now sell like shit and Capcom will go back to making garbage like they did severay years ago.
Thanks for killing videogames, pc tards.

Then it would run even worse.

yes it can happen in the west depending on your ISP and how you acquire your games. idk the specifics of how people get caught but I imagine certain clients and trackers are compromised.

Only in some bigger countries, like Germany.

Here in the Netherlands ISP's aren't allowed to scan your traffic.
And the anti-piracy organisation doesn't go after consumers. And in court they lost the cases against ISP's when they requested information about who was behind certain IP addresses

>Either they're going to buy it or not. Lack of piracy method do not force sales.
There are many cases where someone will decide to just buy the game if they can't easily pirate it. Those cases are what anti-piracy measures aim to encourage.

he's right, denuvo is based and doesn't affect performance at all

blablabla go die in a ditch stupid consolefag

No one thinks Denuvo actually works, Denuvo is only a thing to satisfy stupid shareholders.

Post proof.

Yeah, I believe you. The number of zoomers who think anything not official is dangerous and will create mustard gas in your CPU is just ridiculous

>I couldn't tell the difference between 144 and 240
I can't tell the difference of anything over 45fps.

good god

Probably if you have enough google-fu you could search for something along the lines of "no crack, guess I'll have to buy it" and you'll get results.

fuck off kevin


Attached: file.png (913x69, 10K)

nope, less than half the denuvo infested games get rid of it, a lot of the ones that do remove it do so a year+ later
>pay per update/when cracked
that's also not true

Anecdotal evidence is not evidence. Post proof that anti-piracy methods increase sales.

look at framerate graph brainlet

>Even when you are doing nothing.

Deadnuvo and CUPCUM on suicide watch

got a magnet for it?

just buy better hardware goy
I used to buy a few games a year but I just pirate any shit now and save for better hardware

so instead of i5+x70 and a few games bought
i just go i7+x80 plus no game bought
dunno, maybe denuvo was made to scam software devs and push hardware sales


Attached: 12365.jpg (638x599, 68K)

xatab repack on google

>up speed
>66 KiB

you filthy niggers are welcome

Attached: asdf.png (870x46, 5K)

so what torrent client do kids use these days?

>maybe denuvo was made to scam software devs and push hardware sales
Denuvo is financed by Sony.

I use Deluge

I really am glad I don't play "new" video games anymore

Attached: 1548032577218.png (1920x1080, 305K)

Why is there no turbo mode?

Attached: 1545341155167.png (259x327, 128K)

People will defend anything, the world is full of retarded fanboys and corporate cocksuckers.

That one looks like qbittorrent, avoid utorrent like the plague, it has been corporate ad tracking ridden garbage for years.

I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that even a trained eye can't detect differences in frame rate above 250fps

Attached: 1548833965159.jpg (500x500, 61K)

There's no proof yet either way because a significant study of this has never been done. I'm merely stating that such a scenario probably exists and publishers sure as hell will understandably play it safe and use such measures until it's conclusively proven that piracy is not hurting their profits.

Whereas you assume the opposite is necessarily true and don't understand why publishers act the way they do other than >MUH GREED.

Same reason why Trish, Lady and Vergil aren't playable.
Special Edition.

So how does denuvo licensing work then?

pretty sure you're fucking retarded

Eyes aren't monitors so there's no such thing as eye framerate, what is discernible depends a lot on what is displayed but can go up to 1000hz, but that's extreme lab testing.

Thanks, I appreciate it

>but that's extreme lab testing.
So would it be fair to say that for the average person it's 250hz?

>Fps goes up and down all the time. Even when you are doing nothing
Fix your PC, Pablo.

Question: by using the exe without Denuvo, can you actually mod the game or unlock the pre-order/deluxe edition content on a standard edition? I want to support Capcom, but I'm not paying extra for the old DMC songs.

the steam rip still has denuvo or no?

Alright, i'm starting to get angry now.

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steamcucks in full damage control

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Tests with fighter pilots showed that they could identify planes being flashed for a 1/255th of a second, and other lab tests showed that people could perceive even a single photon hitting their eyes so it's kinda hard to say what is the perfect framerate, I think 240hz would be the low end.

if its playable, there's no denuvo

That dude HAS to be an employee of Denuvo, even the thirstiest fanboys don't go as far as that faggot.

>d-denuvo doesn't hurt performance at all!
Where are the denuvo shills now? Come on out and defend this cucks.

Somebody link

to that stupid piece of shit

I'm not surprised, you nigger live under a rock. This has been a known thing about denuvo for the past 5 years. Swear to god 4channers are the last to hear about anything. That or most of you fags are shills.

>Yea Forums defended this
Truly the most cucked board on Yea Forums.

Attached: file.png (952x500, 1009K)

That's true though, I can't even play past mission 2

crack/denuvo free = left
denuvo = right

Attached: ''All men are created equal''.png (574x432, 458K)

>instant crash

Attached: 001.png (411x411, 332K)

This may be due to an error with Network Functions implemented in the game. To remedy this go to Options>Network and turn off the following settings;

Spoiler Filter
Unique Information

Confirmed info from GazelleGames

>russian shit
Yeah, no. I'll wait for a proper scene release.

who in their right mind would shill for Denuvo?


This one for example.

console bros

This dude:
Look up that fag on steam, he's obsessed with the prosperity of this one particular piece of DRM.

games are cracked in a day now, the hell are you on about?

Attached: DevilMayCry5_2019_03_08_13_26_36_971.jpg (1920x1080, 241K)

I think it's great that I'm uploading 3 times what I downloaded so far. I don't even know why I'm not downloading direct links

Console cucks as always
They're subhuman

thanks bro

Attached: file.png (168x60, 3K)

Its impressive that people are still trying to defend this piece of shit DRM. How many fucking times does it need to be proven that it negatively impacts the performance of the game before these people wise up? The number one priority for you should be the best product for you, not how much money some random asshole makes from this

It's not, such a shame the few good games Denuvo ruined you have to wait till it gets removed or suffer the consequences ie playing on a shitty resolution and quality. I wish I could've played Dishonored 2 around release, I could only get it working on playable framerates months later when I got a new GPU and they dropped Denuvo and I haven't returned to it since, only played the first three levels until I could no longer stand looking at an ugly 1080p stuttering mess.

>GPU gets hotter without Denuvo
Someone explain this to a brainlet. Shouldn't the game be rougher on your stuff with Denuvo running, hence GPU being cooler?

higher framerate = more charge on the GPU = hotter

>Someone explain this to a brainlet.
more fps = more power draw user

Not that guy but since we're just going with assumptions, I'm willing to bet more people just pirate some other game or look at their library of already pirated games, than decide to pay for something they were just about to pirate after all.

Denuvo bottlenecks your CPU, that's why it runs like shit.

>Shit like this runs and it can use the GPU
>Meanwhile VMWare won't just let me use a second GPU under windows to run it in Win XP for that odd game that refuses to run on 10 (or even back in 7)

Denuvo is mostly CPU-bound. Removing it makes your CPU bottleneck the system less, giving you a higher framerate. Since the framerate is higher, the GPU does more work and gets hotter.

laws of thermodynamics

>day one crack
uhhhh buytards?

I'm still confused. If Denuvo takes away from performance and gets cracked day one, why do developers even waste their time getting it? What is it even supposed to do?

have some goddamn faith, user

Jap publishers are retarded.

True that more fps = more strain, but what's stopping you from just using the frame limiter on fucking Rivatuner or some other one? Meanwhile your GPU under Denuvo gets cucked out of the CPU resources

Congrats, less power draw on the graphics card, more on the processor.

Can I buy the game and use the crack?

>Denuvo doesn't affect a game performance i swear
Denuvoshills on suicide watch

Fuck you Dutch I've been waiting long enough and I still don't see Tahiti

maybe Company X has a long-standing contract with then
then maybe it says "you have to use out shit for Term Y, even if it doesn't work" somewhere on the contract

It's "supposed" to protect a game for a good while, it used to be months of protection, then weeks, now days if someone doesn't leak the unprotected exe.
Denuvo salesmen convince stupid suits that DRM will make pirates buy the game when there's zero public data actually supporting that, and there's no such thing as "lack of DRM" salesmen so the discussion is pretty skewed in these suit meetings.

To tell their investors they're actively fighting piracy.

The fuck are you talking about retard? Why would you ever want a lower framerate?

Shitposting is fun but supporting Denuvo is one of those things that's too disgusting to do ironically.

Publishers would gladly waste money for the chance of fucking over the little guy who wasn't going to buy it anyway.

Pretty much this, they're scared shitless of the piracy boogeyman, which was one of the reasons they didn't PC ports for the longest time.

How poor can someone be that can't afford a 30€ game?

Come up with something funnier or go play a video game.

wojak posters arent shills, they just think its funny to post fake outrage ad nauseum

Attached: 1356992328824.jpg (578x712, 113K)

Yep, that's what I did.

Why do you play it if it's shit?

If you're a poorfag with a 60hz screen getting tearing or someone who doesn't know what ventilation is and bought a shit case, you might want to generate the least heat as possible or in the first case, not see the tears on the screen.

I have to limit the framerate on the desktop for the very reason the screen only goes to 60hz, but the laptop does 144 so I just let it go unleashed and make the fans sound like a jet fighter taking off.

Put the denuvo free exe and download SSE and disable networking on it just visit cs rin ru

friendly reminder that if you defend denuvo you're literally completely brainwashed by your corporate overlords into being a willing slave

if this controversy kills denuvo for good DMC5 will be forever based

>paying for the objectively inferior version of the same product

Attached: 1528502235419.png (1000x815, 676K)

>Console cucks shilling for Denuvo because they can literally not into console piracy
It's like the fucking fox and the grapes.

I limit my framerate to 60 in every games

My copy is shit free.

>Yea Forums is the only board that hates piracy
I fucking hate this board, buyfags are cancer

>Implying this isn't about some games being so poorly made they don't justify that price-tag.

literally who is defending denuvo?

Nigger there is ONE post in this thread shilling for Denuvo.

Based Umaru.

Why are you pretending to be retarded

How is playing a bug ridden, randomly crashing copy shit free? I can disable denuvo on steam too you know.

I'm pretty sure it's just corporate suit faggotry. Japanese started to make day 1 PC releases only very recently and the PC market is non existant in japan, so they don't have much experience and want to be cautious I guess.

Also denuvo is owned by sony, so they could have used their brand loyalty to sweet talk japanese companies.

Attached: dab on em.jpg (1920x1080, 261K)

>bug ridden, randomly crashing copy
its literally the same game retard

Higher framerate is better even if your monitor is 60hz since it will display the last rendered frame when it refreshes, giving it less delay.

>dev build
>bug ridden
How much do they pay you to shill here?

But there's not a single post in here made by a consolechad.

the absolute state lmao

Attached: 1551171445295.png (645x773, 398K)

I get input lag when playing at higher framerate because my CPU is shit and the framerate fluctuation creates input lag
I either set to 60 or 120, but never in between these 2 values

Yep, only with an added miner


Attached: 1549130575152.jpg (480x480, 24K)

Steam took down the forum thread. Capcom knows, get ready for a patch buyfriends.

Attached: animed.gif (500x281, 2.36M)

I hope new updates don't make the current Denuvo free exe worthless. Fuck Valve for making game updates mandatory.

Attached: Geralt30.jpg (721x705, 126K)


It's not rape, just cuckening.

Works for me though some are saying you can't download the denuvo free exe anymore.

>20 more fps

>Yep, only with an added miner
>They're literally just running the same build they got from steam without launching denuvo
Whatever you have to tell yourself to feel better about shilling for a stain on the entire medium I guess.

Something is funny on my end.
What's the sha1 for your DevilMayCry5.exe and re_chunk_000.pak.patch_001.pak?

Thank you for the free game files download that I just ended up using with the crack, Steam.

Attached: Thanks, Steam.png (497x667, 38K)

The pig in blanket emote is pretty great.


That's the legit version without Denuvo, devs just dead-dropped the denuvo-free exe on Steam by mistake. It's all in the thread in the OP pic

>visa ending with 51
Heh, thanks for your card idiot.

Here's a case of a legit denuvo shill

This thread is actually beyond fucking retarded.

I think many people don't realize this, but denuvo prevents modding. It's why Doom 2016 had no mods, for instance

Given how much the industry relies on mods for creativity (games like DOTA 2, PUBG, Fortnite, CS, LoL, etc. are all derived from mods) it's safe to say denuvo is literally killing the games industry.

>Show multiple evidence
>Kalaiden and some guys go technical
Fucking denuvo apologists man

Attached: BF560C4E-DBCE-4297-9141-9453A98EF281.png (553x284, 273K)

I still haven't played a single game with denuvo. I missed a couple games I wanted to play but fuck this kike shit.

With Denuvo exe i am not getting models for when i pick a new orb or item, any fix?

You pirate scrum are the worst, you hack into Capcom's computers to put performance crippling bugs into DMC5 so you can release a crack and "prove" Denuvo is somehow bad, you're all arguing in bad faith and you know it.


Why the fuck is this allowed?

t. Dork

I know how to pirate shit. I just don't want to. I want to just have my fucking purchased game playable without fucking Denuvo dragging it down. Fuck!
I spent money on this. Why do pirates get to have the better experience? Really should have had pirated it, but I shouldn't have to.

They seriously need to officially remove Denuvo from the game. Fuck.

Someone out there probably believes this.

I’m a happy man when I trigger a person out of nowhere
Real talk though, while that exe gives a performance boost, there could be bugs down the line because we don’t know if the exe is missing anything else other than the Dinduvo

Attached: 6F8B864B-8D8C-43E9-ACB7-91228413E1F7.jpg (495x620, 70K)

I can play for free? Neat, I'll do that.

I never played DMC before, but since it's free I'll give it a try. Thanks, Yea Forumsbros

denuvo is still on pirated games, It just tricks the game in to thinking you are running a legit copy. So you still get shit performance. Removing denuvo, if the dev's decide to, is the only way to get better performance.

>I spent money on this. Why do pirates get to have the better experience?
Because Denuvo makes the investors happy.
That's usually the root source of all evils when it comes to the gaming industry, really.

pc always wins

Steal shit until it is removed, cucko. How hard is it to not give a fuck and just do what is good for you, instead the industry?
Piracy out of protest is a thing for a lot of people but you still argue with yourself about it. You deserve it.

Attached: 07_Box.png (300x300, 11K)

that faggot is the biggest fucking sped.
these people who who hang out in the steam forums waiting to defend corpratist shitstains & tell the customers their piss is rain are seriously mentally ill.
for what purpose? get a life.

Depends, some groups scan the exe for denuvo calls/hooks and remove them, thus it never runs. This isn't common though.

>Denuvo now taking almost no time to get cracked
>somehow they're still convincing people that they're the best anti-pirating measure on the market
At this point, I don't care what developer/publisher uses it in their game, I just want to see Denuvo get thoroughly fucked into a grave. And any pestilence of a performance-impacting DRM, for that matter.

>130mb executable
The fuck capcom? They can't code for shit.

Attached: 1501633229670.png (633x473, 501K)

I read that trained soldiers can have reflexes up to 300fps

>always gamepad
I bet you never played jedi outcast

Its actually starting to creep up on Yea Forums and Yea Forums as well.

>the majority of steam and pc users have no fucking clue about how to pirate shit

Denuvo is going to be built up so much, that it'll eventually cut games' performance in half.

>denuvo actually employs the same exact tactics to protect games as malware uses to hide from antivirus
>look up who the developers are
>same guys who wrote the sony drm rootkit years ago, just bought out under a different company name
of course

They probably just built a bunch of shit into the executable rather than using external libraries. Not really that big a deal.

regular game cracks still have it.
I remember trying it on Watch_Dogs 2 and saw 0 performance change in both cracked and uncracked.
But I also noticed 0 performance change in Titanfall 2 between the time when I was playing it and it had Denuvo and after they removed it.
But taking another example such as Sonic Mania, which caused a massive uproar since it was implemented badly, I can safely assume that most of the problems come from bad implementation.

Enough training for Rolf, time to fix what is broken.

Yeah they are the same that were coding SecuROM, shitty practices don't die.

About 10 extra fps with a 4790k and gtx1080ti kek

I do not m8. But no wonder Denuvo works like shit. It is too big executable. It should be 1-2Mb max.

they used to give me nightmares

a Virtual machine is an operating system operating inside another operating system.
Look up VMware for example.
Though I'm skeptical that Denuvo uses such implementation. It could be something like Java

you can get completely banned from steam's forums if you shitpost enough, but i don't believe valve has ever taken games or accounts over it
some individual game EULAs like killing floor 2 have awful cuck shit that says they'll revoke your CD key if you hurt someone's feelings but that's on a per game basis

Sometimes I like to imagine I don't live in a third world shithole and I get decent download speeds

You'd have to do a massive reverse engineering for that, it's already difficult to crack exes with newer implementations I don't blame cracker if they do not bother with it.

only brainlets believe this

Guys I'm getting no sounds at all, did I do something wrong?

Anyone know a good site for game torrents? I haven't pirated in years but 20fps can go fuck itself. I'll buy it when they remove denovo.

>I can safely assume that most of the problems come from bad implementation

Sort of. Devs don't implement denuvo, it implements itself. The process is you run the game for a while, a profile of the executable is built and then denuvo decompiles the game and inserts itself where it can based on that profile and then recompiles the game. Supposedly any implementation problems are problems with the DRM itself but I doubt this. Consistently Jap developed games are having big performance problems with denuvo and Jap developers notoriously suck at PC development. Denuvo is supposed to insert itself in the processing gaps, when the existing game code would leave the processor idle, for minimal possible performance impact. I suspect Jap code is so inefficient there's just not many of those gaps around.

Not at my PC right now, is this shit just a simple overwrite job? Also how did it "leak"?

Attached: 1541286551889.jpg (592x576, 40K)

>assuming third worlders aren't even more resilient because of the retarded prices they charge for the games

*30x2 with adaptive sync

>I suspect Jap code is so inefficient there's just not many of those gaps around.
DMCV.exe = 130MB without Denuvo. It is shit code 100%.

your motherboard is fried, go buy another one

it's a simple overwrite job for now because it's the current version's .exe without denvuo, if there's patches later that change other files it could bungle it
it leaked because there was a game branch for QA on steam that was accidentally left public, with this .exe that's why Metro Exodus always have my CPU running at 100% load?

I'm pretty sure a trained Iraqi insurgent can see up to 450fps

It doesn't.
The denuvo killing performance meme is a lie told by pirates to justify being nigger thieves.


Attached: 1542222946656.jpg (500x287, 13K)

It's only happening in DMC5 though.

some gold mental gymnastics from the steam guide comments:
>You know... Use 60 FPS as the default. If it reaches AT LEAST 60 FPS, it's a nonissue. Otherwise, there's problem.

Explain then.

It happened something similar to me with cracked Watch_Dogs 2.
The audio files were in a different folder where the game was searching them and the result was that the game had 0 dialogues. Try checking the folder for audio files and if you have configured it to another language.

Imagine unironically thinking denuvo doesn't impact performance when it literally requires extra resource to run.

Attached: 1535844215412.png (278x272, 101K)

Hey kid, the denuvo-free exe only works with the original copy, you just have to replace the denuvo exe with the other one

They're being directed by the shareholders, who don't know and don't care about video games and only want the bottom line to increase with no long-term goals in mind. So the publishers find the latest flashy tech labelled PIRACY KILLER and wave it in the faces of the shareholders for reassurance and that's the end of it.

that guy is ass blasted still to this day because of his worthless mods he keeps defending drm

>Don't care if people pirate or not
>All that shitposting a few years back about "PIRATEFAGS ON SUICIDE WATCH! DENUVO CAN'T BE BEAT!"
>Now it's failing in less than a day

I hope Denuvo goes away soon. I haven't pirated in a while but all it does is inconvenience me as a paying customer.

>then denuvo decompiles the game and inserts itself where it can based on that profile and then recompiles the game
Sounds like Venom from the Spiderman comics.

mhw has been cracked for ages and still has denuvo so don't expect it to be removed anytime soon

>you now remember Sonic Mania rage on day one
It was beautiful.

You might have DMC 5... but you'll never get THIS!

Attached: 1535164163680.png (1600x731, 685K)

Do you guys not have assholes?
I don't get it I though we made it more compelling for people to buy our game :/

It's more like japs don't care about updating their games properly. All the japanese games I know still have problems and denuvo in the executable
FFXV, Nier: Automata, MHW for example.
While western games like Titanfall 2, Life is Strange: Before the Storm, Dishonored 2 have removed it after some time.

wait until you see lady, trish, and vergil.

Attached: new lady looks 2000x times better now that she is part of the chosen people.jpg (2088x3216, 1.18M)

>75% of Denuvo games have been cracked out of like 120
>rapes framerate
>gets removed when the game gets cracked, almost rewarding the customer base when an autistic Russian cracks the game

Why the fuck do people even trust Denuvo anymore? It's the biggest waste of money ever. All it does is waste the company money and fuck customers in the ass while only causing a minor inconveniance for pirates who have to wait a few weeks to play their game.

Attached: denuvo eteranally btfo.png (1016x1043, 471K)

>imagine shilling the game for a year and all your hard work being blown away on day 1 where people not only can but are actively encouraged to pirate the game

>go through the forum post
>people are reporting getting worse performance than with the original den version
>people are pointing out how he used a max setting and a low setting for his screenshots
lmao, you fags will eat up anything.

Attached: Average V poster finds Denuvo.png (1200x1518, 1.19M)

>gets removed when the game gets cracked
This is almost never the case, they just trick denuvo into thinking it's calling home.

>Facebook meme

>a few weeks

It hasn't been like that in years, now the Russians almost always get it out in a few days. One day in this case.

Did anybody post a video comparison yet?

It's adorable when you are so new you don't know something that originated on Yea Forums.

I don't mean the pirates removing denuvo. I mean the developers removing denuvo since it failed at it's one purpose.

You don't need more than 24 fps anyway.

and also /g/
what the fuck happened?

what forum post?

>Disney is Yea Forums
oh sweaty no....

Litreally OPs post for the guide. Read all the comments, the majority of them aren't "hey thanks I'm getting better performance" it's people who are reporting worse frames.

Actually there is no limit, it's just that the highest ever recorded event of someone being able to tell frames was at a couple thousand fps.
They were doing some tests for fighter pilots, they show a blip on a radar for 1/2000th of a second, and some pilots were able to notice it and say its coordinates.

Of course you need to have a very trained eye and top tier reaction speeds to be like that.

I mean, that seems like a fair trade to me. Denuvo protected the release month sales, "possibly", but after that they remove it since it's purpose has been served.

it's hard to tell either way. There are denuvo shills and placebobabbies who'll believe anything for the chance of getting a better performance or shitting on denuvo.

The retard was running it on 4K, removing Denuvo from the CPU processes means that now the CPU has more room to process and send the GPU data textures, meaning that it will have more to work with.
Obviously getting more texture to process on that resolution, will result in few frame less.

Never making the mistake of buying a Denuvo game again, you still need to wait till it gets removed so might as well wait for a good sale.

Normalfags are mindless buyfag drones that need to attach their ego to consumerism in order to release dopamine. These are the people that despite having a tab with an article about GAME Sold 10m in the first month and a torrent for the same game in the other, they buy because otherwise their life is not fulfilled because they didn't waste money to be associated to a "cause".

Attached: normalfag.png (1064x731, 96K)
I can't believe I actually have to explain this.


Attached: 1551809505170.gif (750x750, 871K)

Man, I can't believe how shitty Capcom is. A competent dev would be able to implement Denuvo with almost no FPS loss (see DOOM). But Capcom somehow lost 20% FPS in their implementation, and it was cracked soon after release.

I would avoid their shoddy products if I were you.

I'm downloading the game now, but where do I get the denuvo-free exe? Or does it come with the torrented copies?


>an image made of screencaps from Wreck-It Ralph
>Cory in the House


More than two years uncracked.
Never, ever piratecuck.
Denuvo, nigga.

yeah, I'll be pissed if it really does cut off 20fps. but this is not the first time Yea Forums has lied and shitposted. we'll just have to see once someone trustworthy actually looks into it

Use real actors for games, suddenly everyone is jewish... realism is a mistake.

That image was created here for a Yea Forums thread. I know, because I fucking made it for that specific thread.

Attached: 1551744052857.gif (720x720, 1.81M)

isn't this pretty much "how to pirate the game"?
well i have some free space may aswell download it despite having no interest in playing it

depends where you got it from

Cope, footfag

>>Denuvo now taking almost no time to get cracked
Sadly there are still a few games left.

I know Left Alive is shit but I really want to try it. Also, Zone of the Enders

Attached: 1475c0cf-28ea-40a8-b4f4-b8230dc68a5f.png (428x395, 38K)

Is the game worth a pirate?

If someone is lying, it isn't Yea Forums

dauphong version, since its a trusted uploader on TPB, but he didnt write any info into the download page

Looks like people are getting banned from talking about it in the steam forum.

>denuvo getting cracked in moer than 4 months
>denuvo getting cracked in less than 4 months
>denuvo getting cracked in a month, at max
>denuvo getting cracked in a few weeks
>denuvo getting cracked in a week
>denuvo getting cracked day one
>denuvo getting cracked even before the game release
We're currently here
>denuvo getting cracked even before the game will be programmed
>next denuvo build gets cracked even before it will be created
>crackers releasing cracked games prior their E3 announcements
Speed the fuck up crackers!

Cool videogame discussion itt.
PC port was a mistake.

>DMC3 is peak aesthetics and looks
>every character is hand crafted
Coincidence, I think not.

normalfags ruin everything

Attached: en.jpg (538x307, 18K)

yeah, what a surprise

I love that gif.

all the while Denuvo shills to devs how worse performance is worth it to protect their investment for 2 nano seconds
all the while devs and publishers shill to players how protecting their game is important while also making the performance worse

from that thread. just going to have to either test ourselves or wait for something more conclusive

Attached: Capture.png (681x313, 45K)

How do I get the denuvo free exe if I haven't bought the game? I tried the Steam console command and it didn't work.
Or does it work after I've installed the torrented copy? That would be pretty hilarious

well, thank goodness you came here and started a proper discussion then

>pirates still pushing the "Denuvo slows down games" false flag

Attached: 1508513430920.jpg (489x540, 218K)

fake news

you being born was a mistake
but its too late for after-day pill

I like how he posts literal text, instead of the actual graph
>soo hard to write false text guys!

Attached: insurgency low vs high texture streaming.jpg (3816x1016, 723K)

Would be hilarious if the D version actually ran better.

Is there a benchmark tool to run for this game?

okay? it's not mine and I'm not saying it's true. OP's post could be just as "fake"

It's not a false flag by any stretch you moron, even buyfags hate denuvo.

>frog profile pic

Corporate shills.

so wait, you just buy the game, download it then refund it and get a different exe and plop that into the game folder and you have free dmcv


>There's no proof yet either way because a significant study of this has never been done
Factually wrong. There was a study paid for by the EU that proved that people who pirate also buy the products more often than people who do not pirate.
Of course that study was swept under the rug, but you should be able to find it still.

You are still buying an inferior product compared to the free version regardless of the performance.

should be cracked yes

Umaru posters confirmed god tier

fuck off jimmy
you faggot

Attached: 23131231865675r0.png (1304x892, 51K)

> pirate because it wasn’t affordable (35 percent).

Wow, the largest reason they pirate is beacuse they can't afford it, go figure.

if in day one the game is already cracked, we won't be getting dmc6 anytime soon right?

Attached: its only the rain.jpg (1280x720, 80K)

nope, this is true. modern game engines have extremely weird framerates, especially console ports often experience fluctuations for seemingly no reason. however...

correct. neither pic is taken during an unusual dip or peak.


Attached: 1452113732126.jpg (411x411, 39K)

this looks like my performance in Quake Champions. what shit engine is insurgency running on? did they switch away from source?

UE4 like every other shit these days

"Play on PC" they said, "Its the best way to play any game" they said

ledditors confirmed for being more intelligent better than 4channelers

Attached: leddit.png (710x409, 36K)

but there is more, check the dirt settings and what kind of performance that gives

Attached: Insurgency 1.1.1 frametime.jpg (3920x2084, 1.03M)

I agree, uncultured pc swine should not be allowed to even stare at the magnificent wealth of japanese console game making

74FPS is still better than 60 with drops on shitboxes.

I can't believe they actually conducted the tests and proved something about denuvo. So cool! Oh, wait, they're just speculating and doing fuck all just like everyone else

Original is Source, Sandstorm is UE4.

it is, so what's your point?

can someone explain to me how was DMCV cracked so fucking fast? was it Capcom fault or
>LMAO Denuvo

still seems way more measured than shitposting >happening memes and reaction pics

Leaked Exe file

unprotected .exe leaked

Everyone looked their best on 4, you fucking faggot.
Have you SEEN Kyrie's ass? That shit is fucking divine.

so it was capcom?

So will I get banned or something if I de-Denuvo it?

>Now while some users claimed that there is a 20fps difference between these two versions, we’ve discovered a 6-10fps difference between them. This performance difference will NOT be noticeable on modern-day systems and the only PC configurations that will benefit from the Denuvo-free version are those with really old CPUs.

So, do I get into this series with DMC 5 or should I really start from the first one?

the fact that these retards talk about "20 fps" like that's some constant when they should be talking about percentages of the total performance shows that redditors are in fact not smarter than the average fag in this thread right here. one remarks that 1-5 fps would be deemed okay, also without any context. but 5 fps drop on one system are 20 fps drop on another. considering that the game still runs at over 60 fps on some existing hardware with denuvo I can absolutely see some execs going, ship that shit. having a version without denuvo exposed was never the plan, remember. nobody was ever supposed to find out that the game could be running over 20 PERCENT better.

What I don't understand is why people even bother putting in DRM, at best it will be cracked day of the release and not noticable to consumers supporting you, at worst it will take a week to crack and it will make experience worse for paying consumers that support you.
What's even the bloody point? I mean, I doubt anyone willing to pre-order or buy first week is going to pirate, what do they even gain from protecting the game for one week?
Also, why not just remove the fucking DRM with a patch once it's cracked? People can easily pirate it at that point anyway.

I'm just sick of this whole "please download our Origin / Uplay / Steam / Epic DRM launcher, goy" to play games you bought physically.

Attached: 1547459432055.gif (282x354, 1.17M)

I am talking about peoples faces, over all aesthetic.
"x had tits or ass" is not a compelling argument for how vergil looks, or dante, or nero, or lady, or trish
dont get me started on how disgusting nico is.

It's like they don't remember that capcom shipped a buggy rootkit with their premier flagship fighting game.

translation: we used a weaker GPU or cranked up the settings higher.
the DSOG guy is a FUCKING RETARD. remember this.

Are you ok, friend? I said 4, not 5.
DMC4 had the best looking everything.

something so obvious would not normally need to be stated somewhere at which the average IQ > 100

>the only PC configurations that will benefit from the Denuvo-free version are those with really old CPUs
Well, perfect then.

my bad, im a bit triggered by the new game as it shits on my dreams...

It was just released today

At least it plays really good, which is the most important part desu.


>What happened?
>The Denuvo free file was not cracked by anyone, but is provided by Capcom. :O
>Hours later, Capcom deleted this branch:
>However, we still can download the Denuvo free file through Steam console.

2500K here

Attached: 1512951155857.jpg (500x216, 37K)

no turbo mode, staying in the air is literally brain dead, and this is just shit I gathered from snips of clips here and there, I am sure the game has more shit that ultimate is negative.
The characters themselves as so unpleasant that I will likely skip this game entirely, even for free.

Nah samurai Jack, courage, hey Arnold, edd ed n eddy and avatar still hold up pretty well.

Only the first seasons of EEnE are good, but they are very very good.
The others are pretty great all around, though.

I'm assuming the fps safe is mostly from less CPU strain? Would I benefit if I have a pretty godly CPU already?

might as well anyway, for lower temps

>be game dev in 2019
>still fall for the denuvo jew

what do they gain from this? why pay a tremendous amount of money for a shit tech that just ruins your game and doesn't even work most of the time? just release the game free of all this bullshit on gog, people will buy it anyways

t. dude who has a huge gog collection

Then why do I need vsync to stop screen tearing?

If they can't afford it they won't be able to buy it? Not a lost sale.
They'll just buy it when it's on a sale, same as if they hadn't pirated it.

Wait, dumbass normalfags actually thought a game running on a virtual machine doesn't affect performance? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>if they can't afford it then it's not a lost sale
If there's no food aren't starving from hunger.

Because you aren't using triple buffering.

you need VSync because your framerate is so low that you can see the tear lines. if the framerate was adequate the two scenes on either side of a tear line would be so close to identical you wouldn't be able to notice the line in 1/60th of a second. once you're in the triple digits tearing becomes a meme you can stop worrying about. only low framerate cucks even consider VSync, and no, to this day there is NO method of Sync that doesn't introduce input lag.

tearing is even more noticeable with higher framerates since it starts becoming multiple tears per refresh, you're probably using some buffering without realizing it

Is this game better with a controller or with m+kb?

I have more tearing when playing at 90fps than when playing at 60

Can I still remove it even if I bought it? or should I just refund it and do the crack

I don't think anyone is in a rush to crack The Quiet Man, sometimes DRM does protect you from pirating garbage.

controller for sure

>ledditors deepthroating corporate cock
Checks out.

Attached: 1334083934011.png (900x563, 217K)

which version is the best one? I see a bunch on the forum
that ramzes steamrip torrent has superbad seeds

>scene communities who work for free are less trustworthy than international publishers
Imagine being this guy

Thanks, bro

It's mildly amusing.

They added it to "protect sales." The performance hit is a side effect that they don't care about. As far as they're concerned, the game only just released. Updates and DLC will make the pre-cracked .exe obsolete.

All this does is revert the PC version back to the XBone X version. The One eks verson also runs at 90fps at 1440p .

I don't think video games fall under basic goods for survival.



If you have a 60hz monitor good for you.
If you have a high refresh rate monitor, you deserve death

>was supposed to be finishing early today and going to my little bro's birthday party
>now I have to stay inside and damage control this shit on reddit

I have a 60hz monitor and a GTX 1080 :)

Nice projection there Zeke

Attached: V11.jpg (1106x515, 214K)

>a leaked executable without denuvo from the devs
I want this faggot to lose access to the internet for a prolonged period of time and be forced to socialize with people and get slapped for being a cunt.

Its funny because piratefags dont suffer at all for any of this shit. Only buyfags get assfucked and enjoy it.

>in hindsight

Is that the game on high settings? Looks kind of shitty. Can't believe it's not hitting over 100 with you just standing in one place with nothing going on.

it's clearly a metaphorical rape and murder you dumbass

Seed you cheap faggots reeeeeeee

Attached: seed faggots.png (435x41, 2K)

Torrents are an everyday proof that communism would never work

tbc? how legit is that version?

is this legal though?
yeah we bought the game, but is it legal to use an exe that it's technically not public?
i also think steam can see if you're running the game while denuvo is not active, and ban you or do something about it because you're technically using a modified exe(not modified by you, but still not the same as the one thats shipped with the game, even if its an official non cracked exe)


I'll wait for fitgirl

>turn off internet
>go offline
whoa so hard

use it and then tell us if the feds come crashing through your door

Why wait for a shady russian when there's already a shady russian version up?

no :)

Attached: file.png (362x71, 6K)

>not Richard Pawkins
Still laughed though

I'm gonna take a wild guess and say this is a comment originally posted on reddit.

regular version has denuvo, which means constant online checks, so it can't be run offline.
sure, the non-denuvo one can be run offline for obvious reasons, but then they can still see you played a denuvo game ofline, and stil intervene cause the only way to do that is with the modified exe.

im just questioning if this can potentially lead to license removal or ban for those who bought it legit


>new games are 1000 bucks here
you could buy a month's grocery with that

a combination of my download speed not being excellent and not having much HDD storage, so i prefer a smaller repack