Redpill me on this game

Redpill me on this game

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>Yea Forums doesnt talk about good games
Remember rule number of Yea Forums user.

AoD is an excellent RPG and possibly one of the best since it involves actual roleplaying.

Its a 10 year love project of a Fallout 1 fan that gets praise from one of the most hardcore RPG forum on the net, this should tell you enough.

It also features TB melee combat in romanesque setting.

Or you could try the free demo and make your own opinion

I tried to play it because friends recommend it to me all the time, but I'm too much of a brainlet for the combat.

Everyone said teh combat system is super hard and complicated so I put all my points in speaking. I played for 8 hours and just solved all quests by talking to everyone. Got pretty bored and don't really remember too much of the story. Should I give it another try?

You need to minmax and have full awareness of your build in advance to succeed. Like the user above said you can go all speech if you want, but you'll fuck yourself over if you try and roleplay by reacting to things as you would naturally. If you enjoy gameplay systems and are up for multiple playthroughs to experiement with the possibilities you'll love it.

The devs recommend holding onto your stat points so you can allocate them to specific checks as the need arises. You need to do that while building efficiently so you can keep up with the difficult combat- a lot of people have to restart halfway through once they've accidentally screwed themselves. If that doesn't turn you off then you'll love it, but it's too "classic" for a lot of players. I highly disagree with , it's not a game you can roleplay in. It's for those enthusiastic about RPG systems.

it's retarded. Dodge is too op, even hobos dodge 25% of your shots, its rng system is goddamn awful. The story and paths you can take is cool and all, but the combat is completely unrealistic trash.

ITT traders that tried to kill trained soldiers

should have added an exhaustion system where you get tired from dodging too much

except in this game trained soldiers apparently can't reliably hit traders most of the time

What forum is this?

It's an excellent game, I hope Colony RPG is just as good.

The combat isn't even that hard.

Imo the speaking route is more if you're interested in the lore, the mixed/fighting route is the way teh game should be played the first time.
There are ways to counter dodge, and spear/shield is insanely strong.
Prove it


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Game tells you that combat is highly optional and should be avoided, by the end of the first chapter through the end the game is mostly filled with unavoidable combat sequences which you won't be able to win because unless you min/max and know what you're doing, other than that the game is fine, hopefully the devs next game, will be better and will give us some more serviceable graphics and animations.

I wish there were more games with roman aesthethics.

just like Underrail and Kenshii is a shitty meme propagated by fags pretending this clumsy shit is any good

Play ELEX or Pathfinder Kingmaker instead.

Too much rng on fights. You can avoid fights in early but around mid you have to fight alone to continue and you will be pretty fucked since your opponent need a full combat character if you want to reload a thousand times hoping for better crits.


Wrong. You can get best ending without fighting against single person. Game is easier after dumping every single combat stat.

The combat is only hard if you don't specialize. Multiclassing just makes the game twice as hard instead of offering more options.

I found it to be enjoyable. Its a bare bones type of experience. The setting is interesting if not a little drab. I didn't know much going in, but if you just have a min max mind set you'll be fine.

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