How did a game this fucking barren and awful become one of the most beloved games of all time? I am not shitposting, I love some of the previous Zeldas. I don't understand. I feel like I'm going crazy.
How did a game this fucking barren and awful become one of the most beloved games of all time? I am not shitposting...
which one is your favorite? and why? do you feel that botw lacked what you loved from that game? if so that’s probably why.
Its a generic sandbox game with a zelda theme.
>barren and awful
It's literally the exact opposite of those things.
Majora and Link's Awakening. I loved the item progression, dungeons, talking to weird characters for lore. BotW has no meaningful content, it's just the same 5 character models and 6 enemies copy pasted over a giant boring map.
The biggest fear being that BoTW's mediocrity will become the new standard of future Zelda titles.
was that on the ds? i skipped out on those games
I'm not OP but my favorite is Majora's Mask, and I feel BOTW is the complete opposite of MM's. Majora's Mask has a smaller but way denser, tighter, interactive world that feels alive and where there's always something going on.
BoTW feels... empty and lifeless.
Because its not all that barren and provides a really unique and magical first ten hours no matter what. It really does have this feeling of breaking out of what game design had become since 3d
Some games do well just for featuring certain characters.
Dont expect an answer from them because they havent played any zelda game and just wanna shitpost.
It's a game for players with intrinsic motivation. If you need linear progression and physical rewards like items from challenges to enjoy a game then this is simply not for you
Generic sandbox? I mean it had unique mechanics and very thorough theming and etc
Someone post the webm again, you know the one.
So you didnt get any kick out of Zora's Domain or the Gerudo area or Terrytown or anything?
>woah look at that cool-ass setup!
>oh... it's just to kill two goblinos that would be more effeciently cut down with your sword...
what is the point of cool tech if you are never actually rewarded for using it?
It's more like a playground with one of the best degrees of freedom than it is a handcrafted adventure.
that it's... fun. what's wrong with you?
huh, hadn't considered I could stasis the flying object after attaching the blowfish things.
I liked Terry town, that was the only quest I had any real investment in.
So it is like playing with toys?
The reward is the sensation of accomplishment for a goal you set yourself. It's intrinsic motivation like said
Congrats you just wasted several octo balloons and arrows (not to mention your time, but that's clearly worthless) to kill two of the weakest enemies in the game when going up and pressing the attack button a couple times would have accomplished the same thing.
Posted like a real QTE game player.
Why bother with effort. Just gimme instant gratification.
Nah, BotW is chock-full of stuff to do. It's like all the content of past Zelda games packed into one. Finding the dragons, going through the stand-out shrines like Eventide Island and Typhlo Ruins, finding interesting ruins like the colisseum and decrepit horseback-shooting minigame, etc. And it has all the usual Zelda charm, divine beasts are the best that dungeons have ever been, item progression isn't just in the form of arbitary McGuffins anymore and is actually an evolution of Link's equipment and capabilities and there's no counting the amount of quests with the usual Zelda charm.
>BoTW's mediocrity
No, BotW was great. An easy 9.5/10.
>empty and lifeless
See above.
there's no goblinos in this game.
this. It's a zelda themed garry's mod where they force you to make your own fun, but you can't crash your own game downloading mods and texture packs and LUA files.
MM is my favorite Zelda game, and I really loved BoTW. I wasn't a fan of weapon durability or dungeon length, but I loved the overall ambiance and I had a lot of fun going through the side quests
You make it sound like games and toys are supposed to be very distinct things. There are similarities for sure here
I like zelda games. They tend to be pretty good. But goddamn they're the most over-rated games in existence.
I think its because they tend to be launch titles, so everyone with that system ends up playing them, and then they become some kind of cultural touchstone.
What if instead of killing mooks in a flashier way, building that contraption took you to a cool easter egg on a tower that you can't just climb?
I am curious about unrelated thing pls respond.
I am wondering where do you guys put minish cap in your zelda rankings
Same here.
I never shitposted about the game and I have no issues with people liking it, but damn, it fell way below expectations for me.
The world is practically emptier than Ubisoft open world games with the same couple of enemies copy pasted, and there's no engagement whatsoever. The whole draw is to walk around and playing around with the gimmick tools the game gave you.
Story and plot wise it was a real disaster, and the dungeons all sucked(especially that ninjaclan hideout)
People always say "its the journey that matters" but I just dont find it fun to run around constantly doing the same shit. I felt it missed the tight direction of other Zelda titles.
I played 3/4 through the game until I returned it.
But desu, after playing one hour I already thought "I want my money back". Even before finishing the plateau I had the feeling that this is gonna be a huge disappointment
Go play cookie clicker faggot
Games are toys user.
nowhere because I still haven't played it
Those blue bokoblins would one-shot him.
I beg to differ
Why dont the Ubisoft complaints resonate with me? Ive played plenty of those Ubisoft games but I truly feel the relation is superficial and people are kind of in bed with shitting on towers because they're used to doing it to make fun of Ubisoft
it already is the gold standard.
I have played it but have really mixed feelings about it, its not like other gbc zeldas in which there is a feeling of openness and freedom to go to places, also a central town
Yeah instead of stellar games like Skyward Sword or another twenty years of OoT
Botw never had a chance with you
BotW is a good open world game but it doesn't feel like a Zelda game.
You can already do that. With many towers and platforms. But there are more ways than one to accomplish the same goal and it makes the player feel smart creativve and accomplished, and Botw does this without any hand holding.
there's shit everywhere, you're just not looking
yeah, it has the iconic zelda content like dunge- oh wait, they replaced those with hundreds of boring samey mechanical caves
and all those unique ite- oh wait, they replaced those with shitty variations of the gravity gun from half life
Yea it seems that much, since I expected a good game.
Thats just another way to describe what people have been calling this game for ages user: a digital playground with no direction.
Sure, if thats for you, no biggie.
But don't act, like people aren't "getting" it. People get it, they just think its not good/their thing/or particularly well done.
Big AAA games are trash. The best switch game is PuyoPuyo Tetris.
here is one answer, you're welcome :^)
The same way people praise the Link's Awakening remake: people will automatically praise anything with the Zelda name on it nowadays with an unquestioning, almost automaton-like fanboy mentality.
It's called intrinsic reward. If you had a win the game button, would you press it? What would be the point of playing? Some people, most I reckon, do not play to be efficient. They play to have fun. This is fun to them.
generic open world shit like this usually does fine, now add the nintendo bonus, there you go
I never said people aren't "getting" it, just that there are people who are naturally motivated intrinsically and those who are motivated extrinsically (and many in between of course). I'm not saying one is better than the other, it's just that botw strongly caters to the former and doesn't do much for the latter, hence the divide in opinions
Yea, if the game would replace those terrible 10min titans with actual dungeons, and bring back some of the Zelda series' mysteriousness in terms of characters(the only one I can think of is the monstershop) to create an actual atmosphere, it would probably kept my attention for at least a little bit longer before dismissing it.
As I said in my post above, just playing for an hour already made me realize that this is bascially the rest of the game already and that I dont like it. And if a game already tells me within an hour already how its gonna treat me throughout the whole game, then its not a good game in my book
>you don't get it, guys, you're supposed to fuck around and PRETEND you're doing something fun
Take a deep breath I mean guess.
Shield surfing
Time stop
Gravity gun
Sticky balloons
Four magical spells
There are lots of items
Youre right they did the dungeons different but the divine beasts and the overworld challenges are designed to satisfy that
Really feel like people got mind gamed into thinking nothing is there simply due to presentation. You make your game quiet and take out as many tutorials as you can and suddenly people cant recognize the features unless they look exactly like they used to
But people who dont like it do so due to a lack of patience and not being on board with the entjre lremise in tbe first plave
>just that there are people who are naturally motivated intrinsically
And I agree. And with some games(M&B, RDR2) I actually count myself towards those, but BOTW was just TOO empty for me in terms of directions to motivate me.
It felt more like a tech demo that was stretched out and made into a game.
I mean I know that the general reception of the game is positive, but I couldn't stomach it. Maybe I just grew out of that stuff I dunno.
What the fuck?? Are you telling me that the stage only has a couple of mushrooms, 1 (one) star, and that's it?!
In before
What a barren as fuck game. Completely void of content! Blunder of the century! Why did anyone play this? ?
>And if a game already tells me within an hour already how its gonna treat me throughout the whole game, then its not a good game in my book
What do you mean by this? What about Tetris or Majora's Mask or literally anything consistent in theme or design? Seems like a completely empty statement with no connection.
>imagine having your creativity this dulled down.
Feel sorry for you bud.
I was already sick of the OoT formula by the time Wind Waker was out and this game made me fall in love with Zelda all over again. Seems modern gamers don't appreciate an adventure through the unknown, they need constant hand holding and a shitty companion stopping you every five seconds telling you what to do, then after a bunch of shitty filler you that leads to your shitty predictable dungeon, in which you find the item in it and use it to kill the noss, then repeat another 6 times.
>and not being on board with the entjre lremise in tbe first plave
disregarding your shitty spelling: no fucking surprise.
why do you fags always act like its the players' fault for not "getting" what the game is supposed to be, and can't just for once admit that what it wanted to be, just fell flat due to the lack of proper direction and crafting.
BOTW is to videogames what a children's playground is for toddlers. Sure its fun for toddlers and toddler minded people, but for many franchise fans it felt like coming from a theme park to a generic playground in the projects.
You aren’t getting it though. You think that games have to have a constant carrot on a stick to keep you going when it doesn’t always have to be that way. And by the sales and reception, people have been craving a game that lets you do it your way.
Shit talking BotW on Yea Forums is a dangerous thing to do. I agree though.
Take away the possibility of climbing basically anything anywhere. Fix the weapon/durability system, and add dungeons like older Zelda games like OOT or even lengthy, solid dungeons like the Oracles games and LTTP.
BotW woulda been top-tier.
>I love some of the previous Zeldas
No you don't. You never played any. You simply hate it and want another shitposting general. You literally added nothing to the discussion we had for two fucking years.
If this comparison were anywhere near accurate, the whole game would be a huge 1-1, there would only be goombas, and you would be able to completely negate all challenge & fun by farming mushrooms for three minutes.
Fuck off, Mathew. Most people play efficiently and literally everyone wants to have fun. Sometimes that includes fucking around like in the webm, but they'd do it once and then realize that it's pointless and a waste of time and resources.
>No temples/Dungeons
>Worst Bosses in the entire franchise
>Weapon durability
>Master Sword "breaks"
>Zelda acts like a complete cunt the whole game
>quarter of the side quest being tedious unfun fetch quest
>Not a single memorable or fun Shrine (trust me i did all of them aside from DLC)
>Worthless reward for doing all 120 unfun shrines
>Amiibo support that baby feeds you OP weapons and having the greatest mount at the start of the game.
You really are some kind of delusional faggot if you think BoTW was a good Zelda game even in the slightest.
Well, no wonder you don’t like botw if you like rdr2. Rdr2 literally leads you by the hand the entire game whereas botw does the opposite.
Yes, it does have dungeons, and they're far better then they've ever been. The beasts are extremely well-designed and some of if not the best puzzle design in the series.
Yes, it does have unique items. Bombs, stasis, cyronis, Revali's Gale, the Zora suit, clothing for different temperature environments and all their upgraded versions.
Except BotW has both intrinsic AND extrinsic gameplay in spades.
BotW isn't a generic open-world at all though, in fact it sheds alot of open-world conventions (quest markers, removes invisible barriers, minimal scripted events in the overworld, etc.) and is an extremely unique experience with great core gameplay.
If by 'mysterious' you mean 'creepy' characters, that's really more of a MM thing and I'm surprised you're expecting that considered it was done pretty much only once.
Again, BotW is a proper evolution of the series and no amount of calling it a "playground" (whatever that even means) won't change that.
He's right you know. That's a stupidly high amount of effort just to kill some of the weakest enemies in the game. There are far more interesting and even impressive things you can do than what was displayed in that webm. And don't tell me those enemies would have slaughtered him either, you'd have to be either trash at video games or new to Zelda games to lose that fight. If you actually utilize the game's mechanics (L-Targeting, dodging, parrying, flurry rush, etc.) you can easily beat some of the game's hardest enemies even with mediocre gear. Feel free to show me a webm that's actually both creative and impressive though.
>it's called autistic reward
>it's supposed to be fun
Yeah, maybe the first or second time it's actually fun. Then you realize you save a lot of time and effort by just getting better at the game and using actual combat skills. Time is the most valuable resource of all which is why people care about efficiency. Enjoyment and efficiency aren't mutually exclusive either, some people take pride in how skilled and efficient they are. Why do you think MMOs exist? Or speedruns? Or competitive games?
>what about tetris
i really hope you didn't mean this seriously. i really fucking hope you're not that dense. also, i dont play tetris.
It means that within an hour I could already feel that "this is it". That running around aimlessly to "make my own fun" is gonna be the rest of the game, and I was right.
Even using MM as an argument is something I will overlook here. Because the game itself is so tightly crafted, comparing it to emtpy open world/endless running/riding autism sim that is BOTW is ridiculous.
>Seems modern gamers don't appreciate an adventure through the unknown, they need constant hand holding and a shitty companion stopping you every five seconds telling you what to do, then after a bunch of shitty filler you that leads to your shitty predictable dungeon, in which you find the item in it and use it to kill the noss, then repeat another 6 times.
Why do people keep putting up this strawman? You do realise having large varied dungeons does not go against having an adventure through the unknown, right?
Well I showed the game to a friend and he didn't get past the first bokoblin. Didn't have a weapon, died, said he was out of options and that the game is shit. The end. It seems to me that you are somewhere in between this and people hyping the game because of its freedom in regards to intrinsic/extrinsic, especially because you like RD2 that is much more structured with its missions. Nothing wrong with that, just means you need to look elsewhere for enjoyable experiences
It just didnt fall flat though for so many people, and you saying 'toddler' like that doesnt disqualify this game's massive success in intentionally and openly taking a new approach to the series. You don't have to like it but to really act insulted and confused and insisting it only appeals to the immature is ridiculous. We all know the games flaws, it being a break away from Ocarina of Time, and not having enough railroaded segments 'for mature people', is not one of them.
OoT was my favorite game for the majority of my childhood. Could tell you practically anything you would ever want to know about it. Stop getting asshurt whenever somebody even implies your sacred cow is anything less than a 10/10 masterpiece.
>I was already sick of the OoT formula (which very few games do)
>but I am not sick of the generic Ubi open world shit
Makes you think.
>most people play efficiently
lol no they don’t
>Yes it does!
>Yes it is!
>No it isnt!
>That doesnt count!
>It is!
botw defense force in a nutshell...
you cant have one thread criticising the game without a fanboy going like this
You literally can farm 99 1UP mushrooms in Mario, you git. Your retort is really weak
Yup, still no arguments, still an empty thread where you act like a little bitch without any reasoning.
>it’s like all the content of pat zelda games packed into one
>has less dungeons, towns, enemies and items than any other Zelda game
I love BoTW and think the Link's Awakening remake looks not good. I don't support almost-identical remakes anyway.
One is more than 30 years old and was a pioneer on what a videogame is the other enjoys those 30 years of development and improvement and only manages to be average, now which one is the worse game?
>You think that games have to have a constant carrot on a stick to keep you going
No I dont. I just like it being done well. BOTW isnt doing it well.
>ad populum
Marvel movies must be amazing, I should really get around watching them.
>Yes, it does have dungeons, and they're far better then they've ever been.
The deku tree alone is more compelling than all four divine beasts stitched together
I stopped playing new zelda titles after wind waker. I replay the old ones like majoras mask and Oracle of seasons but I dont really have time for big games anymore.
I dont get it, the game is even MORE creative that that and its actually the poster who's selling the game's creativity and optuons short, and that makes the game BAD?
Because he’s right. The botw shitpost force constantly repeats the same debunked lies every day like no one has ever seen them post it before.
>You like that game? No wonder you dont like THIS game
I dont even believe you are remotely intelligent enough to process what you just said there.
I fucked around for about 100hrs in RDR2 without any handholding whatsoever, so get fucked.
It was just a dense and unqualified statement coming from a guy emotional enough not to really care if his words make his point
Switch owners will praise anything on it because it justifies them buying a console that has nothing but Wii U ports and shovelware
Same deal with retards who still pay for Netflix when it's 90% garbage
Ad populum to illustrate that just because you didn’t like it doesn’t make it bad.
>Except BotW has both intrinsic AND extrinsic gameplay in spades.
It really does not. Where are the varied shrines and dungeons? Where are the varied enemy types? Why does a world so large have so similar areas with barely anything of interest as far as lore or explorable structures go? The extrinsic gameplay runs thin after the 15 hour point which is pathetic for a world that large
>nd you saying 'toddler' like that doesnt disqualify this game's massive success
Fisher Price toys are also a massive success. Why can't you accept that the main fanbase of BOTW are aged 8-13 and women?
Console warring retard.
>>No temples/Dungeons
Great Plataeu
Vah Ruta (elephant)
Vah Rudania (lizard)
Vah Medoh (bird)
Vah Naboris (camel)
Trial of the Sword
Final Trial
Hyrule Castle
>>Worst Bosses in the entire franchise
Actually it's the exact opposite - for example, lynels are easily the best enemies in the entire series.
>>Weapon durability
>>Master Sword "breaks"
Not a problem, it's a cleverly designed system to encourage and reward using a variety of weapons and is carefully interlocked with the progression system.
>>Zelda acts like a complete cunt the whole game
No. Didn't you collect all the memories and see the ending?
>>quarter of the side quest being tedious unfun fetch quest
Only one I agree with.
>>Not a single memorable or fun Shrine (trust me i did all of them aside from DLC)
That's just simply not true. Plenty of shrines were really clever or even felt like mini-dungeons, etc. Trial of Power.
>>Worthless reward for doing all 120 unfun shrines
It's not worthless. It's Link's traditional clothing.
>>Amiibo support that baby feeds you OP weapons and having the greatest mount at the start of the game.
Don't use them.
The Great Plateau is tightly crafted and not empty at all, you're being silly and have your expectations somewhere else if that's the impression you first got.
Nothing I stated was false. Meanwhile you fail to make an argument. Why bother making this thread in the first place, OP?
The Deku Tree consists entirely of pushing blocks and platforming. The only puzzle that even comes close to being competent is jumping through the cobweb. Most OoT dungeons are as equally as bad. BotW dungeons are just amazing and encourage you to use actual spacial thinking.
I personally felt like the game ran out of steam after the grand plateau and if I wasn't a sadistic bastard I would have dropped the game after the first beast. It was very Dragon Age: Inquisition to me, I fell into the 'going through the motions' feeling very quickly with BotW, with no strong story line to keep interest either if it wasn't charming in it's attempts to build an open world I probably wouldn't have put nearly 100 hours into it.
I don't think I will ever play it again.
just screaming "no" to any criticism isn't really what anyone with real arguments would do.
There are hordes of people who literally deny the game has any content and actively insist it doesnt have features it actually has, just because they get annoyed by exploring. The game is chock full of items and gear and all this stuff and people literally sit there and say it doesnt have a boomerang and shit. Theyre wrong.
>pretending missions don’t lead you by the nose
>acting like I don’t know that the minimap has giant icons for you to fond events
>pretending that you “find your own fun” in rdr2 when all events are painfully scripted and repeat themselves
I own rdr2 as well, so don’t try to lie and say it does botw better. It is a rockstar game through and through.
>OP makes thread for people not liking BOTW
>people join in stating in detail why they didnt like BOTW
>BOTW defense force butts in autistically screeching at everyone not liking the game, calling them shitposters in the process
Well OP, I hope you learned that lesson. BOTW cannot be criticised on that board, because all criticism is just wrong in the heads of fanbois.
Is it possible?
Will Yea Forums actually be upset and shitposting about this game for 3 fucking years? We've already passed 2.
>>botw dungeons
>ok player, you're supposed to move *body part* of *animal* to the correct place to progress!
>good boye! here's ganon but with *element*
There is absolutely nothing immature about enjoying an open world game without being pissy it wasnt more like a movie. Calling all fans of BotW immature is a spiteful unfounded thing to do and you never made your point in tbe first place anyways
>describe one side flatteringly while insulting the other side
Not a disingenuous thing to do at all.
>How to know someone hasn't played BotW
It's post-apocalyptic, it's supposed to be barren
What do you think fucking around means you retard?
And yes, RDR2 is miles better as an open world game, because the open world is actually well crafted and feels alive, as opposed to being an empty playground with copy pasted mobs that always have some kind of metal box/wooden crate/explosive barrels next to them for you to use your toys.
GMod happened like 10 years ago, nigga.
Since it all sticks to the same formula it kinda does. The only dungeon that ever surprised me was that mansion in TP, I haven't played it in forver but Im sure I was like "wait, this is this dungeon?" though I already had the expectation since it had been several hours since the last. There are no more of those moments after that in the game or series
>Shitposters join in screeching why they didnt like BOTW and calling the game shit like autists who can't detail a point
>=>BOTW defense force butts in autistically screeching at everyone not liking the game, calling them shitposters in the process
Thats understandable but somehow I'm excited by the landscape and am enjoying seeing it again on my second play through
It was pretty fun on cemu, but if I bought a console for this, I'd be pretty upset.
After 2 years, can we just finally just accept that no one is going to change their minds about this fucking game?
>Where are the varied shrines and dungeons?
There's 100 of them.
>Where are the varied enemy types?
There's about 30 'unique' enemies but they each have several variations and result in drastically different encounters, i.e rock octoroks are very, very different from treasure octoroks (and also can only be found in 1 region).
That's just not true though, almost all the terminals in the beasts require you to solve a puzzle element at the right time as you're moving the parts.
Why are you such an infant and what about this game makes you play the oppression olympics about shitty posts no one stops you from making?
It's fucking insane. I actively tried to not flamewar, I just wanted a few like-minded people to talk to.
Except you know, the part where people make daily threads shitposting about a 2 year old game.
>just because they get annoyed by exploring.
I love exploring, but in BOTW there's nothing to find.
After playing for a couple of hours you just know that the only thing you may find exploring, is either another two minute shrine or another korok """"puzzle"""" thats solved within mere seconds.
BOTW might have the favor of playing around with the engine itself and using your tools, but exploration was utter shit in this game.
Reading this thread and I honestly feel like Yea Forums is legit just looking for reasons to shit on BOTW.
Like for example look at this webm if this was any other niche game then it would've had tons of praise and Yea Forums would proclaim it game of year but because it's BOTW and Yea Forums has a hateboner for it for some retarded reason.
>inb4 ree it's not efficient you could just fight them head on without needing to do any of this
It's a fucking open world game. Having lots options that you could try out with varying degrees of efficiency sounds like a plus to me not a flaw.
Are you kidding? You literally said the game was 'fucking barren and awful' and that people's enjoyment of the game is driving you crazy. Your OP is written like bait
>I love exploring, but in BOTW there's nothing to find.
So, you DIDN'T explore? Because there's insane shit to find, including labyrinths, diseased dragons, massive caves and bones, and hidden grottoes, lakes, and secluded areas.
>guys an arbitrary amount of time has passed! that makes any and all criticism not true!
This is all really interesting...
I’ve just bought a switch, first Nintendo console since the 64 that I’ve owned.
First console was a new with Mario’s bros and Zelda, never liked Zelda so that and BOTW is the only Zelda games I’ve ever played.
Never understood the hype, thought it was a ch Dish game.
However, I’ve cancelled both my xbone and ps4 memberships so I can focus on BOTW and smash, no regrets.
Well, I miss bf4 a little.
When you describe a game as awful people who like it are going to blast you. But if it's any consolation I honestly want to discuss this game too (I like the game btw) but discussing things honestly here is a fruitless effort.
>Since it all sticks to the same formula it kinda does
This is reaching incredibly hard, you'll have to explain in detail. How the fuck does having mysterious varied large explorable interiors REDUCE the sense of adventure? It's literally a whole oother layer added to the world. This is truly baffling
Why can't you accept it?
I'm not even calling it immature as an insult. Im just saying its aimed at 8-13yos and it shows.
When grown men still playing with Legos don't get defensive over their hobby, then I'm not sure why you feel the need to.
You're blind or a complete newfag if you haven't seen the one million threads complaining about BoTW and repeating the same things over and over again. If you feel it's barren and empty, good for you. People will disagree with that, and you can either just grow up or continue to behave like a drooling retard.
Exploration was absolutely fantastic because you could find the most random, crazy shit all the time just by exploring. No incentive. No goal. No markers. You just go out and find weird shit constantly.
It's not arbitrary, it's the games anniversary, which was a week ago.
Nintendo has one of the most autistic fanbases apart from Sonic and MLP. Can't help that retards are going to retard.
Youre right it could have used more easter eggs and collectible types but the sheer size of the landscape and how approaching each feature of it from any different angle provided a new scene to look at and explore
Are you kidding? All of those things are just setpieces but not content.
I dont give a shit if some giant bone enemy might pop up on some remote island, when all I've been doing for hours is fighting enemies anyway
This is true, but saying positive things about BotW is separate from the Nintendofanbase that is excited for Labo VR.
He didnt see that becayse he was looking for gems from spyro
Most Zelda games have not been launch titles though, it's really only because Twilight princess and BotW were cross generation on the Wii and Switch.
>All of those things are just setpieces but not content.
You could actually be retarded.
If exploring landscape isn't content, then literally... Like... 99.9% of games have about 30 minutes of content now. Because most games require moving and exploring around sets.
If all exploration nets you is a trash tier sword or some rock you could find randomly on the ground, your game has trash exploration.
you have committed wrongthink and the thought police have been dispatched to your residence
take off all your clothes and lie down on the floor face down with your hands behind your head and wait for the police
>divine beasts are the best that dungeons have ever been
Got me until here.
Better than all the other handheld Zelda games besides links Awakening and albw.
Exploration isn't about being given a bunch of random items you fucking mongoloid. If you need shiny keys to be lured into wanting to explore a vast open unique landscape, you are ACTUALLY the lowest common denominator.
What’s to “fuck around” with? Hunt the same animals with model swaps for the 100th time? Shoot and beat up random people and run from the law again? Kill the same o’driscoll camp again (with copy-pasted wagon, campfire, tent, and amenities? Whoa, so much to do.
>has less towns
What other Zelda actually has more towns?
You're now also insulting a dozen other games, too, like Red Dead Redemption 2, and the entire Grand Theft Auto series. Tread carefully.
Well I tried OP.
I tried to tell why I dislike the game, even without being offensive towards its fans, but all I've been met with is insults towards myself.
At this point I think user is right saying its impossible to criticise the game.
I dont know why fans of this game feel the need to shut everyone up who dislikes it, or to argue the same generic 'its not for you' points ad infinitum, but that's just how it is with this game.
To say it once again, I found it a subpar open world game with no direction, terrible implementation of story and player agency, and pretty much a huge let down for me as a Zelda fan of the first hour.
Im glad people enjoy it, because thats what games are for, but boy oh boy, do I hope that they'll never do this again, or at least refine it, because I dont even dislike the concept, just the content.
They're not setpieces though. Navigating a maze to get a powerful piece of armor, gliding around a massive dragon to shoot off the malice and restore its spring, collecting photographs of giant remains to help out scientists, fighting a Stalnox who's defending the Hylian shield and chilling in hot springs are very, very, very different from fighting enemy camps.
That's just not true though. See above for some examples.
How many of those areas are actually explorable beyond finding them? The labyrinth was cool the first time but they are just mazes with copy pasted themes. Why can't I go INSIDE shit like the Akalla Citadel? Why isn't the Forgotten Temple actually explorable instead of being an oversized hall with a shrine in it? Why can't I go inside a cave system in the mountain entrances instead of being greeted with a hole that has a shrine in it?
I mean its the same as a Rubix cube or sandbags or going for a ride or visiting a park or eating a dessert. Just because children enjoy it and are welcome to do it doesnt inherently put something recreational below anlther thing. Nothing about BotW is more childish than any other game, certainly not its lack of in-game prize tokens thats for sure.
>what do you mean this game doesnt have content?
>nigga just walk around for thirty minutes!
>see? there's a mountain in the distance!
>and now to your left there's a corn field!
10/10 post
>I found it a subpar open world game with no direction, terrible implementation of story and player agency, and pretty much a huge let down for me as a Zelda fan of the first hour.
It is definitely impossible to criticize the game with these points, yes, as each tower is a goal and you get story points at them, and player agency is all yours. You literally are loaded with player agency.
And those two criticisms are flismy and worthless. I don't know how this could have been a huge let down for you as a Zelda fan, when the last two Zelda games haven't been very good at all. This was only an improvement.
Zelda 2
and that's it
Art and decoration and atmosphere in a game are no longer content. Sound effects aren't content either. Just mute the games you play.
You heard it here first boys!
If you're a huge Zelda fan why do you care about story and "player agency"?
Trivializing actual content doesn't really help your case. And yeah, you said it yourself: its a rockstar game through and through, aka some of the most sold an beloved games on this planet.
Everyone has their own opinions. Liking BotW isn't autistic. What's autistic is the autists who get triggered to all hell because someone like OP doesn't like the game and they just can't fucking believe that is even a possibility, so they feel the need to do what the BotW fags always do.
Yeah must be an evil trick, right? Like brainwashing or whatever. But really a lot of people enjoyed this game very much and have equal feelings about peoole who dont like it as you di about peoppe who do. No need to play oppression Olympics over it, you and anyone else are not nearly as docile and diplomatic as you think, especially with a self-victimizing post like that
Exactly. Holy fuck, it's like these shitposters always say "I love Zelda" so their criticism of BotW is taken more seriously.
>And those two criticisms are flismy and worthless.
Not him but you're really showing why people saying this game cannot be criticized are right.
You cannot even let someone's own opinion of the game stand without devaluating it. You guys have issues.
I think people get triggered because there are a lot of posts that just say
>the game is empty
>the weapons break too much
and then some form of those two things just gets repeated and has been repeated for two years
>Well I love Zelda!! But this games empty. And why do weapons break? There's no rewards. I don't want to explore for no reason. I want rewards.
It's the NPC meme in literal form for 2 years now.
But it's an evil trick to you if Breath of the Wild provided an open world Zelda experience that people love and is worth its sales?
The towns are so bland that I forget half of them exist. I misremembered Impa and Purah being in the same town until about an hour ago when I looked it up.
Because the most beloved Zelda games always had an interesting story going together with its set that was told throughout the game, as well as giving the player enough reasons to do things?
I mean I'm not that user, but it seems pretty obvious to me.
That's not a problem with BotW, that's just a problem with your memory. I have no issue remembering Hateno or Kakariko, or especially Goron City. You just need to take some medicine for early onset alzeimers.
You just don't get it user, if you are not playing vidya with eyes closed you are doing things wrong, the challenge of doing mundane things in needlessly convoluted ways is it's own reward. As a Nintendo Gamer if you are not eating soup with a fork you are just not BEEP BOOP WAHOO material, you know?
>Everyone has their own opinions. Disliking BotW isn't autistic. What's autistic is the autists who get triggered to all hell because someone like user likes the game and they just can't fucking believe that is even a possibility, so they feel the need to do what the anti-BotW fags always do.
Gear durability is fucking stupid. Always has been in every game. It's funny to look at botw zealots trying to suggest it's a good feature, as if we were all born yesterday.
emulators don't count
And why do weapons break? There's no rewards. I don't want to explore for no reason. I want rewards.
Please tell me how I'm supposed to think.
What is the red letter media of Yea Forums?
I never said that you autist. I literally evne said that I know and acknowledge that most people like it above in our back and forth.
You were just the one going NO ITS THE GAME YOU LIKE THATS BAD!
Imagine bitching and complaining about a game you don't even play a solid two years after it's release. People like you guys are legit the only people left who care about BotW with as much passion.
BotW haters are some of the most pathetic arguers around. They come in acting all confused and offended people enjoy the game, saying it 'doesnt make sense', then when people who enjoyed it say why they did, and explain why they didnt drop the game over different issues the complainer can name, the guy who didnt like BotW turns around and acts like a victim because people arent changkng their mind over time they already spent enjoying the game. His next strategy is to call people who liked the game mentally ill babies who can't handle his killer complaints, all because he can't go on with people liking a game he does not
BOTW is popular, and Yea Forums is nothing if not contrarian.
Also, I think a lot of the haters are making good points. Like . You can do a ton of cool shit, but there's almost never any reason to. Hitting enemies with weapons is always the most efficient way to kill them. If an enemy is strong enough to actually challenge you, it's basically the only way.
Well, except for guardians. For those, the most efficient way is to hit them with their own beams.
Sure, it's still a fun game, but fuck if it isn't overrated.
This. This thread really is another pathetic example of blatant fanboyism.
based matthew phimosis bringing up an epistemological argument into games discussion. Guess there are no more bad videogames anymore since if at some point somebody enjoyed the game then that makes it good.
Its almost like people still buy and play the game...
Ironically enough, rlm have extremely retarded vidya opinions.
>trivializing content
>“BOTW was just TOO empty for me in terms of directions to motivate me.
It felt more like a tech demo that was stretched out and made into a game.”
>“a digital playground with no direction.”
>“practically emptier than Ubisoft open world games with the same couple of enemies copy pasted, and there's no engagement whatsoever. The whole draw is to walk around and playing around with the gimmick tools the game gave you.
Story and plot wise it was a real disaster, and the dungeons all sucked(especially that ninjaclan hideout)”
You have spent the entire thread trivializing botw’s content. Don’t get incensed when someone does it to your favorite game.
It gave Zelda fans what they wanted. Complete freedom to do what they want. After every game got progressively more linear, gated, and hand-holdy, it's literally a breath of fresh air. Everyone I've talked to has had completely different experiences with this game, they saw things that I never saw and vice versa, did things in a different order than I did, did puzzles in ways I didn't do. And unlike most open world games you CAN go to that mountain and climb it. You DON'T get told where to go with quest markers and map icons. You CAN go fight the final boss if you want to.
Does it have flaws? Yes, definitely. There needs to be more enemies and real dungeons. There needs to be a weapon repair/crafting system to solve the problem of never using your best weapons in fear of them breaking. There needs to be more story and things to find. That doesn't mean it's a bad game, and it doesn't mean that Nintendo shouldn't be praised for what they did. Because what they did is LISTEN for once to what the majority of the fans wanted after Skyward Sword, take a risk by doing something different, and subvert other open world games by letting you do your own thing unabided.
no, it's a zelda game with generic sandbox themes
you still wind up moving from objective to objective smoothly because the world is designed around them, the difference is that you need to look around and find them. But every time you wind up at a landmark all you have to do is take a step back and observe the landscape, and all the things in it become clear
The problem, I think, is that once you get 80-100 hours in there become less things to do, and the flow you've fallen into (of finding things and going to them) gets broken up, at which point it becomes a regular zelda game again where you're now powered up and it's time to fight ganon
there isn't much incentive to really power up too much though, since unlike a game like gothic or TES, you have a clear purpose and you don't get much from just roaming around purposelessly
Okay, but in that case BotW executes its story pretty much just as well as any other 3D Zelda except MM.
>as well as giving the player enough reasons to do things
Ignoring that that's not what player agency means, you are extremely driven to do the main quest and find the memories both story-wise (the entire story is pretty much there) and gameplay-wise (you can guarantee you'll get a major ability from each dungeon).
Weapons are rewards.
Look, we all know the game very well and get the progression. Either you like it or you don't, but the absolute REDUNDANCY of people to pretend the game has no features and nothing makes sense, because they didnt enjoy the progression, is frustrating.
That video games aren't worth playing is not a retarded opinion, its a fact.
And if you talk about Rich and Jacks short lived video game channel, then they said that Bloodborne is a reason to buy a PS4 and that was 100% correct.
But they also said that vanquish was shit so you're right in the end
And I'm supposed to believe they are all using the exact same points in how botw is awful as when the game first game out, phrases and all?
>It gave Zelda fans what they wanted. Complete freedom to do what they want.
but the first LoZ was gated behind items, it wasn't an open world that gave you total freedom. Nobody wanted this.
Majora's Mask is my favorite (well, second favorite now), and BotW is the only Zelda game since to have been able to live up to the Koizumi games. The mono no aware thing it's got going on is the best atmosphere a Zelda game has been able to cultivate in nearly two decades. There's a bunch of tricks it lifted from Majora with every NPC being unique and having schedules, and different towns you rescue, but it's a very different feel in the post-apocalypse.
Yeah the haters are definitely more retarded and are way more dishonest and sniveling in their anger at being unable to sway the diverse reactions to this gsme
So throwing the baby out with the bathwater is excusable just because they listened to fans? There was a 5+ year gap between SS and BotW. The lack of enemies and dungeons isn't just a flaw, it's missing a whole other 1/3 of the game. As it stands BotW is an amazing proof of concept and its existence will ONLY be justified if they manage to add what is missing in the next Zelda. If however we only see minor improvements and BotW becomes the standard, then it will have been a mistake.
I never trivialized anything. I just stated that it ain't done well enough. Please differentiate.
Also, you suck at quoting.
Fun game.
Bad zelda.
>You can do a ton of cool shit, but there's almost never any reason to
How can you miss the point this badly?
>"I don't think it's the best game of all time"
>cue torches and pitchforks
They didn't throw the baby out with the bathwater though.
>>oh... it's just to kill two goblinos that would be more effeciently cut down with your sword...
Except it wouldnt of. This is so much more efficient than the durability you'd consume using a sword. But of course that would ruin your "durability is a shit mechanic" meme argument.
>but in that case BotW executes its story
by not having one and telling what little they have by randomly placed cutscenes throughout the map, as opposed to an actual story the game directs you though?
It's not contrarian, it's honest. Yea Forums doesn't exist solely to tear down the seam of the normative. Yea Forums exists as a collective of people who can and do make discerning claims for and against games and has a very complicated internal divisions being that most users go unidentified. A uniform acclaim through Yea Forums isn't necessarily a unilateral agreement, it's a consensus. Likewise universal distaste on Yea Forums isn't anything more than a plurality of people disliking something.
Come to realize everything bears flaws and you'll come to realize the fallacious idealization that Yea Forums, or Yea Forums in general is some sort of singular entity rather than a collection of individuals behaving without the constraints of transparent monitoring or identity.
I do miss my Yea Forums hivemind shit though.
BoTW is best described with the phrase 'wide as an ocean deep as a puddle'
it's just sad seeing this board drop to their knees to lap up the cum from their favorite e-celebs and soulless corporation branded on whimsy and childlike wonder.
Instead of making this post, you could instead have explained the point. Maybe then I could have replied to you in a meaningful way, instead of posting a smug anime face.
Don't be pedantic. You can play most of LoZ1 non-linearly, and you can access most of the dungeons right from the start, you don't need to finish them, you can just grab the items you need and leave the dungeon, and go do something else. BotW is kind of an evolution of that where you just get all the items from the start.
>Nobody wanted this.
Speak for yourself faggot.
> “A lot of the fans that played Skyward Sword said that they were really bummed out that they couldn’t find the hidden element of the game. A lot of the users, when they looked at the map, they said, ‘OK, there’s these places I can go, but how come I can’t go over here?’ Fans that enjoyed the motion controls in Skyward Sword may actually be a little bit disappointed playing this game.”
>"Aonuma continued, saying that “a lot of Zelda fans are the type of people who really like to explore those hidden elements. I realized that creating this bigger world and letting them freely play may be the solution to all of that.” Aonuma concluded by saying that “I’ve always thought that when creating a 3D game where it’s easy for users to get lost, it’s really important to tell the users what they need to do. But then, after creating this larger world, I realized that getting lost isn’t that bad. Having the option to do whatever you want and get lost is actually kind of fun."
>throwing the baby out with the bathwater
See above. It's just an evolution of LoZ1. They didn't throw anything out.
>nobody wanted this
Literally wrong. Another unqualified dishonest statement from someone who denies the fanbase exists
You are aware these are blue goblins, he has 4 HP and absolute shit tier armor. The gratification is hes killing opponents over his level by basically cheeseing them.
>TOO empty
>felt like a tech demo
>digital playground with no direction
>practically emptier than Ubisoft open world games with the same couple of enemies copy pasted, and there's no engagement whatsoever.
Sounds like you trivializing the content to me. How is this different than me saying that rdr2’s content is also copypasted and samey at its core?
I consider myself a Zelda fan and it certainly didn't give me what I wanted.
First of all, I hate open world games since they waste your time with mundane shit. BOTW wasted my time with mundane shit(that they added generic fetch quests shows how they knew the game is content light)
Second of all, what I wanted were actual dungeons. If the game would replace the titans with actual dungeons and more puzzles than that braindead korok trash or shrines you complete faster than a milkshake then I'd be 200% happier with the game.
As it was, the game was much running and riding to do nothing.
It certainly was a breath of air, but a foul one for me.
One of the few reasons I don't outright hate this game is because there's a dungeon named after Medli. I relish any and all opportunities to see my bird waifu again.
Even if what youre saying is entirely true, then a playable two-thirds massive series overhaul and refocusing on original intent, is huge and easily lovable
You wish
That's completely fair. Almost everyone universally agrees the next game should have real dungeons instead of shrines and if they're worried about the world not being populated enough for that they could cut the map size down and still be fine.
They absolutely did. Even Matthew notes that everything in BotW was done/removed to support complete freedom, rather than freedom complementing the adventure, despite him liking the game. Large explorable interiors are gone, dense focused lead ups to even denser areas and dungeons are largely gone save for the Zora passage and Lost Woods, varied enemies types are gone, getting more key items as the adventure goes on is gone, etc
But you still found most of those items off your own back.
BotW is soft gated behind some progression as well, you can go to death mountain any time you want but without fire resistance you're as good as dead, for example
I think the main thing is that the game makes you feel like you were the one who found the means to progress, as opposed to the game handing it to you after a scripted event
In reality, the game still coaxes you along its progression a fair bit
black panther of video games
BotW is the Phantom Pain of Zelda. Within their series they have the best mechanics and sandbox to use them in. The stories and structure however are pretty much non existent, leaving the people who play for efficiency to be bored, they'll likely see those games as boring open worlds. The guys who like to fuck around with all the mechanics and create their own fun will probably think it's the best.
I'm in the middle, I like the sandbox, but I need some structure at times. I'd like to see the same engine/mechanics used for a more story driven game with dungeons.
Sure but people who do or dont like BotW dont have broken brains or anything. Though I do think the haters play themselves out of liking it due to their cognitive map and eagerness to flowchart out what is otherwise a very organic game that isnt designed to be mentally sokved like a puzzle
But it is empty, you cannot deny that. POI are often far apart.
And the game's biggest asset, its gimmicks are literally tech demo material.
You have literally have no direction becaue the game lets you go where you want, and emphasized the do you own thing style.
Thats not trivializing its just what the game is, you just dont wanna see it.
Its different because you have only like camps to go on about, which are a small percentage of the game. Everything else is crafted.
I dont even know how RDR is still relevant to this discussion since all I said was that it was an open world game that made me wanna explore its world and play around in more thant BOTW.
This is literally the first time someone calls my criticism fair.
Usually I get shat on throughout every thread for voicing it. Thank you for being reasonable, unlike 90% of BOTW fans on this board.
*directs natural lightning bolt into enemy using metal boomerang thrown from handmade hot air balloon*
Why do people put so much emphasis on the fucking story when complaining about BotW?
The lack of varied explorable interiors is absolutely the largest flaw of the game.
Let's first address the wasting resources. Arrows, balloons and quite frankly, almost everything else is easy to get. If you feel you waste resources playing the game I don't know what to tell you. Playing a game paralyzed by the fear of losing stuff is not a good way of playing any game, and BoTW is very generous with the player if they have over room temperature IQ.
Secondly , what's so hard to understand that it's about the challenge itself. Why is it more fun to make a guardian hit another guardian and not just kill off one at a time? Why do people play at higher difficulties? It's intrinsic reward in itself to do these things. Might as well play on easy in every game following your logic.
Have you never said to yourself: I'm going to do x and y and z just for the sake of doing those things? Are you so utterly devoid of any creativity you can only approach things from the most "effective" way and not another angle that might be more fun to pull off? Are you a complete and utter autist?
Theres obviously a big divide between people who consider scalable landscapes and unique geogrsphy content versus those who only think collectibles are content.
If you have any appreciation for landscapes and the idea of a simulated pastoral wprld then you will probably lpve thid game and never get sick of it. If not then you might find yourself bitching on Yea Forums that you didnt find a rare medallion in a cave.
It might be a meme, but I literally thought it involved too much running.
Cut the world size down by 50% and you have yourself a solid game. What Nintendo did with this game felt like what Ubi did with odyssey lately: make ten hours worth of content and spread it over a 100hr map.
The game itself would still not be my cup of tea since I found it too generic in its elements(as most open world games are) but at least it wouldn't involve endless getting to content running
>A uniform acclaim through Yea Forums isn't necessarily a unilateral agreement, it's a consensus.
I want you to read what you just typed out loud, and think about whether your tone is suited for this context.
Anyway, Yea Forums as a whole is contrarian as fuck. All the games Yea Forums really likes are either really old, or horribly broken in some way. Often both. It's not uncommon for Yea Forums to be really excited about a new game, only to start hating it when it turns out to be popular. What you said it's still true, it's what causes Yea Forums to act like this.
>that you didnt find a rare medallion in a cave.
What cave? I don't care about the fucking medallion, JUST GIVE ME SOME FUCKING CAVES AND DUNGEONS TO EXPLORE
I hinestly think people are overthinking it, and become pretty neurotic and self-defeating in their impulse to solve the game and wrap it up like a puzzle
I don't agree. I love BotW and I hated MGSV. The reason is because BotW uses its open world as it should be used - it's a single massive level where you constantly explore new terrain and backtracking is made trivially easy. You always have a single clear objective and everything is in service of that, and the objective never changes.
MGSV on the other hand is a series of disjointed missions in entirely different instances of the world. Instead of using the open world so that you're constantly seeing new places, it uses it as an excuse to reuse level geometry, since missions just end up taking place in the same area with slightly different boundaries.
It's not just about fucking around and playing with the box of toys the game gives you. It's also about structure elevating what you're doing and how you're encouraged to do it.
>If you need linear progression and physical rewards like items from challenges to enjoy a game then this is simply not for you
Do the people who dislike Breath of the Wild always hated Zelda when they weren't in a dungeon?
Really, that's something that confuses me about people who complain about the bland overworld or lack of incentive to do all the side content. Aside from Majora's Mask, which had the masks which had a couple of unique abilities and gave different reactions from NPCs, other Zelda games at most had one optional item and then just mostly useless ruppees and heart containers.
BotW at least mixes things up a lot by adding all the materials and weapon variations. The shrines are also much better than hidden caves and other hidden rooms in games like Wind Waker or OoT.
Now, I can understand the complaints about lack of dungeons with just the four divine beasts and the hyrule castle (Really, MM's fans now want to pretend it's standing in a pedestal, but when it came out it got the same "ONLY FOUR DUNGEONS?!" complaints).
Could ha e used mpre interiors, I agree, but the moubtains, cliffsides, valleys, fjords and everything didnt do amything for you?
Don't get me wrong, if there's one thing I not only liked but loved in BOTW than it was the world design.
One moment you're in a field, the next in a forest and around the next corner was a valley with yellow grass that had a completely different atmosphere.
It was just the content they put in the world that left me bored and wanting for something tighter.
I also feel they should've stretched the gimmicks out more over the game instead of giving them to you almost in one package. For a lot of people its what makes the game, but I grew bored of it quickly
There is shitposting on both sides on this board, it drowns out reasonable discussion. I can understand why someone wouldn't like BotW if they wanted real dungeons and better puzzles because even as a fan of the game I wanted those too.
>Why do people put so much emphasis on the fucking story when complaining about BotW?
That's not the only thing though, ost isn't as memorable as the other games in the series save for Hateno Village, and cutscenes with voice acting don't work well with LoZ I think. Mipha's voice was so goddamn annoying in the memories, she sounded like a innocent marshmellow when she's some warrior with a sacred trident, let the players interpret what characters should sound like.
Yeah they could have spread it out but the absolute diversity plus how long it takes to explore just the perimeter of the map, and all the shit you find doing it, is such colossal content to me I'm kind of surprised at people who get mad bored at it
Every single shrine is a cave. :^)
>But it is empty, you cannot deny that. POI are often far apart.
But it’s not empty and POI are relatively close by. You wish to deny this for some reason because you didn’t see a trophy notification every few minutes.
>the game's biggest asset, its gimmicks are literally tech demo material
The game’s biggest asset is the “chemistry engine” and there is a full game to go with it. Again, just because you don’t like it doesn’t make it void of anything to do. I can play this stupid game you’re playing with anything you like.
>You have literally have no direction
The King tells you where to go in the beginning and the terrain will naturally funnel you to Kakariko Village. After meeting Impa, she will give you your mext objective and it flows from there. Just because you don’t have to follow them to the letter (like in your prefered open world game) doesn’t mean there is no direction.
>Thats not trivializing
You are implying that the game’s physics interactions, world, and content are no big deal. If that isn’t trivializing, I don’t know what is.
>You always have a single clear objective and everything is in service of that,
nonsense, you can literally ignore all the content and walk directly towards the castle.
>It's also about structure elevating what you're doing and how you're encouraged to do it.
the "disjointed missions" in MGSV are actually benefitial to the game itself(captured enemies can guard your property and have different skills, destroying ammo depositories in a side mission, affect main story missions enemy behaviour, etc.)
thats 100x more than botw does with its content.
from all points you could've made, you made the worst one.
They did until about 20 hours in. A world this vanilla can't go off cliffsides and valleys alone, it needs more layers. For example, the Xenoblade games all have fantastic environment designs with interesting locations and lore, which is why they don't need many interiors (though they still have more than BotW funilly enough).
Zelda games have alway been about finding the mysterious and fantastical under the slightly fantasy but mundane. The layer and duality between overworld and dungeon exploration, outside and inside are what kept it interesting. BotW is tipped to one side way too heavily, almost like a certain other game that everyone hates.
>cutscenes with voice acting don't work well with LoZ I think. Mipha's voice was so goddamn annoying in the memories, she sounded like a innocent marshmellow when she's some warrior with a sacred trident, let the players interpret what characters should sound like.
Just because the English voice actors were bad doesn't mean voice acting is a bad idea. Almost every Princess Zelda in the other languages is better than the English version. We just got stuck with the bad ones.
There's more content in BotW than any other Zelda.
The game would unironcially be way better if shrines were just part of the world as mini dungeons instead of being mass produced alien puzzle boxes.
> I can play this stupid game you’re playing with anything you like.
Good to know that the only reason you reply is a juvenile reaction to criticism
>You are implying that the game’s physics interactions, world, and content are no big deal.
No, I'm saying its not well done. Thats a difference.
quality > quantity
>take BotW world completely as is
>raise water level by one third
>beef up the sailing mechanic
>soend dev cycle making interiors
Wa la
20 hours is a lot tho and is longer than most LoZ games
I thought the game was shit and huge waste of time.
Bought a Switch just for this game and Xenoblade, and returned all of it before I finished any of it. If I want to make my own adventure then I go mountain climbing. Fuck this empty virtual behaviour therapy for pre-school kids.
The ones that are like the dark forest, the labyrinths, and Eventide are like that. The shrine is just an obligatory thing to hand you your orb after.
Why is it not well done? And you better give me something that isn’t essentially “because I don’t like it.”
Holy shit... shows how dull and uncreative I've been all this time. Never even would have thought of something like that. :(
That's looking at it without context or any relative comparison. BotW is massive and is paced in such a way that those 20 hours are equivalent to the first 1/5 of any other Zelda, where you are still anticipating more.
Everything optional is in service of beating Ganon which is the only objective. It's all about powering up.
>the "disjointed missions" in MGSV are actually benefitial to the game itself(captured enemies can guard your property and have different skills, destroying ammo depositories in a side mission, affect main story missions enemy behaviour, etc.)
What does any of this have to do with the missions being disjointed and constantly reusing the same levels? This is also exactly where the game design fails in comparison to BotW because dumb shit is mandatory in these linear mission progressions. I don't capture a language expert because I think I need that particular skill, I capture the language expert because the game forces me to do mission where I have to capture the fucking language expert.
Also there are no ammo depots in the entire game, the "side mission" is literally selecting soldiers from a menu and waiting an hour, none of the four pieces of equipment the enemies end up getting can be meaningfully mitigated so those side missions are fucking worthless, and it doesn't affect the main story enemy behavior anyway because all of those spawns are fixed. This is besides the point though because I'm not arguing that MGSV is shit, I'm arguing that the design was just an excuse to reuse levels.
I completely disagree the world was too plain. You habe territorial lightning centaurs guarding mountain peaks, goblin treehouses and cliffside settlements, a hidden aquatic Zora kingdom with some unbelievable coral imagery, deseet cliffs and mess, magic forests, a giant volcano with a settlement, all this stuff. Its pretty flavorful but most people only think about Hyrule field and outside of Kakariko
Its completelu refreshing compared to Skyward Sword
That's true, which is why the Shrines that are like that are the best in the game. But it's a compromise, since it's probably much harder to build those shrines.
A horse of braindead drones, babbies first open world. BotW is the Skyrim of the Zelda series
Bone apple tea
I highly disagree. None of those come close to the denser interiors and dungeons of the series. In OoT alone you have Forest Temple, Fire Temple, Water Temple and Spirit Temple which ware way more intense and evocative, while also forming a good duality with the world around them. An overworld alone just can't work in Zelda.
>babbies first open world
I love when shitters say this.
BotW treats players with more respect and intelligence and is ultimately far more sophisticated in its game design than most of its peers.
Yeah but those games didnt have you swim up a waterfall to slay the loghtning beast at its peak and glide your way back down
what's a non-geeric sandbox?
I loved RDR2 but as always its literally just Rockstar trying to replicate the feeling of an HBO show in a video game
That has nothing to do with what I'm talking about
>Mission: do stuff
>stuff happens
>Mission: uh i dunno lol
>walk around in empty plain for hours
>Collect X Y's
Whoa.. just like in chinese MMORPGs
>I want a circlejerk to shit on a game
>never played botw
Yeah it does. Zora's hidden mountain domain, its waterfalls, and lightning themed peaks guarded by a majestic centaur overworld boss, is an extremely unique and memorable zone that I remember fondly as capturing the Zelda wonder. Second would be the ice peaks with the dragon, and the dark fjords north of that moutain range where I snuck behind and sailed through. Plus that big medieval tower region in the northeast was insane, with that spiral geograpgy near the sea near it, tons of crazy cool shit in this game
Fucking nonsense.
After spending the first few hours of the game on the Great Plateau (probably the best tutorial area in any game ever) here's what I did:
Found the 2nd tower
Climbed the Duelling Peaks and completed the shrines there.
Encountered my first fully functioning Guardian.
Found Kakario and Hateno Villages, each with their own unique culture, lore and side quests to spend hours in.
Caught and tamed a horse and found my first stable
Fought a Dragon on a mountaintop
Travelled to an Island which became an amazing survival challenge all on it's own.
Fighting 3 giant ogre brothers
Ran a gauntlet of enemy camps on the way to Zora City
Zora City itself
A pant-shitting stealth mission on a mountain top to collect arrows from a centaur monster
Using those arrows in a one-on-one battle with a giant mechanical beast in a lake while riding on the back of a merman
Conquering inside of the mechanical beast and subsequent boss battle
While all this is going on I'm constantly engaged with the world around me: weather and climate forces me to adapt to how I travel. The topography and verticality makes getting to destinations fun and engaging. I'm finding subterranean shrines with their own unique challenges and obstacle courses, I'm finding various types of korok puzzles, I'm stumbling into boss battles with huge Rock Monsters, Ogres, Centuars and Skeletal Giants, I'm finding myself ambushed on the road by assassins disguised as NPCs, I'm racing against time to catch falling stars before the sun rises, I'm battling enemy camps, saving local NPCs from danger, and fending off bears and wolves.
All of this happened to me in ONE FUCKING CORNER OF THE MAP.
This "no-content" meme seems to only exist in place of people having a genuine argument against the game.
Why do BotW haters only seem to talk about Hyrule field and the green hills leading up to Kakariko?
Watch all the shitters claim
>n-no! It doesn't count!
This. Great post. People are neurotic about this game and literally got lost and gave up in strike field.
There is no reward or feeling of progression in those things. The joy of playing Zelda games is to slowly but surely open up the overworld with your items. Zelda games also usually do game mechanics better. In BotW the mechanics are barely explored, and when they are its in a very un inspired manner. I expected more from Nintendo to be honest.
>Keeps posting the same copypasta every thread despite being proven wrong every single time
Then you don't get what I'm saying. They are good overworld setpieces with cool technical design, but they can't replace the mystique and interest that interiors and dungeons had. The nature of the game is completely one-sided, just like SS, which is never a good thing.
>Fedora's mask nigger
your opinion is irrelevant
>, babbies first open world.
How is BOTW in any shape or form babbies first open world?
So your "point" is that the game is a sandbox where you can entertain yourself? That's kind of a shit point in my opinion. I agree that it's true here, but I don't think that's a good thing for a game to be. Especially a main-franchise Nintendo title, which should strive to be so much more.
If I wanted to create interesting challenges for myself to solve, I could do that anywhere. In a well-designed game, you deliberately present the challenges to the player, and give him some reward afterwards. Maybe create some sense of progression. If you want to go the extra mile, write a story around those challenges.
If you really just want to fly into the sky with a balloon and snipe bokoblins, Nintendo could actually have made a game about that. They didn't. Instead they made a game about running in a field and solving simple logic puzzles. If the game lets you do something else that's more interesting than the actual game, that's a point against the game designers.
Finding these places isnt progression, to you? Openong up the map, and actually GETTING THERE, familiarizing yourself with and mastering tbe new terrain, doesnt count to you, because instead you want a cascade of literal keys? Tell me what is distinctly dofferent about trekking to a zone, unlocking its warp point, and finding its shrines villages items and content, in BotW, is so different than doing so in aLttP?
You can't prove him wrong faggot. Its hilarious that you're still this assmad and booty-blaste about BotW two years later. Will you EVER get over it?
SEETHING cuckstar negroes
Nintendo saw Point of interest open world games getting pumped out and decided with dollar signs in their eyes that they wanted some of that
because it's fun
Thats an entirely semantic distinction and theres nothing meaningfully different between an exterior series of exotic challenges in exotic locations, and an interior one. Hyrule Castle alone is full of interiors but for some reason the lack of a loading screen makes people feel robved of some feeling of being in a tomb. I mean, I get it in a way but its a very superficial distinction to say the game lacks atmosphere or ambience for being open air. And it even has interiors with the great beasts and the shrines
And here ladies and gent, is why games nowaday try to put you on a hamster wheel of free reward and paid skins.
Honestly feel sad for you to have forgotten what fun is. It's not about the destination, it's about the journey. Breath of the wild might be the best example of that. They even added a feature that trace back your entire journey on top of the catalog in game.
This is just rejecting the premise of the game. As if every game has to be a linear puzzle game with tutorials
>Ubisoft, EA, Rockstar, etc. have been making open world games for a decade or even longer
>genre is stagnating
>Nintendo shows up
>having no background in AAA 3D open world development, they decide on a whim "Here, let me try that"
>right off the bat, Nintendo make the best open world game ever made on their very first attempt using a fucking toaster.
This will never not be hilarious.
Getting the items and using them to trigger small cutscenes that open up the world is immensely more rewarding to me than wasting time hiking. Hiking simply does not interest me in the same way.
Still waiting on an answer.
>getting hit by the slowest and dumbest enemies in the game
>>it wouldnt of
hurr durr learn to grammar first
btw it's way easier to get an inventry full of swords than replenishing balloons and arrows
you get that once and afterwards realize it's a waste of your time
good game mechanics would be fun all the time
stop lying to yourselfs you fagets
you either suck at games or are some useless pieces of shit with too much time on their hands
real humans would take less than a minute to realize how inefficient doing things that way is
And dont forget, the going complaints are
>its not a movie game
>I had trouble figuring out what to do
>yeah but how come they didnt make mlre of this game in other settings
>wheres my trophies
>help I only got three dozen hours of fun out of it
Heck you wouldn't even need small cutscenes, just using the item and opening up a new area via a mechanism. But BotWfans need absolute freedom, therefore any sort of gating is a big no no.
lack of loading times in hyrule castle is superior. if hyrule castle had loading times it would be worse
My complaint is that there is no variation between enemies and weapons. There is also nothing that rewards the exploration, all you find is shrines and koroks, which are like a punch in the face. Oh and don't forget the terrible sidequests, which are fetch quests with extremely bad writing
Eh, the world is beautiful and nice to explore, but the shrines really got dreary and boring after a while.
The actual dungeons with their individual mechanics were great, but there's like 120 shrines or something? Exploring the world was great, but the "rewards" were temporary in the form of weapons mostly, which kind of marred the experience.
Playing the game there was this weird sense that I didn't finish the game because "I got to the end", I finished the game because I decided "Let's just do the final boss now", and then the game re-set me at the boss door as though I didn't. Which seemed like a really odd thing to do, since the game seemed exactly like the kind of game that would let you beat the final boss and go "but there's so much more to do in the world! Keep exploring at your leisure!", instead the one "final challange" the game had to offer me was reverted after I did it.
Okay, so now take Hyrule Castle, and have various temples/large caves/abandoned strcutures, etc like that placed throughout the map, with their own distinct atmosphere, music, enemies, bosses, architecture, etc. Wouldn't that be fucking great?
Not to mention that the puzzles in the shrines never really progress. They all exist on the same level of novice to intermediate, and they never combine the different elements of gameplay you have learned to present an interesting challenge. Its all so dreary and boring.
Quit being a dishonest retard. The potential for improv and experimentation is great, and going apeshit at exotic examples doesnt remove the fact that we all did glider carpet bombs, rolling boulders, starting fires, weapon tossing, and everything else easily and effortlessly for fun
Yeah it would be better sure but that doesn't disqualify the rest of the content or how they succeeding in doing some amount of what you wished there was more of alongside a reboot's worth of new stuff
We're living in a post minecraft world user.
You don't need world building to make a fun exploration game, you just need things to farm and collect.
It’s always about the “reward” with these faggots.
Like you don’t need an incentive to have fun, you should just enjoy playing and learning the game
My rebuttal is that its a pastoral exploration game and even though it would benefit from an entire extra LoZ game's worth of sitting on top of it, it succeeds in building an intimate relationship between player and environment that makes up the bulk of the game's intent
Quick question to all the BotW faithfuls here, that giant "lightning rune" on the side of a mountain, did it do anything? I deleted the game because I wanted more space on my Switch and I had gotten most of everything I thought I would get out the game beyond going full "completionist", but that was the one thing I saw and went to investigate and then couldn't do anything with.
The only thing I could think that I didn't try was that it had something to do with the electric dragon, or it only "activated" during a thunderstorm or something. There was nothing of particular worth nearby it from memory, and shooting it with electric arrows also didn't seem to give a response.
None of the buzzwords you spouted out make up for the flaws
I truly believe most video game players are depressed gamblers who lost touch with the purpose of created objects and digital worlds
But that's not what Zelda is. Zelda is all about linear progression with gated rewards, its what me and a legion of others find awesome about the franchise.
Sure they do, their focus on a new open-world intent and desjre to make a mostly self-guided exploration experience explains the lack of focus on traditional content
Thank you. I can still boot up TF2 to this day and enjoy playing the game because it’s FUN.
Not because I might get a cosmetic
This game isn’t really a Zelda though, it’s a game that’s about giving you all the tools upfront and telling you to explore the world how you see fit, it’s designed that way from the start.
It's almost like people want a reward for exploration, you know the thing open world game is all about, exploring.
It explains it, but it does not justify it if it is not what you are into. And the series legacy taken into account i thinks it is fair that a large share of players felt robbed.
No they don't. Good things don't make other bad things go away. The approach to open world can be as good as you want, it doesn't make the shit things in this game any less shit
>But that's not what Zelda is. Zelda is all about linear progression with gated rewards, its what me and a legion of others find awesome about the franchise.
Thats not what Zelda was originally trying to be. Zelda was always about freedom. BotW is a clear-cut return to basics as far as Zelda's design philosophy goes.
The literal design philosophy on the game is “the journey is the reward”
The exploration in itself is supposed to be fun and rewarding.
I guess? I mean sure its got that Super Metroid thing where the endgame you're equipped and can go anywhere, but BotW does the same thing with you unlocking the map and actually getting to all the places and gaining the stats and weapons that allow you to survive them. The progression is all there, you just dont get a big red key. Instead you get map details and a waterfall climbing suit and a gust of wind and a master sword and your favorite selected horse. Its all there
>The exploration in itself is supposed to be fun and rewarding.
Sucks that it isn't
And that basic design could have been fun, if it was actually gated somewhat, if there was actually some sort of challenge-reward paradigm. But all the shrines exist on the same level and pose no challenge at all, there isn't really any place on the map you cant go with ease, everything is just like cutting through warm butter. Quite boring if you ask me.
>stating in detail why they didnt like BOTW
Except the weapons break and you need to hassle through a crafting system. Its fine if you like those things, i find them boring and a chore.
What do you expect someone to say it in response?
>your opinion was wrong
If you’re not having fun playing the game when doing the core idea of it why are you even bothering playing? Would making a tiny reward make the game somehow just feel even better for you?
That’s literally autistic if you were given something with no real world value would make something better
Hell, one of my favorite games is 'drop interesting 3D rendered liquids on objects in blender' so I never understood people who need a trophy to enjoy gliding through a wind current that whistles between a cleft mountainside
So its not really lacking in progression is it?
>BotW isn't a real Zelda ga-
They made one Zelda game like that. The first one. The rest of the franchise is what i would consider classic zelda. Gated reward fests with exceptional design standards.
>It's like all the content of past Zelda games packed into one.
my christ. the absolute state of bing bing wahaaaa
Kill yourself faggot
It is lacking in the kind of progression that is traditionally associated with the Zelda franchise.
I mean some are certainly harder than others and you got the gay ass combat shrines to prove there’s a supposed difficulty to the shrines.
But anyways wouldn’t that defeat the whole purpose of the game, to be on your own wide open adventure?
All the elements literally are there, its just people want more of all of it and a lot of people were flatly turned off or bored how the game's main content was actually about traveling
>Explore mountain
>Find cave
>Hyped to find something interesting in it
>(Empty) shrine and a Korok
>Cave itself is small as fuck, just big enough to have space for the korok and shrine
This is fucking trash and makes the exploration unfun. It would be perfect if you would something that's actually INTERESTING something that makes the exploration REWARDING. I stopped playing the game because the exploration isn't rewarding, no point in wandering across the map when I'll only find shit
It has almost identical progression to LoZ 1
And that’s bad because?
“It’s not the destination, it’s the journey”
Sure if you just hold the analog stick up maybe you’ll have a boring time but you don’t have to do that in this game. You have so many intresting movement options
Being on a wide open adventure is intrinsically boring to me. Any sort of challenge or gateing would take away from that fundamental design, and yet challenges and gates are what you need to have fun.
I wish the forests were as dense as that
Did you end up seeing the entire map? I feel like peoppe gave up going at their own pace and happily breezing through the world to see it all, after thinking the game expected them to be slow and thorpugh and arduous or something
Thats one game out of a franchise spanning decades. I dont think it is unfair to say that LoZ 1 is not the defining game in the series.
And many people would argue that Zelda has strayed further and further from the original. BotW was an attempt to bring the series full circle for the 30th anniversary of the series. Looking forward by looking back.
>challenges and gates are what you need to have fun
Not inherently. Gliding along a pastoral post apocalyptic world collecting rare treasures from secluded mountaintops and sailing through fjords can be fun tii
It is bad because the game claims to be a Zelda game.
Yes it can be intrinsically boring to you and that’s fine. That also means it shouldn’t change its design to appeal to you.
Not everything needs to appeal to everyone, but the game has a increase in challenges over time and the point of shrines being so open and plentiful is that if you find a harder one you can leave it and come back later.
Snowboarding and gliding to the pile of shit doesn't make it much better.
This right here is fucking trash and it's the majority of the game.
You do shoot a lighting arrow at it, just from a specific location. It opens a shrine.
I find it inherently dreary and boring in the way BotW does it.
>missing the point this badly
No, you dumb nigger.
Every game does not have to be a linear puzzle game with tutorials.
Every game DOES need to pose some kind of intentional challenge to the player. Otherwise it's not a game.
If you want to argue that Breath of the Wild is some kind of avant-garde art game akin to Stanley Parable, where the real point of the game is just to see all of it, be my fucking guest. If Nintendo had made Stanley Parable and released it on the Wii U with as much pomp and fanfare as they did Zelda: BotW, I'd probably think it was shit too. This is not a good defense for BotW, which actually does have some gameplay.
The actual gameplay of BotW centers around solving logic puzzles to get shiny balls and korok seeds, which are used to upgrade your character. Also, the puzzles are all scattered around a vast open world, and you need to find them first. This is entirely reasonable game design, and it works well enough.
You can also soar into the air using physics engine tricks, and shoot enemies from the sky while they impotently seethe at you. This carries no reward, and actually requires you to expend some resources. That's also fine. Not everything in a game needs to have a point.
However, if sniping bokoblins from above is actually what interest you about the game, that would make BotW kind of shit as a game, since it's not really about that. If a lot of people like that, then that means the game designers really fucked up. They completely failed to identify what made the game fun, and focused on something else instead. This is not a good thing.
Is any of this getting through to you? If you're trying to sell BotW to me as a bokoblin sniping simulator, then it's a TERRIBLE bokoblin sniping simulator.
But they directly stated a return to LoZ1's progression after twenty actual years of suffering trying to copy OoT's formula. You dont have to like it but OoT fatigue is completely real, and their intent with BotW was totally communicated and it works great for tons of people
>If I make a beeline to the shrine puzzles and not exploring organically its not a great time
Holy shit dude!
Oh god I remember finding that entrance and being excited as fuck to explore whatever was inside. But then it was just another fucking shrine.
>2 years later
>still assblasted
Jesus Christ, man, get a life.
>Every game DOES need to pose some kind of intentional challenge to the player. Otherwise it's not a game.
What makes you think it doesn’t? You think you can waltz into Hyrule castle after the great plateau and not get your shit slapped in unless you know how to sneak strike well/have Good arrow aim/know how to slow down time/perfect parry?
>Shrine puzzles
The shrine is literally empty and no way of wacky creative ways to get to that pile of SHIT would make it fun
It was the point where I stopped playing the game, the point where I realized there's nothing interesting to find
Did you read the post you replied to?
My main issue with defending BotW is that you all use the same braindead arguments that you hate to defend BotW. I had fun playing Akiba's Trip but you all said "fun" isn't valid. Now you all had "fun" playing BotW and there's nothing anyone can say about it. You praise BotW for some of the same shit admonish Skyrim for. It's insane.
See i dont mind open world games, but they should have some sort of player agency external to the player. And it should have some sort of challenge and reward system. BotW is simply too saccharine and challengeless. Complete total freedom is a net negative.
the directors willfully admit to stealing concepts and mashing them together.
Nintendo are literally chinese patent theives, hacking together Skyrim and ubisoft open world games together and calling it their own game.
It’s not awful but they essentially sacrificed dungeon design for overworld.
If the next game has BOTW tier overworld with TP tier dungeon design and combat mechanics it will be the best Zelda game ever made.
The puzzle is getting into the shrine and realizing how to open the door.
Of course things looks Trivial when you look up a fucking walk through
Because gamers, and especially Nintendo gamers, are retards who loves everything.
Just be happy that Link isn't a talking turd in daipers. That's probably the next game.
I fear the unbridled praise they got for this snoozefest will just make them double down on the design paradigm
>Find mysterious door
>Find snow ball
>Roll it into the door
>Door opens
>Nothing behind it
What a wonderful journey
Yes and I direct quoted it asking if they think Hyrule castle isn’t more difficult than the rest of the game
>it has no challenge and is therefore not a game
First off, it literally does have a challenge, to find and complete four dungeons and beat the boss of the game. While doing this you are challenged to locate and scale towers, unravel the map, inprove your stats with collectibles found on the overworld and in puzzle shrines, all while being efficient with durability and health items which must be prepared in advance.
Secondly, your semantic complaint about 'gamehood' doesnt diminish from its quality as a fantasy world explorer, nor if it were true would it deny the entertainment utility of making exotic travel through a digital world.
Youre dishonest and purely semantic. Just admit these features didnt fly eith you, so the game didn't come across as fun, instead of lying through your teeth that nonr of the content is there and making some smartass dictionary appeal to the definition of different types of software, a complaint you can only make by lying, no less.
>after twenty actual years of suffering trying to copy OoT's formula
What suffering did that cause? Outside of some gripes about Skyward Sword which were entirely about motion controls, the basic premise of the series was plenty healthy.
Please user, give me some sauce.
You get a spirit orb which is a quarter heart container
Finding the big mysterious wall in the middle of an arctic mountain is a large point of it.
You make it sound like it’s just obvious that you just know it’s time to use a snowball and that it’s a direct shot when it’s literally not
honestly? because it's the only decent """"""mature""""""" (by basedboy standards) first party game on the switch even 2 years later. if you don't play Skyrim-lite with a Zelda skin ontop of it, you can either play bing bing wahoo Odyssey, wahoo kart, or bright colors and squids: the game. that's pretty much it.
How is it barren and how is it awful? If you want to discuss this game you shouldn't falseflag this terribly.
The puzzle being more complicated doesn't really excuse the final reward and point of the puzzle being non existent.
Game needed more lore rewards.
>the game isn't barren!
>look at these 100 BRAINLET puzzle temples!
>number 47 was really a braintickler i tell you what!
>look! NPCs on the overworld! how can the game be barren when there's NPCs in the overworld?
Uninteresting, unrewarding, not worth the journey
>Finding the big mysterious wall in the middle of an arctic mountain is a large point of it.
A large point of what? Getting disappointed? I agree
>You make it sound like it’s just obvious that you just know it’s time to use a snowball and that it’s a direct shot when it’s literally not
Yeah.. I ran around the area for a few minutes until I found some snowballs which I rolled into the gate, really activated my almonds, truly the epitome of fun
What can you not enjoy a fun logic problem on the basis that “you did it” is the reward
Like what, are you going to argue doing the daily crossword is shit because you don’t get rewarded for doing it?
It is barren because it has no meaningful rewards for exploration. It is awful for the repetitive nature of the puzzles and lack of challenge in the way it utilizes its game mechanics. Add those things on top of an unfulfilled desire to play more classic Zelda and you get OP's post
Wind Waker criticized for being a stylistic departure, leading to TP being made as a direct sequel to OoT which it was criticized for, and by the time of Skyward Sword people are just sick of the format as well as the plot revolving around the fate of all Zelda games to be OoT
Look they didnt eant to keep making Pot TP and Skyward Sword forever so they went back to the very popular complaint that OoT turned Zelda into a plot-heavy redundant and linear series
How are spirit orbs different than heart pieces
When did I say they are?
Except a ton of gamers had no fatigue and love the basic premise of OoT style games. Skyward Sword was a shit game not because of the principal design, but because it was a shit implementation
>i had to look around for a puzzle answer then exucute the actions by keeping the ball afloat the water
>this is clearly less intuitive than previous zeldas because i’m not in a dungeon
>using your sword would be better
meanwhile somewhere else
>waaaaa I can’t use my sword since they always break
so which one is it?
>player agency external to the player
What do you mean by this
Oh... well that makes me feel better. Good to know I had the right idea, but the game probably just wanted me to find the "hint" to let me know it was possible first.
Probably better that I didn't get it when I played then, by that point I was getting tired of shrines, so I probably would have been really disappointed.
Well are heart pieces as unrewarding as spirit orbs?
No, I don't think that.
I don't see why you'd assume I did.
Am I using words that are too long? Awkward sentence structures?
Help me out, here. I'd really like to explain my position in a way you can comprehend, even if you don't agree with it.
Okay, you seem confused too. I'm not saying that BotW isn't a game. In fact, I explicitly say that it does have gameplay, and then go on to describe that gameplay. It's in the second paragraph of the post you quoted.
To repeat it one more time:
If the things like the player does in the webm in are the fun parts of the game, then the game is very poorly designed, because there's no point in doing things like that.
You act as if it isn’t a reward but when you imply that older Zeldas rewarded you better Heart Pieces were a frequent reward there
>What can you not enjoy a fun logic problem on the basis that “you did it” is the reward
Because the puzzles aren't ultimatley that challenging, and the implication of BIG DOOR is that there is something important behind the door. Which there isn't. The issue is presented as "Complete this for rewards and secrets" which it doesn't deliver on
>are you going to argue doing the daily crossword is shit because you don’t get rewarded for doing it?
Depending on the crossword some papers have some pretty hardcore stuff you'd need an extremely diverse knowledge base to even come close to finishing, and the crossword is presented as "Complete this to test yourself", so yes, I would, as it's presented and functiosn totally different.
>Skyward Sword was a shit game not because of the principal design, but because it was a shit implementation
This. Aonuma and Fujibayashi are just fucking incompetent and couldn't actually make a well designed game. The former playing Skyrim was a terrible mistake, as he thought that was what people wanted instead of a tightly crafted game with both good dungeons and a well paced overworld. Fuck Aonuma.
Thats kind of a sadsack post you got there user
The game should provide incentives to explore, preferably through both plot and a challenge/reward system.
I was looking around for something interesting, what I found was something extremely boring and uninteresting. It's that simple
When did I say they aren't?
Nice strawman argument, brainlet
If you like botw you dont like zelds games.
Youre being dishonest about how there was a spirit orb or look behind the door. Yes better rewards would be nicer but it wasnt literally nothing
I’m using the line as a direct quote
>intentional challenge
and in turn asking if you think Hyrule Castle is of the same difficulty as the tutorial area.
I don’t understand the disconnect
Not that user but that's a false equivalence, since Spirit Orbs are the main rewards for solving puzzles in BotW while Heart Pieces aren't. Other Zelda games had dungeons ALONG with heart pieces in the overworld.
You literally don’t remember that you have to take action to ensure the ball hits the door
But this game has dungeons too, just less of them. Most heart containers are found similair ways koroks and spirit orbs are
Are you intentionally being facetious or just a retard
it's really sad when ALBW is more of a zelda game then the flagship switch zelda game.
All the tools needed to complete Hyrule castle is in the players hands as soon as they leave the tutorial. You dont gain any specific combat skills by way of a challenge/reward system, only by playing the game and mastering what you already have. This design is inherently boring to a subset of people.
A "spirit orb" isn't a prize since the game shoves them down your gullet like everything else. It doesn't present anything unique or interesting. If the game puts me through the loops doing a challenging puzzle, and then at the end of it there is a single Rupee, that's going to take wind out of my sails
Zelda is a game based on solving puzzles to progress, not solving them for their own sake, which the game isn't even advocating because like you said it DOES give you a reward. The rewards are just all shit and meaningless for the most part.
Please enlighten mean me to understanding my “straw man”
Yep, sure was. I guess a part of me hoped for some kind of old hermit house, or it lighting the way for something special. Something to make me go "damn, I wish I had explored more before I stopped playing the game". But the answer was exactly what I should of expected, coupled with apparently the game just telling me "you solved my puzzle wrong", which otherwise BotW was very good at avoiding.
Yes you are given all the tools but the game doesn’t give you all the information in the combat details which will fuck you over if you don’t know them.
Do you expect someone who doesn’t know how to hold down attack to beat a Lynel in the castle?
My main problem with BotW is that it feels like half a Zelda, they finished doing the overworld, a solid physics engine and 4 small dungeons similar to what was Ice Cavern in OoT but they forgot to make the other main dungeons and decided to just put underground random challenges ala Mario instead. The only real dungeon is the Castle.
>when you imply that older Zeldas rewarded you better Heart Pieces were a frequent reward there
Quote it. Quote the post where I said that, you braindead monkey
It's weird how people are fine with the idea of doing stylish and cool stuff instead of the most boring but practical solutions if a game gives you a little text rating for it (e.g. DMC) but if there's no pop-up like that then it's "pointless".
It's like they don't understand the point of the entire sandbox genre and just played all those games as if they were pure action-adventure games (probably they did and that's the basis of open-world hatred itself, for example).
BOTW has so much content, at least be consistent and just say you find that content awful, don't pretend it's barren when actual barren open-worlds exist.
>But this game has dungeons too, just less of them
The divine beasts are very small compared to other dungeons and are an even smaller part of the overall game, which is filled with spririt orbs as a reward.
>Most heart containers are found similair ways koroks and spirit orbs are
Heart containers existed alongside dungeons though, which had various other rewards.
Well yeah, you’re making an argument that BotW in particular is worse than previous Zelda games aren’t you?
Why do you even play video games, user? The rewards you want aren't even real.
If you're not playing for the enjoyment of playing, you're the retard.
>you’re making an argument that BotW in particular is worse than previous Zelda games aren’t you?
Quote it, you fucking moron
Apparently for BotW fans, putting in all that would be too much content and equivalent to another game's worth of content added in. It's pretty sad.
I expect, from a Zelda game, to earn the tools i need to go to, and defeat, the final boss through a tightly crafted challenge/reward system. If i wanted an open skillset to master through repetition i would play Bayonetta
>shoves them down your gullet
I dont buy it. For me I always just pick a location, travel there from where I am, and when I see shrines I sometimes go in them if I want. I really do get the feeling peoppe fatigue themselces by trying to 100% the game and taking every appearance of a shrine as a demand to complete it. Yes there are a lot of them, and skulltulas and more diverse collectibles would have been a godsend, but the idea that they're 'shived doen your gullet' when every spirit orb is entirely consensual is dishonest and retarded when you only got sick of spirit orbs after fatiguing yourself on collecting every one you can find
Hoe does that not apply to this game? There's a very direct progression of getting the four dungeons complete and the master sword, and the game gives you a questline for it
The thing is
A game can be different from its predecessor you fucking Mong. Do you expect every single game franchise to be a stagnant series that can only do what it’s know for?
There is like a 50/50 that this is you from following the reply chain
there's no point in content for content's sake, this is a videogame and you should be rewarded for playing it inventively. In Ubisoft open worlds you get XP for stealth kills instead of just waltzing in and murdering everyone, in TES you get skill points. the intrinsic/extrinsic false dichotomy is a meme, videogames are a visual medium and it costs nothing to reward the player for their effort.
It does not feel tightly crafted as a challenge/reward system, there is no gradual opening up of the overworld through subitems, and besides you can defeat ganon without the master sword.
>If i wanted an open skillset to master through repetition i would play Bayonetta
Do you only play DMC/Bayonetta for getting rank? It’s just fun to challenge myself to not getting hit
I didn’t type this up but you’re probably the person this was directed to
>Doubles down on saying it's a strawman instead of elaborating all of the sudden
user, that implies he's correct and you can't think of any elaboration that sounds different.
>divine beasts are the best that dungeons have ever been
This is a joke right?
Hey smartass, quit policing what implications people ask about in your posts, and say what you mean. Are heart containers equally as disatisfying as spirit orbs or not? This makes a difference because heart containers are staple collectibles and distaste for them indicates disinterest in the entire LoZ series
I don't care how good the mechanics are in a game if the content itself isn't worthwhile. The divine beasts, shrine quests, Korok seeds, and sidequests (save for a few) are too boring to keep me interested.
OOT, MM, WW, TP then it went to shit.
Like I know you’re probably in actuality not him now but come on, we all know screenshots mean jackshit these days
>no point in content for contents sake
What do you have no reason to play a multiplayer game if everything is unlocked?
I never said it could not be different, i presented my case as to why i find it shitty. I hope you have a good day, ad hominems are usually an expression of some sort of negative influence on the person using them
We're saying that text cues and digital certificates are only superficially rewarding and are never as important as the actual task (unless you play games to build a trophy case, which plenty of people actually so and I think is not necessary for every game)
have you actually tried doing all of the shrine quests? almost all of them are of much higher quality than the normal sidequests in the game.
>the same webms every time
Hyrule Castle is considerably harder than the tutorial area, and to survive in there for any length of time, you either need to get gud at the combat, or wander around the world map for a while and do shrines to become stronger.
I wasn't arguing that BotW didn't pose an intentional challenge. I wrote that to explain my point in - that flying into the sky using octo balloons, or other cool shit people make webms about, isn't really part of the game in any meaningful way. You can do it, but it doesn't help.
Well you present it as “bad” for being different, and not on it’s own merits.
You seriously can’t fault a game for not having a ranking system. Would you not play through Bayonetta if it didn’t have rankings?
multiplayer games are very different because the intelligent player on the other end has agency and can do surprising things. The other player IS the content, not the progression system.
>isn't really part of the game in any meaningful way. You can do it, but it doesn't help.
But user doing retarded shit in your own style IS the gameplay. Nothing has a truly static answer in this game and how we find it is up to us.
Is spinning the thing in the playground and shooting bricks into the sky part of Half Life 2?
it's a nintendo game
Kill yourself autistic achievement whore
I have consistently stated that the things i find wrong with BotW i find wrong primarily because of its Zelda heritage, and secondarily because i find no enjoyment in that design paradigm.
Got a switch for my little sisters bday and I did try this game because of the hype. The enemies felt like something I would expect in a mobile game. As in it felt good for her age group, but really grown ass men playing this?
Apparently retarded faggots like you know nothing about designing a game
>'if i wanted to explore I'd go on a hike!'
>they dont go on a hike
>meanwhile I go on hikes and also love BotW
I'll ask a question here because there seems to be this off idea that Zelda is all about messing around in a sandbox. When you picked up the series and played the games, even with Zelda 1, at what pint where you focusing on traversing the world in creative ways instead of actually finding something like a dungeon or item? You explored, but you had incentive. Even in Zelda 1 there were 8 main dungeons, unique items to be found as you progressed, etc with said dungeons being only as small as they were due to tech limitations, much like the world itself. You knew you were going to find some sort of significant progression content. Only in BotW there seems to be the idea of just running around even when you know you'll find nothing.
No. If I found something boring, why would I keep doing it to the point of completion. If I lose interest then I drop it, I'm not going to look up a guide of "what are the best shrine quests in the game".
I do find fault in a game for not having a gated reward system. I like that in my games. So it would seem it is entirely possible for me to do that. Its almost like different players have different preferences.
The text ques and the digital certs are the reward since videogames are an inherently superficial experience. When Link dies in the game, i feel nothing, when link scales a mountain, i feel nothing as well. When link dodges an attack and follows up on the attack and kills the enemy i feel nothing except for expectation of reward from the enemy, i felt nothing for the act of dodging.
You are aware you're not actually Link right?
Once again, games aren’t static sequels the Zelda heritage should mean nothing in all honestly.
What do you think fucking Donkey Island Tropicsl Freeze sucks because DKC had better secrets?
You mean the autistic handholding? I'm glad those days are fucking over
Yeah lets throw everything else away while we're at it
Aonuma is such a hack. I bet the idea of SS having a lot of handholding was his and not fujibayashi's.
Setting out from the great plateau, your task and motivation IS to find those four dungeons, and you are motivated by that as well as whatever limited rewards are hidden elsewhere, and the storylines related to each dungeon
That's still there, its just less steps before you get to the end.
Apparently there is a subset of players that express pride by not having their fun dictated to them by a challenge/reward system. Simply playing is the fun to them.
This actually makes a lot of sense. I think Botw could have probably felt more true to past games if they had merged shrines to be dungeons and just gave them different theming and enemy types based on the area within them. In hindsight it honestly wouldn't be all that difficult to do this besides adding bosses for dungeons, but if they cut down the world size it would probably free up time for that
>there's no point in content for content's sake,
We're not talking about extra content, we're talking about the fundamental mechanics being so complex they allow the player to constantly invent new "moves" and how this makes inventing a new solution for every battle a game in itself. That's way better than having to approach every battle the same way once you've worked out the best method simply because there's otherwise nothing interesting or stylish to pull-off. At least in terms of the sandbox genre, the former is superior.
>this is a videogame and you should be rewarded for playing it inventively. In Ubisoft open worlds you get XP for stealth kills instead of just waltzing in and murdering everyone, in TES you get skill points.
Your first sentence completely contradicts the other two, as those are examples of playing PRAGMATICALLY, not inventively. If you just made a word choice error, then that's fine but at least admit that in sandbox games inventiveness is precisely the thing most prized that can be given to the player. Whereas your examples are explicit rewards for pragmatism (where the word doesn't merely designate doing the minimum required, conservatism, but instead doing the most you can in return for the most rewards).
the intrinsic/extrinsic false dichotomy is a meme, videogames are a visual medium and it costs nothing to reward the player for their effort.
>the intrinsic/extrinsic false dichotomy is a meme, videogames are a visual medium and it costs nothing to reward the player for their effort.
I'm not contesting the fact that it would be awesome for the game to visually reward the player for doing stuff like in that webm, but that is a much harder thing for the game to recognise than my DMC example where the entire game is solely designed around combat inventiveness. My point remains that people should not dismiss BOTW's groundbreaking offerings of open-world inventiveness simply because there's no text recognition yet.
I like doing the shrines and sidequests in BotW as much as I like collecting the heart pieces and clearing sidequests in any other Zelda game.
And I like collecting the korok seeds in BotW as much as I like collecting the gold skulltulas in MM or the Maimais in ALBW.
The only difference is the scale of BotW makes it seem like those things aren't as worth completing 100%, but you can take each region one at a time and treat them all like smaller worlds.
They didn't thrown anything you're just a butthurt nostalgia faggot that can't deal with change
When i strike the enemy i feel anxiety for the weapon breaking. This is not preferable
But in BotW you're looking for villages that lead you to dungeons and shrines, koroks and enemy camps distract you from those goals,
Aof these things have extrinsic value. One gives you an item to help progress your stats and occasional weapon, the other gives you an item that progresses your inventory space, the other gives you equipment and ammo.
The only time you get "nothing" in BotW is when its met with intrinsic value, aka finding interesting spots that probably tell some sort of environmental story,
if that's not immediately obvious to the player there's also dialogue from NPC's that further hints at lore related to what you saw. Example being the giant leviathan skeletons.
>this dumb trick i did once proves that the game isnt barren
this is this average intelligence level of people who enjoy BOTW
How is stripping a genre of the things that make it interesting ground breaking? Seems like regression to me.
Then why doesn't BotW have dungeons, just with no handholding then?
>this game isn't fun!!!!
>"Well I had a lot of fun playing it."
that's basically how to sum up this entire argument, not just to BoTW but to any game where this is a criticism
hi retard people still fucking argue about ocarina of time and even the snes zeldas so kindly off yourself
>When Link dies in the game, i feel nothing, when link scales a mountain, i feel nothing as well. When link dodges an attack and follows up on the attack and kills the enemy i feel nothing except for expectation of reward from the enemy, i felt nothing for the act of dodging.
It sounds like you really didn't have fun with the game.
it has 5 dungeons and 120 mini dungeons you dingus
If they managed to figure out how to play DF it would blow their goddamn minds.
Because it's the latest Zelda game, and people have this unwarranted fear that the Zelda team will stop trying to innovate and change the formula and that this most recent game will be what all future Zelda games will be like from now on.
Once the next Zelda comes out, the hyperbolic negative threads on BotW will happen far less frequently, I would bet my life savings on it.
The heritage does mean something when you put the franchise name on the product. Of course people will compare in that case.
>ctrl+f "intrinsic"
>13 matches
I also watched the matthewmatosis video because I cannot articulate/formulate my own opinions on games I need to defend
>Apparently there is a subset of players that express pride by not having their fun dictated to them by a challenge/reward system. Simply playing is the fun to them.
That's the target market of the sandbox genre. And bizarrely the people who don't care for it seem to think this is what makes the game terrible, even though the fans of the game themselves offer way more valid criticisms (e.g. the shrines are completely separate areas rather than an actual underground level that expands the overworld below sea-level.
>You have so many interesting movement options
Snowboarding is just about the only one next to standing on physics objects that you're about to launch.
Gliding is monotonous and oversimplifies traversal and so is climbing both of which would have been better if they were more limited and more engaging to use.
There's also no reason to engage with swimming ever and horses are nearly antithetical to every other element in the game until you go out of your way to get a means to retrieve them without breaking the flow of exploration.
>Nothing has a truly static answer in this game and how we find it is up to us.
And yet the game still has very static scenarios in some instances where it can't construct an objective out of systemic elements.
You can't elicit a response from someone who wrote about wanting to see a specific bug by just pulling it from your inventory until you get the quest from her. You can't jump out of a Divine Beast without getting warped back on it. You can't infiltrate the Gerudo by any means other than one specific disguise. You can't bring someone some food that you heard about to get them to help you with a specific quest even if there is a suggestion that you could.
Souls games still get threads about ranking them constantly for exactly the same reason. The board has a population of shitposters that like to shitpost. BotW is popular but still divisive and has quite a lot of things that could be discussed.
>The text ques and the digital certs are the reward since videogames are an inherently superficial experience
But audio visual interactively isnt superficial. There is satisfaction in good controlling, there are appeals in beautiful landscaoes (why would anyone make or look at a painting without a reward?), there's story and atmosphere and mood and design and aesthetic and theme and technology and sound and color and everything.
Im not naive to what youre saying, that video games are fake and are unreal simulation, but they literally have content besides tickets and braggable prizes. You also dont get prizes and trophies for watching TV. Your statement is dishonest and groundless. You should pay a Japanese man to award you prizes for jacking off and hanging out if that's how you see the world.
>this game is fun!!!!
>"Well I didn't have fun playing it."
Because they didn't design the game around dungeons? That's what shrines are for you retarded faggot
he's right though
Criticizing BotW for being open world is valid when you take into account what franchise it is an entry in.
This reply is purely negative and even abstract, not specifying the "genre" or what has been removed.
In case it wasn't clear, BOTW is a completely different genre, sandbox, from the other Zelda games, which were semi-linear.
you got too many (You)s to be wrong
Sucks the shrines are all toddler level puzzles with no challenge or reward.
dumb zoom zoom post.
>okay cool, that doesn't mean everyone else that enjoyed it was wrong
>you dont have to 100% the game
Absolute blasphemy. I spent 48 consecutive hours painstakingly collecting everything possible and I hate the game because it had too little fun collecting too much of things I didn't want because I pressured myself to
As a sandbox game, BotW is its most basic it can be without falling apart at the seems. This is ground breaking how?
Yikes, this is some serious cringe! Oof.
>there were a bunch of different bland areas that all had the same shrines/seeds/chests with trash!
This is why autists should not play collectathons
Because the overworld and it's expansion in the opposite direction (mountains) were already probably demanding enough for the dev team to implement. Maybe the sequel will have a negative Y-axis areas.
But the demand for dungeons itself often sounds like people would actually prefer being locked in such depressing subterranean environments over the ability to freely explore a charming rural world itself. Maybe such fans should get into dungeon crawlers instead.
The game literally makes fun of you for collecting all 900 seeds. Shouldn't that be a hint to maybe not worry about collecting absolutely everything?
All of these people who REALLY get into hating it are completely abstract and deny any and all content to this game. This entire thread has been people saying it has no gameplay, no rewards, and no world
>okay cool
name literally one post
The last guy to use that word was attacking the game and replying to someone who didn't use the term at all.
>nu-Yea Forums will defend this
maybe sandbox niggers should get into another franchise that isnt defined by well crafted linear progression
There's nothing wrong with people adopting terminology, it also makes you look a lot more silly if you have to resort to calling out how something as simple as a couple words,
that everyone in the room understands the meaning of, for some reason have to be avoided at all costs, just because they've learned them from the same popular source that challenges your viewpoints.
You probably won't believe it, but calling people out for using words for a reason as petty as "you just watched something popular",
instead of challenging their arguments beyond that terminology to prove they somehow don't understand their meaning is embarassingly contrarian.
It's the most refined sandbox up to date, though.
They measure the game on the design paradigm of the majority of Zelda games. As such, BotW is a complete failure. Sandbox open world genre does not belong in Zelda franchise
babby's first sandbox but it's on a nintendo console
here , it was literally "see, this is how I had fun in BoTW" and ever reply to it was "NO THATS FAKE FUN"
>Art and decoration is content
If you're this easily sated that 'gameplay' boils down to 'looking at thing' then Nintendo is wasting its development resources on you. They should put out a 3D-model and photo viewer, you can have 100 hours of fun with that instead
We dont have to, we have BotW. Your demand for that one specific game design grows weaker and weaker though the more you repeat yourself. The demand for a series of keys is really not too impressive
It's not valid since you're criticising the game itself when your actual target is the genre itself.
The fact that it wasn't explicitly marketed as a spin-off in a different genre doesn't change the fact that this is the technical reality of what happened.
It's like if Halo fags got mad about that Halo Tactics game lacking action. Fucking irrational.
This is how most people play videogames. Imagine deriving any intrinsic value from playing a pure game of abstraction like Pac Man or Tetris. ALL games can be fundamentally reduced to a core loop of risk and reward. Without reward, there is only risk, and vice versa. But there is a severe lack of risk reward in BoTW that is endemic to open world genre, a genre which already struggles with recycled content and lack of loops.
that's not what I meant; name literally one person in this thread who is okay with the fact that someone dislikes breath of the wild
Guys, BotW is literally a unity model viewer, controlled with a trackball and no-clip enabled. You heard it here first!
That's not an argument that sways anyone, its just pointless semantic pearl-clutching. We know what you're saying but nobody is blown away by you pouting for a follow up to Skyward Sword
If you don't like sandbox games how about you ignore games that are in that genre rather than attacking them for simply being the genre they were aiming for.
I don't attack individual JRPGs for being JRPGs just because I dislike the genre, I judge them based on how well they qualify within that genre itself. To do otherwise would be idiotic.
I am not trying to impress? Your preferences are equally unimpressive. Whats the point in comparing?
If you spent as much time considering and articulating your actual view compared to the time you spent getting defensive, then maybe you wouldn't have a post to get defensive over. Consider what it means to have a post like that strike such a nerve out of the hundreds in this thread
Try to name a better one so I could laugh at you.
Because i like Zelda games? It is not idiotic to express your dissatisfaction with a failed entry in your preferred franchise.
Me. I'm more concerned with the dishonesty and utter denial of all the game's content some of these people feel the need to lie about. Its understandable because they havent played the game for years and dont like it in the first place but really most of these threads are people denying content they dont remember was in the game, and trying to utterly disqualify every single feature by lying that its a model viewer
>maybe sandbox niggers should get into another franchise that isnt defined by well crafted linear progression
But the devs themselves, the publisher, the critics, and the majority of gamers welcomed this genre shift. Maybe as the minority wanting a return to linearity (despite having a whole series to replay endlessly if it's that good) you yourselves should find another series that satisfied your needs? Or play the gameboy remake?
Really, the scale is the ONLY meaningful difference between the "sandbox" of BotW after leaving the plateau and the sandbox world of say OoT when you leave Kokiri Forest or when you gain access to the adult world.
When people say "I wish this game were smaller", do they not realize that you CAN make it smaller yourself by making self-enforced restrictions on what part of the game you're going to do?
you probably haven't played any other games
I'm just saying its weak as shit
But dungeon is a catch-all term in Zelda for a variety of things that lean on how their content is structured more than they do on the specific idea of a dungeon that you are expressing.
It could be just about everything from a ship, to the insides of a fish to a city in the sky as long as it's recognizable as a Zelda dungeon, it doesn't have to be a "Depressing subterranean structure".
>Guys, BotW is literally a unity model viewer
What's with this fascination of you misrepresenting what someone says as an attempt to own them? Is it because you're in a corner you can't write your way out of with the ridiculous assertion that 'art and decoration' is all the content a Zelda game needs?
i'm not
Nice misrepresentation of his point. If you honestly think environment and world design is not content, you are truly beyond help.
All these threads are really giving me good ammunition for later zelda threads, i thank you all for your co-operation
But it's not a "failed entry" since it's going for a completely different genre, it's essentially a spin-off in a different genre, that was sold as a mainline game. If you can't tell the genre on a technical basis and need to rely on how the game is marketed and sold, then you're an idiot. But the fact remains that this was not an attempt at the classic formula and therefore can not be seen as a failure at that formula.
Do you also consider Hyrule Warriors a failed entry even though it also didn't attempt the classic formula? The only difference is that HW was explicitly marketed as a spin-off whereas BOTW was marketed the opposite way.
I too find your preferences of remarkable little relevance. It would seem we are at an impasse
i'll be sure to file them with the webms and the smug zelda pictures for my visual filter
>environment and world design is the only content a game needs
Games like Spyro and Banjo-Kazooie managed environment, world design and other elements to make interesting content. You should probably stick with Journey or Bubsy Visits the James Turrell Retrospective to get your environment kicks. inb4 "dat;s not what I said at all!!!11111" after misrepresenting the other person
Nah, it's just pretty much contributing as little to the argument as you do, that's kinda the point.
To the player expecting more classic Zelda BotW is indeed a failure. Just the fact that they entertained the notion of an open world sandbox in the Zelda franchise is a failure.
People need to post the webms more. Most of the "critics" (who are really just mad at the genre itself, not the game) are constantly BTFO on the argumentative level, but having a plethora of visual BTFO in addition to that would be killer.
"lol u mad" doesn't make you look any better either, you're on a roll.
it isn't though
>To the player expecting more classic Zelda BotW is indeed a failure. Just the fact that they entertained the notion of an open world sandbox in the Zelda franchise is a failure.
But the devs themselves, the publisher, the critics, and the majority of gamers welcomed this genre shift. Maybe as the minority wanting a return to linearity (despite having a whole series to replay endlessly if it's that good) you yourselves should find another series that satisfies your needs? Or play the gameboy remake and all the stuff that will follow in that spirit?
Not really? You can walk straight into Hyrule Castle and try to kill Ganon with the weapons you find there. There's no impassable gorge blocking your way, that can only be crossed by the Seven Sages combining their powers and forming a bridge out of pure rainbow. You don't need the Hookshot from the Kakariko graveyard to traverse the castle. You can just walk in.
If you can't see the games are structured differently, I doubt you've played either of them.
ESL or brainlet?
Maybe Nintendo shouldn't have put the Zelda name on an open world sandbox game?
You're not crazy. That would actually make you cool in a way. You're just retarded.