Sexualization of ninja girls in vidja


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Other urls found in this thread:くノ一?oldid=41596479

Kunoichi exist to get raped

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> giphy gif
> not moving

Not exactly, but they were typically honey pot spies who fucked for reconnaissance and occasionally assassination, so yeah.

because ninja girls are sexy

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Why not faggot?
Who complains about titties

fags usually


>t. I don't know what a kunoichi is

>Ninja girls

Ninja is a male-only word, user. Like "actress guys".
Real female shinobi were more or less spies in court or whores who would off their target once they were alone.

Because it looks sexy, faggot. Next you're going to ask why ninjas look like fit men instead of the typical assassin who weren't exactly top models or athletes.

>Ninja is a male-only word
no it's not

kunoichi is a female only word, and the name comes from the amount of holes on the female body

Why not?

r e t a r d

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"Historically" there were no actual female ninja - as in, no women trained in the ninja villages for all the infiltration/assassination work of ninja.

"Kunoichi" actually historically referenced female informants or other collaborators of ninja, rather than trained professionals.

According to the Japanese wikipedia, "Kunoichi" started being used in the sense of female ninja almost entirely due to a single series - "Ninpouchou", a series of novels focused on ninja that also got live action adaptations.

Although it took place in historical contexts and used historical people, it featured ninja with mystical abilities and such, so it wasn't a very historical work in the first place. One of the entries that got a movie featured female ninja and had as its title "Kunoichi Ninpoucho" - in the movie itself female ninja weren't called Kunoichi, but due to the title referencing female ninja as Kunoichi seems to have caught on from there and shortly afterwards started appearing in multiple unrelated series.

The series itself also apparently was fairly focused on romance and eroticism, which likely played into pushing kunoichi as sexy.

Ninjas are evil. They deserve being sexualized.

Real life kunoichi were prostitutes

being sexy is all they’re good for, to get raped and turned into obedient cocksleeves

shut the fuck up and post ninja tiddies already

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Historically, there were no ninjas at all, it’s just fantasy stories based on spies.

This. And a mixture of rebelling peasants.

I gotcha lord jensen.

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>boobs bad
Fuck off tranny

why not? are you a fag or smtng?

This is interesting

>sexualization of everything
why not?

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I'm not a ninja but I know them!

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Well she does get the training in comics

Poor Kasumi has to be wrapped in a latex bondage outfit thanks to dose darn SJWs. Imagine how stinky it gets in there when she does her ninjutsu. What if she faints due to heat exhaustion? Poor, poor girl.

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Female ninjas were a prostitute everyone or nymphomaniacs. Just as modern female spies.

Ninjas are mercs, mercs are not evil. One pay to them for being evil and good. Some mercs has a moral code.

>you mean fornication under cardinal knowledge?

Is she a dictionary?

>taking money to kill
>not evil

Jealous chestlets.

ITT zoomers retards with "female ninjas mostly acted as whores" as if they came up with something that no one ever knew before.

Just as taking money to protect.
Also if someone pay for murder means they are deserved.
But I think not every target are bastards trash.

Attached: Hitman1.jpg (1280x720, 61K)
Hitman isn't evil.

Mercs are not evil in the same way Hookers are not evil, Mercs are just whores you pay to kill people instead of fucking.

Kishizuka Kenji is a god.

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>Imaging a pure virgins female ninjas?

>not evil
Begone, heathen.

Maybe some mercs doesn't take a dirty jobs. They care for reputation.

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they are sexualizing guys too, how about that?

Male power fantasy

Women are more likely to be kept alive by the enemy for their bodies, More opportunities to escape.

Ninja girls are the best.

Chinese ninja isn't as scantily clad as their japanese counterpart.

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>be wealthy lord, whose numerous campaigns have orphaned hundreds of children
>get ready for bed and blow out the candles
>then proceed to undress in dark
>[loud blushing]

A pregnant Ninja returning home is just another Ninja for the village.

Made up word to deflect.
>implying women don't get a massive high from being pretty



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More games need to let you seduce people to death.

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Would you impregnate and marry a ninja that tried to assassinate you?

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Even fags like boobs

>sex = money
>not understanding that in 2019

Find me the least sexualized female ninja design.

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>Would you impregnate and marry a ninja that tried to assassinate you?

Lot of men would be stupid enough to do that, But i don't trust my cock enough to turn a woman to my side.

Does Ryu hayabusa is evil? From Ninja gaiden.

Was it really needed to give her horns?

Well, yeah?

Yes, all cow girl outfits need horns.

Why don't they get more doujins?
Ninja girls being captured and raped is prime doujin material. Kasumi hasn't gotten anything good in years.

Because they make my benis become the big benis

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Nah, by the middle of the XVI century there were entire villages specialized in training professionals who were called "ninja". This isn't really debatable.

Of course, there is a lot of mysticism around their image but that's not the same as saying they didn't exist.

Why not?

Of course you need something you can handle onto.

>have been calling this guy pie ro, like pyro
>see it written down as pi ero a few weeks ago
>finally get it
I need more weeb in my diet.

I remember really wanting to play this game back when it came out. Too bad it bombed.

Its Pai ero

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>Kenichiro "Tits are life, ass is hometown" Takaki worked on this game

Senran Kagura cameo when?

Stop. This is a good thread don't ruin it.

You can still play it. Its not great but if you already played every normal tenchu and shinobido then you may as well.

Its just how they write it on panda, don`t read the language so I am clueless either way.

I'd been saying it like he's a ouiaboo, like "pierre-o"くノ一?oldid=41596479

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Braps are problematic for stealth missions. Do ninja girls not fart or do they do it silently?

Holy shit That's funny

I'm still morbidly turned on, we can do less sexy.

Silent but deadly

Needs more Ibuki.

that face isn't doing it for me.



Nice bait. This is one of like 10 outfits. She still has her traditional outfit in 6.

Well, I tried. Even the loli ninjas from etrian are sexual.

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Kunoichis a cute.

titty ninjas are a treasure

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Being a ninja is an inherently sexy thing.


Yuffie probably got me into lithe ninja/thief girls, helps that just-starting-puberty me started on midriffs.

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Ever heard of the very first ninja in human history? Yamato Takeru was a cross dresser prince who apparently looked sexy enough as a woman to kill his target in disguise.

Sexualization and ninjas have gone hand in hand since 72 AD. You're only now catching up to nearly 2000 years of history, congratulations.