Is he the strongest Final Fantasy protagonist?
Is he the strongest Final Fantasy protagonist?
Pretty sure it's the FFIII gang or Bartz.
How could he be, he's not even from a Final Fantasy game. He's a spinoff original created to represent a game that has no main characters, so fuck 'im.
It's probably Lightning.
Lightning was literally written to be the strongest special snowflake protagonist so her creator could jack off to how great she is
For the events of FF1 to occur, it's canon that the protagonists had to have fallen in battle at least once right? So no he isn't the strongest.
Lightning is probably the strongest in cutscenes. In gameplay I guess Squall since he can one shot almost anything in the game and spam Limit Breaks that melt any boss in a minute.
He's very high as far as I can personally measure, but not the strongest.
Lightning (LR)
Zidane > Terra
Warrior of Light > Onion Kid > Butz > Cecil
Vincent > Cloud > Zack
Firion > Yuna (X-2)
Shotgun > Squall > Lightning (XIII) > Ace > Ceodore
Vaan > Serah > Lann > Tidus
Pretty based. I'd do the exact same thing in his position.
Can someone explain how the original snes translation was so limited yet there are rom hacks that fit the gba translation? I know it’s because of cartridge space, but the gba translated rom is roughly the same size.
If Zidane and Terra are godkillers, then should they be above Lightning since she is merely a god? That list seems about right though.
>He's not even from a Final Fantasy game
Gods can obviously already kill gods. Also thanks.
Recap my memory but I remember that happening in FF2, not 1.
Ace would eat mall cop Lightning for breakfast. Also you're forgetting Noctis, who should be at the top of the Blessed category or Godkiller, depending on the timeline.
What? She's a mediocre Esper/Human hybrid in a game where Espers got absolutely wrecked by humans.
>Vaan over Tidus
At least Tidus was a professional athlete. Vaan's specialty was killing ordinary rats.
idk but i love t he dissidia artwork of him. its perfect
He was also a pickpocket, that knew the city streets and did minor monster extermination hunts. That's better than not being able to lift a sword.
I didn't forget Noctis. I just haven't played XV (and probably won't for a long time), so I don't know the nuances of the game and exactly what the Lucis crystal does, to place him correctly. As in, is it fundamental for the world to not fall into the Void. If it matters, I would probably place him somewhere in Blessed.
Terra is still a summon with a magicite enhanced body, that battled a god that took the powers of three creator gods and she has vast physical and magical capability.
Clever coding and the GBA has more space than the SNES btw
The Kings of Lucis are granted great power but, have to die to be their strongest.
People have also gotten a lot better at compressing information as well.
Espers in FF6 destroy everything they come across bar Kefka. Not to mention most of them are likely just innately that strong but Terra actually fights too You her growth potential is likely huge when you consider Magicite helping anyone else, it must do great for an actual esper
They should have done an extensive FF1 remake instead of 7 that actually puts this guy in the game along with 3 other characters.
They did that for the real final fantasy 3 and it SUCKED
Git gud nigga.
>and it SUCKED
That's where you're wrong. I mean, I guess it's fine for you to feel that way, but, seriously, why do you think that?
Oh wait. I suddenly realized you meant FFIII's awful 3D remake of FFIII and not FFIII as a "remake" of FFI as people tend to say in these threads. You're absolutely correct. I apologize. My bad.
Can he survive a blast from laser that can destroy universe?
Where is Noctis?
See I don't know enough about him, since I haven't played and finished his game unlike the others'.
Sora from kh is legit the strongest final fantasy protagonist he could beat every protagonist from every ff game with ease
He’d still lose in all the cutscenes though like usual
If you strip them of all their summons and shit, Squall is the strongest because he's the only one who can use Lionheart over and over again without ever stopping.
FF3 DS is a top 5 Final Fantasy game and is far better than the original, what the fuck are you guys smoking
Yes and no. Verse 2 suggests Noctis will be literally god-tier since he survived the execution. On the other hand, he's a glass canon: amazing power locked in a failing human body.
I meant the snes romhack with the gba translation fits in a reprogrammed eprom of ffvi.
This . Lightning becomes basically a goddess. After that, I'd say probably Cloud due to the shit he pulls off in AC without any materia. Squall is hard to quantify, but since he actually fight and jumps around (albiet its mostly disc 1), and looks to perform like a normal human, I can't imagine GFs raising him to the anime levels of recent FF heroes.
I think Noctis with his ring and all the royal arms is considered in battler circles second only to Lightning, now I think about it.
it's literally the same game you retard just with better artwork
>reduce encounter size from 9 to 3
>triple all enemy stats
>game becomes fun as a side effect because enemies are threatening
The only awful thing about it is they only did Final Fantasy 4 in the same style before doing those cancerous """"""remakes"""""" of 5 and 6.
They could even use the party from the amano artwork.
The issues with the III remake can be chalked up more to the limitations that came with being SE's guinea pig for DS development or staying too true to the original (which is when the line between "remake" and "reimagining" blurs).
I'd honestly think Noct is the strongest. Canonically, he has some crazy powers. He could just summon Bahamut and kill us.
not a XV fanboy. even though I enjoyed it, my faves still are V, VI and VII. Cloud is still best MC
I would point out that blessings don't always, or even generally, imply the blessed are anything but chosen or enhanced in a particular manner or for a particular task. So I wouldn't put them above the FF7 crew by default.
I also wouldn't put Vincent over Cloud and Zack, materia/forms or not, given Vincent having to take a back seat in AC like everyone else against Bahamut and the clones. He does some impressive shit in DC but I'd put him on par at most.
The FFXIV character is basicly a choose-your-own-potentially-tranny-Cecil.
Not really. By the end of KH2 he was at his strongest, and KH3 is largely catching himself back up to that point, and after Sora 'beats' Sephiroth, it's treated like a gentle exercise and he and Cloud ascend into the sky Advent Children fighting way beyond anything anyone in KH has before or since shown themselves capable of. Certainly beyond Sora.
Prishe > Lightning > Bartz > Everyone else
Lightning may have become a Goddess, but Prishe's entire schtick is that she kicked a God so hard it lost immortality, twice.
Bartz is just stupid strong on his own, dude can one-round fucking Omega.
Wrong pic, whoops.
>dude can one-round fucking Omega
So can several characters in FFVIII. It only tells you that the game has an easily breakable battle system.
The issue with that, and other 'godkiller' points further up, is that not all gods are created equally. FFXI never felt especially high on the power scale. And Yoshi-P is on record saying that the WoL from XIV is weaker than Guts from Berserk (which my DRK violently disagrees with, but still).
Bartz with Maxed Jobs considering he's got every major profession in his arsenal and the devil's luck on his side.
In the timeline where the XI WoL failed to beat aforementioned God, it ended with Promathia slaughtering everyone almost everyone before ascending into becoming Shinryu, and one of the stronger incarnations of him to boot. The only survivor among the heroes is a very depressed Prishe.
XI tends towards some of the either stronger or weirder incarnations of recurring names.
Noctis is amateur tier. He needed Celestial help to even beat Ifrit, something most other FF protag parties do with relative ease.
Yes, he did pass Titan's test, but that's what it is, just a test, not a fight to the death. And yes, he did manage to pass Leviathan as well who did want to kill him, but he got help from Titan for that too, and even then by the end he had his shit wrecked six ways to Sunday.
Vincent is above by the fact that he possesses a power (Chaos) that can as its job kill everything living (including grass) on the Planet and return them to the Lifestream. Beyond that he can bullet time and Dragon Ball Z fight towards the end.
The blessed (except Cecil) are above them, because they're bound to a fundamental force of existence of their respective dimensions and harness its power to resist the Void, which is the franchise's ambiguous superpower. Their order dictated by how intact their crystals are. As for Cecil when everyone prays for him, I think he'll beat the ones below him. The blessed aren't just magical, they're this type of mystical, fated to win kind of bullshit. They're that step above and no longer play by the rules.
True enough, but the adventurer power ceiling never seems especially high even at 99 (you only start getting spells like Comet on BLM for example, and it's more powerful rendition is a group effort, and most classes struggle to break much beyond 2k Hitpoints) and everything is supposed to be a group effort.
The 'hero' is often the weakest fighter in the room if Prishe or others are on screen, even if they tried to 'fix' what I always took as a purposful design choice with RoV and its plot making 'you' the best thing ever. There is that one scene webm floating aroudn where the NPCs fight together, and it's pretty standard if low-tier FF fare. And Prishe is one of them.
I just struggle to buy that it gets anywhere close to some of the higher planes of some FFs.
NES/SNES/PS1 translators were herculean heroes, Soviet work ethics, towering penises, and passing knowledge of the Mongol language. Fan translators hack the very fabric of existence. Look into what had to be done to make Mother 3's translstion that pretty
Cloud and Zack bullet time casually all the time too, remember. And wearing a nuke in your gut isn't really what is meant by 'most powerful'.
I would also consider classing Cloud in the blessed section, then, given he spends AC with one-foot in the lifestream and Aerith (and Zack) both divinely aid him. It's just that VII tries to be a little different in it's mythology and there is no Mothercrystal to bless them. Just whatever Gackt interacted with that we'll probably never get a proper look into.
I don't see anything wrong with the DS remake.
Ummm excuse me but I'm pretty sure Quina killed Necron by spamming Limit Glove while Zidane had his face in the fucking dirt. That's how I remember it, at least.
So my memory is also hazy but
>Garland kidnaps princess
>Garland is mortally wounded by the WoL
>Garland is saved by the 4 fiends and flung backwards in time
>Garland in the past becomes Chaos and creates the elemental fiends
>Sends them forward in time
And I realize I'm wrong now. It's the Warriors of Light killing the fiends in the past that stops the timeloop.
>And wearing a nuke in your gut isn't really what is meant by 'most powerful'.
It wouldn't, if the game didn't go out of its way to declare that he's harnessing its full power internally in a controlled manner, so yes he's actually using all of that destructive power to enhance himself. Also I don't remember Cloud and Zack bullet timing. They react in real time super fast, but don't do the slow down time around them effect.
Also I was judging games, so AC didn't get a representative. Besides I don't think he's really divinely empowered there. They're more visions of Aerith and Zack only. Everything he achieves is on his own.
We might someday learn about Minerva, if they make that VII-2 to the original continuity. However I suspect it'll all be Remake continuity additions from now on, so you're very likely correct.
>Also I don't remember Cloud and Zack bullet timing.
Zack is actively dancing/dodging around bullets with ease, and glee, during the CC into and during Last Order. As for Cloud, rewatch the scene where he and Sephiroth are fighting as ShinRa Corp falls around them and on the tumbling rubble. You'll quickly notice that the entire two-three minutes of fighting is around twenty seconds of actual time based ont he speed of the rubbles rate of descent.
>extensive FF1 remake
Don't remind me pls
Zack cut missiles that we're going straight for him in a mini-game iirc
I couldn't get it to run on my tablet. Did I dodge a bullet?