Why do people praise Metroid?

I’ve always thought hiding important game items and rendering it necessary to check each and every block on the map is peak bad design.

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Except it is not necessary to get those items.

i talk to samus the whole time i'm playing it

For you

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lower brinstar theme

You misspelled maridia

why do people care what others think about entertainment?
If you dont like it good for you

you misspelled lower norfair

I think when people make posts they should stop, reread what they wrote and think about whether what they're saying is going to make them sound like a simpleton.

You get literal X ray vision later in the game if finding items is to hard for you and after super metroid they began marking the map to indicate when an item was present in a room

Metroid games tend to hint at where important paths are pretty well


>important items are hidde-
>optional item posted
Kill yourself, go play a brainlet game like super mario rpg or gen 1 pokemon you mongoloid.

That room practically begs you to use a power bomb with the enemies inside, thats one of the more easy to find ones.

He only has 2 energy tanks at the moment, and you literally need 3 to beat the final boss. Try actually playing the game before you post

Good thing that's your shit opinion

>energy tanks
There's 14 of them in Super Metroid, with 4(?) reserve tanks. An average player will probably want 8-10. It's so not necessary to find them all.

What does a faggot like you know about good design?

he plays Fire Emblem Heroes and brags about how many rehas-err "characters" his series gotten in the game
dont soil on his glory or he'll gloat

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Is there any other good metroid but not metroid game aside from Axiom Verge?

There are plenty of E tanks that are easy as fuck to find, plenty that are actually in your face. How about you fucking play the game. The map puts fucking dots where items are, open your eyes m8.

Attached: e tank for ants.jpg (241x209, 9K)

That’s because you’re a faggot that’s been babied his entire life