Hopefully EA can make them remaster Dragon Age origins before they get shuttered

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Why the fuck would it need a remaster?

Nah, I don't want to hear about how they removed "problematic" content.

EA will keep all IPs from Bioware and the name in storage. You can expect a remaster when they re-create Bioware with new staff in a few years after they scuttle the current incarnation to lure back old "fans" of that old Bioware brand.

To add new facial animation since they're so good at it now

No, they'd just make it worse and ugify all the women.

Publishers never get the original developers to create remasters, they always farm that out to literal who shitter studios.

They'd have to rebuilt it from scratch.

So you want every NPC blackwashed.

I'm still mad that they marketed this shit as a spiritual successor to Baldur's Gate.

But what about the new Dragon age?

They made it very clear SJW politics are going to be strong. Just let it die.

for what purpose? To make those taurens gender non-confirmed or something?

>New DA happening after Anthem

but they are not.

Why did they just ditch the Mass Effect Andromeda DLC again, did it really perform so badly? Or did they just cancel it so they could put all of their resources into committing suicide with Anthem?



They closed the entire studio that made it. They must have angered EA something fierce.

I'd have thought by now we'd have some retrospective article detailing exactly what went on behind the scenes, but I guess not.

am I the only one that wants BW to shut down?
I don't believe EA made BW do shitty unplayable games

The facial animations have soul like that smirk Alistair does

it belongs to other species now

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>tfw will never make elves great again

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To be honest it already needed a remaster when it came out

It looks awful and plays like shit outside of combat

>remaster DA:O
No point. I wouldn’t trust them with it, either.

The only thing that BioWare employees have to look forward to is updating their CVs, because all those cunts will be out of jobs once the new financial year hits.

Eat shit for life, fgts.

She has no neck. I'm also not sure whether it's a trannie or just a very ugly woman


There were a couple that explained what happened shortly after the game came out. Pretty much they hired a bunch of literal who's with no real experience or even talent for making games, they had a fucking cosplayer on the team for fucks sake. This team spent a good 3 and a half of the five year dev time chasing the No Man's Meme procedural world generation forgetting that wouldn't work for a ME game where people expect some kind of story. So when someone from the main studio popped in and realized they were all retarded the studio went into full panic mode and cranked out ME:A in 18 months. During this time they threw away half their work because they switched something, forget what, and the half thrown away wouldn't function. Then came the outsourcing animations and anything else they could, while they focused on rehashing the original trilogies plot points and making sure the not!mako looked really pretty and making a character to pander to transgendered people who were insanely offended by the character because you learn their dead name with a simple dialogue click on the first conversation. Also let's not forget the Twitter campaign one employee decided to wage to ensure he could stick it to the white males, of which he was one of the handful of people fired after the fact.

Pretty much it was a cluster fuck of retards pretending they could make a videogame and in the end cranking out what amounts to a fanfiction tier story.

literally Jaba the Hutt

It’s a bloke wearing a dress.

>Twitter campaign one employee decided to wage to ensure he could stick it to the white males
Oh I remeber that indian fag.

What a sad state. Still, why the need to get ME:A out in a year and a half, couldnt it have had another year?

It really is remarkable how much worse it is than Inquisition.

Just think about it: when EA closes BioWare all those retards who cannot into computer good will end up at other studios. At good studios. Each of them will infect the company with their moronic ideas, they will try to pull off the same shit that they did at BioWare.

It's gonna be EA's games as a service multiplayer focused nightmare, like Anthem.

Funniest part, reportedly EA, of all fucking companies, offered an extension and the team turned it down because they were confident with their work.

Or so they claim

if a studio is stupid enough to employ these tards, it's not a good studio

Oh definitely both sides share some blame but in the end it falls more on the studio that is now shut down. Instead of making a game within their talent range, lol, they tried to make something they never stood a chance of completing.